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what's the point of bounty hunters having jetpacks if they barely use them?


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For a mount? Maybe a bit far.


For a sprint? I can definitely see it. Why not? Sprint is free. It has no advantages once you're actually fighting someone because it's turned off.


This way, BH have no advantages over everyone else, aside from looking cool by gliding 2 ft off the ground.

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So who saw lasts weeks Clone Wars episode with Death Watch?


Bet you all watched that, jumped on TOR, logged your BH and was like ***. I did.


Anywho, There are a number of attacks that the jet pack is used with and its pretty cool. But we have to keep in mind what would be OP and how it factors in with our mirror class. Those fat stupid troopers.


A jetpack based ability I would like to see would be like Feline Grace or Safe Fall from WoW. For the non-WOW crowd they were passive abilities a Druid in Cat Form or Rogue had. They increased the distance you could fall before you took falling damage. If your thinking, *** is the point of that, you clearly don't spend as much time running off cliffs, jumping off building and walkways as I do. Would be cool if the jetpack was utilized to slow my descent. Troopers can have a mirror ability, it would be their tear soaked pillow they land on.


Of course this doesn't remove all fall damage, just gives me an extra 10meters or so. Example a Sith Warrior and I jump off a cliff, it does 50% of his HP damage to him, for me I take say 35% of my HP.

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Love Cad Bane. The funny thing is, they gave that outfit to smugglers, but Bane was a bounty hunter...


The Wild West look is more appropriate for hunters anwyay. I just don't understand the design decision behind giving this look to the smugglers when it could have given another distinct look to hunters other than, "Hey! I'm a Mandalorian!"


My BH has that look, or close to it. A red trench coat and the oriental looking wok helmet.

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That is one spec, out of six. That & DFA is not justification enough for the remaining five specs to have to lug that clunky thing on their back around all the time.


I do not understand why anyone would fight against having more cool-looking animations.




To use your own logic, if you wanted to run around on the ground all of the time, you should have rolled a Marauder. Bounty Hunters have jet packs; they should have more animations involving them. To not do so is wasted opportunity and potential.


My trooper has a comm pack on his back most of the time. Why can't I make long-distance calls to the Emperor?? :rolleyes:

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Anyone remember Jedi Academy?

There was a level in that game where you confront Boba Fett. He pretty much flies around the whole level.


Not just hopping and skipping around but literally hovering and flying around, most of the time.


Of course, you couldn't kill him, just wound him to avoid him while you diffused some bombs or something like that.


Anyways, there is precedent for flight duration for jetpacks.


That said, it would not work in this game.

Isn't he supposed to be dead at that point in time?

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Isn't he supposed to be dead at that point in time?


Not dead. Just not born yet.


EDIT: nvm. read that wrong the first time, thought you said at *this* point in time, referring to in this game. Ugh. I need to learn to drink coffee when I wake up. :o

Edited by stoopidboiy
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The biggest problem, and it's a big one, is that if you change player mobility you literally have to comb over every square inch of terrain to make sure players can't either exploit or grief or otherwise take advantage of it. This is because the world was designed without this, so you can't just throw it in there.


Same thing happened in WoW for the longest. Everyone wanted to be able to fly in the non-expansion original world. Since the terrain was never designed for that it was put off. Then it came out in BC. That's years of waiting for one simple thing.

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OK, just remember you asked for it. Don't complian when BW shoves your chracter inside a huge GAS TANK to fuel the jet pack. You can have new cool abilities with your new flying gas can caracter like:



Roll downhill!

Camoflage (amongst other gas cans)



Seriously where would you put all the fuel/batteries to power the darn thing??

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I'd be all for BH's getting "mounts" that are actually jet-assisted movement, much along the lines of their self-heal- boosted ground speed and FX added when using a jump. Of course, they could always choose a conventional speeder instead for the same effects. I wouldn't mind seeing them get a "slow fall" ability as well.


True flight would be awesome, but I don't think SWTOR is designed for it. City of Heroes, this is not and datacron hunting would become incredibly trivial with the extra movement ability.


(And not surprisingly, they took out the ability to force-leap to those holographic dancers. Three guesses how that got exploited.)

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why not a leap ability? it gives a targeting circle, you click where you want to fly to and the jetpack takes you up there, 30 sec cooldown? 15ft distance?


I don't even play imperial and I think this would be cool for bounty hunters

That'd be awesome. Mirrored classes be damned.
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The biggest problem, and it's a big one, is that if you change player mobility you literally have to comb over every square inch of terrain to make sure players can't either exploit or grief or otherwise take advantage of it. This is because the world was designed without this, so you can't just throw it in there.


Same thing happened in WoW for the longest. Everyone wanted to be able to fly in the non-expansion original world. Since the terrain was never designed for that it was put off. Then it came out in BC. That's years of waiting for one simple thing.

Haha I was trying to explain this to people on the forums for a long time.

Ever been riding on your ground mount pass over a block of wood and get dismounted? Imagine that WAYYYYYY up there.

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i have said this in another thread and i will echo it here.



Force users = force jump usable out of combat


bh/mando = jump packs/boots out of combat


agent/smug = grappling hook (as seen in episode 1-2)


decent distance (at least one level of a building) reasonable cool down/overheat/exhaustion timer/bar.


Would make getting to some datacrons and other areas of the maps interesting. Give reason to extremely high ceilings in many interiors.


Some cases faster then running up ramps/steps/elevators.


These all see feasible/logical to me.




Jetpack isnt used for travel even in PnP SW.

Edited by Satanski
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1.) These are not the flying jetpacks from 1950's news clips. Many people seem to equate the notion of a jetpack with the ability to fly around, an idea several excitable newscasters claimed might be possible some day in various black and white news clips from the 1950's and 60's. Add to that the comic book adventures of The Rocketman and you might gain a completely unrealistic expectation of what a working jetpack can do. A jetpack, at best, can lift it's load for a limited distance. Star Wars adheres to this principle, where we see jetpack users such as Boba & Jango Fett, or ARC Troopers only making relatively short leaps.


2. The Bounty Hunter class already has a jetpack based jump ability. It's the "Jet Charge" talent for Powertech tanks, under the Shield Tech tree. Want to jump at a target, roll a Powertech.


3. I enjoy size 3 fonts and orange text formatting.Isn't it obvious? Looks very nice against the blue background of the forums. Good stuff.


4. Death From Above kicks *****. Oh yeah it does, great ranged AOE damage. This single ability is so cool it alone is reason enough to roll a Bounty Hunter.


I wish there was a POTD feature on this site. Bravo!

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  • 1 month later...

I just really would like my Bounty Hunter to have an ability that is like 'Force Sprint' which uses the jetpack, even if it was an ability out of combat.


And/Or to have an ability which i can click on and for the next 15 seconds if i am about to take fall damage my jetpack will save me, with an over 1 minute cooldown, even with a 10 minute cooldown this can be useful when you slipped and are just waiting death on impact.


And/Or i would like to see some sort of ability used in and/or out of combat that just fires you up into the air about 10 feet high and 5 feet forwards while you are in the air. just to have a nice piece of movement even if you go at 50% speed in the air it could be the Bounty Hunters way of moving over objects like the fire in Hutt Ball.


Another thing i would like to just point out is while everyone is saying that Bounty Hunters should only have a small amount of usage for their jetpack because the film bounty hunters did look at the short film they made called decieved, that bounty hunter is pretty high up, wonder how she got their? <-- so yeah, we could have some use of our jetpacks to get to higher plat forms from time to time..


And sorry to anyone who complains this topic finished a month ago but i wasn't playing the game then so i didnt really have the opportunity to post my thoughts :csw_fett:

Edited by Xancaster
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