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The 45 Year and Older Professional Club


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Pre-Lassie? Rin Tin Tin? "Yo Rinty" seems to be floating around a memory cell there ... but mine are known to glitch, so maybe not.


OMG! Yes! Steve McQueen as the Bounty Hunter! I had forgotten that show entirely! Thanks for the reminder ... this was fun. (even if it strained a couple of mem cells!)

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I'm 40 years old and am addicted to video games. It all started with the Atari back in the late 70's. I got one of these blasted things for christmas. Who knew I would be still playing video games today.


Also, first saw Star Wars: A New Hope at the drive-in. I watched it from the back seat of my fathers Chevy Impalla SS.


Sure brings back lots of good memories with all the posts in this thread.

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Whew I was worried I'ld have to consider myself professional but you saved me by a couple years.


Lobbyist, and all these young wippersnappers owe me a debt of gratitude for financing the computer gaming industry and computer processing power increases of the last three decades. There simply aren't enough engineering firms in the world to support the development of the PC's we are graced with today at their low cost. Not without all the $$$ we've all spent over the years to ensure maximum competitive advantage.


Now who wants to invest in a gamers retirement home concept. High speed connections, 3d holosuite play centers and nurses in themed outfits;). Implementation around 2025.

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I am 64 years old. I have been married for 43 years and am an avid "gamer." I put the emphasis on the word "gamer" because I am, in fact, a true gamer. Unlike the youth today, a true gamer doesn't demand anything of the games they play. True gamers simply play them as a form of entertainment. If the game is good, it's good. If it's not, it's not.


I am an Art Director for one of the largest Advertising Firms in the United States and am nearing retirement (I could have retired 9 years ago, but I enjoy what I do too much to throw in the towel). I am also behind most of the advertising you see in almost all department store and convenient store point of purchase areas.


I am a father of 3 and a grandfather of 2. I have played almost every video game that this planet has had to offer. My game room is littered with game consoles from the 70's to the present (with almost 500 square feet of games). I have standing arcade editions of Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat II, Killer Instinct and my favorite; a full sit down casing edition of Sinistar. I do my online PC-based gaming in an Emperor 1510 gaming setup because I need something comfortable as it gets painful sometimes when I sit for long periods of time.


I am also an "elitist" MMO-gamer who plays female characters as a male.

Edited by Alkiii
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35 year old clinical application specialist for a rather large (for this neck of the woods) insurance company here. Not old enough to join the club but I am a grandpa... Don't do the math, I do it every damn day and still can't figure it out. Happily my granddaughter is adorable :)
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48 IT Consultant

Sith'ari Server, Republic

I play all class and my name always begin with Makk ( Makko,Makku,Makki,Makka )

keeping them near the same level.


Nice to know that there are so many of us.

I play computer games since 86.

WoW was my first MMO, and I was addicted. I raided hardcore 4 years, than quited.

Now SWTOR. I couldn't resist being SW fun.


Noone among my RL friends or even colleagues play any MMO, so they think that I am not completly normal. My wife hate it. My daughters ( I got 4 ) don't have any friend who's parents play MMO, etc, etc.


Playing WoW I always feel some kind of barrier, between me and other players ( younger ?, but I am not sure it's age dependent, maybe it's just me ).

It's some kind of "faster,faster" attitude, which I can't bear. Just run through the instance like storm, being overleveled and overgeared. I just don't get it. I feel comforlable in group when not in hurry. Talk a bit, think a while. Perfect cooperation is so ... exiciting.

I can't describe it well, but I am curious if someone feels the same way. Or it's age independent. I often think about that.


Hey are you sure your not me Hmmmm??

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Just turned 30, and I have the feeling that the best years are still to come! But I wanted to say that this thread made me smile... My dad, now almost 60, got me into gaming. He's moved away from Greece and is currently in Australia.


I'm thinking of asking him to join the game, even though I think he'll decline because he doesn't like too many of his personal details on the Internet (it's what stopped him from joining WoW) :( I haven't been that close with him to be honest and haven't heard his voice for years... But it would be cool if he joined the game and we played together some time.


Much respect and love to you "old fogeys" from a "future old fogey"!


Its a great way to socialise ,In wow I started to realise That I was playing with people in my guild from around the world.

A Family from south africa ,Which one of which i wished sometimes were not our tank as his internet provider were apparantly unreliable ,this caused a few wipes lol.


A business lady from dubia. Nice to hear she was playing on a laptop in hot weather while it was freezing in Britian.

And many from around europe .

Didnt realise I was such an armchair globetrotter.


You give me an idea ,I'am going to ask my relatives in Ireland ,America and Australia to get the game and keep in touch through it .

You never know.

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63 year old retired teacher (though I still teach a class once or twice a year at the Commuity College). Got a teacher of the year award for my use of video games as a teaching tool in the classroom in 2001.


Been gaming since Colecovision in the '70s and expect to be gaming for many years to come. Requirement for any assisted living environment that I move into down the road is high speed internet - the food can stink, by grandsons will bring me pizza.


Still raid a few times a week with a guild called "Old Timers" on World of Warcraft. Downed the first boss in regular Dragon Soul last night. No server firsts, but we still get the job done.


Love SWTOR's fresh face and familiar (much loved) story.

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Late 40's.


I remember when my dad bought the Atari 2600 and Space Invaders for Christmas!


I remember when my son was 3 and I bought a NES and Super Mario Bros.


[Wife: "Why'd you buy this?"

Me: "I want to teach my boy how to play video games."]


(okay that was an excuse for me to get the console, but both my wife and son loved the game... my son still "longs" for the good ol' days of game consoles and plays original NES games on his Wii).


BTW, who remembers Intellivision? That was my 2nd console.


Lastly, I never thought Star Wars was Lucas' best movie... I prefer American Graffiti (what a classic). I like TOR because of the stories, but I'm not a big Star Wars fan.

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46 year old SysAdmin in the Financial Industry for the last ten years. An industry almost as beloved as Lawyers now, I believe...


I always scan the forums, but hadn't stumbled across this yet! Glad to know I'm not as odd and alone as I thought. Well, at least not as alone!


Met the wife in high school because I went to a party to check out a new gaming system, Intellivision, and she was at the party. Nothing to do with the game, just there with a girlfriend.


Saw "A New Hope" in the sixth grade and didn't breath until the start destroyer cleared the screen...


I really DID find where I belong!


EDIT: Actually had to log on, just to post this! Usually just read!

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46 year old business owner here; I've owned my video production company since 1980... yeah, I started it in High School. ;) Unfortunately my schedule has me on the road much of the time living out of a suitcase so I don't get as much time at home to relax and play as I'd like.


My first experience with video games was when Dad brought home Pong and hooked it to the TV. At the time Pong was pretty impressive. Let's see, after that came the Atari 2600... I remember hours playing Asteroid and Missile Command. I've been computer gaming since college and the Apple II; my first computer of my own was a 286 PC with the state of the art CGA video accelerator playing several RPG's that have slipped my mind at the moment. I recall the Leisure Suit Larry series and others of that type. The Ultima series was fun in it's era... I think I played 4-7.


I've played KOTOR 1 and 2 and have been waiting for this game for quite a while.


My first venture into MMO's came in 2004 with City of Heroes... a game I've played ever since. I've tried a couple of others, WOW didn't really impress me and Champions left me cold after a couple of months. DC Universe I tried the beta for a few weeks and decided the game wasn't worth the money and didn't buy it. TOR is the first MMO since COH that I enjoyed.


Yeah, I understand the age divide in gamers... that's part of what I like about COH; the average age there is something over 25 so you don't have much of the "l33t d00dz" attitude. So far here I haven't teamed much other than with a group of buddies who came over from COH together; we'll see if that continues. I'm also on a mid-population PVE server so that probably also cuts down on the kiddies who want to roll on the biggest PVP servers.

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Fun to read this post. I´m not alone :)


39 year tech guy here from Swe.

Starting a guild at european sevrer Sluis Shipyard.

We are a couple guys around 40 so I was thinking of using "The Older Republic", just love that name.

Everyone feel free to w/ Skotugg, on the Imperial side.


Game on.

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37 year old (m) physician, currently working as a locum doctor before settling down as a GP.

Never played an MMO before, but Star Wars (and both KOTORs) brought me here. I'd love to join a mature guild not composed of the usual crowd, maybe even "dare" to try some multiplaying...



...The post's title would be my suggestion for the name of an Imperial guild



(Playing on Rubat Crystal BTW, so far as a Light Consular and Imperial (double) Agent, trying to sabotage the Sith from within :p)

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45 old PCB Designer. My son got me in to WOW when it first came out played till SWTOR came out. Been a Star Wars fan since the day it came out. Favorite one is Empire Strikes Back.


Like to see a older group guild . Have a few in a guild I"m in. But be in a larger group would be cool.

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But certainly a professional. I'm a development manager for an international nonprofit at 28. Played wow all through my college years and I can say that once you have a job, a wife, a house, etc etc your gaming style totally changes. Now you have to cram a whole night's worth of leveling, hardmoding, etc into 3 hours (if you're lucky). Totally possible, just totally different when you're staring down 40-60 hours of work a week. My only saving grace will be when I have kids. I'll get them into gaming and we can play MMOs together- bonding with my kids + getting to game longer = 2 birds with one stone. :D Edited by zaltanus
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40 yo Database Administrator for a hospital. I've been a SW casual fan since I was 5 when I saw the first one at the theater.


I wouldn't mind joining a guild of older players/professionals.


I certainly could tolerate the conversations a lot more.

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I have tour shirts older than the vast majority of the player base. This is not a joke or exaggeration, I STILL have a tour Jersey for Megadeth from a little club from their 1983/84 tour. It's ragged, it's thread bare, dang near see through it's so thin now, and, no it doesn't fit anymore, but I still have it in a frame on my wall in my gaming room.


I predate home computers. I predate console systems. I predate CDROM games and CD's. I predate Cartridge games. I predate VHS. I dang near predate Cassettes and 8 Tracks. Most the people here won't know what an 8 track is since Wiki is down for the day, and definitely won't know why they sucked as a medium for music.


And I predate you. What is your point?

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