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If this game dies I personally blame the doomsayers and whiners.


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Why does it deserve the criticism? How in the name of Ganesh could BW have forseen half the bugs/exploits that came to bare after launch? Is this your first MMO? Every MMO since meridian 54 has had some sort of bug after launch. An MMO will never ever ever be perfect out the gate. Variables (unforseen and otherwise) will happen



Because for the most part, the testing process was extremely inadequate. Also, many of the problems aren't bug related, they are feature related. The UI for starters is ridiculous.

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The game will fail because of things that acutally have nothing to do with the game itself. The laucher sent me corrupted files during the patching process and crash thus blocking me from playing right as my sub was about to end, doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise I will not be wasting my time trying to get it to work.


Um. WoW did the same thing to me on my OS X install.


Yeah yeah I know what you are say "Use Windows". I do, in fact, after that incident.


My point it, it also happens to the best of them.

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Here is a tip to ANYBODY: If you are even somewhat interested in anything, give it a try. Do not listen to whiners or reviews.


That advice is only valid when the game in question has a free trial. Telling someone to spend $60 just because they MIGHT like it is bullcrap.

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How are developers supposed to know whether their game is meeting the paying public's expectations without honest feedback? Would you prefer everyone to post that everything is hunky dory while at the very same time, quietly cancelling their subscriptions?


Honestly though... the majority of the folks who give feedback on this forum as to why they're leaving are forgetting to provide very important details about their bugs...


for example :


"I'm leaving because some of my abilities don't work."


Is pointless...


What abilities?

What class are you playing?

Does this happen in certain situations or locations?




Other people are also rage quitting and posting rather immature responses ... which I can't blame Bioware for disregarding...

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That advice is only valid when the game in question has a free trial. Telling someone to spend $60 just because they MIGHT like it is bullcrap.


What about movies? They do not have free trials and I liked movies that receive 4/10. Trailers do not really show what the movie will be about 90% of the time. I have seen BAAAAD trailers and the movie turns out excellent. And I have seen it the other way.

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If this game dies I personally blame the doomsayers and whiners. Every damn day I log in here expecteing to see an actual conversation about the game and all I can see is “BW will fail”, “here is why I am unsubbing”. That and the rampant various doom saying is intolerable! In my head any bit of bad news relating to BW in regards to systems going wrong or patches not working is met with glee by the haters on the forums.


They love making entire threads about how the game will fail. They revel in make believe conspiracy theories and heresay. Now you may ask “hey Moroder if the game fails how is this their fault?”. Simple- If i was thinking of trying ToR and decide to have a look at the forums. If i seen the amount of bile and verbal excrement on the forum about how supposedly bad the game is, there is no way I would subscribe. I guarantee you that has happened at least once since the games launch.


Now before you say “forums/my right to vent/rant/criticize etc etc”, I agree –yes it is. I do not agree with the overblown hyper bole and stupid conspiracy threads about how BW and EA are satan incarnate. How pushing a patch back is to make sure people resub, or disappearing resub buttons etc. Look I worked as a GM in wow. I can tell you whole heartedly that the simplest explanation as to why something has gone wrong is usually the right answer.


I don’t want to be playing in a graveyard in the next 3 months because , the minority that takes so much pleasure in the downfall of a game have made the voice heard.


The so called doomsayers and whiners are an insignificant speck of dust in relation to the entire player base which knows better than to associate ittsself with the forums.

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If this game fails it falls squarely on BW. They created the game they're the ones responsible for the success or failure of this game.




The OP has so much fanboy syndrome it's weird... The whiners and complainers kill TOR? Your joking? WOW has more complaints than this! Go, look at their forum RIGHT NOW to prove how stupid your post is.



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Honestly though... the majority of the folks who give feedback on this forum as to why they're leaving are forgetting to provide very important details about their bugs...


for example :


"I'm leaving because some of my abilities don't work."


Is pointless...


What abilities?

What class are you playing?

Does this happen in certain situations or locations?




Other people are also rage quitting and posting rather immature responses ... which I can't blame Bioware for disregarding...


Great points, but you missed one.


I would say the majority of players report bugs in game not on the forums which receives little attention from Developers, well in game doesn't either, that might be part of the issue.

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Behind every big failure there is always a gaggle of apologist. Generally those are the ones that precipitated the fall faster by allowing the failing party to believe there was no trouble lying in wait.


Where is this quote from? Drain Bamage...

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If the game fails it will be BW's fault alone. We all bought the game, spent our money and have played it. We did our part. The part about providing a game that is playable and fair is up to the people who run it.


Want an example of why it will be Biowares fault? Just look at the thread about the changes to the cooldown timers, that nobody was asking for. The game has been made more difficult to play by Bioware and despite a collection of pages of complaints, BW has been silent.


This is their fault

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Yes--It is definitely the fault of the game players that TOR has done so badly. The game players should play this steaming pile and like it!! How dare they complain about the game not meeting expectations. EA is not to blame in the least for pushing this pile of crud out the door before it was ready.
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If this game dies I personally blame the doomsayers and whiners. Every damn day I log in here expecteing to see an actual conversation about the game and all I can see is “BW will fail”, “here is why I am unsubbing”. That and the rampant various doom saying is intolerable! In my head any bit of bad news relating to BW in regards to systems going wrong or patches not working is met with glee by the haters on the forums.


They love making entire threads about how the game will fail. They revel in make believe conspiracy theories and heresay. Now you may ask “hey Moroder if the game fails how is this their fault?”. Simple- If i was thinking of trying ToR and decide to have a look at the forums. If i seen the amount of bile and verbal excrement on the forum about how supposedly bad the game is, there is no way I would subscribe. I guarantee you that has happened at least once since the games launch.


Now before you say “forums/my right to vent/rant/criticize etc etc”, I agree –yes it is. I do not agree with the overblown hyper bole and stupid conspiracy threads about how BW and EA are satan incarnate. How pushing a patch back is to make sure people resub, or disappearing resub buttons etc. Look I worked as a GM in wow. I can tell you whole heartedly that the simplest explanation as to why something has gone wrong is usually the right answer.


I don’t want to be playing in a graveyard in the next 3 months because , the minority that takes so much pleasure in the downfall of a game have made the voice heard.


I read the title of your thread and the last paragraph and already I know the rest isn't worth reading. If you want to blame the players, no matter who they may be, for ruining a game then there's not much hope for you. The game lives or dies on its own merits, not on what some internet turds have to say about it. Oh, and you need a reality check when it comes to the "vocal minority" horse ****. This stupid concept has been debunked in enough MMO's to make the idea of it patently false. Stop pinning your hopes on the idea that hopefully people's complaints are just the minority. Maybe they are, but history might say it's just as likely the local community isn't the minority.

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If this game dies

It's already dead for me and its not a game its unfinished project they rushed to suck money from my pocket and others, do you think it even diverse 85/100 ?

a broken game in many aspect, yes MMO's might come with "some" bugs at release but not a fail in it engine and texture !!! not delay in ability and so on the list so big I'm saying it's full of bugs from day one not few bugs.

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If this game dies I personally blame the doomsayers and whiners.


Yeah, nobody minds criticisms and statements of opinion and feeling (that's valuable feedback for BW), it's the juvenile hyperbole and pseudo-expertise that gets on one's nerves.


Nevertheless, it's highly unlikely that forums are a cause of anything, they're merely a symptom.


Most of the criticisms are BS, but two issues that have attracted mega threads with many different participants (rather than worked-up threads with the "usual suspects") are ability delay and fps problems on high end systems.


These are the only two really serious problems the game has, IMHO - but they are really serious, and need to be sorted out asap. If they're not, within a couple of months at the outside, then the doomsayers may, I'm afraid, be right in the end.


Which would be such a shame, because the game is great in so many other ways.

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