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Update on Ability Delay from Georg


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Unfortunately, this fix doesn't help my particular issues. What I'm experiencing isn't a problem with the global cooldown or my abilities not working, it's that my graphics performance is so terrible that I can't play the game. I hope they're working on that as well and not confusing this "ability delay" with serious performance issues on the part of the engine.


The issue there could actually be your hardware.


But you didn't post any specs, so who knows.

Edited by Azzras
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I have been experiencing this issue and wondering if it was just me.


I hope they don't push out what they think is a quick fix though.

I remember one of the downfalls of Warhammer was messing around with the GCD and trying to fix these sort of issues too fast. It caused an even greater problem with exploitation of the GCD and key spamming that ended up killing the game for me.


Although I just PvE now in MMO's, I hope the fix is tested well.

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yeah. what they're "fixing" is not what has been talked about in the ability delay bug, which leads me to believe it's not something they'll be able to fix due to the way the hero engine is implemented.


Please enlighten us all with how the Hero Engine is implemented and how the architecture disallows Bioware to fix any bug.

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Notice how few people respond when there's finally good news.



That's cuz the haters and trolls get pissed. They don't actually want Bioware to fix stuff. Heaven forbid. Because then all they are left with is ashhat comments about " should have been fixed in the first place" or " please fix the horrible graphics that look like they came from NES DUCKTAILS GAME" or my personal fav " first fix my FPS which is horrible even tho I'm running the game on a pentium 2 with 64 mb of gaming ram".


Haters gonna hate



But goodstuff bio ware. You guys are putting in work!

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Oh no! First custom UI news, then this? If it actually gets fixed, what will people complain about then? AA! Oh wait, they fixed that too....gosh darn!!




This is great news. I'm glad to see that Bioware is working really hard on this game. Keep it up guys! Glad to know you're listening. All you need to mention now is combat logs and I don't see how anyone can really keep complaining.

Edited by DarrkLore
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"Thanks to constructive feedback from the community..."


He wasn't thanking the tantrum throwers and neither will I. I will, however, thank those of you who actually posted thoughtful, mature, constructive crticism instead of running around like your hair was on fire and someone had shoved a lit M80 in your buttcrack. The tantrum throwers still deserve nothing but flames.


That is all.

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These issues were ALL mentioned in BETA and should have been addressed.


When combined with all of the other factors that are creating significantly imbalanced PvP, BW should be ashamed at the quality of their released and now multi-patched client.



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I'm not sure I was having this exact problem but I did notice some problems with abilities not seeming to work as they did before the last patch once the patch completed. I changed the "Ability Action Queue Window" option in the controls portion of preferences to 0.75 and I haven't seemed to have any problems since I did that.


I thought I would mention it in case it could help somebody else out there.

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Hush fanboys this update was only just announced.


Thanks for the update.


I think this addresses half the problem and I'm grateful for the detailed news. I'm still concerned with the animation and cast bar delays. As a Bounty Hunter unload is just terribly buggy and healing in hard modes/pvp is just too clunky. Most of the time im watching my character and not health bars because watching my character is much more reliable, the cast bar wont appear often and I cant start a cast till my character is a complete standstill! I have noticed instant casts failing alot in pvp too so its half way there for me!


Im gonna hang off subscribing till full changes are implemented or feedback from the test server floods the forum.



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These issues were ALL mentioned in BETA and should have been addressed.


When combined with all of the other factors that are creating significantly imbalanced PvP, BW should be ashamed at the quality of their released and now multi-patched client.




And you don't know how difficult of a fix this was for them. Only they know that. It also may not have been Critical Priority during beta but is critical now.


They are doing fine. Its getting addressed and things are going to be okay.

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And you don't know how difficult of a fix this was for them. Only they know that. It also may not have been Critical Priority during beta but is critical now.


They are doing fine. Its getting addressed and things are going to be okay.


If it wasn't a critical priority then their priorities were very bad.


As far as fixed, I'll believe it when i see it. Which I won't because my sub runs out in 2 days.

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If it wasn't a critical priority then their priorities were very bad.


You know, that's kind of funny, in a trolly sort of way.


You have no way of knowing what their priorities were pre-launch. It's a sure thing there was a lot going on. If it came down to "launch with ability delay" or "don't launch at all," their priorities were just fine.


It's unfortunate it was there, yes, and I'm not saying it's a minor issue. But there could easily have been other more important issues that took precedence over it.

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My video regarding this will come out tonight hopefully and will be posted in the main threadline.


I hope we don't have to go for another two weeks before hearing more, I would love to see more of those people I have been combating for the past 3 weeks in over 7 threads worth of posts about this Issue post in this blog discussion.


Where are you now to tell us to l2p or go back to WoW because the game is designed to delay?....

Where are you now to tell us 0.0 fixes it?

Where are you now claiming that it Is just an isolated issue and your game is fine?

Where are you now calling us a tiny, vocal minority who doesn't really matter?

Where are you now claiming that its our systems?


I could go on... Where are you blinded BioDrones now?



You wanna know who "really" are the ones that love swtor and want it to succeed? You wanna know who really are the ones who care about Bioware and respect them and their work?


It is us, those who are not afraid to voice our concerns, who are not afraid to use strong language towards Bioware when there are clear problems. It is us, who continue to demand better from a company that we believe CAN do better!


To Bioware I would say, I respect you too much to let you get away with these flaws without bringing them to your attention and push you to do better.

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