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10 Good
  1. Please don't put these polls in the forums.. if you want *real* feedback, put them in-game - perhaps in the launcher. You, BioWare, of all people, should know that the majority of people in your forums are whiny little troll brats and the results will be tremendously skewed.
  2. I've compiled a small list of suggestions that would make the game much more playable/enjoyable, from a UI perspective: Numerical cooldown counter ability overlays (with ability to turn on/off via settings). A checklist (with checkboxes) for all usable equipment indicationg prereq's and having requirements that are already met checked. Including level requirement, usable by, skill requirements, etc. Crosshair customization (oftentimes the crosshair gets lost in the clutter of a battle) There is an issue with dragging gear where, when you replace a piece of gear on your character, the gear you're replacing sticks to the mouse cursor and you have to click somewhere to release it. Moving around gear in inventory and equipping gear should be more intuitive and fluid. Being able to open more than two windows at a time (i.e. inventory, shop, and character sheet) would be nice. Perhaps introduce some sort of tab dock for windows?
  3. For those complaining about them removing posts and not fixing issues, THE PEOPLE THAT MONITOR THE FORUMS AREN'T THE FREAKING GAME DEVELOPERS, YOU COMPLETE IMBECILES!!!!
  4. I'm sure BW hasn't responded yet because they're waiting for actual feedback from the adults who pay to play the game with their own money and have something constructive to say.
  5. Neither of you have the slightest clue what you're talking about.
  6. My question is, why wasn't anyone pitching this fit on the public test server?
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