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Did you come from WoW and have you gone back?


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Played WoW from beta to a few months before TOR was released, saw everything the game had to offer, was hardcore raider for most of it though I had casual characters for when I wanted to dip out of raiding and relax a bit. I loved WOW for most of those 6+ years or whatever it was but in the end it started boring the hell out of me so I cancelled and moved to Rift while I waited for TOR. Even if I ever left TOR, which I currently have no plans on doing, I would not return to World of Borecraft!
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I had my fair share of World of Warcraft, been playing it since late 2005. Although, lately I had just logged in for the weekly raids and didn't really see the fun in it anymore. And then SWtOR came along and I jumped on the ship with a happy smile on my face. In short, I won't be coming back to WoW because I'm simply having a blast in this game. It's something new and fresh, and I've always been a huge fan of everything Star Wars. Chapter 2 begins now. :jawa_biggrin:
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A proud Wrathbaby (I technically started playing some time around Sunwell but didn't get to end-game content until Wrath), I left my WoW addiction behind a few months before TOR came out. I am very happy where I am now, and have no intention of returning to WoW.


I think a lot of the WoW vs. TOR issues boil down to a difference in style of game play. I am a die-hard RPer, and rolled exclusively on RP servers in WoW, and I feel like TOR was made for people like me. Even on a PvP server -- which I rolled on simply because I wanted to play with RL friends who prefer to PvP -- I feel like I'm RPing constantly due to the way quests are set up. I boggle at people who use the spacebar to skip all that juicy dialog, because for me, that -is- the game play, just as much as shooting lightning from my fingertips and sniping enemies from behind cover. It warmed my little RPing heart to see someone who complained about his need to use the spacebar on my new PvP server home get -torn apart- in general chat by fellow lore-lovers. A PvP server, generally the least lore-friendly place a person can find, at least in my experience. Can you believe it?


The game also seems to be designed to be played with friends. A lot of my new guildies (my RL friend's WoW guild imported into TOR, lovely and friendly people who show no sign of returning to that Blizzard property either) are pairing up and using the buddy system while leveling to take advantage of the social point bonanza. Not to mention all the flashpoints and heroic missions along the way for which you need more than just you and your companion to complete. So this single-player, anti-social game talk also boggles my mind, since to get the most out of it, to see the story in full, you absolutely -need- to group and play with other people.


If I didn't care about the story and what my various characters were thinking, if I was all about the pew-pew and dps and number crunching and gear grinding and optimal building, I would be rather disappointed in the game, too. Ability delay annoys me terribly, I feel handicapped without a LFFP tool, and many of the conveniences I enjoyed in WoW are missing. But TOR is a month old, and the story is so damn good and immersive that I can overlook the bugs for the time being, probably until they can be fixed, and especially if they keep putting new shinys in front of my face (read: monthly content patches) to distract me. And with the promises of the Legacy system, huge incentive for alting, replay value within each class (light/dark and sorcerer/assassin combinations yield four possible ways to do the inquisitor storyline from 1-50), I can very happily dedicate my gaming time to this game without getting bored and not even -need- to bother with the endgame content if I don't feel like it.


I liked WoW, but the story died with the Lich King, and all the improvements in game play and polish from Cata meant nothing because I was no longer invested in the lives of the characters I was playing. I tried, I really did, I even dipped my toe into the Firelands raid, but I cannot see how the remnants of the Warcraft plot can be advanced by venturing to Pandaland, and I'd rather play the story than read about it in novels. So I'm a TOR girl now.

Edited by Fidchel
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Stopped playing WoW months ago, shortly after Cata launch... I tried this game after being so excited when it was announced way back when, I had hair... played beta, was a little hmmm, is this really an 'MMO' or are you selling at an MMO (Single player linear story driven game with some additional, quests and some online content.. with very small planets, which are zoned and very static, devoid of life.....)


But, I persisted.. after 3 weeks from early access.. I decided, that Iwas sooo bored of the non-emersiveness of this game.. that I would try Rift... Thanks the MAKER!! An open true emmersive MMO!!


People you really need to understand what an MMO is.. an MMO is NOT a Single player game with some online content, if i wanted that I would have stuck to KOTOR/Skyrim/Fable and saved myself the £8.99 per month!!


Love the game for a single player point of view, and yes noce to do the odd FP, but that's it... most of the time I didn't feel like I was in an MMO, in Rift straight away I did, and so did I with SWG, WOW, EQ2 and so on...

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I started playing WOW in 07, and played exclusivly until a few months before TOR was released. I don't see how I could go back now.

I will miss my 4 guild banks with 6 tabs full of mats and cash, but I can do pretty much the same things here in TOR. There is more promise of things improving and changing for the better here, since it is so new.

The biggest plus is that I can cook Hotpockets with the intense heat coming off of my Nvidia card, and play TOR at the same time. I could not do that in WOW.

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I played Rift, too. Did the trial, bought the game, was bored a month later. I -loved- the open grouping and the rift events, I thought the options for talent trees were compelling, but the quests felt grindy and the story was meh. I couldn't get into the lore, and it was hard to invest myself in my characters when I didn't give a flip about steampunk vs. holy crusaders.


And that was my point. My definition of immersive -- a story I am driving that is affected at least cosmetically by the choices I make and well-founded in a canon with a long history -- is vastly different than yours, which seems to be based on environments one can wander in with random encounters and spontaneous grouping. Honestly, I'd love to see those elements incorporated into TOR at some point, because they were awesome. But the thing that matters most to me -- the story -- I thought was lacking in Rift, and thus I prefer the story-driven TOR.


My friends and I are basically starring in our own Star Wars movie. And it can be made non-linear by doing what we always do, which is RPing our own plots with a strong lore to back us up. Love it!


P.S. How can you go cruising around Alderaan and not find it 1) gorgeous and 2) huge as all get out?!

Edited by Fidchel
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Stopped playing WoW shortly after Cataclysm. Played since late Burning Crusade, although I never really bothered with endgame content. Got into Icecrown during Wrath naturally. Anyhow, I left WoW because of TOR. I wanted to play a game from its birth and TOR presented that opportunity. Not only that, but Star Wars is among one of my favorite stories to explore, and I loved KOTOR dearly. Was excited from the moment I heard this game was in development.


As to going back to WoW? No, I don't think I am. WoW got dull.

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You know what's really idiotic? The sniping and insults that a few here are shooting at each other over personal preferences and opinions. OPINIONS. Seriously, what is wrong with someone liking or not liking a certain game. Let's look at some obvious facts:


If you think SWTOR is absolutely the best game ever, you are absolutely correct.


If you think SWTOR is absolutely the worst game ever, you are absolutely correct.


If you think WoW is absolutely the best game ever, you are absolutely correct.


If you think WoW is absolutely the worst game ever, you are absolutely correct.


If you think SWTOR is better than WoW, you are absolutely correct.


If you think WoW is better than SWTOR, you are absolutely correct.


If you think both games are good, you are absolutely correct.


If you think both games are bad, you are absolutely correct.


If you have an opinion concerning those games that is totally different than anything I mentioned above, you are absolutely correct.


ALL of the above statements are absolutely correct, and not in the least bit contradictory. Why? Because if a person really likes something, it is a fact that they really like it. If a person really dislikes something, it is a fact that they really dislike it.


This whole thread is all about PERSONAL OPINIONS of GAMES.


You can't base your own "facts" on what you like, and disregard what others feel. You can't force someone to share your own opinion.


It is a fact that WoW is still going on because there are enough people still playing the game to make continued support feasible. I personally hope that becomes the case for SWTOR, too.


I personally like both SWTOR AND WoW. I think each game has it's own bonuses and drawbacks. I'm sticking with SWTOR, and I'm also staying with WoW. I like both games, and I like being able to switch between fantasy and sci-fo MMO's whenever I want. For now, I've been playing SWTOR exclusively, since it is so new and different. When my card runs out, I'll either get a new card, or go on WoW for a couple months. And then I'll be back here again for awhile.


If you like one game better than the other, dislike both, or like both, that is your absolute right, and you are not wrong to have your particular interests or opinions. I totally respect your right to whatever preference you have. So don't act like I'm some kind of personal affront to you just because my personal preferences are not an exact clone of yours.




Edited to add: I just did an entire soapbox rant, didn't I? :)

Edited by Eldartank
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I had my time in WoW on the classic, on Burning Crusade and on Lich King when I was able to squeeze my time for raids.


But lately in Cata, my RL sched got messed up and it killed my WoW time. I was not able to grind stuffs anymore to cope up with the game. So I just quit WoW. I quit MMO.


I went to Skyrim for few weeks then SWTOR came out. I'm back again to MMO with SWTOR but I wont become hardcore like I used to be in WoW. It's gonna be like this for now.


I dont know what will happen when Diablo III comes out this quarter. StarCraft2 Zerg expansion is going to be released too somewhere in Q4. Gonna be busy on those games.


On coming back to WoW, I am not sure either. I may on the next expansion just to feel its new 5-man dungeons but it would stop when I reach the high end part coz I know my RL time wont allow me to do those stuffs.

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I was a day one WoW player. I changed servers on day two because my first server kept going down. I played WoW for a long time almost six and a half years on that day two server. However, I really dislike GC's direction for taking thought and planning out of character building. I do not plan on returning to WoW.


I really have been enjoying SWToR. SWToR is my new MMO home. I have tried other games (Rift, AoC, etc), but none were nearly the enjoyment level that I got with WoW. SWToR is the first game that I enjoy more than WoW.

Edited by Catlana
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I too came from wow, and am able to keep the sub for both! my work pays for the SWTOR account as a team-building exercise. the company all plays together on certain days. I gotta say, I'm loving SW, but the fact that it doesn't support mods of any sort is a real turn-off to me. as of right now, the game's UI drives me crazy
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I played Wow for 6 years... I stopped playing in May, and decided to try this game out. What can I say... I love it!


My biggest problem with SWTOR is the TERRBILE GALACTIC TRADE MARKET INTERFACE!!! :mad: It is horrendous! You can not search for an individual name of an item without picking a category first...


This is a HUGE problem for me because I just started SWTOR 2 weeks ago, and picked 3 gathering/mission professions... I try to sell on the Market, but it takes me 5 minutes to find each item! (Slight exaggeration)...


I know I will probably get a bunch of people hating on my opinion of the Market, but oh well... :D


Other than that... I LOVE SWTOR and I dont see myself going back to WoW anytime soon. In fact, SWTOR has quite a few unique things that I like better than WoW, including the Warzones!


Anyways... Sorry for the rant... Just wanted to give my opinion! :rolleyes:

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I played WoW off and on from beta to Cata. I stopped playing WoW about 8 months ago because of how easy it was.


I loved Vanilla WoW - BC but once Wrath came around, everything got even more dumbed down. The Lich King encounter was highly disappointing and the ending was blah. After seeing that it killed WoW for me.


I miss the days of having huge dungeons like Blackrock Depths and hard dungeons like UBRS. It was more satisfying to me once you completed it. Plus world PVP actually existed like Southshore and Tarren Mill battles. Ah memories.


Will I ever go back? no I don't think so. WoW has ran it's course for me and I hope SWTOR does well and doesn't dumb everything down.

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I played WoW since 2006 and still hold my account. I'm not going to drop it, but I sure have not logged into it for a while now. I have to say I adore SWTOR, but I love both games equally. I even attended Blizzcon 2011 which was a super blast.


Ppl try to compare the 2 games on an equal level but they fail to consider that they are 2 independent games. There are many similarities, like almost all MMOs share with each other. But each one will have it's own identity. One of Blizzard's core values is to set the stage and represent. They already know that they set the ground by which many MMOs are fashioned. But they appreciate it when something new comes along that will drive the market ahead and push new ground. In fact, many temp employees whom work on contract who go from game company to game company - as is the case in the industry share their "Tribal Knowladge" of what they learned from past experiences. So - in that all games learn and grow and both parties benefit.


I really love this game and I am sticking with it. The storytelling is my favorite part and the characters (Companions) are great! But I'm not abandoning WoW nor putting it down negatively because it is what helped drive this game forth (Diablo II programming?) .

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Honestly, if you have ever played WoW and you enjoy SW:TOR.. there's an issue with standards and gaming in general. I can understand someone never playing WoW and thinking this game is a 5/10 because they don't know what a real MMO is with features and such, but to play WoW.. and then claim TOR is better.. well that person is in denial or lying for some reason. It just doesn't make sense.


Honestly, if ToR wasn't star wars and was some other annonymous fatasy universe, I'm sure most wouldn't be so into it.

Having said that, I enjoy swtor infinitly more than I ever enjoyed WoW. Espeically in the leveling department. Leveling in wow was just... such a grind, and the only motivation to keep playing was to get to level cap asap. (I'm speaking from a post BC perspective, maybe it was different before Lich king, idk.) And once you got to level cap, it was time to grind for gear. Just one big grind-fest. Honestly think the only thing that kept me playing after I completed all the raids was Recount... the competition that it offers is quite addictive. At least in ToR you're offered a story before the massive end-game gear grind.


Sure the combat is a bit subpar and space combat gets real old real quick, but I'm ok with it. If its in the same state as it is now in a couple months however, we may have a problem. But for now, IMO swtor >> wow ;)

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Still playing both but mainly due to being put in that annual pass crap on WoW -.- stupid on my part, but i'm a raid leader in WoW so kinda stuck anyways lol can't just leave them :p they'd lose their top mage, so i'm playing both... we kicked the raid weeks down to just 2 cause I told them I wasn't going to keep raiding 3 lol
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Played WoW for seven years and I'm not going back.


The game was fun but gradually lost it's charm with every new expansion. Too many changes that made the game easier or more accessable if you like (LFG, LFR, token gear, easier boss mechanics, smaller raid groups). And the endless remaking of classes, nerfing, unnerfing, stat changes.. The only end game left in Wow nowadays is a boring grind for gear. My last week in wow, I killed 12 raid bosses, farmed max tokens, did my dailies, in the meanwhile watching tv, eating a sandwich and wondering why I didn't get paid for playing wow since it was just like a job.


All the 'make game easy' things ruined the game's community in my opinion. People wanting a group and wanting it now, people treating eachothers as NPCs soleley there to do their bidding. The "****, GOOOO already!" mentality.


Safely to say, I'm not going back.


SWTOR is a much nicer game for me. I like the story aspect, I like my server and I'm having a great time. And even better, it's less time consuming than wow ever was. I can play this game casually, without having to log on three nights a week to raid with my guild :D

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