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what's the point of bounty hunters having jetpacks if they barely use them?


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It would be awesome even if the jetpacks just prevented falling damage. I'm a BH and falling to my death, got this great flying thingy on my back. Nah to much effort to hit the button. Splat.


this is a good point. when a BH is about to hit the ground they should fire their jetpack for a few seconds and land gracefully. make it like a 30% chance to proc or something though so it doesn't happen all the time, but when it does it looks ******

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I am not very happy with the Bounty Hunter class at all, it was the only class i wanted to play in this game.


Where is my carbine rifle?


Why does my jet pack not work? (exzcept for 2 attack animations?)


After the main quest, I was hoping to get real Bounty missions..


I dont feel like a Bounty Hunter, roaming the galaxy in my piece of junk starship, going to remote places for my next target.


For myself the lackluster feeling i get while playing my BH is why i unsubbed, i'll check in a month or 2 and see how things have changed

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It would be awesome even if the jetpacks just prevented falling damage. I'm a BH and falling to my death, got this great flying thingy on my back. Nah to much effort to hit the button. Splat.


Yeah that would definitely be nice. And it's not so much of a big deal that it would make it OP either.

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I already see how this is going to play out:


PvE'er: Let's give bounty hunters jetpack abilities! It would be cool if it has a short range flight w/ a 30s cooldown!


PvP'er: It would be cool, but you would have to do something to compensate the republic for this. It'll be overpowered in PvP.


PvE'er: Stupid elitist pvp jerk! Ruining pve fun!


PvP'er: How is that stupid? L2P!


And it spirals out of control from here.


I'm open for this suggestion as long as it stays balanced for both sides.


I think they should just make it like a class restricted mount. Dont have to be flying all over the place, but give it the same properties of a mount and I would be happy.

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I'll give the BH perma fly when they give smugs the ability to charm their way through any enemy without fighting. Yes, even Rakghouls and droids.


also, Jedi's and Force Persuade "This isnt the target you're looking for" *Rakghoul runs away*

Edited by Clova
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...That & DFA is not justification enough for the remaining five specs to have to lug that clunky thing on their back around all the time.




Whoah! Wait just a second! How could I have overlooked that the Jetpack is a large, clunky piece of equipment that we literally have to carry around? The strain of 'lugging' it around is certainly unfair to the Bounty Hunter class.


This is simply unacceptable. You have shown me the light. Thank you.

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Whoah! Wait just a second! How could I have overlooked that the Jetpack is a large, clunky piece of equipment that we literally have to carry around? The strain of 'lugging' it around is certainly unfair to the Bounty Hunter class.


This is simply unacceptable. You have shown me the light. Thank you.


It looks clunky and they're always having to wear it. If it's not going to be functional, why even have it on the model?


Visual style =\= physical strain

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Obviously people don't pay attention or actually ready posts...


I have said this in another thread and I will echo it here.



Force users = Force jump USABLE OUT OF COMBAT

BH/Mando = Jump Packs/boots USABLE OUT OF COMBAT

Agent/Smug = Grappling hook USABLE OUT OF COMBAT (as seen in Episode 1-2)


Decent distance (at least one level of a building)

reasonable cool down/overheat/exhaustion timer/bar.

Would make getting to some datacrons and other areas of the maps interesting. Give reason to extremely high ceilings in many interiors.


Some cases faster then running up ramps/steps/elevators.


These all see feasible/logical to me.

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why not a leap ability? it gives a targeting circle, you click where you want to fly to and the jetpack takes you up there, 30 sec cooldown? 15ft distance?


I don't even play imperial and I think this would be cool for bounty hunters


You know what devs would actually have done this from the start, I do :D


Like for thr devs one of there classes, they use rifle to blast them up into the air and do a ground AOE stomp, pretty epic IMO.


I won't name the devs or the game cause then it'd turn into a vs thread, but I pretty sure they'd do it with the BH if they did SWTOR lol.


This idea is good and isn't OP as long as other classes get something to counter this or similar ability, but that's if it were skilled based.

Edited by Ryzerion
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Almost the first thing i thought when playing my BH,

was that it would be so cool if you could do a double jump.

Normal jump and then "rocket jump".

Or hover a while in the air. Even if it would serve no purpose, like give you an advantage in pvp/pve. It would still be really cool.

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Powertechs use three abilities that need the jetpack, which is plenty. And if I have a Merc, I'd probably look for armor without a jetpack anyway. I'd want to look more like this...




Love Cad Bane. The funny thing is, they gave that outfit to smugglers, but Bane was a bounty hunter...


The Wild West look is more appropriate for hunters anwyay. I just don't understand the design decision behind giving this look to the smugglers when it could have given another distinct look to hunters other than, "Hey! I'm a Mandalorian!"

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youd think you'd be able to use it to fly around and gain an aerial advantage but instead it just sits there is used in a few animations and like one move. seriously bioware!?


Shoulder slam uses the jetpack to propel your heavily armored shoulder into a mob.

Flame sweep uses the jetpack to spin you quickly while flame shoots out of your wrist.

Jet boost uses the jetpack to knock away nearby enemies.

Death from above uses to the jetpack to give you height to rain rockets and blaster fire on a wide area.

Rocket punch uses the jetpack to propel you fist first into someones chin.

Jet charge uses the jetpack to jump you to an enemy.


That plenty.

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They are as functional in the game as they ever where in the movies. Live with it.


Except they aren't.


The Bounty Hunter class is a joke.

The single unique element in gameplay terms that makes the class stand out from other classes is only used for some special effects to cast abilities that could just as easily be case while standing on the ground or on higher terrain for a few moments.


The moment I found out the jetpack does absolutely nothing I was put off from ever playing the class. It's a carbon copy of all the other pistol wielding ranged classes, unfortunately.

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BH should get slow fall on a long timer.




I have often thought (as I foolishly jump off of very high things) "Why must I take all of this damage when I land? I have a jet pack on my back".


I mean, would a slow fall ability really overbalance the game? I don't think BH jetpacks are designed for sustained flight. Both Boba Fett and Jango Fett only used them for short bursts in the movies. Still, it's unfortunate that the jet pack jump is limited to the Powermech tree, since it makes so much sense in general. I suppose that the other specializations would rarely want to get in Melee.

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So many trolls in here.


I do also find it weird that those jetpacks are barely ever in use. What can you do...


You didn't read the 2nd or third post in the thread, freaking jetpack leap ability, that envovles position and time equates to skill.


Though the way the combat system is over all is why it wouldn't work, unfortunately.


Flying is a no no but is't even more of a no no when it's not skill base and one can't really dodge bullets and they do damage before hitting the target.


Hybrid hotkey/action games could do this in a MMO and some are in fact except it's not flying it's a boost jump. Because the victim can dodge and damage only starts if the attack literally touches the victum which that would make it balance since the other classes have same freedom in abilities.

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Anyone remember Jedi Academy?

There was a level in that game where you confront Boba Fett. He pretty much flies around the whole level.


Not just hopping and skipping around but literally hovering and flying around, most of the time.


Of course, you couldn't kill him, just wound him to avoid him while you diffused some bombs or something like that.


Anyways, there is precedent for flight duration for jetpacks.


That said, it would not work in this game.

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