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Everything posted by JohnnyPanzer

  1. Yes, that video is very good and in fact that's what I'm doing. Most of the time. The thing is, there are times when both options would be good to have (click in party frame(click on player). Huttball is a prime example where I'm constantly finding myself in a situation where there are several players around me dropping health quickly, and they all have pretty similar healthbars, but only one of them is actualy carrying the ball. Mathcing that players name with the correct party healthbar takes a moment of hesitation that often results in a dead ball carrier. If his/hers selection box was bigger, or even better, if his/hers name tag was clickable, I'd be able to click on the player directly and throw in some burst healing. And as for the out of range thing, yes it greys out players that are out of range, but that truly is the bare minimum of feedback, isn't it? Many times it will be a critical player that might as well be one step out of range, but I will have no way of knowing that, and unless the player is directly in front of me, I wont even be able to tell where he/she is relative to me. And then we have the focus target thing. Sure, in a very roundabouts way it's almost, kinda, if you do it right and absolutely nothing goes wrong, a bit like a dedicated ally target slot. But let's be honest, they couldn't have made it less intuative and more clunky if they tried. Instead of simply selecting a friendly player and then have him/her stay in my ally target slot untill I select another ally, I have to dedicate two keybinds in an already full UI to the task and to use it I need to selct the player, select him/her as a focused target and then make sure to press an axtra button each time I want to heal him/her. If I want to change my friendly target I need to repeat the proccess. I'm not saying it's impossible to heal in SWTOR, but I am saying that it is by far the worst targeting system for healing I've seen in an MMO.
  2. Go to bed kid. You recieved a warning at level 20, and if you didn't it's because you decided to turn off tutorial tips even though you obviously have no clue what you're doing. Besides, 40k should be small change by the time you hit 25. Stop sending all your credits to Nigerian Princes and you'll be fine...
  3. I agree that it's a pain. I don't want macros to be honest (I'm not against them, I just wouldn't use them for healing my self) but I'd love a usable UI. Biggest flaws as far as I'm concerned: 1. F-keys are random in warzones. At the start of the warzone, each player is assigned their number based on when they entered the warzone, but then they are placed in a random order within the party frame. So in one warzone F3 might target the third player from the top, in the next it will target the top player and in a third warzone it might target the sixth player from the top. Bottom line: F-keys are useless. 2. There is no (visable) directional arrow around MY character telling me in what direction my target is. If I see someone that's in trouble but are out of range, I have absolutely no way of determening how far away he is or in what direction I need to run. 3. Focus target is a worthless function. Warhammer Online pretty introduced the concept of one ally target slot and one enemy target slot, and all healing would go to the allied target or yourself if that slot was empty. Why are we not using this system in SWTOR? Why are we using a system that requires constant attention and micro managment or else you lose your allied target? 4. Extremely small "selection boxes" on all characters, meaning you have to click directly on the character to select him/her. If you miss by a single pixel you wont select anything, and since the selected target ring is very pale and hardly visable at all, you'll often miss that your selection failed. All in all, targeting players by clicking on them is almost impossible. Anyway, what I've done to make it a little bit better is to bind some targeting keys to my mouse. I have the following mouse binds: target closest enemy = 1st thumb button target closest ally = 2nd thumb button focus target = middle button press cycle ally = scroll wheel up cycle enemy = scroll wheel down It does make it a bit better, but it's still by far the most annoying and least streamlined healing interface I've ever come across.
  4. It's the Tokyo Hotel syndrome, PG-rated goth is the new black.
  5. All great tips on improving the fun factor for someone who doesn't loathe PvP enough to roll on a PvE server. However, since the OP is on a PvE server, an option made available specificaly for those that do not want to participate in PvP, every single point on your list becomes mute, void and utter rubbish. I enjoy PvP and thus rolled on a RP PvP server, but seeing how I'm not clinicaly braindead, I have no problem understanding how something like this could be a great concern and a game killer for those who do not enjoy it and thus took the necessary steps to avoid it; i.e. rolled on a PvE server. Are there realy people out there stupid enough to think that someone who dislikes PvP would still enjoy the playstyle required to not get ganked on a PvP server? What are you on? "No, I absolutely hate PvP. What I love though, is to play as if I could get ganked in PvP any second. That's just how I am." Stupid stupid stupid, stupid. Stupid stupid and stupid makes strupid stupid, but stupid also stupid with the stupid. Stupid.
  6. Smuggler here, absolute datacron junkie but pretty bad at it. I've missed a ton of them, but once I see one (or what appears to be the perfect hiding place for one) I'm prepared to spend a huge ammount of time to get it. The thing is, I'm pretty bad at platforming, and I don't realy like those datacrons. I still have to have them once I see them, but I prefer the ones that are just plain hard to figure out, the ones that are out in plain view but makes you go: "How... wait, how the hell am I supposed to... what the? That can't be done, can it?" There was one on Nar Shaddaa that took me five hours of doing the same jump over and over again. I hated that one. Then there was the one on Alderaan that required me to put grinding on hold for half a week before I figured it out. That was awesome. Either way, I plan on going back and look for the ones I've missed once I hit 50.
  7. Look, the broad assumption you are making is that anything that isn't shown doesn't exist. That's why I brought up the other examples as well. You don't see a jedi use a red lightsaber in the movies, hence that must never have happened on a large scale. You don't see Sith Lords with facial hair, hence it must've been forbidden. You don't see anyone going to the toilet, so... well, maybe they just exploded after a while? Lack of evidence is not proof of guilt. As for my trolling, sure, I'll admit it was a bit out of line, but then again I did try to make it more of a joke than an insult. I have read most of the EU crap my self, and I even enjoyed a lot of it, but you have to agree that it quickly gets a bit neck-beardy (you know what I mean) when someone starts treating stuff like Sci-Fi canon as a life and death issue. I mean, if you're going to be that hardcore regarding the lore, then I fail to see how you can even play the game. Coruscant is just three city blocks?! I think not! How come that player claims to have had the exact same adventures as me? Time travel and paralell universes have no support in a-n-y of the approved Star Wars lore, so I demand that other players refrain from making such claims, or I'm reporting them! Take a step back and listen to yourself. Can't you hear what it sounds like? "Most jedi have RED sabers? Oh, hah, yeah... since when?! If you read 'the crystal legacy', it clearly states that after the battle of Aur'fne'pthao, it was agreed upon to divide the colors between the factions. But I guess we should just ignore that? Huh?! Worst. Canon. Ever!"
  8. I'm not sure what could be done about it, it's something that I've seen in every MMO containing a "good" side and a "bad" side. Me and my friends often joke about it, how MMOs are the direct opposite of real life; suddenly the goth and emo kids are in the majority and get to beat the crap out of everyone else...
  9. I just can't fathom that there exists: 1. People who treat the EU crap as canon. 2. EU crap that actualy talks about this in great detail, about why some people in the Star Wars universe preferred a certain form of fashion, while others preferred another form of fashion and how these things are written in stone and cannot change. Because unless both those points apply, you're simple making broad assumptions based on what you can see in the movies. And if that is the case, you must also believe that all male moisture farmers on Tatooine are called Owen, all hairstyles except for mullets are banned by Imperial law and Lando realy IS the only black man in the universe. Either way, stop taking EU "lore" so seriously. Huffing and puffing and sounding upset while demanding that other players change their playstyle to provide you with a more EU-canony gaming experience will make you grow an instant neck-beard, and those things can strangle you if you're not careful...
  10. But you play as Imperial? Darth Darky Von Deathbringer of the Black Blackness of Injustice and Suffering called, he would like all of his storylines back. Seriously though, is this even mentioned in the extended universe? As in, a source exists that goes on in length to explain the exact fashion choices of certain factions in the Star Wars universe? Wow...
  11. What companies? I've never, ever, ever in my life come across a bug-free game. Not once during 25 years of gaming. Or are you talking about the kind of "bugs" that are realy just matters of opinion? Because I don't think that should count. If half the playerbase looks at a feature or lack there of, and say "This makes the game unplayable!" and the other half looks at it and say "Realy? I didn't even notice", then by defenition it is not game breaking. I've seen a lot of buggier games then this. SWG, WoW, CoH and Conan all contained far more bugs at launch for me. For someone else they might have contained less. Empire Total War recieved a lot of heat for some pretty major bugs, yet I have not encountered even one of those major bugs after more than 500 hours of playtime. StarCraft 2 has been enjoyed by many of my friends, who all reported little to no bugs. yet I have yet to play it, because after many, many attempts and a lot of hours mailing tech support, I have still not been able to get the game to run for even a second on my computer. But I'm rambling. The bottom line is that the car analogy is flawed, stupid and could only work in an alternate reality where a new car would run you 1000$ and only take a month to develop.
  12. I can't think of a single thing I want more. Perhaps a decent UI. I roleplay, I like to be able to see who's saying what. I also do PvP and I like to be able to read the chat without moving my eyes a good foot away from the action. I like to know whe someone is talking to me. I just... I just kinda like to chat. As it is now, I've closed the chat windows on some of my unguilded alts. I never noticed them anyway, so they had no use...
  13. You know what? If the customer base for cars were notorious for demanding that the car companies had to design a new car model in a tenth of the time needed to make it road-worthy, your analogy would almost work. If they also demanded that the car companies did this without hiring more people, thereby driving prices up, your analogy would be even closer to working. And if the cars were supposed to work on every terrain on every planet in the known universe at the same time without breaking, then your analogy would be damn near perfect. The thing is, people who don't understand the difference between developing for a uniformed platform versus developing for the PC market often bring up examples like this, and then they rage about it. But whenever a company tries to do it right, the same people will rage about the fact that the game never gets released. Blizzard is one of few developers with the backing and money needed to even attempt decade spanning development proccesses, and their products STILL have bugs in them. If you'd be fine with SWTOR hitting the shelves sometime around 2035 and costing 800$ retail, I'm sure you'd be able to get an almost bug free game. Learn to live with it, or go back to the X-box...
  14. Internet gold right here, people. Come get it while it's hot! See the amazing catch22-man! Marvel at his ability to create logical contraptions made of pure insanity, gasp at his neck-breaking struggle between a home-made rock and a self fulfilled hard place! Step right up folks, don't be afraid. Before your very eyes, cathc22-man will quit a game because they offered a reward to those who doesn't quit. But that's not all! For your entertainment, yes YOU good sir or madam, he will then go on to throw a mighty hissy-fit over the fact that he wont get the reward for staying, just because he quit! Internet gold right here folks, step right up!
  15. I don't know, I'm only a 44 sawbones, but I feel there's nothing wrong with the nerf. We only have one good attack? Pfft, we can spew burst damage if we want to, and though healing might be a tad subpar, it's the combination of abilities that makes the scoundrel such a superb class. Heal, burst, sneak, and a lot of stuff that gives some extra tactical options when the going gets tough in flashpoints, operations and warzones. The thing is, I'll gladly admit that I'm not a great player, so maybe I've missed something. On the other hand, even though I'm not a great player, I'm often able to hold my own in warzones, so there's that...
  16. They should not waste resources on non-engineers, yet focus on graphics and during development they should've focused more on "pointless" things? Your take on MMO development is... interesting, I guess.
  17. Yes, what's a broken UI compared to slightly better textures. We all know that MMOs live and die by their graphics, while minor things like the UI and guild functions are barely noticed by the player base. If in doubt, look at the super-popular WoW, voted 'number 1 graphics benchmark game of the year' every year since it came out. But do they have a working UI? Who knows, who would notice?
  18. Who the **** is /v/ and why didn't he go to school? I don't get it. Or as this /v/ would've put it; I dont get's are its!
  19. I realise that it's difficult to come up with another metric for social activity that wouldn't get abused. Rewarding chat would, like you point out, encourage spam. A slow tic while grouped would just mean people always stayed grouped, no matter what they were doing. But that doesn't mean that the game needs to spread the rewards for social levels all over the place. What should the rewards be? To be honest, absolutely a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g except orange gear. Valor is granted by participating in PvP and can be used to obtain the best PvP gear available. Social points are granted by participating in grouped PvE, so why not let the rewards be some awesome raid gear? Mods, epic armor and epic weapons, geared towards flashpoints and heroics. Just as an example, I'll bring up the pilot uniforms again. They are orange, but unless I slot them with great mods, they are useless in PvE. They are clearly meant to be used for RP purposes and for a specific look. And I'm not asking to get them for free. In fact, I think they cost waaaaaay too little. Up the fleet com cost ten times and I'm still fine with it, because it's pilot uniforms and it makes sense to have to do a ton of space missions to get them. But social points? Why? What does PvE have to do with piloting? I don't have the lifestyle that lets me do flashpoints or a lot of grouping. I have a newborn kid, and I always need to be able to quit the game in an instant. If that were to cut me off from some awesome PvE gear, I'd be fine with that. But the fact that it cuts me off from some of the best looking RP clothing is absolute nonsense. You can't PvP, you don't get the best PvP rewards. You can't grind very fats, you don't get to hit lvl 50 in no time. It makes sense to me. But if you can't group a lot, you don't get nice looking costumes? Nope, does not compute.
  20. To me, the big issue with social points is the total, utter and complete disconnect between how they are rewarded and the content they unlock. There is a myriad of different content only available by having a high enough social level, geared towards a myriad of different player types, yet social points can only be gained in one very specific way, enjoyable to one very specific player type. And weirdest of all, it's not very social. Sure, it's tied to grouping, but the points are rewarded for doing the one thing that you can do as a group that requires absolutely no ineraction between the players: choosing convo options. Comparing it to the PvP valor system is just absurd. Valor is gained through PvP and grants access to PvP gear. To be comparable, social points would have to grant access to something deeply tied in to the thing you do to get them; conversation options. Say every social level gives you an extra convo option or something like that. I just want my damn pilot outfit, and I have the fleet coms to buy it with, but playing the way I liek to play I wont be able to buy it for the coming year or so. It doesn't make sense...
  21. ...while your massive information gathering skills led you to the conclusion that this is not a recreational game, but a school/research project? Wow, ten points there. Look, you can call your rude behaviour 'an attempt to educate people' or something like that if it makes you feel any better, but the fact remains that you do it because you're a classic rageoholic. You're the kind that turns anything said about you to an insult, who always sees the failiure of others as proof of retardation, but the failiures of yourself (in the few cases that you even aknowledge them) as a series of unfortunate and unavoidable incidents. In short, everyone's an idiot except for you. Note that while your assumption regarding my IQ was based on nothing at all, my assumption that you are a rageoholic is at least based on everything you've said in this thread so far. If you hate questions, then don't answer. Nothing could be simpler.
  22. Like that's the actual reason, come on now. In reality, it ties in with the old saying: "Take a second to help someone out and you might feel good about yourself, but try to make yourself look clever by bullying him or her, and you'll feel like a king. If you're an ´***hole."
  23. Drama queens, the most dramatic queens around.
  24. Works like a charm for me. I turned off the forced AA I was using, as it caused some FPS issues that I no longer have now that I'm using the in-game AA. As a side note, it works just fine for all my friends as well, and we all use different cards, so maybe the problem is on your end?
  25. A thousand times this. I'm always baffled by people who consider their "skills" in playing a recreational game to be something worthy of bragging rights. "Dude, you don't want to mess with me, I'm a sick tic-tac-toe player! And lemme tell ya, I absolutely l-o-a-t-h-e these stupid noob ticers who don't even care about the game. I beat them to the ground in a game and they just smile as if it didn't matter. Then they probably go home to their mommys and cry about how they were pounded by TicMaster666. Noobs! Tic 4 life dawgs!!!"
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