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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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Thinking of switching from month to month to 6 month.


Yes the game was buggy, these fixes are coming out weekly. Wow takes a month to patch even the smallest friggin thing.


IMO these guys are busting thier butts getting this game playable and I personally commend them for it.


They fixed follow last patch too!

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Generally can't wait for the March update. Loved the SI 1-50. Now currently lvl 25 with my SW and enjoying that story too. Hoping to get my BH to lvl 50 also by march.


Loved the flashpoints and enjoying Ilum/Belsavis dailies.


Space will keep me ticking over though I sure miss my SWG TIE Defender (and JTL in general).

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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I'm a month-by-month but barring extreme issues I am in for the long haul.


The legacy system seems really cool and is what I'm most excited for. It'd actually give me a legitimate excuse to roll a female character without feeling like a creeper.

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Here :(

I wanted to drop my subscription down to one month as I fear for the life of this game. I like it but I got a feeling funding and resources will be pulled once we start seeing an exodus. I wanted to drop down to a month by month so I could get out while the getting is good but I forgot to do it.

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I've got a couple six month subs. Alts and all that.


I'm really looking forward to what's coming during that time, and really enjoying the game at this point. Ability delay is getting on my nerves a bit, along with some other bugs, but they've been mostly minor, and I'm hoping the next big patch wipes out that first issue for good.


Anyway, I'm optimistic, and I think I have good reason to be. I've been through enough MMO launches to know this launch was a little rockier than it could have been, but far from a disaster, and I'm having fun.


I'm already pretty confident I'll be resubbing on both of them come June. I'm not at all worried about the game -- based on everything I've seen, it's in no danger at all of going away any time soon.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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Whats the cost save for doing 6 mos vs 1 mo? I never used to do long term subs but Wow suckering me in with free D3. Might go longer here as well. Im on mo to mo now.


It's usually not -That- much in terms of cost savings..usually like 2 dollars a month (per month) for the long term plan.


I just prefer the flexibility of cancelling if my computer busts, I lose the ability to play for awhile, etc.

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Where you at?


Ignore the people who quit like two days ago and still continue to post here.


Can't wait for the new legacy system as well as the guild bank.

What about you guys?


I'm getting battlemaster in about 27k valor and I'm raiding atm, so basically for the other days an alt would be nice, about time.^^ Now if they only gave us info on legacy character creation I just might wait to lvl my alt. Would be nice to know what's coming up in order to not regret putting time into it.

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Where you at?


Ignore the people who quit like two days ago and still continue to post here.


Can't wait for the new legacy system as well as the guild bank.

What about you guys?

I'm here, and so's the wife!


I've got not problems waiting for the new legacy system and well as the guild bank... just enjoying taking my time and soaking in what I feel is the first true MMORPG. :tran_angel:

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I was a 6 month subscriber until about 10 minutes ago.


Why the change? Basically, because I just found out about the nerf to Ops and Scoundrels.... they are screwing around with class balance when there is no need (apart from appeasing the vocal minority who see good players pvp videos and assume that the class is overpowered).


I had enough of this in WoW, and all it leads to is an ever-running saga of nerfing other classes to compensate.


This game has the most balanced pvp classes I've ever seen. Literally every class has strengths and weaknesses that equalise nicely. (Yes, even Ops and Scoundrels, if you disagree, you haven't played either).


This isn't an "I'm quitting" post, as I have only moved to a 1 month sub, and I'm also an active member in a well-known fan site guild, so I've invested far too much time to just quit, however, my faith in this game and Bioware has been been shaken.

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