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Everything posted by Kalantris

  1. As much as I'd love to agree with mercs, sure, they are a bit over the top with their survivability, snipers are insane. The AoE build renders ALL melee classes completely useless. Permaslow, permadamage, insane survivability with dudges and absorbs. Too much on one class.
  2. I play commando. Among other classes. They're perfectly fine. Stop ************, make a sniper/gunslinger. If anything's OP, it's them. With they idiotic AoE and insane utility. PvP is not about damage, it's about disabling the enemy. Commando has one disable on a very long cooldown, he's basically useless. I win maybe 10% of warzones on my commando and roughly 60-70% on my healing sage. Utility. Not damage. You can't outdamage a healer anyway.
  3. After playing quite some PvP... someoone has to say it. Suck it up. Commando is perfectly balanced. Especially compared to retarded AoE builds on operatives with tons uppon tons of utility, self healing, absorbs and who knows what else. Perfectly. Balanced.
  4. I have this lovely TAB + Q combo on my one of my mouse buttons for just that occasion. To make sure the mob is mine . Changing instances is king btw. Best regards, Kalantris
  5. Please do not forget to mention, that you have to interrupt the big droids when they cast flamethrower. It wasn't possible to keep the team up on vet without that. Once you start interrupting it's quite easy. I couldn't complete this uprising btw. because the second bosses kept on resetting for some reason and then I came up with the brilliant idea, that there's this six lovely fragments you have to assemble and I did when they were resetting and there were suddenly three bosses... Best regards, Kalantris
  6. Well maybe you're right. I don't play my commando much in PvP, I prefer to play a healer, because it seems nobody else wants to and healing gets you way further than one more DPS on the team . I do however vaguely remember preventing the enemy team from capping a node for 15-20 seconds by myself . Regards, Kalantris
  7. Oh, so they "fixed" it? Shame, real shame. It was the only thing we had if crap hit the fan. We also had zero pre-healing abilities like bubbles or delayed heals or whatever, which means you need to be an actual god to compete in healing, because everyone else can just smash something and wait for it to proc when damage comes. You have to react instantly. On the bright side... I have one specialty point to put somewhere else. **** . Best regards, Kalantris
  8. isn't it so, that this system is suppose to give you the opportunity to get the pieces you're missing from your set? I mean like you get 3/6 from regular boxes and then, instead of hoping for the best for the following 200 cxp levels, you just buy the remaining ones? Isn't this what it's suppose to do? Best regards, Kalantris
  9. Just one question. How is gearing alts more difficult? I dinged 70 on my alt yesterday and gearing him up took me an hour. I returned all the planetary quests, finished 9 chapters to get more companions (it's a crafting alt, so I need 9), got to around command level 12, got two set pieces, moved all my stashed 230 pieces from my other chars, augmented everything and BANG! all I'm missing is an earpiece and one relic. I'm all violet/blue 230. I mean c'mon, was it even easier before that? Best regards, Kalantris
  10. As far as the numbers go, I believe it's borked a bit. The ability to heal a team for a scoundrel is based on keeping two stacks of long-term infusion medpack or whatever it's called (21 sec hots) and it's impossible to maintain in PvP. You keep one on most, leave one without any for the surprising surrender + instaheal combo, which only works when your target has no stacks on them, so that really hampers the healing. Also scoundrels have just two strong heals, both with cast and one of them on a 10s CD. Sure, you have a couple of combo-wombos (like alacrity bonus with one insta heal + surrender + two instaheals for 100% hp total), but that's on a 45s-60s CD. I heaven't played sage yet (OMW there), but scoundrel seems to be extremely focused on positioning, which is not necessarily true for commando. Also in most unranked warzones, you get a marker on your head as soon as the enemy team sees you're queued as heal and they're focusing you most of the time. I've had one situation in which the enemy team tried to mez me and kill my teammates. It's three of them chasing me and three of my guys chasing the enemy healer most of the time .
  11. Actually since PvP is mostly about the ability to eliminate enemy healers, commandos are kinda week. We have just one CC ability on a long cooldown. I get permstunned by operatives or shadows... and it's not like I die (pretty much like everybody else), but they can keep me down for at least 6-8 seconds. I can cryo someone for two and that's it. It's more of an interrupt than hard CC actually. So yeah, I can run around dealing damage and ****, but if the enemy has a semi-competent healer... I'm just working towards their personal best, because they can outheal me everytime. Same works the other way around, when I'm the healer on my scoundrel. I fear operatives, as they can keep me out long enough for everybody else to focus down one or even two of my teammates. In my oppinion PvP is more about utility and damage than damage alone.
  12. Feel free to give me a /w whenever you wanna do some runs. I'm either on Kal'an'tris (which is the smuggler healer you wanted) or Kalantrea (my second char). Best regards , Kalantris
  13. I did vet Esseles solo in 14 minutes, so... that's 4 runs per hour . Best regards, Kalantris
  14. Zakon Force Crusaders zaprasza do wspólnej zabawy w SW:TOR. Jesteśmy najstarszą w Polsce organizacją zrzeszającą fanów Gwiezdnych Wojen, do gier podchodzimy raczej ostrożnie (dla większości z nas czasy wielkiego grania dawno już minęły) i skupiamy się na wspólnej zabawie. Jeśli poszukujesz miejsca, w którym będziesz w regularnych porach klepał Opsy z teamem proplayerów, to raczej nie poczujesz się z nami jak w domu. Mamy zarówno wymiataczy jak i casuali, którzy logują się do gry, kiedy im obowiązki rodzinne pozwolą. Poszukujemy dorosłych osób, którym przede wszystkim nieobca jest filozofia Jasnej Strony Mocy. Zakon Force Crusaders powstał w 1997 roku i na początku swojej działalności skupiał się wokół gry Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. Z biegiem lat zmieniały się gry, ale Zakon zawsze pozostawał miejscem, w którym nie tylko można było pograć w dobrym towarzystwie, ale również uczyć się i rozwijać. Wielu Zakonników realizuje się dziś w zawodach, w których pierwsze kroki postawili w Zakonie pod czujnym okiem swoich mistrzów i opiekunów. Nieprzerwanie trwamy i tworzymy community od niemal dwudziestu lat. W SW:TOR robimy wszystko, na co aktualnie mamy ochotę. Część z nas preferuje PvP, część PvE. Niedawno wróciliśmy do grania, więc część z nas tkwi jeszcze w fabule, dodatkach i wbijaniu poziomu, ale docelowo chcemy robić każdy content, na który nas będzie stać. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany dołączeniem do nas, odezwij się do jednego z mistrzów albo rycerzy w grze (imiona postaci poniżej), albo sprawdź naszą stronę internetową: http://www.force-crusaders.org lub FB https://www.facebook.com/ForceCrusaders i złóż podanie. Lista osób, do których można się zgłaszać: Kal’an’tris (Kalantris, Kalantrea) Ethryon Phishy (Maevv) D’w’fc Niech Moc będzie z Wami! --- w imieniu Rady Zakonu Kalantris”’FC
  15. I. Love. You. I couldn't find one anywhere. Everyone's just gunnery, gunnery, gunnery. Finally! Gonna watch it right now. Best regards, Kalantris
  16. Oh, so you're the guy still playing on Progenitor? Just kidding, have you tried the guild section on the forums? Also, being the lucky bastard speaking english by default, you could just join any international guild and enjoy everyone struggling to speak your language . Best regards, Kalantris
  17. Well, last time I checked they want to remove some portion of the RNG system in the next update. I recently came back and started playing again. So far I got my scoundrel to CL 60 and Commando to CL 20. I had two useful schematic drops on scoundrel and 1 set item. I had 3 (THREE) set items on my Commando, a relic and a useful schematic by the time I was CL 15 on my Commando. Tough luck . EDIT: Forgot, that I also had two purple weapon drops on scoundrel and an offhand on Commando. Best regards, Kalantris
  18. Kalantris


    1. Ranked brackets are fine. 2. There should be unranked games as well. 3. Ranked brackets will cut people off from some of their friends unless it's going to be possible to smurf. 4. The idea of dividing 50s into brackets is plain stupid. There's not enough of us to make queue times bearable half of the time, so if you make it worse... You do the math. Regards, Kalantris
  19. Kalantris


    1. No brackets. Rage, how can we play against 50s? My answer: The only difference would be, that you'd be getting farmed like cattle once you hit 50 and start joining 50s warzones. Before that you had a chance to be paired with geared level 50s, now you'll be pretty much doomed. You'll cry for even more brackets then. I should change my nickname to Nostradamus. Regards, Kalantris
  20. Well done, Exile . Shame you ain't playing on the same server as I am. We could have some fun then. Best regards, Kalantris
  21. 1. I'm not ridiculous. 2. Medals flow with different speed on different characters. I need all of my guys to have their share and it doesn't matter I already have all of mine. 3. Huttball is rare, at least for the Republic. 4. You didn't consider the queues. 5. You can't get "6-7 medals" and keep on scoring, because you're avoiding the enemy, not confronting them unless you really roll them, which is something we don't want to check and learn that's not the case the hard way. So... summing it up: don't be ridiculous. Regards, Kalantris
  22. Are you kidding me? Every single medal grants you 50 valor. When we finish the scoring streak usually in around 5 minutes we have 2 medals tops (for heals mostly). Then what we do is we carry the ball to the enemy goal and start passing it to them before they die. So you damage the dude, CC him, pass the ball, kill him. You end up with: 2,5k dmg, 2,5k heal, 5k heal, 75k heals, 75k dmg, 300k dmg, 10 kills, 25 kills, killing blow, 1k objectives, 3k objectives. That's 11 medals instead of two. 9 medals = 450 valor. It is profit. To the farmed ones: You also get medals. Get some heals, some damage. Who cares if you loose, there's gonna be another game to play. Make sure you get as many medals as humanly possible to turn that loss into a profit. Simple. I remember joining a totally lost Voidstar once. There were 90 seconds left on the timer, we were attacking, stuck on the first door. I got 6 medals before the scenario ended. Fastest valor gain ever. Regards, Kalantris
  23. Kalantris

    Sage Self Healing

    I don't only do it for myself when I guard a node or an unattacked door on VS. I also burn my HPs, so others can score their heal crits on me. What else is there to do when you're guarding a node? AFK like some people do? Regards, Kalantris
  24. There is one thing about stealth. It does give great advantage, only not in PvP in general, but in warzones. Warzones = tactics. I played one against a team with 5 stealthers. Impossible to play. You have literally no idea where 5/8 of the enemy team is, you can never know how to position your guys and you always fight greater numbers, because the enemy stealths to you. Personally I have nothing against stealthers, I just say that it's ridiculous you can have 5 of them in an 8 man team. There should be limits to that. Regards, Kalantris
  25. As BM sage with full champion/battlemaster gear with hybrid spec crit/surge (37% crit/77% surge) I can say with full responsibility, that I'm unable to take down a merc healer with equal gear and skill with first debuff rotation. In order to do it I'd have to wait for my stun to reuse, which means 40 seconds. Anti-interrupt shield just pwns me. I ran a couple wz's in a premade (2 hybrid sages, scoundrel on heals and another scoundrel on shotgun spec) and we were unable to take down a healer by focusing him. The enemy team had two guarded sage healers. They were impossible to take down unless the whole team coordinated their attacks and LoSed them (like pushing one healer behind a wall and rooting him, then focusing the other one). Healer premades are beastly on warzones, because it's about objectives, not just pwning someone's backside. They enemy team can defend a spot forever, because it takes forever to take anyone down and the enemy just respawns and respawns and respawns... Regards, Kalantris
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