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Cathar Playable Race


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If I could have one thing in this game, it would be a Cathar playable race. Of all the races that could be or should be in this game, I personally want to play a Cathar Jedi Knight but as a race in general they could do all 4 Republic classes no problem.


If anyone else out there has any desire to play as a Cathar, speak up. Not asking for good wishes, just asking if you want to be able to play this race, make a post and share your thoughts.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I would love to see Cathar as a playable race as well but they can go for some of the imperial classes too. like the bounty hunter or sith inquisitor. and it would work with lore because cathar have a history of being slaves and so who's to say that the empires slaves don't include some cathar? plus it has been shown that quite a few cathar are force sensitive so why couldn't there be a force-sensitive cathar slave that the sith send to korriban to be traineed as a sith inquisitor? just saying (if i haven't shown it yet, Cathar are my favorite species).
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Cathar seems likely, they're already companions which means they can use all the animation sets player characters use, and they have quite a few customization options. Personally I would prefer to play Togruta, but either way, if we get any completely new playable races via the Legacy system I think I'd put my money on either or both of these two.
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So you want to play a furry? :D


Kung Fu Cathar?


Personally my least favorite race, lol. Reminds me of the play Cats or the cat people in Elder Scrolls (wow can't believe I forgot their name). You can play a cat person in a few MMOs already.


What about the Voss, Duros, Devorians, etc... Seeing 100's of cat people might make me pretty ill.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would love playable Cathar, they are on my list of playable species i want for this game.

And I really hope that we'll get new playable species through the legacy system eventually.


But I doubt we'll see new legacy species in the 1.2 patch.

We will however get the option to use the current species in new classes:

Miraluka sith warriow, for example.


For the record, the other species on my list besides Cathar:

Kel Dor, Rodian, Togruta, Nautolan.

All already in the game as NPC species too.

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As much as I'd like to see Cathar as a playable species, I find the current Cathar horribly ugly.

There are two types of humanoid aliens: those that almost look like humans and those that dont. SWTOR's Cathar are somewhere in between. Like a manly man in a pink dress pretending to be a feminine woman these Cathar just don't look right.


I'd prefer the more animalistic Cathar faces (like this) instead of the current wannabe Cathar.

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I would love to see Cathar as a playable race at some point. Not that I wanna come off as ungrateful or demanding of course, just one of those "hey wouldn't it be cool" suggestions. This just happens to be a plausable one. And I know the furry jokes have already been made, but screw it, I'm a cat person and that chick who stole the medicine on Ord Mantel for the refugees had a cute voice. Call me easily won over but that was enough to make me lament lack of kitties to play as.
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  • 2 months later...
love cathar and all, though I admit when it comes to feline species I'd rather see the Horansi- I can envision a Kasa-Horansi sentinel quite well
Nice to see someone else with some love for them. Heck, any of the four Haransi offshoots would be better than the Cathar, but there is that whole problem with so few of them being tech inclined or ever leaving their homeworld, except as pelts from trophy hunts.
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Greetings everyone!


We appreciate your constructive feedback! While this discussion is still open, we want to let you know of an additional thread that you can take part in that discusses what species you would like to see in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™.


Playable and Companion species suggestion checklist thread


We look forward to your feedback and discussion! :)

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