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I guess im not a founder?


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As of now I haven't recieved the title, based on their requirements I won't. I won't be billed or use a timecard. I've already canceled, but would like the title in case I ever come back, if they improve the game to a level that makes me want to play it again.


Nope. You don't get a title because you don't meet their standard. It was your choice.

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The OP makes little sense to me.


We get a title and he doesnt agree with the method so no more EA games?


Thats gonna be a lot of games you're missing out on over a title in one game. I bet this guy is playing in a month or two.

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Ive been beta testing this game since July, put alot of feedback trying to help Bioware/EA make a great game we can all enjoy.

I bought the collectors edition of the game on my sons account and I own 2 other accounts.

I would assume that would make me a founding member , I put alot of spare time into testing, finding bugs and giving my opinion.

But from what I have read and this breaks my heart .....Founding members are noticed by Bioware by resubbing.


Couldnt a different title be thought of?

Anything but founder?



As a Bioware fanboy and as a EA fanboy I refuse to resub.

I have this thing in my brain that goese off , it triggers when I feel I am being taken advantage of.

Before they announced the founder title I would have resubbed for a year , but not now , never again with these two companies.

Dont slap people in the face Bioware.


Bye bye.

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Your sig needs to be updated. Log out sometime.


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And just to test it, I logged out and back in on another, non-subscribed account.


I could read, but I could not post.

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There definition needs work.


I pre-ordered a CE, due to the various preorder fiascos I was pretty sure I wasn't going to get it until after the new year. I was on vacation at launch (scheduled long before release date was announced). I didn't want to miss any play time during my time off, so even though I knew I was getting a CE, I also ordered a digital standard edition...in affect I paid $60 for a month of game time.


Due to their narrow definition I don't qualify as a founder even though I paid 4x what someone else who qualifies as a founder paid.


I'm a bit bitter about that, and it's just one more thing that makes me think "screw Bioware".



This post bothers me immensely for some reason (if it's not intentional flame). You bought CE, cool. You got all kinds of stuff for that, so you got what you bargained for up front, right? Then you bought a standard edition and played it for one month - again, you got what you bargained for didn't you? You did this because you couldn't resist not playing in the earliest (and buggiest) days - you were willing to take the risk that your $$ would be wasted if you didn't like the game, right? But this is an MMO, with monthly sub. But YOU cancelled before resubbing, right? Do I have the facts straight here? OK.


So now that BioWare has in essence offered a *new* promotion-that you didn't bargain for--with conditions that are theirs to set, it's "screw BioWare"? Really? You were willing to risk >$200 for the game (knowing it was a launch) to get various trinkets/perks, but you won't pay $15 more for another perk? Okay fine, but then why do you care? Ohhhh, you want something you never bargained for and never paid for. Riiiggght.


Ever occur to you that BioWare might actually-*gasp*-be taking a long-term view of this game and deciding that all those who stuck around in the beginning shortly after the launch should get something? Maybe be enticed to stay and sub? You already got everything you paid for, and now you want a Founder's title (that you are unwilling to pay for), even though you don't want to stick around during the "founding" period and help make the game better (like a founder would do), because one day, perhaps, you might re-sub?


Two words: Stop.Trolling.

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I would like to know this as well....


They could have used a different account for beta.


This account I made when the game release date was announced, because I didn't want to use my other account, which I used in Beta and I had here since 2009.


Or, he could be F>O>S.

Edited by Skoobie
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Ive been beta testing this game since July, put alot of feedback trying to help Bioware/EA make a great game we can all enjoy.

I bought the collectors edition of the game on my sons account and I own 2 other accounts.

I would assume that would make me a founding member , I put alot of spare time into testing, finding bugs and giving my opinion.

But from what I have read and this breaks my heart .....Founding members are noticed by Bioware by resubbing.


Couldnt a different title be thought of?

Anything but founder?



As a Bioware fanboy and as a EA fanboy I refuse to resub.

I have this thing in my brain that goese off , it triggers when I feel I am being taken advantage of.

Before they announced the founder title I would have resubbed for a year , but not now , never again with these two companies.

Dont slap people in the face Bioware.


Beta tested it since December 2010 and could care less about any acknowledgement/compensation for it because the reward was being able to beta test this fine product over a year's time. Should be ashamed of yourself for wanting additional acknowledgement for a privilege and not a right.

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Beta tested it since December 2010 and could care less about any acknowledgement/compensation for it because the reward was being able to beta test this fine product over a year's time. Should be ashamed of yourself for wanting additional acknowledgement for a privilege and not a right.


Well if you can stomach it just take a trip through their post history. It's all you need to know to discover why this thread was started. It's not about being a founder. It's about trying to take a dump in the middle of the forums.

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OMG, once my brain stopped spinning from the totally absurd lack of logic put forth by the quitting whiners and I could once again focus (nice weapon there btw) this thread ended up being one of the funniest I've read yet. :D
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Ive been beta testing this game since July, put alot of feedback trying to help Bioware/EA make a great game we can all enjoy.

I bought the collectors edition of the game on my sons account and I own 2 other accounts.

I would assume that would make me a founding member , I put alot of spare time into testing, finding bugs and giving my opinion.

But from what I have read and this breaks my heart .....Founding members are noticed by Bioware by resubbing.


Couldnt a different title be thought of?

Anything but founder?



As a Bioware fanboy and as a EA fanboy I refuse to resub.

I have this thing in my brain that goese off , it triggers when I feel I am being taken advantage of.

Before they announced the founder title I would have resubbed for a year , but not now , never again with these two companies.

Dont slap people in the face Bioware.



calling your bluff.


you are not unsubbing over this. you can always tell when people are really unsubbing, and when they just feel like spewing some BS into the forums.

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Why does everyone call it resub. You are not resubbing, you are subscribing. To resub means that you've already paid to play but since everyone got 30 free days, no one is resubbing. Also, it's kind of ridiculous for Bioware/EA to give a title to someone who did not subscribe (and I think it should be six month subscriptions only ((or is it, I don't recall))).
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Ive been beta testing this game since July, put alot of feedback trying to help Bioware/EA make a great game we can all enjoy.

I bought the collectors edition of the game on my sons account and I own 2 other accounts.

I would assume that would make me a founding member , I put alot of spare time into testing, finding bugs and giving my opinion.

But from what I have read and this breaks my heart .....Founding members are noticed by Bioware by resubbing.


Couldnt a different title be thought of?

Anything but founder?.


All of this, all of this you said, is irrelevant. The Founder title has nothing to do with being a beta tester.


This is a title for those who started playing (and subscribed of course) between launch and March.

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Why does everyone call it resub. You are not resubbing, you are subscribing. To resub means that you've already paid to play but since everyone got 30 free days, no one is resubbing. Also, it's kind of ridiculous for Bioware/EA to give a title to someone who did not subscribe (and I think it should be six month subscriptions only ((or is it, I don't recall))).


It's any sub that qualifies. And I sort of agree (don't hate me people) that the bar maybe could be higher so that it would be more unique. Either way though I'll never make use of the title so meh.

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Internet gold right here, people. Come get it while it's hot!


See the amazing catch22-man! Marvel at his ability to create logical contraptions made of pure insanity, gasp at his neck-breaking struggle between a home-made rock and a self fulfilled hard place!


Step right up folks, don't be afraid. Before your very eyes, cathc22-man will quit a game because they offered a reward to those who doesn't quit. But that's not all! For your entertainment, yes YOU good sir or madam, he will then go on to throw a mighty hissy-fit over the fact that he wont get the reward for staying, just because he quit!


Internet gold right here folks, step right up!

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Ive been beta testing this game since July, put alot of feedback trying to help Bioware/EA make a great game we can all enjoy.

I bought the collectors edition of the game on my sons account and I own 2 other accounts.

I would assume that would make me a founding member , I put alot of spare time into testing, finding bugs and giving my opinion.

But from what I have read and this breaks my heart .....Founding members are noticed by Bioware by resubbing.


Couldnt a different title be thought of?

Anything but founder?



As a Bioware fanboy and as a EA fanboy I refuse to resub.

I have this thing in my brain that goese off , it triggers when I feel I am being taken advantage of.

Before they announced the founder title I would have resubbed for a year , but not now , never again with these two companies.

Dont slap people in the face Bioware.



Founder is for people who










did you BUY a subscription???



If not,



Edited by sevev
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I don't get why anyone has an issue with this... if you arent planning to stay subscribed... what do you care about the title?


Plenty of actually legitimate problems to whine about.

Edited by tharun
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Your join date sets off alarms to me.


"Joined: Jan 2012"


So this is the first time you have set foot on these forums?


Old forum accounts and stuff carried over. If you were such a fantastic beta asset and spilling out feedback onto these forums, it would be older than that.

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