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Update on Ability Delay from Georg


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This issue is not just linked to dual core cpu's. I run a i7 980X @ 4.6Ghz and still get significant ability delay in pvp.


I even had an instant ability get interrupted (causing a global cooldown lock etc) on ilum yesterday.


Yeah, I'm running an AMD Thuban 2.8 GHz 6 core.

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its not FPS problem, its a problem of exchange of actual world data between the server and the client, and delays in data implementation. It is a problem both of server and client software, and its optimization. What devs admitted is that for 2-core CPUs client software was not properly optimized.

Software optimization is a huge problem for intensive online gaming.


I think you've got the wrong end of the stick. I was responding to someone who I thought had mixed up the devs' response to the fps problem with the devs' response to the ability delay problem.


I'm totally on board with ability delay being the most serious real problem the game has, and happy that the devs seem to be keen to fix it themselves, and are keeping us informed of progress.

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your actually suggesting the customers pc is to blame?.



How about this..........If I race a friend in game (Sprinting) on my screen I win on his screen he wins. who's fault is that? try it!!!!!


Start off on the galactic market then run/sprint around so you come back and on TS or Vent keep talking and ask who is in front.


If you put this into the perspective of PVP when it can be fast paced this will no doubt effect gameplay.


Im on 50mb broadband and friend is on 20mb

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Thank you to all that are in charge, and working on this. The bugs we have now, aren't bothering me at all. You made a great game. I don't have time to be on all day everyday, but to be able to come home and enjoy my SWTOR, my Bounty Hunter..... well, i lost my train of thought, but THANK YOU FOR THIS GAME!:D
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Georg, thanks for the feedback. This is all we want - a little bit of an insight into what's going on. Thanks for letting us know.


I've said it a million times but the perfect responsiveness of your character, particularly in combat, really is the secret recipe to WOW's success as an MMO. I know you all probably know this, but its so important you guys get this right from every perspective - the combat mechanics, the perfect responsiveness of the character in both movement and combat, the sound and graphical feedback you get from your actions, the UI response to inputted commands, and the smoothness of the game (I guess FPS). All these things add up to that magical forumula and if you get these right in unison, you have a thing of beauty. Wow has many flaws, but its smoothness, responsiveness and playability... is a thing of beauty.


I really hope you guys get there too and this game will be a cracker. If you get this right you will buy yourselves time and good will to do all the other garbage that just isn't quite as important just now.

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my subscription ends tomorrow. you just earned my and many more's money with this.

thank you.


now open servers in the middle of europe so we get even smoother gameplay. i played wow with 40 ms(frankfurt servers) but swtor is always 90-150. annoying for competitive pvpers.


ps. i live in eastern europe.


sigh, you're the victim of their ruthless marketing. Don't count on the combat improving. They may reduce the ability lag slightly, but the combat is still going to be horribly slow and clunky.

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As a Trooper, this has definitely been a post of interest- we're feeling a bit off compared to our mirror Bounty Hunter bros and animation issues have definitely been part of that. Especially being a class that's designed to take a lot of hits and the resulting glitches from defensive animations hosing ability use.


It takes good responsiveness to keep a proper rotation working, and stuff like this has been a nagging pain preventing it. Kudos for focusing on a serious problem and letting us know what's up- even if I do feel like a lot of this is beta-ish problems for a live game.

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I am normally very negative towards BW



But I am pleased with what I have read. Acknowledgement of the issue is a very good step. I hope you can deliver what you promise and will get much respect if you do.





Good start bioware, now finish it off.

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This is great News, really, I think im going to read the forums less now. Things were getting so negative. But, after talking with a friend that reminded me about other issues that other games have had, and reading information like this, I'm really looking forward to seeing all this game has to offer. This is really good news! Lets hope it's done right. :)
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If anyone was doubting that it is literally impossible to please many of the haters, just count the posts on this thread accusing BioWare of 'blaming the customer's computer'. What they actually said:


Finally, our engineers have identified an issue introducing a significant delay between player input and ability execution in certain game situations, most notably (but not limited to) fast paced PvP. The magnitude of the delay varies with a number of factors, including processor hardware, but can, especially on dual core CPUs, result in a very perceivable reduction in game responsiveness. We are in the later stages of testing a fix for the problem and hope to be able to roll it out to the servers very soon.


Their engineers found an issue on their end, and they are testing fixes on their end. They wrote bad code, and that coding issue becomes worse when there's a lot for the local client to process (e.g., "fast paced PvP" with lots of other player characters onscreen) and when the local client processes things less quickly to begin with (e.g., slower CPU hardware). Anyone who reads that and claims BioWare is passing the blame to customer hardware issues either has terrible reading comprehension or is being willfully deceitful because they already decided to hate everything BioWare says or does regarding SWTOR. They say they are in the late stages of testing a fix that will significantly improve performance issues that players on slower hardware are experiencing. Trying to spin this as BioWare snubbing customers on the lower end of the system requirements is not just misleading, it's the exact opposite of the truth.


This is why I check the official forums about once a week before leaving in disgust. Everyone interested in having serious, rational conversations about this game, problems and all, has settled on a third party discussion site. All that's left is noobs and nerdrage. It's like Mad Max, but with less guns and more neckbeards.

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Thank you soooo very much.

This update made me so happy :D


That's exactly what I wanted to hear - an update on what's going on. I am really glad you weren't absolutely silent on this matter. I hope you keep on reporting on what's going on in the future too!


Best of luck.

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Remember how stages of development and fixing works.


Problem occurs.

Problem is reported.


Devs take the problem then find every situation this problem can occur under. This can take the most time because of the different variables and scenarios.


Devs put fixes into alpha. We do not see this. This is also called internal testing.


Internal testers then relay feed back to the Devs.


Devs improve upon and sends out for testing again.


This phase can last weeks to make sure when it come out on PTR.


PTR is the stress test since the alpha/internal testers don't have every single computer spec available to them to test on.


If it passes the PTR it goes to live.


My brother in law does internal testing for a living.. The man can go from looking healthy to ragged in a week.. It's a rough job since you have to test out every thing that the devs give you which can be a book of things to do. Even then bugs get to live .

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"Thanks to constructive feedback from the community, (and great videos)...."


You mean you didn't nail that **** in the development process? You know - making your game work before allowing people to pay for it?


lol, nice attempt at looking good doing what you should have done.

Edited by Mackuss
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