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Why wont Bioware acknowledge faction imbalances?


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The obvious solution is to remove pvp from the game, save for warzones.


Too right.


OP: Good way to keep PvE players from making this perfectly valid suggestion is to keep your PvP topics in the PvP forum. HTH.

Edited by VorpalK
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Must admit I've more or less given up on Pvp in this game due to the race imbalance,even given up playing on a pvp server and continued playing this game as a pve mmo.Decided to leave pvp for a more pvp set up game.Playing it as a pve mmo the faction imbalance doesn't matter then.
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There are hundreds of posts with hundreds of suggestions on ways to help balance the factions.


And somehow this should be fixed over night? If your so good at fixing games, how about you go give them a hand? While youre there, how about you show them how to fix all those gamebreaking bugs theyve put at the top of the list infront of this issue?


The two I'm fond of:

1) Offer one way faction transfers from Empire to Republic.

2) Offer a nice incentive to playing the 'under populated' faction until it balances out, giving Empire a reason to want to transfer.


1.) How would they overcome the storyline part of this? Its not like other MMOs where the storyline isnt so entwined with the character.

2.) People arent going to switch over for a short term perk...If anything they will complain that BW favors one side over the other, and since the imbalance is Empire>Republic on almost every server. Itll be solidified in peoples minds that BW favors Republic players.


And you know what? I'd love to see ANY suggestion, ANY acknowledgement... ANY blasted plan at all.


All we get is silence.


The real fix is going to have to come with server mergers. They will happen sooner or later. And if BW is smart, they will take the servers with the higher number active Republic players and add them to the servers that need them the most.

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Nearly every server in this game is HEAVILY imbalanced towards the Empire. Everyone knows this, and it is painfully obvious.


But Bioware has yet to even acknowledge it, or that it is a problem as the Ilum PvP disaster has proven. Ask any pvping Empire player how often they play Hutt ball if you want more proof...


And with ZERO incentive to play republic at this point, it is no surprise!


So I want to know:


Why will they not even talk about or address an issue that is at the core of several problems of this game?



so you mean what? that Bioware should choose what class people should play?

there is no inbalance at all game is great,

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Who is everyone? Which servers? Obvious to whom?


But Bioware has yet to even acknowledge it, or that it is a problem as the Ilum PvP disaster has proven. Ask any pvping Empire player how often they play Hutt ball if you want more proof...


And with ZERO incentive to play republic at this point, it is no surprise!


So I want to know:


Why will they not even talk about or address an issue that is at the core of several problems of this game?


Having played BOTH Sith and Republic, the only thing that is "painfully obvious" is that more people like playing dark side. One is not inherently better than the other.

Edited by Rion_Starkiller
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1) Faction Changes - It's not as simple as it is in <OTHERPOPULARMMOS> due to the vast differences in playstyle/attacks/etc between faction. Playing a Sniper really doesn't directly compare to playing a Commando.


Well you certainly lived up to your name.


There's no "vast difference" in playstyle between the factions. Aside from a couple animation differences favoring Empire on a couple classes, the playstyle is EXACTLY THE SAME.


And as someone else pointed out, of course playing a Sniper doesn't compare to playing a Commando - THEY'RE NOT MIRRORS.


Playing a Sniper does, however, directly compare to playing a Gunslinger - the *only* difference between the two is one uses a rifle and one uses two pistols, but their attacks/damage/range/everything is the same otherwise.

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Most People in MMOs hate PvP, but that doesnt stop Bioware from trying to offer incentive for people to join it, every patch has more silly PvP stuff. But you cant have your cake any eat it too, if Bioware wants to promote PvP for whatever reason, they should try to offer incentive to balance factions, or otherwise forget about PvP and focus on what most people want. PvE Experiences.
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Nearly every server in this game is HEAVILY imbalanced towards the Empire. Everyone knows this, and it is painfully obvious.


But Bioware has yet to even acknowledge it, or that it is a problem as the Ilum PvP disaster has proven. Ask any pvping Empire player how often they play Hutt ball if you want more proof...


And with ZERO incentive to play republic at this point, it is no surprise!


So I want to know:


Why will they not even talk about or address an issue that is at the core of several problems of this game?


Most likely because they just don't care and trying desperately to get a return on their investment, and believe it or not, have bigger fish to fry. WoW's developers play WoW and love it. I doubt BioWare has ever even played their own game. Pathetic.

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Actually the mirror imbalances are really really bad and poorly done. They have acknowledged problem with Mortal Volley but not the other skills.


Theyu need to fix full auto to properly mirror unload (or w/e the BH one is) since it is a bread and butter move and suffers from push back and huge delay. Lucky to get 2/3 shots of it off due to push back.


Mortar Volley should be changed to something that makes sense. At the moment it is a really bad animation and buggy. A low arching very short ranged mortar animation is bad.


Project and Shock are another case of things not lining up properly. Shock is instant, Project has more than twice the delay to do damage. Means if your target stealths or you die before the animation completes you don't do the damage.


Glaring imbalances in mirror classes need to be fixed (this is the first step to fixing faction imbalance). Improving future Republic storylines to have a litte more flair or humour. At the moment the Jedi story and personality are a bit bland.


Improve the consular early companions. They are stuck with Qyzen Fess for a ridiculously long time. Not to mention unless you are blood thirsty you aren't going to get much affection from Qyzen. Also can he be changed to actually be able to use more than 1 weapon type?


Lastly (Consular vs Inquisitor) most of the companion crew skill bonuses up until the last companion you get aren't synergistic with the crew skills that your Jedi are likely to be using (unless you are fitting out your companion and not yourself with them).


Basically the Republic side needs some balance fixes, a bit more flair/humour in future stories and more useful and personable companions (at least for consular). Republic stories outside of sumggler are a bit robotic.


Priorities should be

1) Fix major game bugs

2) Fix mirror class ability balance

3) Improve crafting for Armstech, Armormech, Artifice and Synthweaving

4) New content.

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Ilum is proof that there is a major imbalance.


A simple incentive to get people to play republic? Make the Yoda race playable.


Done and done. Of course, they will do nothing, and the game will die, and the Sith will wonder why.

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Because they CAN'T control that. I'm sure they are aware of it - they do have numbers/statistics of all characters/servers etc. But there isn't anything for them to do.


Community/Players dictate what they play and where.


If you got an idea on what they are supposed to do about it, DO TELL.

because there is little reason for them to do or say anything about it otherwise.


Do you expect them to lock players out of their characters because there aren't enough opposing faction players playing?


Do you expect them to Nerf one faction to compensate for the imbalance?


And what that does do for players that don't CARE about the opposing faction because they are doing PVE and have nothing to do with factional PvP?

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The PvP waiting times.


Along with the challenge that's one incentive to roll republic.


In other games this was true, in fact if it wasn't for the open world PvP problem that is Ilum, and the fact that doing Ilum gives the same daily bonus as competing in a full days worth of WZs... then it would not matter that Republic were outnumbered.


Because we would always at least have fair numbers.


But because Huttball allows Empire to fight Empire - they should have the same waits as everyone else. (Though I guess you guys are getting tired of Huttball...)

Edited by Perram
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