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Operative Epic Fail!


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LOL, ok, from a developer point of view, lets give a class teh ability to 2-4 shot other players, lets give them the ability to stunn and cc lock other players as well. Hmmm, ok well lets also give them the abilty to stealth in combat and lets top it off with massive healing ability. LOL ***.


Wow, umm...


Im at a loss for words, because i just got stabbed in the back for a 7K crit. my bad

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Why even play this game for its pvp?


The same people that think WoW pvp isn't utter trash are the kind to gravitate to any game that mentions pvp somewhere. Then act all shocked and surprised when a game designed around a PvE experience didn't get perfect balance out of the box.

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The same people that think WoW pvp isn't utter trash are the kind to gravitate to any game that mentions pvp somewhere. Then act all shocked and surprised when a game designed around a PvE experience didn't get perfect balance out of the box.


I think WoW is a great game and I think both WoW and TOR both have great PVP systems.


Do you have any other hyperbolic statements you would like dispelled?

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LOL, ok, from a developer point of view, lets give a class teh ability to 2-4 shot other players, lets give them the ability to stunn and cc lock other players as well. Hmmm, ok well lets also give them the abilty to stealth in combat and lets top it off with massive healing ability. LOL ***.


Wow, umm...


Im at a loss for words, because i just got stabbed in the back for a 7K crit. my bad


lmao.... /rage

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Triple buffed hidden strike can easily crit for over 7k.. if the op is in full pvp gear and the target isn't.


My personal record was 7208 with +30% Expertise on top of 500 Expertise and Crit Trinket.




Its possible....takes ALOT....but its possible.





Either way...get geared before you QQ.

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LOL, ok, from a developer point of view, lets give a class teh ability to 2-4 shot other players, lets give them the ability to stunn and cc lock other players as well. Hmmm, ok well lets also give them the abilty to stealth in combat and lets top it off with massive healing ability. LOL ***.


Wow, umm...


Im at a loss for words, because i just got stabbed in the back for a 7K crit. my bad


I can 2-4 shot players to. I'm not an OP or Scoundrel.


If anything needs a nerf... (Looks at Sages/SI) Dear god.. once they are geared... there is NO KILLING THEM... Even with crazy burst... they get low on health.. they have several ways to get away. And if your facing the normal team with 90% Sages or SI.... you try to kill one the other 5 heal him.

Edited by Blaaine
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Blaaine said:


If anything needs a nerf... (Looks at Sages/SI) Dear god.. once they are geared... there is NO KILLING THEM... Even with crazy burst... they get low on health.. they have several ways to get away. And if your facing the normal team with 90% Sages or SI.... you try to kill one the other 5 heal him.


'Nough said.

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Anyone that thinks an operative is OP has never played one and doesnt understand how we work - we are the healer counter, without us healers would sit there and laugh as you cannot DPS them down enough to kill them before they heal.


The operative QQ I think will go away once they fix stacking buffs (tonight actually) and also when people get to 50 and realize that yes we are versatile for PvP but playing with equally geared players in no way are we OP


Also the QQ comes mostly from the fact that the most played class is.......SORCS/SAGEs ....and we are their natural counter....so of course you will see the most QQ from this

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Operatives are OP...for the first 4~5 seconds after stealth. After that, they're not all that strong any more imo. And since this game doesn't have 'real' 1v1 or 2v2 pvp (duels and world ganking don't count imo) that scenario doesn't matter enough to care.
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LOL, ok, from a developer point of view, lets give a class teh ability to 2-4 shot other players, lets give them the ability to stunn and cc lock other players as well. Hmmm, ok well lets also give them the abilty to stealth in combat and lets top it off with massive healing ability. LOL ***.


Wow, umm...


Im at a loss for words, because i just got stabbed in the back for a 7K crit. my bad


No, no. You are mistaken. You were just in range of a SW Jugg smash.

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oh look, another useless post complaining about operatives. half the people that log on and whine aren't 50 yet or poorly geared, the other half just cant handle the fact that someone is better than them. yes, we can hit hard. no, we cant keep that damage uptake up. now i know crying nerf is probably your natural reaction to getting killed a few times in pvp, but try to realize any time you were killed before you could do anything, cool downs were popped, stims were used and you happened to be the weakest part of the pack.


its almost laughable how we were the least popular class and now every other post is how we need a nerf

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LOL, ok, from a developer point of view, lets give a class teh ability to 2-4 shot other players, lets give them the ability to stunn and cc lock other players as well. Hmmm, ok well lets also give them the abilty to stealth in combat and lets top it off with massive healing ability. LOL ***.


Wow, umm...


Im at a loss for words, because i just got stabbed in the back for a 7K crit. my bad


Its not the class its the stacking consumables, at least learn the real issue before posting a new thread that has been done to death by the other people that don't know the difference between an op class and a stackable buff exploit.


and no, i don't play an op or a scoundrel, i play a juggernaut, so don't bother assuming I am just some shill sticking up for my own overpowered class.


Clue, get one.

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LOL, ok, from a developer point of view, lets give a class teh ability to 2-4 shot other players, lets give them the ability to stunn and cc lock other players as well. Hmmm, ok well lets also give them the abilty to stealth in combat and lets top it off with massive healing ability. LOL ***.


Wow, umm...


Im at a loss for words, because i just got stabbed in the back for a 7K crit. my bad


Your biggest failure here is your inability to recognize the fact that no Operative who is specced to do "massive" damage as concealment has "massive" healing ability. Compared to the other healers in the game, an Operative is the least capable of unleashing large amounts of healing. To do so will leave him without energy in about 12 seconds. And since in order to unlock an Operative's maximum healing potential requires at least 28 points in the Medicine tree, any Operative who is specced for healing is not capable of doing much damage.


Now that we've established that healing is not part of the equation we can look at a concealment Operative as what he is, which is a standard stealth class: Stealth, high burst damage, limited survivability. Compared to WoW rogues, who can effectively stunlock you to death, an Operative is less deadly. The 3 second stun we get with Hidden Strike, as far as I know, gives you an immunity to our second stun. Our AOE CC is removed with any damage, as well as any of your class escapes. And the only thing left to us after that is a 12 second snare... Doesn't seem too outlandish for a Stealth class.


As for our ability to stealth in combat, not only does it have a 1 minute cooldown, but if there are any dots on us then we are immediately pulled back out of stealth. If we start taking damage we drop like flies. Even as heal spec, which has none of the intense damage capabilities, we are not able to heal ourselves through the damage received in PvP.


Lastly, you gave no indication of what your level or gear is like, nor that of the person who supposedly crit you for 7k, nor do we know the circumstances in which you were crit for 7k, or any of the stims/buffs the person was using.

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oh look, another useless post complaining about operatives. half the people that log on and whine aren't 50 yet or poorly geared, the other half just cant handle the fact that someone is better than them. yes, we can hit hard. no, we cant keep that damage uptake up. now i know crying nerf is probably your natural reaction to getting killed a few times in pvp, but try to realize any time you were killed before you could do anything, cool downs were popped, stims were used and you happened to be the weakest part of the pack.


its almost laughable how we were the least popular class and now every other post is how we need a nerf


I just rolled an operative. If you cannot beat up join um. Sorry its op and while you can pretend its not I won't.


Just roll an operative. It's not that hard. It will force a nerf. It's not even a hard class to play. You use a very small rotation to be "average" OP with it.


Operative in this game is seriously exactly like the WoW south park episode. Dude runs up and stabs you and you are dead at low levels.


I am sure at 50ish it starts balancing out somewhat. However, its needs something adjusted.


I aint a dev and it aint my job to fix. I don't whine about death in a game. I adapt. If you are sick of getting owned by operatives, right now either "level" which a lot of 50 say don't seem to allow them to live, or roll the op class.


I think it takes a very short time to get to a respectable level 25 in this game. At which point you can stab that operative once he starts stabbing your side.


Or we will all be cloaked. Either way. Just don't whine. You can see its OP. Everyone who plays WZ's with bolster knows that an operative that jumps them is instant death in 90% of the cases.


I stay in the herd in wz's so at least that operative gets a chance to get stunned and killed. Just know you are going to get stabbed, stunned, cc'd and have little counter.


Oh well... You cannot fix it. You can only adapt to it.

Edited by PlagaNerezza
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Without spending any skill points the OP is only "okay" at any of its potential roles (dps, healing, cc) OPs really do need to invest quite a bit to become capable healers and in doing so, give up on enhanced dps potential or better survivability.


Simply put, as a medic, I have to play A LOT harder to even pull off the damage numbers of a player who went concealment or even lethality. Likewise, a player who went concealment will have to play A LOT harder to even approach my healing capability.

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