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DAE Wish we could have servers with age limits?


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After reading these forums over the last few days and listening to everyone complaining that they have already been cheated, that BW and EA have ruined a game that has not even released, et cetera, I am already beginning to worry about the maturity level of the average player. There are enough threads flaming the complainers, trying to explain that people have no reason to be upset and all that, so I am not going to bother commenting on that topic...Here is a novel idea though, and one that should be feasible given that many older people play WOW and other MMOs frequently enough to provide a decent population level...


How about a server or two with a minimum age limit?


Age verification is part of the registration process, even if it is not highly regulated, so it should be a fairly easy thing to filter by. This would give the older, more mature crowd, a more pleasurable experience. It could even prove to be a feature that would actually sway WOW addicts into jumping ship, as I know many of them are annoyed by the same issues.


Consider this:


1. More common ground between players.


2. Less chat spam.


3. Fewer flame wars full of pointless name calling/arguing.


4. More courteous players as far as flashpoints/partying.


5. The general understanding by the other players that most people on the server have responsibilities that extend beyond the game.


In general the atmosphere of the game could be much different. I have spent the last 10 years playing MMOs, and while the points listed above are not concrete they are highly likely.


If more people are interested in something like this, lets have a semi-rational discussion that might get noticed by the powers-that-be. The game is new after all, so it would be a perfect time for BW/EA to consider doing some experimenting if they believe there is sufficient demand.


So, thoughts? Suggestions for minimum age (without causing a old vrs young riot)? Think it would not make a difference?

Edited by DWiley
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Oh granted it would not prevent people from editing their age to get in, but there would not be much incentive. After all, a 14 year-old claiming to be 21 is not going to suddenly gain access to soft-core (word likely banned).
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While this is a nice idea, it would be rather difficult to bring into practice with the current rather soft age verification process. Beyond asking for some sort of physical ID, what's to stop people lying? That said, if it could be done, I'd definitely be interested.
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What nonsense, most of the time people are complaining about kids the offending act is actually coming from another adult. How many kids do you really think play mmo's. Far less then adults who play.

Don't even get me started on these so called "adults" constantly complai ig that they are so mature they need to be segregated. What a joke.

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After reading these forums over the last few days and listening to everyone complaining that they have already been cheated, that BW and EA have ruined a game that has not even released, et cetera, I am already beginning to worry about the maturity level of the average player. There are enough threads flaming the complainers, trying to explain that people have no reason to be upset and all that, so I am not going to bother commenting on that topic...Here is a novel idea though, and one that should be feasible given that many older people play WOW and other MMOs frequently enough to provide a decent population level...


How about a server or two with a minimum age limit?


Age verification is part of the registration process, even if it is not highly regulated, so it should be a fairly easy thing to filter by. This would give the older, more mature crowd, a more pleasurable experience. It could even prove to be a feature that would actually sway WOW addicts into jumping ship, as I know many of them are annoyed by the same issues.


Consider this:


1. More common ground between players.


2. Less chat spam.


3. Fewer flame wars full of pointless name calling/arguing.


4. More courteous players as far as flashpoints/partying.


5. The general understanding by the other players that most people on the server have responsibilities that extend beyond the game.


In general the atmosphere of the game could be much different. I have spent the last 10 years playing MMOs, and while the points listed above are not concrete they are highly likely.


If more people are interested in something like this, lets have a semi-rational discussion that might get noticed by the powers-that-be. The game is new after all, so it would be a perfect time for BW/EA to consider doing some experimenting if they believe there is sufficient demand.


So, thoughts? Suggestions for minimum age (without causing a old vrs young riot)? Think it would not make a difference?


In theory it sounds good but in practice it would fail. Simply put, when you're behind a computer screen age ceases to become a factor. I know more adults (25+) that were "trade chat trolls" and spammers then I do 13 year olds. I'd say 75%> of people I couldn't stand in WoW were over the age of 20.

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Age is just a number unfortunately. While I'm sure some of those whining over the past 2 days are in their late teens and/or early 20's, there are probably an equal amount over 30 who have done their fair share of moaning.


I doubt it. Were there some? I'm sure there were but equal? No way. You tend to gain perspective on things as you get older and not being invited into an early access two days earlier than they said it would start is pretty low on this 40 year old's priority list.

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This is actually about more than just trying to avoid annoyance while playing. It is one easy way to allow for a more homogeneous population on a couple of servers. And again, people could always lie, but what would be the point? If I were a 16 year old kid who had other friends in the game my own age, why would I bother to play on a server where I know everyone will be 10+ my age? Unless of course I was a more mature 16 year old kid who was also looking for a less childish game world.


More than anything though, as the game begins and people start making in-game friends, I think that it would a positive change. While age is not the sole determining factor, it is a general way to separate jr-sr high school students (who would generally rather play with their peers anyway), and college/working age folks with jobs, families (depending of course where you make the cut off). I also think it could be a very interesting social experiment to see how much different things would be on a server like that.


I'd be interested in seeing stats on GM requests, game progression, solo/group play, economics, play frequency, and many other metrics as compared to other servers.

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Age is just a number unfortunately. While I'm sure some of those whining over the past 2 days are in their late teens and/or early 20's, there are probably an equal amount over 30 who have done their fair share of moaning.


agree, I think those whiners who got in game but feel the need to troll here anyways range all age levels.


Its just a version of one up manship and really internet bullying


I do know when Im in game, first time someone says something as a insult to those that didnt get in day 1 or 2, that persons for ever on ignore. Wont even hesitate. Who wants to play with someone that things they priviliged or better because they pre ordered a game with no pricing or date information? Want blind fanboism, there it is in capital letters.


Thats really your filter OP, put the undesirables on ignore and you never hear them again, thus you have filtered your own chat

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we need religion-restricted servers tbh


actually after beta, I kinda agree


Im not religious at all but even I was offended by some of the anti religion nut cases out there going on and on and on over general chat about it (again,proper use of ignore worked wonders for those types)

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Hate to tell you this, but age does not always equal maturity. I bet 1/4 of the complainers on this forum are older than 25. I know a few people in their 40's that act like they are 7 and complain on forums quite a bit. Although it may cut it down a little, you may find it makes things worse because people will not get to play with friends maybe due to an age issue.
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