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There will NEVER be another Star Wars movie


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George Lucas just announced he will NEVER make another Star Wars movie. More surprising was he admitted point blank that the reason he won't make another movie is because of the critics who bash him for constantly altering his original films and for failing to re-release the originals in unaltered high-definition.


The free-spirit in me feels like his creation, his choice to do whatever he wants with it. But a more conservative part of me feels like he should appreciate and even be grateful for the fact that his original films are so popular that they are like pieces of Americana, and that he should not tamper with them out of respect for the massive cult following he created and who helped propel the series to the ridiculous level of success it's at now.


It's one thing to create totally new prequels using the latest technology that perhaps doesnt suit everyone's tastes. But it's another thing to flatly refuse to make more movies simply out of spite. Is George really so vain and shallow as this latest announcement makes him appear

Edited by Tallymon
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George Lucas is the greatest salesman on the planet. The fact that he can sell the same **** from 1977 like 25 times in various mediums and collector's editions and add in some special effects, special features, and high definition FOR OVER 35 YEARS is impressive.
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I for one wouldn't mind seeing movies on the expanded universe, with little to do with the cannon. There's so much expanded universe stuff out there. That said, why do they have to be made by George Lucas? Couldn't he sell the rights to someone else so that he doesn't have to worry about the criticism?


Heck, imagine if Blur Studios made a full length version of the trailers? 0_o

Edited by Stenrik
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George Lucas is the greatest salesman on the planet. The fact that he can sell the same **** from 1977 like 25 times in various mediums and collector's editions and add in some special effects, special features, and high definition FOR OVER 35 YEARS is impressive.


This is true, but anyway its his franchise he created it. At the start all George had was a script and a dream, he worked to where he is now so yes he has the right to do what he wants. If all the haters can go out, make a movie that changes an entire generation and brings forth new ideas from people then makes billions of dollars and all you have to go by is a script, some crew, sets and models that break down I will be impressed.

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Lucas may never make another Star Wars film (thankfully).




But he will hold onto the Star Was ip and allow someone else to create movies with it, taking a sizable cut no doubt.




It's been rumored for years he was going to hand off the Star Wars ip to Spielberg and Spielberg could make movies.

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George Lucas just announced he will NEVER make another Star Wars movie. More surprising was he admitted point blank that the reason he won't make another movie is because of the critics who bash him for constantly altering his original films and for failing to re-release the originals in unaltered high-definition.


The free-spirit in me feels like his creation, his choice to do whatever he wants with it. But a more conservative part of me feels like he should appreciate and even be grateful for the fact that his original films are so popular that they are like pieces of Americana, and that he should not tamper with them out of respect for the massive cult following he created and who helped propel the series to the ridiculous level of success it's at now.


It's one thing to create totally new prequels using the latest technology that perhaps doesnt suit everyone's tastes. But it's another thing to flatly refuse to make more movies simply out of spite. Is George really so vain and shallow as this latest announcement makes him appear

YES....yes he is!

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George Lucas just announced he will NEVER make another Star Wars movie. More surprising was he admitted point blank that the reason he won't make another movie is because of the critics who bash him for constantly altering his original films and for failing to re-release the originals in unaltered high-definition.


The free-spirit in me feels like his creation, his choice to do whatever he wants with it. But a more conservative part of me feels like he should appreciate and even be grateful for the fact that his original films are so popular that they are like pieces of Americana, and that he should not tamper with them out of respect for the massive cult following he created and who helped propel the series to the ridiculous level of success it's at now.


It's one thing to create totally new prequels using the latest technology that perhaps doesnt suit everyone's tastes. But it's another thing to flatly refuse to make more movies simply out of spite. Is George really so vain and shallow as this latest announcement makes him appear


George Lucas has had a variety of different things to say on Star Wars over the years. He admittedly took quite a beating with the prequels, but it isn't because the movies were as awful as some said (though even I'll admit Jar Jar Binks is an abomination; the Gungans in general, however, are kinda cool), it's because the media when Episode I came out was a very different animal than it was in 1977 when Star Wars was released. In addition, the moviegoing public had a much greater exposure to effects-heavy blockbusters than people had in the late 70s and early 80s.


At one point Lucas was hinting his intention for Star Wars to be a 9-part series, with intentions to give us the story of Luke's full restoration of the Jedi Order after Episode VI, as well as his father's story in Episodes I-III. We've gotten the latter. The former was mentioned again a few years ago where Lucas indicated that if he did Episodes VII-IX, he wouldn't be basing them off Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy, which is widely held to be as close to a canonical Episode VII, VIII and IX as we're going to get, ignoring that a lot happened between the Battle of Endor and the time when Thrawn became an issue.


Right now, he's busy giving us 3D versions of Episodes I-III in the theaters; he's indicated it'll take about a year of post-production work on each film, meaning we'll have Episode I in 3D this March, and the next two re-releases in 2013 and 2014 respectively. Given that it took a total of 9 years to put out the prequels, this is a fairly fast release schedule.


He won't live forever, of course, but I figure he very likely has 3 more Star Wars movies in him, and while he'll (of course) take shots from the fanbase for whatever he does with them (if they wind up being the rumored Episodes VII-IX, he'll have to use different actors for everyone from the original trilogy; Harrison Ford alone ain't lookin' too spry, and Mark Hamill hasn't been good for much more than voiceover work in animated super hero shows for the past decade), he'll still rake in unconscionable amounts of profit from them and their ancillary tie-ins (even if he winds up invalidating a majority of the Expanded Universe novels we've had over the past 20 years).

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So you prefer your stories massacred and unfinished?


I'm saying t hat movies can be a good compliment to the books, never said they were substitutes.


And I realize Harry Potter isn't the best example, just listing stuff that was commercially successful. I mean, that's what the producers want right? Unless this conversion was just about making stuff for fans.

Edited by Stenrik
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Who needs movies when you've got got all the books?




Honestly though as harsh as it is to say, one day Lucas will die and then there will be movies. Without him there to stop it how long do you think it will be before whoever ends up with the IP realises how much money they could make.


I had heard they were making a live action TV series? unless my friend was trolling me, he seemed pretty serious though.

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I honestly feel bad. His films were spectacular. And all he did was make minor adjustments to make them feel more modern and shiny over the years. It's shameful how much bashing he's received for little updates.


It's not like he completely changed plot points and all of a sudden Vader isn't the father or something.


I know we cherish our childhood memories but is the color of the hallway Vader walked down THAT big a deal?


The core of what made the saga amazing is still intact. Only the nitpicky little attributes got modified as the years went on. And if anyone brings the movies to IMAX, or 3D, or animates them, Lucas is the guy to do it.


The quality is not subpar at all. It's always excellent with whatever medium he pursues. Maybe the material may seem kiddy at times like the Clone Wars, but it's high-quality animation.


Still high quality stuff. Still a great saga. Too bad we focus too much on the little things.

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George Lucas is the greatest salesman on the planet. The fact that he can sell the same **** from 1977 like 25 times in various mediums and collector's editions and add in some special effects, special features, and high definition FOR OVER 35 YEARS is impressive.


Why bother a new one when you can sell the old one in new packages...you left out the new releases in 3d.


TBH the best movie he could make now would be the trek of Boba Fett starting with his fathers death to his almost death at the sarlac.

Edited by krakken
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Why continue to make things that people hate?


How many of you hate the prequels?


How many of you hate george and think all his movie are crap?


Why should he make more star wars?


There will not be another star wars at all, thanks to all the haters.

Edited by darthdoll
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The Star Wars IP is too big for Lucas to sit on forever and for him to take it to his grave.


He will give the rights out for someone to make more movies or when he passes and LucasFilms is absorbed by another production company, more movies will be made.

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