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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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With all that MMOs have evolved, I don't understand how the developers could not understand what would happen with this PvP system (Ilum) on servers with large population imbalances. PvP changes that promote such imbalances should simply be a thing of the past. It shows a lack of effective forsight.


I don't know either, it happens in every two faction MMO.

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Hi folks,


We're currently investigating potential issues related to the Ilum open world PVP area post 1.1.


Let us know how the investigation goes. If you don't find anything, call me, i think i know of an issue or two. (My phone number is attached to my account)




I am not angry or close to unsubscribing, I like this game, if you roll back the valor gains I will understand a mistake was made and wait for a fix.vFor now, shut down that planet.

Edited by richardya
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This is exactly what's going on!


I am trying to get a video of my level 20 going from rank 20 to 60 if I can get this video file to compress. I will probably make a timeline and do some math which gives statistic on how much valor I've earned in the amount I spent being AFK.


Sorry Bioware, accept that this patch failed pvp miserably and suck it up and let everyone know that there will be a server rollback! There is no other way around this!


I've already canceled my subs but will reconsider if there is a rollback because it's just not fair for us that really grinded for the valor by doing warzones and real open world pvp.


I for one would like to see that video since valor level is capped with level. If you haven't already cancelled you should be banned for inciting.

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Really embarassing for me as someone who loves the game and defended it against all the naysayers these last few weeks.


I spent sooo long grinding up to lvl 57 valor and now this, if post patch valor isn't rolled back, I'm done with this game.


^^^^ totally agree

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The issue is two fold.


First you have the obvious population imbalance making it either impossible or incredibly unfun to do the quest.


Second you have the Ilum buff which only accounts for nodes held. This will be impossible for the Republic to do anything about, thus handing 200 free Valor to Empire without any effort what so ever. This makes the Battlemaster valor grind much more difficult for Republic when you're facing opponents with far better gear.


This is a grave oversight and I don't even know how this change was put into live. Whoever made this decision cost this game subscribers.



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I have just one thing to say to the guy who thought up this illum...





YOU SIR, are teh SUCK



ps. srsly that guy is very clueless plx replace him with a rubber duck right NOW

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Time to escalate this to the devs that wore working on it, and to the devs that are working on the new content, and then to the devs that actually have brains. Find the logs, roll back the valor of the zerglings who abused it, release a quick patch to either make those turrets unkillable or to make them not drop valor. Save your game from instant death.
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The biggest issues would be the empire Spawn camping spawn point in Ilum battleground area. They are getting 1-2k valor a minute and will get battle master in a matter of hours.


The base turrets need 1 one shot machine gun anyone in range, like spam lasers of death inside the entire republic / emp base... like 100 imps dead in .5 seconds level of death.


Republic are also getting massive valor gains as well, just not to the same degree because they are wholesale slaughtered. Somewhere around 500 valor a minute.


You will have to rollback valor gains, from 1.1, which will make people very angry but will be quite necessary.


The frame rate is also very terrible not sure what you can do about that, regardless of machine specs.


It is TOO LATE for that. It needs to be reverted. NOW.

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Every change made to ilum by patch 1.1 ended up working negatively. There really is nothing to discuss. A rollback or something must be done otherwise the damage will be unrepairable.


For the future, as much as I dislike WoW, use wintergrasp as a model for how ilum should work. It gave pvpers a real reason to actually fight each other. That and faction imbalances have to be fixed.

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The subject line says all you need to know.



(The Links are from other Posters.)

Some Proof: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/32387872/herpderp.jpg


Not good enough?:



Bioware: Well Ilum is not functioning the way we intended, so we are going to make people fight when they arrive onto the planet to do their daily.


Me: 40+ vs 10? Thanks but one question, does anyone at Bioware actually use the thing that is located between their ears?




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I have never cared about all the rage this game has been getting but this is the first time I'm legitimately angry. I'm not even level 50 yet and this is ridiculous, I agree to what everyone is saying and there better be a rollback and a player cap on Ilum. The population difference is also an annoyance for me. Like why would I stay Rep when I can join Emp with a much larger community to socialize and group with?

Largely I agree, this pretty much sums up my feelings. I am enjoying the hell out of this game, and ragequitting in general has always seemed childish and lame imo but this is a ragequitting type of issue.


Please at a bare minimum look into the following immediately

A) Rollback of servers to last night (or at least valor gains)

B) Remove all valor rewards from NPCs (specifically obviously turrets)


Obviously faction imbalance needs to be addressed etc, but that could take time. NPCs should not be awarding valor, this is a problem that needs to be addressed.

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The best solution is to just ban all people exploiting the turrets. An exploit is doing something that is not an intended game mechanic. That should balance out the factions a bit more as well since most of the ones involved are Empire and the people doing it are pvpers who suck the soul out of every MMO that exists.
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"Potential issues" ...are you serious? Here's the definition of "potential":







possible, as opposed to actual


This would have been a POTENTIAL issue BEFORE the patch. DUH


Indeed. Also, using the word 'issue' here is probably an understatement. I can think of a few more descriptive terms I'd go with first.

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Not only is Ilum a giant zerg fest, but you've created a situation where the most populated faction will now have the easiest path to Battlemaster PvP gear FURTHER increasing their advantage.


This patch will BREAK and RUIN any hopes of a serious PvP element to TOR if it is not fixed quickly.

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Wrong good sir, Activision ruined GC... GC in himself is a great game manager.


GC is an arrogant idiot who's refusal to accept the fact his revamping in Cataclysm was a mistake, and as producer was directly responsible for the games downward spiral. Only now that WoW's numbers have begun to crash and burn and his neck been put into a noose is he speaking to his player base with even a modicum of respect.


Anyway back to the problem at hand, yes rollback so those of us who don't PvP are not forced to lose all progress two days from now.

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