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Everything posted by Wingfoot

  1. I think it's funny they went out of their way to delete that thread and left all the other ones...kinda says something about them...
  2. I've played: EQ for a short time WoW = 3 years including beta (quit about 6 months after Burning Crusade ruined it) Guild Wars = not for any true length of time due to other games I was playing but have a couple max toons LoTRO = 6 months Warhammer Online = 2.5 years, once they fixed it the game was pretty damn good for PvP, Underdog system and Immunity timers in that game were awesome! Rift = 6 months if that Various Bad MMO betas and other shorter times not worthy of mentioning! To me, swtor was a fantastic game leveling from 1-49. It kept my interest with the storyline, even though some of the regular quests were rather stale and basically rehashed go kill x type quests that have been in every other game. However, for the most part the leveling experience was great and I really enjoyed it. The flashpoints that I actually did, which weren't many, I thought were pretty good as well. As to the PvP, I love PvPing, but in swtor I find it to be lacking in skill and more about spamming CC's. Resolve is one of the worst DR/Immunity timers I've experienced in a game. Ilum, nothing to be said that hasn't been. To me the PvP in swtor is a complete failure, much the way it was in Rift, in fact I despise them both equally lol... The PvE operations have been pretty good, but they are so buggy and lack skill after you've done them once it lost a lot of luster. I guess my biggest complaint is that I feel like we all purchase half of a game at release, and even with 1.2 it still won't feel "complete" by a release standard imo. At 50 there just isn't much to do that you couldn't complete within a couple weeks of hitting 50. It is just very stale and seems like the life just isn't there. The class story stopped too soon and the lack of things to do just bores me to tears. Just to hit on other peoples points. This is 2012, I don't care HOW a game was 5-10 years ago at release, the comparison means nothing to me and standards now are different. Years ago there wasn't as much competition for games when they released so they had more time to fix and create content. Now, look at the gaming industry, if you don't release a finished game the chances are you will fail because people want that. Times have changed, so saying how bad something was at release X years ago just doesn't hold it's weight anymore. To each their own I guess, but the thing that kept me playing some of the above games for the length of time was either an infusion of things to do on a consistent basis, or content that held my attention and fixes that were actually fixes. SWTOR just seems like BW is so overwhelmed by this game that they are kinda at a frantic stage where they are unsure what to do or how to fix things.
  3. hehe, I've raided and parsed many tests throughout the years in various MMO's so I got your back
  4. I think some people are misunderstanding the OP and how parses actually work. He has said multiple times they had 4 snipers with all the different specs. Just to put it plainly, for them to be off by that amount on the dps parse, they would literally have to not attack for 30-60 seconds of a parse. So I highly doubt 4 very geared snipers were doing that, especially when the OP said he was working his butt off. Even if he slipped up and messed up a rotation it wouldn't be a 400-500 DPS difference. It was a 3-5 minute test so for the disparity to be THAT BIG there is clearly something wrong with the dps output of the class. So somewhere along the line, BW screwed the pooch with the Sniper yet again...
  5. So let me get this straight. I'm valor 65, haven't played in about 3 weeks for various reasons, yet since I have only gotten 4 BM comms out of 50+ bags I'm going to get shafted when it comes to gear and my existing champ is going to be useless... This definitely makes me want to play now /endsarcasm
  6. BM gear is easy to get? Really? It's easy if you have goodluck with bags, but not easy if you don't. I fail to see your point. Even if you just strictly get your gear from 1k/1k comms, that is still 44 warzones for 1 BM comm and that is IF you average 90 comms per match, which we all know doesn't happen...
  7. ^This. I personally could care less about the gear, I could play naked and still own, that's not the issue for me. The issue at hand is the terribad RNG system that has been in place to this point. There are fresh valor 60's who have more BM gear than people who are much higher who have had unlucky bags for weeks at a time. Even so, it's not even just about that, they just keep making bad choices with how they are going about pvp in this game. Bringing ranked warzones to the game at this time is just not going to work in my opinion, gear isn't even going to be the issue. The real issue is that there will be some classes in their current state left behind, not to mention ranked warzones in this CCfest of a game is laughable, want to talk about skill when it comes to gear? How about skill when it comes to all the CC in this game with a broken immunity system...
  8. Yup, it's a joke, I'm easily 4 for 50+...
  9. I haven't played my Sniper, other than for operations, in about 3 weeks simply because I was tired of spending time pvping and not getting BM comms. I'm rank 65 and I only have the Sniper Rifle, Ear, Implants. I don't even know how many BM bags I've gotten, but it has been a metric *****ton and I've only gotten 4 BM comms. It's always nice seeing people lower level than me with more BM gear. I grew very tired of grinding the 1k/1k for a comm as well. With this, I kinda just laugh inside and it basically just cements the reasons why I will eventually cancel my sub (there are many reasons), GW2 can't come quick enough imo...
  10. Oh little nineteen, You have much growing to do, Enjoy it all now.
  11. You gain way too much from hybrid specs compared to 31pt specs it's not even funny. There just is no reason to spec a full tree for the current 31pt abilities imo...
  12. I think people end up looking at engineering as not being as strong as the other possible specs, but in reality it is. I think when looking at the 21 point abilities, they don't realize just how strong EMP Discharge really is, but instead see the damage output of Followthrough and Cull and automatically think they are better. Personally, I don't think investing 31 points is wise in any of our trees simply because I've found from respeccing and testing like a fiend that the hybrid specs are just better (for end game PvE and PvP, imo of course since nothing can be proven yet without logs). The thing about EMP Discharge and a 21-23point engineering hybrid build is that you will NEVER have energy issues, which cannot be said for any of our other builds. That is power in and of itself simply because you will constantly be able to use your higher damaging abilities as opposed to being out of energy and using Rifle Shot. With Engineering builds as well, Frag grenade hits like a truck and can easily be your main damage dealing ability as opposed to the likes of Snipe, Ambush, Cull, and you still have Series of Shots when Frag is on it's low 3 second cooldown. The other big advantage is Explosive Probe + Cluster Bombs (turns into a free explosive probe from Imp. Methodology) followed by SoS = Lots of damage. Eng just gets a bad wrap, but honestly has just as much burst as the other specs, but not the energy issues. Of course, until we get combat logs, nothing can really be proven
  13. Regardless of the OP not knowing the mirrors, bad design is just bad. You have essentially designed it so certain classes are at a huge disadvantage while Inquisitors/Consulars regen at the same rate. The other classes regen at a snails pace when they bottom out. How this is balanced just doesn't add up...
  14. This is just another example of why the Sniper community is where it is and why we will never get the love our class needs. You can sit there and AOE your way to top damage all the time. The problem is that a Sorc can do just as good at damage as we can, but they can also heal, CC better, shield their team, sprint, live longer, make their groups better, make dinner while playing, etc. So your top damage means a lot when another class can do the same damage as you and bring 10x the utility on demand whenever they want...
  15. Here is another idea, since there are leaps, pulls, etc., what about giving a Sniper an inverted version of a leap. Since we are best at range, what about giving us a self knockback. An instant cast ability on a 30 second cooldown (double the cooldown of Force Leap) that knocks us back away from the target 30m. Of course this does nothing for the issues everyone is talking about, but for some reason I thought about this while reading the posts...
  16. I'm not sure how that would gimp MM, it would be a buff to them for both PvP and PvE since both are so friendly to mobility. Your idea isn't bad either about putting it on a CD as well. Balance issues aside, since that can be addressed with the change, I still think something like this would solve a lot of Sniper's woes.
  17. I agree with the OP. I'm rank 61 (would be higher but I didn't play for about 3 weeks), I have full rakata but BM comms haven't been as kind to me. Regardless I could go naked and still do better than most people I see playing simply because I know how to play. The thing that gets me about Sniper are all the bugs and useless things. I still get unknown effect all the time which drives me insane. Also have to love getting CC'd because it takes 3 seconds to get into cover and then cast Cover Pulse. CP needs to be on demand! I run engineering/lethality specs the most because MM is just not as good in my opinion. With that said I just am not in love with our specs, there is such a lack of synergy with every spec with wasted points. We have the WORST 2 piece bonus on our PvE set as well. It's kinda like they just threw a bunch of stuff together for the Sniper as an after thought. They need to rework cover. I made a post about this months ago but it gained no traction (here is the link Cover Change). The quick version of that post is this: The cover mechanic should be made portable, as in forming around your character on the move. It wouldn't be a shield like sorcs have or like our shield probe, but instead more like a stance that Tanks have or DPS classes have. The cover screen can do what it does now when you kneel, except now kneeling is not required. There would also be a buffed version of cover if you want to entrench (not the ability) yourself behind a worldly object, but the portable cover should be just that, like a body shielding of sorts that does the same exact thing it does now, but just opens up mobility and doesn't make you kneel down. The abilities in cover aren't all that different from what other classes have on demand all the time, which is why they should do the same for us.
  18. 201) I'm hungry, I'm going to microwave a pop-tart... POP-TARTS® MICROWAVE INSTRUCTIONS 1. Remove pastry from pouch. Place pastry on a microwave-safe plate. 2. Microwave on high for 3 seconds. 3. Cool briefly before handling.
  19. Oh no, skill might be involved in something...and you do get CC'd with full resolve sometimes since it is broken. Many people have backed this up, why some refuse to believe it is beyond me...
  20. It doesn't need to be 30 seconds, it can be half that or 10 seconds or whatever. Regardless it's better than what is in the game right now... I love when people say you need to learn how to use resolve and that it's fine, yet when I have full resolve and still get CC'd, I'm not sure what I can do or how I can learn to use something that clearly isn't working...
  21. Well, even if the immunities were cut in half it would still work. WAR had the same issues with CC that TOR does right now and this was a great addition to the game back when it happened.
  22. There are CC threads posted all over the forums and 90% of the people who post all comment about how broken resolve is. This is just a suggestion from my personal opinion of various MMO experience over the years. I've posted similar things on the forums previously but not to this detail. I'm an avid PvPer and I hear on my guilds vent people talking about how broken resolve is and how out of control CC is. I also see the same thing posted all over the forums and talked about in general chat too. Here is an easy fix to resolve. DELETE IT and start fresh. Take the Warhammer Immunity timers, classify the CC so people aren't immune to every type of CC when someone uses something. They also need to add pull and root to this as well, being chain pulled 2-3 times in Ilum is just as bad as being chain stunned, etc. Increased Duration of Disable Immunities: Immunities for the disable family of CC (knockdown, stun, blind). Example, if you are stunned for 1.5-2 seconds, you would have a 15-second immunity. If you are stunned for 3+ seconds, that same immunity would be 30 seconds. Root Immunity and Knockback/Pull Immunity Combined: Root immunity and knockback/pull immunity together into a single "movement immunity" effect. This immunity will remain for 30 seconds, and will prevent you from things such as being pulled in, then immediately rooted in place, or chain pulling. Also they need to rework our CC breaker into a CC break + 5 second immunity to all CC. I think this will help alleviate a lot of the frustration, especially for melee characters. Personally, I think a complete overhaul to resolve and a change to something like this would fix a big part of the PvP in this game. As a Sniper I feel bad (ok not really) when fighting a melee class and not letting them get to me. With this change people will have to be much more tactical and skillful when fighting and no longer be frustrated from being CC'd non-stop... *Edit* Some have mentioned that 30 seconds is too long. That's fine, was just a suggestion, any number would work whether it is 5, 10, 15, etc...
  23. Ok. that's what I thought but wasn't sure. It is pretty retarded they gave us abilities like that and yet didn't do the same for other classes...
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