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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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I was thinking of not responding to this. But ok. Even if turrets don't give valor, and I have yet to see anyone post a picture of whether they do or don't, this still doesn't stop 120 imperials from farming every single republic player at the spawnpoint without them having a chance of getting out. Furthermore, this will only increase the gap in gear difference for Warzones.


^ this

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Yeah.... when i get home i'm going to Ilum to pvp why?


Because i get tons of honor/valor? no



Because if there isn't a roll back. I don't want to be left in the dust by everybody else.


I'm going to go ahead and cancle my sub and hope it gets fixed properly.

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Bioware, you have really ****ed up the pvp on Illum now! I can't even spawn in zone 1 or zone 2 because I am being spawn camped to death. I don't know what ****in retarded developer thought this illum issue through, but nice job *********** up the game!
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Ok, Re-posting in this thread, hopefully this gets read.


1. Farming the spawn point. How in the world do you protect every other spawn and quest point in the game, and not do it here? Huge oversight, yet simple fixes.


FIX 1: But epic turrets by the spawn to ensure opposing faction cannot get all the way inside the base without being 2-3 shot.


FIX ALT#1: 10-15 Second spawn immunity and stealth like you would get for med droid


2. Faction imbalance. Biggest question here on what can honestly be done to help, and it is really the root of 90% of the pvp problems.


FIX 1: Make Illum have a faction cap to keep things balanced. The problem here is that you have put story and quest lines into the planet. You cannot cap the planet as is because half those players may be questing, not to mention those needing to quest that are being locked out until peak times. Which brings me to my real fix...


FIX 1a: Sever Illum PvP zone and put it into it's own planet, COMPLETELY. Or call it a moon of Illum, I don't care, and at absolute worst case I suppose instance it off. Having end game world PvP and end game Quest/Dailies on the same planet was br, especially with the faction imbalance you knew you would have.This way you are flying in to the planet to do one thing and one thing only, world pvp. And they can keep it capped without any issues of not letting people play the way they want to play.



Any other constructive ideas please post here. Keep all the whining in the other threads that will be closed.

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Lets make this nice and clear for you Bioware so there is no attempt at excuses from you and no possible miscommunication:











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Another long rant from a hardcore PvE:er that thinks all the MMO's are PvE games only. Go and hide out in your operation you AI farmer. Rofl


Actually, your post shows no validity while the OP has some valid points. If this was supposed to be a PvP game then there would not be a choice of servers being PvP or PvE. PvP is merely a component to this game and you don't have to play it if you don't want to.


Go back to praising GC and his upcoming world of Pandacraft and Pokemon.

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possible solutions:

  1. remove expertise as of right now. bring all servers down for one hour, remove it from the game until you can find a better use for it.
  2. whilst the servers are down, rollback all valor on all servers gained after 2am (when the servers went down for maintenance).
  3. remove valor from everything except player kills.
  4. add a scaling valor bonus for underdog factions, it should be additive, and cap at 400% bonus for being outnumbered by 4:1 or greater, and start at 25% bonus for being outnumbered by 1.25:1, this should apply to ilum only.
  5. on pvp servers, remove the ability to roll characters on both factions. if a player has characters on both factions already they must delete one faction before being allowed to log into the game.
  6. add a +100% valor bonus (additive) to the underdog faction on any server.


this should give underdog players a sufficient incentive (valor wise) to stay in the fight and keep playing, with a total of 900% valor bonus if they are:

  • out numbered on their server
  • out numbered by 4:1 or greater in ilum
  • control all of the ilum objectives


hopefully this won't get lost in the firestorm that is this thread...


Bumping this because I like your ideas!

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They banned the people who exploited the vendor bug and got hundreds of millions of credits for 7 days, but they didn't take away the credits.


Worst thing that could happen if you're exploiting is to get a few days ban, but you'll be able to keep your valor, just like people were allowed to keep their money.


Is there proof of that anywhere? I do not suggest you're not telling the truth, I have just been waiting to see whether they did remove the credits or not. If they did not I know where my £8.99 is going and it wont be into EAOwares bank account.

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think its fine


my operative alt is already at 59 (up from rank 12) soon 60 and i still have my 2 dailys to give in at imp fleet.


hmm was it 3 bm marks for a offhand, really can't wait to faceroll all those noob reps.


Are you serious or just trolling the topic?


Good luck in finding the Republic players anywhere on Ilum after this.

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Get what you can while it lasts because no ilggoten goods will be taken away.


And this is why a rollback NEEDS to happen....because you know damn well there are a bunch of people thinking the exact same thing. Show them that exploiting does not pay off and they will be less likely to exploit in the future.

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It breaks my heart, but unsubbed. This is just the straw that broke the camels back.


The PvP Dev team is beyond hopeless. I don't care whether its the turrets or just camping the base so Repubs can't even escape - they've turned Ilum into the biggest cluster**** I've ever seen in a MMO.


Add this fiasco to Ability Delays on my Sentinel (today, it seemed to just get worse. Couldn't Zealous Strike anyone in PvP no matter how much I spammed the ability), terrible engine performance (lucky to get 1 frame every 10 seconds in big battles like these, that's at least when a *********** loading screen doesn't pop up!), horribly lopsided crafting system (Biochem or go home) and their complete lack of attention to faction balance... and this game is just not ready.


You hire the devs who did Warhammer, you get Warhammer. Why this is surprising to people, I can't even begin to imagine.

Edited by McVade
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Ok, Re-posting in this thread, hopefully this gets read.


1. Farming the spawn point. How in the world do you protect every other spawn and quest point in the game, and not do it here? Huge oversight, yet simple fixes.


FIX 1: But epic turrets by the spawn to ensure opposing faction cannot get all the way inside the base without being 2-3 shot.


FIX ALT#1: 10-15 Second spawn immunity and stealth like you would get for med droid


2. Faction imbalance. Biggest question here on what can honestly be done to help, and it is really the root of 90% of the pvp problems.


FIX 1: Make Illum have a faction cap to keep things balanced. The problem here is that you have put story and quest lines into the planet. You cannot cap the planet as is because half those players may be questing, not to mention those needing to quest that are being locked out until peak times. Which brings me to my real fix...


FIX 1a: Sever Illum PvP zone and put it into it's own planet, COMPLETELY. Or call it a moon of Illum, I don't care, and at absolute worst case I suppose instance it off. Having end game world PvP and end game Quest/Dailies on the same planet was br, especially with the faction imbalance you knew you would have.This way you are flying in to the planet to do one thing and one thing only, world pvp. And they can keep it capped without any issues of not letting people play the way they want to play.



Any other constructive ideas please post here. Keep all the whining in the other threads that will be closed.


If they even did put a faction cap they wouldn't need to faction cap the planet, just the western pvp side.


It is pretty amazing that they actually managed to make Ilum even more broken though. I guess you really shouldn't ever underestimate stupidity.

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