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Did you read the patch notes today?


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Why dont they just roll back everyone's valor to how it was pre-patch, apologize but explain it had to be done to preserve balance, and give everyone a free day of game time as a token of sincerity.


because that is completely unnecessary. people didn't earn ANYWHERE near as much valor as they would have you believe, there were no instant battle masters, and the few that actually did manage to rack up huge amounts of valor are being dealt with.

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Why dont they just roll back everyone's valor to how it was pre-patch, apologize but explain it had to be done to preserve balance, and give everyone a free day of game time as a token of sincerity.


Because far more people gained valor legitimately than illegitimately, and that would punish players who'd done nothing wrong.


On top of that, it's not really that big a deal to begin with.

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Why would they complain? They were exploiting a glitch in the game to get that valor. BW is doing it case by case, so someone running WZ all day other then camping a spawn isn't getting rolled back.


I can see you are really upset about the botched patch. How about calming down and THINKING!?


Why would they complain? Have you not seen the dozens of imp kiddies complaining about how unfair it'll be if they get their Valor gained from Ilum spawn camping reset? You can bet your *** they'll complain if it were to ever actually happen.

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They never removed a single point of Valor. You can live in fantasy land all you want, but people stuck in reality land know the truth. There is zero evidence of any valor having been removed and I repeat this for emphasis - zero.




LOL at your sig...


"No rollbacks no resubs! Spread the word!

Fire Gabe Amatangelo! Remember 1/18/2011! "



Really dude? HAHA, It ain't THAT big of a deal. So what, maybe a couple hundred ppl got more valor than usuall. I was there, I gained a couple levels, big whoop. If you're not resubbing, I hope ppl like you all leave after tomorrow, there is no longer any reason for you or folks like you to be here, wouldn't you agree?


Good luck to you and those like yourself, on your gaming search for the perfect MMO, because as far as I see, this is the best one out atm. But we all have our opinions, you voiced yours, and so have I.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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They never removed a single point of Valor. You can live in fantasy land all you want, but people stuck in reality land know the truth. There is zero evidence of any valor having been removed and I repeat this for emphasis - zero.


Dude, you must be tired after polling every single person playing this game...thanks for taking the time to do the 100% verification of every single account...do you do birthday parties also??? I bet Santa could use your instantaneous polling abilities...you should hit him up...!!! :)

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You must have missed the guy ranting and raving about his valor getting reset, though BW admitted this.kids shouldn't have been. They did say they were reverting valor gains on a case by case scenario.


You must have missed where the dev came on to that same post and said his valor was not touched or reset


Don't believe me? Check the Dev tracker

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If he were lying than the yellow writer who said they are looking into the mistake was also lying in the same thread? It's in the Dev tracker.


Let me explain this to you, bluntly.


1. Poster exploits Ilum spawn camping gaining ridiculous amounts of valor for an entire day.

2. Poster hears that Bioware might reset Valor gained in that manner.

3. Poster reads forums and sees massive outcry over Valor not being reset.

4. Poster fabricates a scenario where he had his Valor unjustifiably reset.

5. Bioware staff member reads thread and says they're looking into to it to save face.

6. Poster was successful at fooling many outraged posters into believing action was being taken against people who exploited Valor gain on Ilum by spawn camping.

7. Action is never actually taken, merely damage control and empty promises.


Hey ZaneKaiser, we just checked with our ToS team and no action was taken against you. Our team is actively investigating those that took extreme advantage of the situation on Ilum, but you, personally, have not been actioned against. However, due to the misinformation that you have posted, your post has been reported to our community forum team and they will take action, per our forum rules.


Looks like somebody owes me an apology.

Edited by TheRealBrave
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I cant wait for the 14 year old idiots to unsub, just thinking of greener pastures!


Games been out 1 month, we have had 6 patches. Neck yourself if you cant see the good in that.




ppl just dont get it. xbox generation kids that only pvp. they want plug n play. they dont understand pc gaming at all, and yet all claim to be "web designers" and qualified computer techs and industry leading game designers.

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You probably work for BW with your view of how to fix things.


You clearly don't work in software.


Pulling the servers down would not make the issues easier to fix. It would, in fact, make it a whole hell of a lot harder once they're not getting data back from their metrics. It would also needlessly punish players who are not having these problems - most of the time, when an issue makes it to live it's due to prioritization or not presenting itself until then (and you can't duplicate live in testing. You can get sort of close, but anything else is utterly impossible).


Further, pulling the servers down would not take away the majority of the costs. And it would nix the income used to pay those costs. It also wouldn't free people up to work on solving the issues, because the people who do that aren't at all connected to having the servers running.


In conclusion, whatever experience you're drawing on is either utterly irrelevant or something you have completely failed to learn the lesson of.

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You must have missed where the dev came on to that same post and said his valor was not touched or reset


Don't believe me? Check the Dev tracker


You mean this post? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1898519#edit1898519


That's still no proof that no action has, will, has not, or will not be taken against people who exploited the situation.

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Unless its fixed I for one will choose not to PVP anymore.. Its just that simple for me anyhow. To much of unfair advantage handed over to the imps. On our server which is 6-1 pop wize. Heck just look at my mirror class the conslar and the sorc. there lighning is instant my potty has a flight time. See which side the Devs favored all along.
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Something broke, they fessed up, shutdown the ability to grief/exploit once they realized it and then immediately patched the problem AND rolled back Valor points.


Did they fix EVERYTHING overnight?


No, but they did the right thing here.


Some people never want to see the positive.


Tell me what part of this particular fix did they do the WRONG thing?


Sir, BioWare is the wrong company to create, develop, and maintain an MMO.


Do you think James Olson is sitting around smiling over the reviews / vibe people have of this game? Unfortunately for him, he will most likely be looking for another job. EA won't put up with this. Loss of money to EA = restructuring takes place.


This game will have new developers when it goes F2P in the next few months..

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You mean this post? http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1898519#edit1898519


That's still no proof that no action has, will, has not, or will not be taken against people who exploited the situation.


That was my point, probably should have stated it wasn't the kids story that I was pointing out but the devs statement in itself. I'm betting the devs are finding no one gained a ton of valor as being claimed to have happened.

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Let me explain this to you, bluntly.


1. Poster exploits Ilum spawn camping gaining ridiculous amounts of valor for an entire day.

2. Poster hears that Bioware might reset Valor gained in that manner.

3. Poster reads forums and sees massive outcry over Valor not being reset.

4. Poster fabricates a scenario where he had his Valor unjustifiably reset.

5. Bioware staff member reads thread and says they're looking into to it to save face.

6. Poster was successful at fooling many outraged posters into believing action was being taken against people who exploited Valor gain on Ilum by spawn camping.

7. Action is never actually taken, merely damage control and empty promises.




Looks like somebody owes me an apology.


You are off the wall. There isn't a point to argue against that because no one actually knows what BW did, other than what they said they will do. If you want to believe that is false, so be it. Just please get off the forums if aren't playing the game.

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You are off the wall. There isn't a point to argue against that because no one actually knows what BW did, other than what they said they will do. If you want to believe that is false, so be it. Just please get off the forums if aren't playing the game.


Off the wall? What I said was entirely true. That poster did in fact entirely fabricate his story.

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and how exactly are you able to prove this?


let me get this straight. we are supposed to assume that bioware isn't telling us the truth, but we are also supposed to assume that you, some random nobody is?


you sure you aren't spouting more forum BS, like turrets giving valor, and all the other nonsense that shows up?


A. A mod already said they didnt like 2 hours ago.

B. No where did they say "we have rolled players back", they might have said they would, but they didn't say they have.

C. Face palm.

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shows how little you know. this is so, so far from reality it makes me chuckle when reading it. it also makes me ignore everything you have to say on the matter as you are clearly clueless.


there are 2 million ppl playing the game. enjoying it. having a great time. taking the game offline to make make 500 ppl feel better and get the fixes THEY wont put in is insane. it makes NO SENSE. i will say it again. the ppl who think this game is broken are the MINORITY. stop fooling yourselves into thinking you are the majority just because you are loud and post the most on the forums. read the letters to the editor of your local paper. how many are positive? yeah...see....negative ppl are far more vocal than positive ppl.


the 2million + enjoying this game are too busy playing it to bother coming to the general forum and posting "game is exactly what i expected, alot of fun, having a great time. that is all"


lol. No. They haven't even sold 2 million copies and your laughably absurd claims was the worst kind of fanboy denialism flying in the face of facts..


Their initital sales were about 1.237 million with pre-orders and first week copies. 269k the next week. 95k the third. It sold 21K copiesthe first week of January. It didn't even make Top-40 which required, last week, sales of just over 47,000 units.



That's why the analysts downgraded EA. They look at the sales numbers. They know what 21K sales means. Even if you and the other people in denial don't.


They also look at server numbers. Which, if you'd seen the server data, you'd know the sever populations have dropped in population by 50% in the past three weeks as huge swaths of 'the silent 95%' seem to be moving on or are already getting plain old BORED and finding other things to do...


Three weeks ago Thursday night at this time: 800K concurrent users.

Tonight at this time: 400K concurrent users.



That's why people who say this game appears doomed to fail are probably right. This is no WoW. If you're sales drop to 21K in AAA release this early -- YOU ARE ALMOST CERTAINLY DONE AS A VIABLE EXPANSION-CAPABLE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. You have, to be blunt, screwed the pooch with a massive sales drop-off like this.


And it's NEVER going to be a WoW killer. That's for sure. At 21K a week, with no drops, it will take an additional 309 weeks (almost six years) for SWTOR to have as many subs as WoW got in one year. Do you think nobody is going to cancel in the next six years?


I'd be curious if this game will have a population as large as LOTRO (350k subs plus all the F2P people) in a year. So deny all you want. Pretend you've got 2 million fellow players.


And enjoy your river... The one called De' Nile. The one not bothered by analytics that say RED FLAG RED FLAG RED FLAG.


Nope, it's all unicorns and fairies in the garden...

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You'll notice there are 22 different analysts that submit ratings to market watch about EA.


21 of them suggest a Buy or Hold. 1 suggests a Sell.


You'll also notice that 1 month ago, and 3 months ago, there were more analysts with a Sell rating. Thats before analysts had subscription or sales numbers. That would suggest he is isolated in his opinion, and people arent flocking to recommend people dump the stock. Also, its important to note he lowered the rating from OVERWEIGHT to BUY, not to SELL.


This guy was trying to make waves. All he did was fool some people on an internet forum.

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lol. No. They haven't even sold 2 million copies and your laughably absurd claims was the worst kind of fanboy denialism flying in the face of facts..


Their initital sales were about 1.237 million with pre-orders and first week copies. 269k the next week. 95k the third. It sold 21K copiesthe first week of January. It didn't even make Top-40 which required, last week, sales of just over 47,000 units.



That's why the analysts downgraded EA. They look at the sales numbers. They know what 21K sales means. Even if you and the other people in denial don't.


They also look at server numbers. Which, if you'd seen the server data, you'd know the sever populations have dropped in population by 50% in the past three weeks as huge swaths of 'the silent 95%' seem to be moving on or are already getting plain old BORED and finding other things to do...


Three weeks ago Thursday night at this time: 800K concurrent users.

Tonight at this time: 400K concurrent users.



That's why people who say this game appears doomed to fail are probably right. This is no WoW. If you're sales drop to 21K in AAA release this early -- YOU ARE ALMOST CERTAINLY DONE AS A VIABLE EXPANSION-CAPABLE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. You have, to be blunt, screwed the pooch with a massive sales drop-off like this.


And it's NEVER going to be a WoW killer. That's for sure. At 21K a week, with no drops, it will take an additional 309 weeks (almost six years) for SWTOR to have as many subs as WoW got in one year. Do you think nobody is going to cancel in the next six years?


I'd be curious if this game will have a population as large as LOTRO (350k subs plus all the F2P people) in a year. So deny all you want. Pretend you've got 2 million fellow players.


And enjoy your river... The one called De' Nile. The one not bothered by analytics that say RED FLAG RED FLAG RED FLAG.


Nope, it's all unicorns and fairies in the garden...


If you bothered to check your facts, you would know those sales numbers, the ones that looked so ominous, only counted BOX SALES. They didn't include digital downloads.


Go ahead, prove me wrong.

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