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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Game virtually unplayable now, can't even tell when my cooldowns are on properly.


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Just change it back the way it was - I do not understand why this needed changing anyway. I normally have no issues with adjusting to changes in a game but this actually had me killed quite a few times in pvp, since specially for long cooldowns you can NOT tell if the CD is met completely or not.
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I notice some more stuff also when i want to maximize my global cooldowns.


Take cover


Xplosion probe

Laze target




when i want to dish out this combo more then 1 skill will not go off.

Specialy the casted stuff......


Its very anoying to say the least...

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I do not understand why this needed changing anyway.


Because they doesn't knows, how should they makes the game playable. Because they are just making it, not playing it. I dont understand, why they doesn't accepts player-made addons (least for UI customizatons, UI looks, CD timers, etc). Without that it will cost 100 more patches, until they will makes a usable UI

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I was directed here from PTR forum for questions, so here I go :)


There is still no change/fix to cooldown display in 1.1.1 on PTR - no option in Preferences to revert the 1.1 change either. The patch notes say nothing about this particular issue (abilities on cooldown not "greyed out") and patch notes for 1.1 which introduced the change were very precise:


Quote: The cooldown indicator on hotbars no longer causes all ability icons to appear grayed out (unusable). Now, when an ability is on cooldown, it will not be grayed out if its activation conditions (like resource costs or range) are met.



My conclusion is the fix is not being implemented.


Could you please clarify if we are getting cooldown display fix this patch (1.1.1)?

Edited by vandana_
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I was directed here from PTR forum for questions, so here I go :)


There is still no change/fix to cooldown display in 1.1.1 on PTR - no option in Preferences to revert the 1.1 change either. The patch notes are unclear about this particular issue (abilities on cooldown not "greyed out") and patch notes for 1.1 which introduced the change were very precise so my conclusion is the fix is not being implemented.


Are we getting cooldown display fix this patch (1.1.1)?


at least one week if bioware actually care or maybe never.

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I was directed here from PTR forum for questions, so here I go :)


There is still no change/fix to cooldown display in 1.1.1 on PTR - no option in Preferences to revert the 1.1 change either. The patch notes say nothing about this particular issue (abilities on cooldown not "greyed out") and patch notes for 1.1 which introduced the change were very precise:


Quote: The cooldown indicator on hotbars no longer causes all ability icons to appear grayed out (unusable). Now, when an ability is on cooldown, it will not be grayed out if its activation conditions (like resource costs or range) are met.



My conclusion is the fix is not being implemented.


Could you please clarify if we are getting cooldown display fix this patch (1.1.1)?


I would like this answered. I have the same issue. The blue count down whoops not finished quiet yet, check back in .5 seconds needs someone to fix. Its terrible mechanically that it operates that way. That little blue sliver is really hard to see at the bottom. If you made it bigger and just stay there it would be better, but right now often its very hard to tell if its still cooling down.

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I would like this answered. I have the same issue. The blue count down whoops not finished quiet yet, check back in .5 seconds needs someone to fix. Its terrible mechanically that it operates that way. That little blue sliver is really hard to see at the bottom. If you made it bigger and just stay there it would be better, but right now often its very hard to tell if its still cooling down.


We hear your feedback and are working on adjustments to increase the readability of the cooldown UI in an upcoming patch.


-- Georg


So there.



Around the quote, a perimeter create.
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The fix for this seems to be fairly simple: in addition to checking for sufficient energy/force, SWTOR client should check if the ability is not on its individual CD, and only then light up the ability icon. That would be better than both the current and previous implementations. Edited by Dodik
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Once again, a bad decision sparks a threadnaught and there is no official reply.


I think the devs are ganking Republic players on Ilum. I at least hope they're not on the clock this month...


They have made a response, you are too lazy or stupid to look for it apparently.

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I was excited to hear 1.1 was going to address the Ability Delay. But after seeing the changes....I feel like either BW used the Ability Delay issue as a cover for this change. Or they completely didnt listen to the playerbase when they made reports about the issues with the ability delay.

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Putting it back the way it was would be perfect.


No, it would not. There was a specific issue that people were having that caused them to make this change. Is it worse now? Maybe. However the correct solution is to actually fix both problems, not just roll it back.

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Game is not unplayable because of this but I will certainly jump on the /agree bandwagon. Anything that has 30 seconds or more of a cooldown, after that bar gets near the bottom of the icon I can't always tell if it is ready for use or not. The old way was more visually confirming than this new way. But the new way does look better. Maybe a color shade change to the icon, maybe red?, while it is still on cooldown would be beneficial.
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2 days left to patch go live it hasn't been implemented and mentioned in the patch notes therefore I asked for confirmation.


EDIT: Mr. Zoeller did not say NEXT patch; he said in "an upcoming" patch.


Edited so it wouldn't get removed.

Edited by face_hindu
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I think it's fair enough to complain when they make a much, much worse problem "fixing" something else.



This is where I disagree. I don't see the new hotbar as a problem at all. I can tell when all my long CD skills are ready or not by watching the GCD. It sounds like a lot of people are doing nothing while they wait for skills to come off CD, so you can't use the GCD bar as a reference.

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