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The question of the month: Will you keep your subscription up? and why?


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Will i continue my sub?



All the people saying they wont renew their sub, have played wow.

The sole reason why those people dont want to sub any more, is because its "not as good as wow".

Youre expecting a 2 month old game to be as good as an 8 year old game (or something like that), well its not.


I have patience. I believe this game will turn out great in the long run, just got to give it some time. Games arent created or even perfected over night, this happens over YEARS - i.e. WOW

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Everyone who is complaining about this game being boring at max level.. Do you not do anything other than game?


Get a job or something seriously. 3 weeks into a new game and you have already got max level and maxed out the pvp gear.


No wonder it's boring for you.



This game is wickedly easy to level. It doesn't take a hardcore gamer to do it.


Nope, I cancelled awhile ago, with no intentions of coming back. No add-on support, no combat log, "bug fixes" that break more than they fix. I don't have any faith that Bioware can support this game from a technical perspective.

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All the people saying they wont renew their sub, have played wow.


Funny, because i won't be renewing & i have never played WoW. I've only played 4 MMO's in my time & WoW isn't one of them so you're wrong on that point.


As for the thread, no i won't be renewing. I've listed my long list of reason as to why i won't be returning. SWTOR has lasted me only 2 months, hell, DCUO lasted me 6 months & that game was a mess.

Edited by SnakeBites
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Will i continue my sub?



All the people saying they wont renew their sub, have played wow.

The sole reason why those people dont want to sub any more, is because its "not as good as wow".

Youre expecting a 2 month old game to be as good as an 8 year old game (or something like that), well its not.


I have patience. I believe this game will turn out great in the long run, just got to give it some time. Games arent created or even perfected over night, this happens over YEARS - i.e. WOW


Generalize ftw...Best weapons of the "biodrones" it seems.

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Will i continue my sub?



All the people saying they wont renew their sub, have played wow.

The sole reason why those people dont want to sub any more, is because its "not as good as wow".

Youre expecting a 2 month old game to be as good as an 8 year old game (or something like that), well its not.


I have patience. I believe this game will turn out great in the long run, just got to give it some time. Games arent created or even perfected over night, this happens over YEARS - i.e. WOW


This is what I call a fanboy. Can't you accept that while YOU liked the game, someone else find it BORING or simply it's not what he's looking for?

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I already capped 50 and finished one of the 16-man raids and got the full tier pvp. I do not like this MMO it's another wow (here's how i exactly think http://i.imgur.com/UmcMV.jpg) and i already bored that kind of game, doesn't give anything new except a story that ends in 1 week with voiceovers. Is a good game to play 1 month, after that not enough subscription.


Expose your opinions


I will. Why?


Just to piss you off.


Go complain somewhere else.


Waste of a thread

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Sadly, no I will not be continuing my sub after my current one ends in March.


I no longer have faith that Bioware can maintain a stable and progressive online experience. Bugs still in the game from the BETA, issues claiming to be fixed in patch notes only to either be broken even more, or not addressed properly. Ilum is not an enjoyable experience, operations are still flawed and lack challenges and creativity. The community is not "online focused" for the most part, unlike many other MMOs. This game attracted far too many "single player people", the ones that turn off chat, never group up and just play the story over and over again. That's great for them, but it doesn't foster in a MMO environment.


Add those complaints to the lack of support for macros, addons, combat logs, cross server warzones/flashpoints, and near useless crew skills just makes the entire MMO experience lackluster.

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No, I will not subscribe once my subscription ends in march. Why? Various reasons. Game's getting boring. RNG battlemaster bags, bugs, Horrible fps on Ilum. Boring PvE (2 ops), Boring PvP (3 warzones), Ugly characters (sage), exploits (on warzones, ilum battlemasters), lack of care from Bioware concerning exploiters (not even valor rollbacks), lack of customer service.


The game's been fun and all, but it's not something, that could keep me any longer. Time to move on and find something else to play :). No hard feelings.




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Sounds like the OP didn't make the thread to sincerely ask the question, he just wanted to bash the game and leave with his finger in the air.


I'm keeping my subscription thank you very much, I'm having fun in-game, something WoW hasn't given me in over 2 expansions.

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I won't be. I plan on coming back later though when they add more content. I'm not a "raid" guy. Raids bore me. I enjoy PVP and single one on one combat with other players -- that's whats fun to me. When they add that, I'll be back.


If they ever add player bounty hunting..... I'll never leave again!!!

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Sounds like the OP didn't make the thread to sincerely ask the question, he just wanted to bash the game and leave with his finger in the air.



Thats exactly what it is. The OP wants to quit, so what? Apparently he needs some kind of validation from people he's never met or else he'd just quit and be done with it.

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Will i continue my sub?



All the people saying they wont renew their sub, have played wow.

The sole reason why those people dont want to sub any more, is because its "not as good as wow".

Youre expecting a 2 month old game to be as good as an 8 year old game (or something like that), well its not.


I have patience. I believe this game will turn out great in the long run, just got to give it some time. Games arent created or even perfected over night, this happens over YEARS - i.e. WOW


Couldn't agree with you more.

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Why haven't we consolidated all of these stupid "are you staying" threads yet.


Seems like there are like 20 of them floating around and some genius tries to start one nearly every day.


There were 2 or 3 up on the front page the other day a new one and two old ones like this one.

Edited by Sparklehorse
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Yes i will be staying


The game has falls but as one of the mid/older generation of gamers (in my 30's) I can wait for bug fixes and content (i want off rails space shooter pvp pew pew pew)


I love the story I've played wow since reliase so I'm happy the game play is similar as it hasn't taken me an age to pick it up like SWG and EQ did,

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For a game of end 2011 start 2012 this game could have bin much more. I liked lvling allot. But to do it again, visiting the same planets ( no zone choice). An old talent system. No space combat pvp. I had a great time till 50. Did a few hc's but was not rly amazed.


And no, I will not return to Wow, pressing H and I while flying circles in SW ain't my idea of fun. Dungeon are a one way path. Miss pvp abit though


So I will end my subscription.


To those who continue playing. Have fun and enjoy :)

Edited by Iboru
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I will most definitely be sticking around! I think the game is absolutely amazing! I bought the game a few weeks ago and just hit level 30. Taking my time leveling and enjoying the story. I don't have time I play every night like you obviously do, but I enjoy the few hours I do play on the weekends and week nights when my fiance is at school.


I fell in love with this game instantly and look forward to everything that it has to offer in the future

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