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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Republic has challenged Imperial to a Trainer Battle!


Imperial sends out SNORLAX


Republic sends out MAGIKARP!


Imperial's SNORLAX uses FACTION IMBALANCE! It's super effective!


Republic's MAGIKARP has fainted!


Republic its out of usable pokemon!


Republic blacks out!

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Same, already canceled my sub tho cos of this.


Yeah I switched from a six month to a one month sub, the dev response to this (or lack there of) will go a long way to determining whether there will be a second month. A rollback is an absolute must for one, you cannot break what was already a lopsided balance, on many servers, so completely and then go on as if nothing has happened.

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The main thing I hope the Devs listen to is the fact this change will start a snowball effect which will kill Republic PvP.


Higher ranks given to the masses using Zerg... so in this case the Empire. Those players in turn get to Battlemaster VERY QUICKLY and then start going for the gear and then those same large number of players will be doing WZs against undergeared groups and then this will lead to less Republic victories, less people getting gear and ranking as fast etc.


What changes can they do?


1. Roll-back the servers pre-update

2. Change Illum back while you work on changes.

3. Limit numbers on illum instances so you can not be completely overwhelmed and encourage decent world pvp.

4. Auto kill zone to enemy players at the base entry area


...to begin with...

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What's shocking is not the exploit itself but Bioware's complete lack of response. The fact that servers are still up is a complete F U C K I N G joke!


oh yeah don't forget to warn me for this. Cause that's high priority.

Edited by Marroc
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BW brought this on themselves, i have been creating threads since closed beta about the faction imbalance and the need for factions to be as close to 50:50 as possible, but i just got flooded with insults from fanbois telling me that hutball was there so it didn't matter if the ratio was 90:10 hutball would allow same faction pvp which would solve everything.
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I'm sure BW hasn't responded yet because they're waiting for actual feedback from the adults who pay to play the game with their own money and have something constructive to say.


Translation: I play Imp and the current system is fine as I expoit to Battlemaster. Working as designed.

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The lag is so bad that i get a loading screen half way into fights.. And i have a very good computer and im getting 15 fps and constant freezes, making playing a melee class impossible.


Also all i see is constant purple lightning..


I guess im lucky i play on a server were we arnt getting camp in the spawn area, But trust me, your not missing much (other than valor ofc) :p


I get a lot of loading screens in WZ's.


I loading into Void Star and the screen switched from the usual loading screen to the standard game loading screen. Then it quickly switched back and I saw the loading screen pop up again a few times while I was trying to use abilities during the actual fighting.

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