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Everything posted by zakyra

  1. i would love to see cantinas be a great place to just hang out, listen to the star wars music, play a mini game, see a wookie rip off an arm or two a few dancers, men in slave outfits (seriously where's our eye candy? female gamers do exist) drinks, food, friends, games, side bets and can we get a /roll plz
  2. i havent done pvp yet so havent experienced the pvp side of the nerf i lvl'd heal spec, i do admit that anything that lower's my dps puts a major cramp in my style as heal spec needs all the dps it can get i will not be rerolling, i love the play style of this class, enjoy the healing/dps i can do with the same spec, as for the game, i dont want one class to be op, have 75% of the player base playing that class because they want to see chart toppers, i do want a balanced game where u are on top because of talent, gear, and some luck thrown in too boot i know that is wishfull thinking, but am open to bioware doing nerf's/buffs, they see the numbers for everyone on pretty spreadsheets, we only see our numbers as they flash across the screen, so im sure they know when one class is in need of some small tweeks, i just hope if they tweek too much, and our class gets broken, that they fix it asap so we can continue to enjoy this awesome ai
  3. i like to do a lot of the side quests so i was 50 when i fought the final boss for the ai class quest i thought it was pretty easy and did it on my first try, i was very surprised and was mostly just "testing" the fight to see how hard it was before i really buckled down to beat it, i also expected myself to need help as i did with some of the earlier class quest fights (mainly the ones on voss) as i am heal spec'd and never seem to keep myself and my companions gear'd as well as i should found the fight ending chapter one to the be hardest but mostly that was due to a bug that caused issues w/ targeting
  4. in most mmo's the lower lvl person would receive less exp if grouped with a high lvl'd person, i havent really paid that much attention in this game if that is the case test it, from a group, kill something, see how much xp they get, then have them kill same lvl mob w/ not in the group and compare the exp received however, im sure most low lvl ppl enjoyed having a high lvl run them thru content, as this takes less time, more loot for them, and u get to enjoy playing a game w/ friends/others it is nice of you to be considerate and not wanting to crimp someone else's exp points
  5. agreed, this is an awesome idea i want to be a part of nar shadda and play in those card games
  6. ADD MORE BARS LET ME PUT 3-4 BARS ON THE BOTTOM, 2 OR MORE ON EACH SIDE, EVEN 1-2 AT THE TOP i saw the "teaser" video showing some ui options you will be making available in the game, THANKS!! but i only saw size changes and being able to move the items around the screen, (though i may have missed something in the video) the ui changes you are planning are awesome but also plz give us more bars
  7. one thing i want to point out, i do make things on one toon, mail them to my "bank toon" and my bank toon sells them on the gtn for me why do i do this? comes down to ocd, i hate seeing that little mail icon and makes me go run to the mailbox all the time, i would much rather just log into my bank toon and pick up my mail all at once there are lots of ppl who do this, so dont just assume that the "made by" and "sell by" are not the same person
  8. i do love this game, however do admit that the customer service feels "cold" and uncaring blanket ticket response? come on, that is pretty bad it does seem like bioware's attitude towards their customers is that they just dont care as long as we give the money and enjoy the game "just enough" to keep playing
  9. a nerf as a mount is an awesome idea, we can be nerf'd out
  10. um, did u fail at math? or the game so addictive u didnt notice that you have already been playing for 20 days or u r a troll that needs to post stupid stuff on the website to get attention and feel better about yourself?
  11. so far i love this game i just hope i will continue to love it for a long time to come :-) why: its fun, i like the story, i like that its kind of a cross between single and mmo but mostly i love the story lines, i get very involved in them and find myself wanting to keep playing past my bedtime, not to get that next lvl, but to see what happens next
  12. have to admit, i think nerfs are adorable, i was thinking what a great pet they would make, a little baby nerf and if you bought a little baby nerf as a pet, you also got a title: nerfherder this could be a ce option or a sercurity key option, to make it even more special i would love to be a nerfherder with a little baby nerf pet
  13. glad im not the only one, i checked their "known issues" forums and this is not listed
  14. so far i love this class, i am lvl'ing as a healer, i love that i can stealth, dps and heal all with the same char melee dps is great, if needed i can always ranged dps w/ riffle shot though not as effective, and i can even dps in a fight with riffle shot and not lose an ounce of energy that can go towards healing i feel that this is a class that is a challange, will take practice, skill, research and keeping my mind open to new ideas
  15. thanks for all the great info on this thread to all who have posted, i got a lot of great tips on being the best medic i can be u guys rock
  16. wouldnt it be nice if your companions actually walked around on your ship, instead of just standing in one place all day and i expected my companion to take part in the dialog more, a least in my class quests, have her talk more, show the like/dislike when i make a decision, not just show me some points on the screen and we need more things going on in the world, little critters, little bots, droids running errands, rats in the slums when i start a fight with civilians/citizens near by, have them run and scream in fear, not just stand there talking like nothing is going on, and the ui, oh plz, give me have more bars, let me put the bars where i want them, let me move party frames, target of target, let me move my map/chat boxes, let me arrange the ui as i see fit, now how YOU think i want it
  17. ty, i enjoyed it very much
  18. zakyra


    agreed, go build a house or something
  19. sounds very frustrating u should post in the customer service forum, might get help faster
  20. i wonder if bio has someone scanning thru the player names to pick out ppl to ban or just banning those who others complain about
  21. we know who they are, we just dont care a bunch of ppl from a top guild who cheated because they could, why do u want to join them? oh wait...
  22. amazon now sold out, sorry if u didnt get there in time
  23. wow, kudos for taking the time to type that out, and i actually did read it all just wanted to ask, did YOU read what you posted???
  24. if u did not receive a preorder code when u purchased the game, that means you did not purchase from a participating retailer participating retailers are listed on the preorder website origin walmart target best buy amazon game stop
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