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Why are people such jerks? (repost from General)


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it isnt the internet that causes such behavior. if the person in rl acts this way then on a mmo they will too. more and more children are being nonraised this way and now they are adults making more children.


my guild plays on the imp side of a pve server and we have a pub pve alt guild too(different server). from what we have seen there is little differances in behavior from one side to another.


at first when i encounterd unacceptible behavior i sent them a tell stating such thinking they are new to mmo's and dont know better. after some nasty replies i found these people just dont care and think only they exist in these games. sadly i write ther nameds down and on a few occasions have watched them die. no need to help out such people. a friendly wave to thier corpse does wonders. karma is just marvelous.

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MMOs bring out the inner person. What a person does when he/she is anonymous tells a lot about the content of their character. Fortunately, I've seen very little of problem children on my server in general chat. However, the exceptions have been quite remarkable.


What I do see a lot of is players taking the quest objective while I'm killing the mobs guarding it. The same thing happens quite often with resource nodes. Another point of behavior is, rather than grouping with the other folks waiting to kill a spawn, some players jump the spawn and leave everyone else to wait till the next spawn. (Where the cycle repeats itself.)

Edited by Bamajawn
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At least there is this thread here with actually 90% of very mature answers to the OP. This I honestly regard as an upside to all this dilemma.


My ability to ingore antisocial behaviour is diminishing with every year added. Just as Lindsu here wrote...

I guess that's just my problem.


The internet culture has been terrible and as I'm getting older, I'm losing my patience with it. [...]


I think it's worth thinking of all the factors that led to this. (As thinking and discussing is always a fruitful process.) From the whole list of reasons, I regard this one by Exerio a bigger factor:


This is not just something with this game, but with society as a whole. During late 20'th century and upwards it has been an increasing attitude in a lot of different countries and it reflects itself very well in a video game. People tend to focus on themselves. (mind you, this is how people are raised in the western world) [...]


Societies with atomised members don't have solidarity and compassion on their learning schedules. We are rather told "to get an edge over our neighbour", who is nothing but a competitor.


The question is, what to do right know, isn't it? We want to play SWTOR in an acceptable social environment now, correct?


I tried this:


This is why I made a nice small family type guild. [...]


Though I wasn't as successful as Sireast for I chose a supposed to be mature guild with 20 members that exploded into having 80+ members with some really nasty persons that totally ruined it.


Here is another try: The "Respect In Gaming" - project. It's a try with little effect so far.


I guess, in the end everyone has to figure out a strategy to cope with the situation on his/her own. ("General" set off, mainly soloing, small guild with individual invites, ...)

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I haven't come across anyone like this in SWTOR yet (thankfully) but I definitely hate the kind of people you're talking about. I feel like this crappy mentality/game culture is just getting bigger over time, and they're really ruining things for me. I thought these sort of people were contained to XBOX FPS' like Halo and CoD (not trying to generalize, I had roommates who were like these people and those are the only games they played) but apparently they're expanding into many other games. There are so many crappy people in the MOBA genre, and I even saw a bunch in Left4Dead 1 (PC) when it used to be lots of nice/funny people. I wish these people would find new hobbies :(


Anyway, so far I've only seen nice people in SWTOR so I'm happy about that (also, the Tribes community has ALWAYS been really great to me)

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Personally I feel that the SWTOR community I have experienced in game has been awesome. Given I've only run hardmodes with guildies. But I am leveling my second character and have been doing lot of normal Flashpoints, heroic quest groups, and engaged in random chatter and /general. And to be honest I have seen almost no negative stuff in /general. There was one douche once but he was told off instantly by several others; I put that guy on my ignore list as a matter of routine.


As a Norwegian I am playing on an European server so I do not know if that is part of it, or if I have just been lucky.

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Honestly I agree and I think this can easily be fixed.

What they should do is this:


Upon character creation that character should have a setting it can pick. Similar to Xbox live, in that you toggle the type of character it is.


If its a censored style select that. If its an un-censored non-filtered language style pick that. Overall your selected style should reflect in your instances areas.


Players with matching character types will be in the same gaming areas.


Respectful people play with as many respectful people can fit (of course a few bads can get in too but servers would prioritize by personality)


Of course some trolls would purposely create friendly accounts to troll those players. But votes against player behavior SHOULD mean something.


Players receiving excessive amounts of votes against them should be removed from there social bracket.


Reporting players should give the DEVS some kind of LIGHT/DARK side meter they can look at privately...allowing them to see how OFTEN repeat offenders are active.


Either that or play on a RP server. People their r VERY respectful. And also more mature.

Edited by beastmodedsmurf
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As I grow older I too am starting to notice this. It's the internet generation, the generation that feels tough behind their computer because they know they can be as big of a troll under the bridge as they want to be and there are no repercussions.


I play on a PVP server and it's terrible the way people talk to one another, the name calling and the childish antics. Yes it's a video game, yes you can act any way you want to but some of these people out there I seriously believe should have been smothered. I believe it has a lot to do with the internet generation, the younger kids playing the game acting like idiots to impress their idiot friends.


Just yesterday I'm running around Kass on my 42 Marauder and I am in the heroic area looking for the white datacron when I come across a group of low levels getting beat on by multiple mobs, two of them were dead and two of them were trying to fend off three mobs. I force jump in, ground pound and CC stun them all, finish each one off, raise the two dead. What do I get?


Player 1- lol look at this noob trying to be a hero

player 2 - lol running around a lowbie area

player 1 - must have no friends

player 2 - stop sucking so much in a lowbie area


I just saved two of them from dying and I get crap from them because they are trying to look cool. Player 3 actually sends me a whisper, thanks me and says it's been an hour and they only managed to collect one of the five things needed for the quest due to the other two running around like jerks telling everyone they suck. So i offer player 3 help, we run around, collect all of their items in about five minutes, run in kill the boss and leave. We see the two players on the ground dead in front of the instance, so I raise them again. Only to get more of the same.


Player 1 - lol same noob

player 2 - some kind of hero in a noob zone



People like this give mmo's and the human race in general a bad name.

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I disabled chat (hide it from the interface through the arrow button in top left corner) and play the game as a single player with co-op. If I group, we use Mumble to communicate, or TS3.


The chat gets in my way. Both by annoying conversation and not being able see what's behind it if my mouse hovers over any part of the chat frame. I don't interact unless I happen to hear the sound notification for my name and/or inc. whisper.


I do this not to be a jerk, but because I don't enjoy the game as an MMO, other than the PvP aspect. Changes to the UI would help, such as unlocking and allowing us to scale the UI elements, giving us viewport options, etc... but the annoying conversations will always be there; haunting us with leet speak and lingo that's unfit for a drunken frat party.

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  • 4 weeks later...
People are jerks because they started on WOW. Learned on WOW. and brought that behavior here with them. I let these "people" have their PVP servers and I stay on my RP server ware all the EQ vets are aware of MMO etiquette and practice it. I no longer play WOW for the same reason I will never again own an XBox, the demographic those two things attract (mostly) or douche bags.
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It has to be said too, that in the average "kid" is actually very nice. Calling the people responsible for the discussed behaviour 'kids' is actually insulting to kids. These people are just adults turned idiots. You see lots of them in real life too actually.


Ed: Oh and i gotta add there is a cure for this OP (you are right in everything you say ofc) ; Don't let the bad stuff touch you. Don't for a second reflect over why people post the weird stuff. Just ignore. Never argue. Ignore ignore ignore block report ignore. Try to waste as little effort as possible on it. It's probably harder the nicer you are by nature, but it's doable :)

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The treatment you can recieve can be pretty bad, I agree. I do find though that you can mitigate a lot of it, by simply clarifying why you've done what you've done. (whether it be in pvp, or flashpoints or whatever)


Most folks tend to assume the worst simply because they've went through similar grief to what many of the posters here have already talked about.


When you encounter folks who are just plain griefers, well my favourite quote is "Never argue with people over the internet, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

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I'm not sure why, but I'm pretty sure there's 'good morals and right conduct' education on our educational system which starts basically as soon as you hit school and ends pretty much until you graduate. Sadly, even kids (I've met with some personally) grate my nerves to the point that I want to drop my morals for a bit and bash their heads on their beloved keyboards. I think to myself, "What are their parents doing?"


It's not just in the MMO world, it exists everywhere. On a minor scale, it's a shouting match. On a grander scale, it's a full blown nuclear warfare.


Years and years of education and historical breakthroughs, and here we are. I find it so sad.

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I haven't had any problems with my server in this regard. Occasionally there will be that person who thinks he's funny but no one worth ignoring. I share my account with my sister and there was once where some guy left a group because she didn't know what CC was. Needless to say her group was able to complete the Heroic without him and his need to CC a rather simple mission.


That's the only time me or anyone I know has had an issue with players in-game. There have been many times I wanted to slap some people here in the forums though...

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Why are people such jerks? | Today , 01:09 AM


Maybe I haven't played MMOs in awhile. Maybe I've been out of the loop as far as what goes on these days but I'm getting to the point where I can't handle it anymore.


I've ignored FAR too many people in this game for just being all around jerks. People think that because they can hide behind the guise of an avatar, they can act how ever they want to anyone they want.




If you don't like the way someone is playing their character, don't tell them OMG U SUK, REROLL NUB. If you find a female online, the correct response to them being around is not LOL GIRLZ DON'T PLAY, GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN.


MMOs are NOT the place to discuss politics, especially in /general. MMOs are NOT the place to air out your dirty laundry. And just because you don't like the way someone plays their character, it DOES NOT give you the right to be a total douche to them.


**a note to the person that replied about the politics thing. Yes, people are able to discuss politics but it always turns into I HATE LIBERALZ, they R SCUM. Or something else demeaning. If you can't have a political discussion, or other discussion without calling someone names... You shouldn't be having that discussion.


This player base seems to lack any sort of social skills and I'm not exactly sure why. I've heard of people like this on XBOX Live or other places where prepubescent boys can act like big tough guys.


I don't want my ignore list to grow anymore, and I certainly don't want to quit a game I like just because people want to harass me. I should be able to enjoy the game just like everyone else.


I'm seriously calling out the community here. This needs to be fixed. There needs to be a better way to write tickets for people that say really mean things. There should be a /report [player] command and people that talk like this should be punished.


I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels like this game is completely being ruined by people like this. And IGNORE should indefinite, until I remove them because harassment exists.


Sorry for the rant. I've just been harassed more than once for many different reasons and I've watched other people harass others in general and I felt like there was nothing I could do to stop it.


You want to keep my money and the money of all of the mature adults out there?

Make it so players aren't allowed to harass other players.


And to a reply to the people that said "Welcome to the internet", the internet shouldn't always be a place where you have to "hide Yo KIDZ, hide Yo WYFE".


And a Reply to the Forum Mod that shut down my post, next time you should just move it. I'm so close to quitting this game because people are ******es, and you LITERALLY made yourself no different than all the jerks that are playing this game.


You see these? They're tears. You made me cry.


Thanks internet.

No matter where we go there is always Duchecanoes. I've played MMOs for over 5 years and Xbox Live for 5 Years I know the feeling. Thing is they Troll/bully whatever you want to call it because they think they're free to do what they want over the internet(In ways is true). Did it get to me at first? Yes it did but for me I've dealt with bullies throughout my highschool years too and just laughed at their insults.


Having a "Thick skin" as people call it is the best way to go, I mean just ignore 'em. I myself say things to provoke general chat from time to time but never harass anyone or do anything crude to upset someone. Only in good humor is all. For me I might be hiding behind a computer screen but still treat everyone with equal respect even if I don't know them BUT you can lose that respect quickly if you disrespect me and the kindness I show you.


I'm the kind guy in-game that goes out of his to help people get things done and asks for nothing in return but only to those I respect. I'm not looking for in-game gains I'm looking to make your day and help the community(I'm sure other than communication you guys will agree theres people out to improve themselves and not others) I will gladly pass up raid loot even if I need it but you did better than I did and your more deserving or not. Hell I'd pass on it even if I had only one more piece to a set than you.


What I'm trying to say is screw them and be glad people out in the gaming world exsist helping out for no personal gain just to make others happy while enjoying the game.


Words only mean something if you let them get under your skin.

Edited by Ainrehtea
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Oh. The players from my country, Singapore has the worst attitude when it comes to gaming. When they are angry, they just know how to press caps then say all the vulgarities as if they can caps lock me to death. You guys have never EVER experience what kind of players we have here. I tell you, when you experienced it, you will realise that it is not that bad here in SWTOR!


That is why I love SWTOR. I love playing in the US servers. Mature people and very seldom exchanging of just vulgarities.


When I played in MapleSEA, there is always this thing called the Kill Steal war going on and on. Yes, one party tried to say sorry ,but the other party just scold back. I hate them.

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Just one week ago,

I responded to a post stating my recommendations, and lo and behold a troller and his/her guildmates joined in on bashing me. I felt like quiting ,so to make a long story short. I have had several days to review my feelings and thoughts.

I have noticed that a wave of reality hit me. I am about 20yrs older then the people that bashed me and I have come to the conclusion that respect for others is just not taught or enforced as it was while I was growing up.

These are the same people that were "disciplined" using time out or turned away from unwanted behaivor by placating the child (instant gratification) . This learned behaivoir has overflowed into the gaming world as well as the real world. I hardly even see respect shown to thier own parents not to mention teachers,cops, etc... I believe in spanking (mind you not abusive type of spanking) but a firm belt to the bottom. As the old adage goes spare the rod spoil the child ,and also, those that refuse to discipline thier children really hate them. In other words if the child continues in bad behaivoir ,at least in the USA, they end up in jail or worse.

Anyway here is what I am doing now I am spending more time on the game and away from forums unless there is something I want to post.




I'm not sure why, but I'm pretty sure there's 'good morals and right conduct' education on our educational system which starts basically as soon as you hit school and ends pretty much until you graduate. Sadly, even kids (I've met with some personally) grate my nerves to the point that I want to drop my morals for a bit and bash their heads on their beloved keyboards. I think to myself, "What are their parents doing?"


It's not just in the MMO world, it exists everywhere. On a minor scale, it's a shouting match. On a grander scale, it's a full blown nuclear warfare.


Years and years of education and historical breakthroughs, and here we are. I find it so sad.

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I have toons on 2 servers, and on both of them I've seen people regularly do things like ninja chests and nodes out from under people when they're jumped (actually just watch their toon die), use abusive language, and in warzones the sheer tonnage of whining and complaining that "no one knows what they're doing" or they suck, etc. is absolutely mind boggling. I've never come across a worse community in an mmo.
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I have toons on 2 servers, and on both of them I've seen people regularly do things like ninja chests and nodes out from under people when they're jumped (actually just watch their toon die), use abusive language, and in warzones the sheer tonnage of whining and complaining that "no one knows what they're doing" or they suck, etc. is absolutely mind boggling. I've never come across a worse community in an mmo.


I've never heard a single insult uttered in my server.


Btw, You managed to effectively sum up WoW in your complaints :)

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