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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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call for emergncy maint. shut down the servers, remove the ilum part of the content patch. reroll servers back to before the patch was released. restart servers and problem fixed until you fix the ilum part of the patch.


yes this will make players who did anything today very upset, but the alternative is much worse. if i have to explain what the alternative is to you, then you probably dont belong on a pvp server lol.


this is the fairest solution that i can see happening... unless they have no way to rollback... then i shudder to think about what things will be like when i actually log on for the first time today lol.




I don't think so. I haven't pvpd but made good progress pve. So keep your rollback somewhere else .kthx

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To every knee-jerk reacting player out there:


Calm the **** down. Seriously. Patch 1.1 hasn't even been out for a day and you're crying worse than the kid on the floor of the candy aisle. They will fix it. These things take time. Just don't go to Ilum for the time being and calm the **** down.

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This is so sad the imbalance. Of course the kids are going to go empire, youve made them the coolest in looks and abilites. Kira even jokes about the fact that the empire have all the fashion designers.


I do not want to go back to WOW but at this moment the story driven mmo is very driven. its crashing and i want it to succeed so much.


The worst thing now is where to head forwards. The empire are so massively ahead in gear, valor and rankings that the republic on NIMAN server hardly win. It will take us so much time to get even remotely the same gear as the empire that it just wont be worth it. Some sort of rollback is required.


Please dont let this game fail. It truly is a good game but someone has dropped the ball big time on this.


AION did an excellent job activeyl balancing their servers to be either 50/50 or at most 49/51. It can be done and needs to be in a game where the one of the main pulls of the game is the empire vs the republic. as it stands it is over 100+ empire stood on the turrents aoeing them for hours on end. we cannot spawn. cannot defend. cannot do anything.


If you do not wish to balance the servers ( i dont know why you wouldnt) then at least buff the less represented side of the server like WOW did. At least give the under represented side a chance. I regret subscribing as i know this will not be fixed any time soon, definately not in the next 4 weeks.

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most funny thing is that they named this patch 1.1 and tried to create hype around it like it was gonna fix the whole game. Fail bioware...just fail


Because we care about ensuring that Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ provides you with a consistent and quality game play experience, we will be postponing weekly maintenance this week.



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Uhm if people dont roll republic, who are the sith WoW kiddies gonna fight? Really short sighted to promote hosing one side when you need TWO VIABLE factions or pvp will dry up completely. So let me say it again, it is in EVERYONE'S interest for the system to be fair to BOTH sides.


No its not, there was allways more hord then alliance, and alliance got owned by the hord all the time, till 3-4 good pvp alliace guild showed up and kicked hord a... 100 imp pug vs 40 republic guild run, imps will get owned. Its not numbers its organisation and skill.

Edited by AkitaInu
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230 pages and by now I'm wondering:


1- how many of you are still actually running back into illum, by all accounts feeding the enemy valor?


2- and why?


I think the amount of people that would rather be on the forums than playing the game after its first major patch speaks volumes.

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Gonna go play Skyrim while I wait for an update - an hope that in the mean time every Imperial on my server takes an arrow to the knee so we can push them out of our main Ilum base.


Good point. I played this because Skyrim didn't release the construction set... But I can wait on SWTOR a few more hours for a reply. I haven't checked Skyrim once since SWTOR was out.


Waiting on an update BW...

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To every knee-jerk reacting player out there:


Calm the **** down. Seriously. Patch 1.1 hasn't even been out for a day and you're crying worse than the kid on the floor of the candy aisle. They will fix it. These things take time. Just don't go to Ilum for the time being and calm the **** down.


1.1 was supposed to be a fix. I can't wait to see what they come up with next.

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Because that's their main and they're hoping that somehow THIS time they'll be able to escape because they want to actually play tonight.


because they want to play just like the imperials are allowed to play. they pay for the game too, and its not their fault its broken.


that being said... seriously repubs stop going to ilum, just pvp q and get some huttball repub vs repub all day long weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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I suggest added a cap on valor earned in a day. and also instancing the open world pvp zone on ilum inorder to impove game performance. Limited the number of members of each faction to a set number.


Capping valor per day would gimp people who didn't have a mountain dew and Dorito grind fest to 50. It is one of those too little too late things sadly. I am not saying I know what the solution is but this is not it. Also if they were to phase it like other planets I do not feel that the system would function properly due to the controllable nodes.

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Either rollback servers or I'm canceling my subscription. You have 200+ pages of posts from people who will probably do the same thing.


While I'm not ready to jump on the bandwagon, this is probably very, very true.


A rollback is the only thing that could possibly fix the damage that's been done to Valor in the last several hours.

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This is so sad the imbalance. Of course the kids are going to go empire, youve made them the coolest in looks and abilites. Kira even jokes about the fact that the empire have all the fashion designers.


I do not want to go back to WOW but at this moment the story driven mmo is very driven. its crashing and i want it to succeed so much.


The worst thing now is where to head forwards. The empire are so massively ahead in gear, valor and rankings that the republic on NIMAN server hardly win. It will take us so much time to get even remotely the same gear as the empire that it just wont be worth it. Some sort of rollback is required.


Please dont let this game fail. It truly is a good game but someone has dropped the ball big time on this.


AION did an excellent job activeyl balancing their servers to be either 50/50 or at most 49/51. It can be done and needs to be in a game where the one of the main pulls of the game is the empire vs the republic. as it stands it is over 100+ empire stood on the turrents aoeing them for hours on end. we cannot spawn. cannot defend. cannot do anything.


If you do not wish to balance the servers ( i dont know why you wouldnt) then at least buff the less represented side of the server like WOW did. At least give the under represented side a chance. I regret subscribing as i know this will not be fixed any time soon, definately not in the next 4 weeks.


You aren't billed yet. Unssubscribing now means you lose no money.

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Just add an invulnerability buff for 10 sec so that people don't get spawncamped and can manage to get to the taxi. Problem solved I mean as it is now it is not fun for most of the republic players (at least on my server).
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We're 9 minutes shy of three hours since, "Shortly."


Plz 2 fix nao. Kthnxbai.


(We'd appreciate at the very least a response teaser that acknowledges which specific issues the response will be detailing: The inability for the Republic to even spawn on Ilum, unearned valor gains, gear imbalance for the foreseeable future, etc.)

Edited by Wager
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Neah just illustration of how redicolous your request was. Give more just because you roled republic lol. Deal with it or reroll!


It is spelled ridiculous.


And what is the point of your irrelevant post?

Everyone should just roll Empire and the game would thrive?

Edited by Vlacke
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I hope this is the breaking point where Bioware ACTUALLY starts listening to our feedback and acting on it. Or, if that's too difficult, actually using logic to make good decisions.


First, why would you give a huge valor buff to the faction that controls Ilum when the factions are extremely unbalanced on every server? If anything, the faction with less people on the planet should get some kind of underdog buff. At least give some kind of reward for showing up to get your *** kicked.


Second, why the hell would you make turrets, or any NPC for that matter, drop any valor at all? A PvP statistic like Valor shouldn't be able to be farmed off of mobs, it should be earned through PvP, which should be balanced so that everyone can participate.



Here's an idea that might help balance things out a bit (in the future, after you fix the damage you've already done):


I don't know how this could be implemented, but depending on the current Ilum population, extra NPCs could be granted to help the disadvantaged faction. It would be great to see these either freely roam or follow players around, or perhaps assault the majority faction's base on a specific timer.


It's not a perfect idea, but it would be something to give the Imps a decent fight, and the Republic a fighting chance.

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Just add an invulnerability buff for 10 sec so that people don't get spawncamped and can manage to get to the taxi. Problem solved I mean as it is now it is not fun for most of the republic players (at least on my server).


Does nothing to address valor imblance. Nothing whatsoever.

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Well with the advantage some people are taking at this rigth moment in a few hours the ones that doesnt use it a their advantage will need years of game play to achieve wath some achived in minutes.


Well...Cancell acount on the way...have fun.

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Dear Bioware. Please fix this broken mess. I really like this game, I don't want to quit it just because it's getting to be borderline unplayable.


The Valor gained from abusing this exploit NEEDS to be rolled back. And the players that did the exploiting should get at least a suspension. They should be made example of for exploiting a broken system.




Faction balance NEEDS to be addressed. Give definite motivation to roll the underpopulated faction. Fix the imbalance between mirror-class animations. Put a cap on character creation for grossly unbalanced servers. Force mandatory server transfers to make them more balanced. Endorse the Republic openly a lot more. Something. It's bad enough that you showed a distinct preference for the Empire (Evidence? Darth Malgus statuette. Where's the Shatele Shan option for Republic players? Bull crap.)


Faction balance doesn't sort itself out. The longer the balance weigh so heavily in Imperial favor, the more Republic players will reroll to Imperial, stop contributing to PvP, or just quit the game.


This latest event highlights just how bad faction imbalance is and how crippling it can be for the underpopulated faction.

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To every knee-jerk reacting player out there:


Calm the **** down. Seriously. Patch 1.1 hasn't even been out for a day and you're crying worse than the kid on the floor of the candy aisle. They will fix it. These things take time. Just don't go to Ilum for the time being and calm the **** down.


The fix to "the fix" will be too late for a huge chunk of its pvp community... doesnt matter how long its been out as the damage has been done.

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Just add an invulnerability buff for 10 sec so that people don't get spawncamped and can manage to get to the taxi. Problem solved I mean as it is now it is not fun for most of the republic players (at least on my server).


This. Teach me Master...

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