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Everything posted by spreadshot

  1. IDK about anyone owing me free playtime. its more annoying that i have all my toons, money and skills on one server and having to start completely from squat. i cant say i would be as interested in the new toon as i was the first few times around, spacebar would be burned out a bit by the time i am around 30, but i would get there. certainly would be more fun on a new populated server than on a server whos peak hours in the imperial fleet get 25 players.
  2. we can perma stun? where was i when this change was made? because last time i checked after our one opener 3 second stun we couldnt stun again for some time. and its pretty rare that someone is killed in 3 hits, if it still happens. if you cant counter an operative or scoundrel, with or without your cc breaker, then might i suggest Hello Kitty Island? Thats more your skill level. Honestly i dont see the point of comming on the forums and greatly exaggerating or not knowing what your talking about. it doesnt get any point across besides the fact that just one more person is getting their facts from the QQ posts or the occasional youtube video. and i use the term *facts* lightly.
  3. oh look, another useless post complaining about operatives. half the people that log on and whine aren't 50 yet or poorly geared, the other half just cant handle the fact that someone is better than them. yes, we can hit hard. no, we cant keep that damage uptake up. now i know crying nerf is probably your natural reaction to getting killed a few times in pvp, but try to realize any time you were killed before you could do anything, cool downs were popped, stims were used and you happened to be the weakest part of the pack. its almost laughable how we were the least popular class and now every other post is how we need a nerf
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