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Why are people such jerks? (repost from General)


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Didn't miss the point at all. You missed my point, which is, where do you draw the line?


You can't, because it's subjective. I'm offended that you told me to pass the ball in huttball. You're telling ME how to play the game. I didn't log on to grab the huttball and stand in fire to have YOU tell ME how to play nicely.


If you don't like adult language there's an adult language filter. You don't like how another player is speaking, there's the ignore button.


Where do you draw the line on where your enjoyment of the game is infringing on MY enjoyment of the game?


In real life how often do you get an actual reaction from a a bully, by saying, "hey you're being a douche?" Chances are pretty slim. Bullies are looking for attention, bullies are looking for validation, they're TRYING to get a reaction from you. To me, ignore works just fine.


Trolls have prided themselves on getting server first bans, posting GM chats, and having multiple accounts that have been banned. I don't think the threat of a GM is going to stop people from saying some of the more obnoxious things that the say.


You can't force someone to be nice. You can't MAKE someone not be offended at being called a nerfherder. Where do you draw the line on what's considered civil? When is a joke too far? Where precisely is the line? While there are certainly vile and abusive people and chat (I've seen my fair share in tons of MMO's) it's entirely subjective as to what is vile and offensive. You can create tickets, you can ignore people and you can turn off chat all together. I think that's enough.


Hon, I really don't think you understand what subjective means. Offenses are NOT subjective. If I were to call you a nerfherder (you used it, so I'm using it ;)), I'm trying to be offensive but just because you were not offended, does not make it unoffensive, it makes it ineffective. I said all this in an earlier post to you.


Its true that what hurts me, may not hurt you (subjective in that sense) but what I'm asking for is support from the community and support from the GMs/Mods. We need to stop this behavior. If its you doing it, ask yourself, 'why?' If its your kids doing it then take away their privilege until they learn some manners.


It would be really nice to have a tool that is easier to use to report people for abuse. Some argue that the tool would be abused but I believe that if we're given reasonable parameters then less people would abuse that system. Its just that I don't want to have to ignore 20 people in 1 day. I don't want to get tells from people on a DAILY basis that tell me I suck and should die. I don't care if it's a PVP server, I don't care that there's anonymity on the internet. BioWare and EA have access to these people's records. They CAN do something about harassment, the question is, will they and do they?


The fact that there is so much immaturity in the General Chat channels tells me that they don't. Its ok to joke around with your buddies, it's ok to say things in jest but it's not ok to hurt people's feelings just because you have nothing better to do.

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Yep my experience so far is that republic players have tended to be more mature than some of the empire players iv come across.But must say that my experience so far has actually been that the community in this game is not great as a whole (some people are great so I know it's not everyone).maybe the age of good mmo communities is a thing of the past,commercialism at its best :(
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I don't get why we have to give up and compromise... why if the internet it's full of jerks we have to "live with it"


Honestly no I don't have to live with it and I don't want to live with it.


Really what pisses me off, second only to the "bad attitude" of a great portion of the player, is the "live with it" attitude of the rest of the people.


There is a problem there has to be a solution it may not be easy it may not depend on us it may not come "for free" but there has to be a solution we are not talking about 3rd world starvation or great depression...


We are talking about having ONE server where people reach the standard of civil respect where even if it's funny to say "woman belong in the kitchen" you do say it only if you have 100% certainty that the other people in your group won't take it the wrong way... (and you don't say it in global, that's easy enough!)


Some people it's really too tight over "casual chatting" (actually it does make me laugh the kitchen stuff) quoting Ferris Bueller "Pardon my French, but Cameron is so tight that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ***, in two weeks you'd have a diamond"


There will be a compromise of course but not the garbage we have on the server right now! I don't want to compromise over that...


We deserve better SERVERS... we really do! and NO I don't want to ignore people or adapt...


And if you want to play the jerk there are tons of other servers where you can express your frustration in any way you want.


I would actually reach the extreme and say the opposite in real life you have to live with jerks u can't isolate yourself but in a virtual environment you actually can create a better community forcing the rule that regulate it as you can have a better control over 3000/5000 person on line rather then human being on earth and cherry pick the one that reach the brain level at least double of the one in a monkey.

Edited by Pekish
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I believe Penny Arcade covered this. Here is their illustration on this horrible truth: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/3/19/


LOL :jawa_biggrin: Yeah, that's about right.


I see lot of people saying, "Ignore jerks." or "Live with it." I know my earlier response probably came across as saying, "Live with it." It wasn't meant to. I was trying to say, in the best way I know how, is that jerks are every where you go. But, they are not like Pokemon, you can't catch them all. This is why it is so hard for communities (gaming or otherwise) to regulate certain behavior. I was also trying to say do what works for you. If it works for you to ignore jerks/trolls/bullies, fine. If it works for you to just 'live with it', fine. If you prefer to troll the trollers, more power to you. If you think it would be better to try out a different server, go for it. What works for one person won't work for another. I personally haven't had any problems with trolls in the game...then again I keep PvP, General, and Trade turned off. And, that works for me.


By the way:

Subjective Knowledge: deals with the human experience (stories, testimonies, ect); understood through empathy


Objective Knowledge: facts gained through research and study


Ineffective: not taking effect

Edited by LadyNightArrow
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umm, i dont know why youre here complaining... because that would mean the kitchen is empty and the kitchen better NOT be empty with a woman in the house....



Im just kidding.


I dont know if they have the same system in SWTOR or not but in ultima online you used to be able to submit the chatlog of everything that was said around you to report people.


I havent experienced anything bad in SWTOR but that could have something to do with the fact that my chat log is never open (I hate the thing... Its always in the way).

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Mob mentality. The more people the worse, imo. I've seen some great games out there, where the general mob or "who cares" mentality is just not accepted or is ignored.


I've also been on a server where chat is sooo busy, that the "trolls" just can't get a word in edgewise, so that's pretty cool too.


Not an excuse, in fact, I ignore many that cross the line too far for me. I also go, hey not cool. i.e. a **** is ok discussion in chat.


I couldn't believe that one for sure...and how 3 people where going on like it was ok, just testing the chat waters. There shouldn't even be a need to go there.

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I just made a guild only tab so I don't have to see the crap that goes on in general.

It does seem to be the Empire that's worse than the Republic, at least on the server where I play.

I assume more little kids play for the Empire because it's cool (kewl) to be evil.

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By the way:

Subjective Knowledge: deals with the human experience (stories, testimonies, ect); understood through empathy


Objective Knowledge: facts gained through research and study


Ineffective: not taking effect


Thank you for summarizing that for me. I was trying to find a way to explain those things without sounding like a jerky, know-it-all.

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To the OP: I'm not going to demean your post by simply saying, "welcome to the internet". While this holds true, let me just explain a few home truths about people in general - not myself, I might add, unless I denote it:


People, by and large, and underneath their smiles and niceties in real life, are horrible. They don't care whether you live, die, breed, whatever. They really don't. They will smile at you in real life and act like they want what's best for you so they don't get either

a) arrested,

b) fired, or

c) punched.


This is a reality of the world, and yes, it's really sad.


The internet is a veil, a nice little safe-place where utter prats can sit on their high horse, and judge everything they deem below them. Sadly, "everything they deem below them" is usually shortened to simply "everything". They will type to their heart's content because nobody is going to stop them, unless they breach certain "rules" of conduct on a forum, or in-game.


There's a term for people like the one you mentioned in your post: "Keyboard Warriors". They log on, pick a mark (it's usually someone who disagrees with their general point of view, i.e. they actually like something.) They then start to berate you and try to goad you into coming down to their level. Don't bite, just send a smiley face and ignore them. By the time you've completed this simple set of actions, ideally you should have forgotten they exist. It's a fine art, but you soon get the hang of it.


Sadly, many of today's children and teenagers (and, embarrassingly, some adults) don't understand the difference between objectivity and subjectivity. If they believe something is blue, then unless you believe it is blue as well, they will do their best to bully you into thinking it is blue. Even if it's quite blatantly red, if you so much as say "this is red, guys", they will foam at the mouth, and batten down the hatches for an abuse-heavy keyboard storm.


But you must remember, there ARE people out there who are worth your time. There are people who care about the game, care about the social aspect and whom you will eventually call a friend. I've made very good friends online whom I see most days in real life, and who have become part of my real life. Of this, I'm grateful.


Seek these diamonds in the rough out, and you'll be fine.

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What's being described here is loosely referred to as the "Monkey Sphere" or Dunbar's Number. Parts of our brain still operate on instinct like they did when we were part of a pack. Our brains are wired to generally only "care" for about 150 people. Outside of that it's hard to really care to the point of doing anything about it.


The internet has ruined this by introducing us to thousands of people at once.


That being said; check out Kath Hound or Begeren Colony. Both of those servers have been great so far. :)

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Holy **** OP. Leave your terrible server and come to one of mine. I have a republic character on Mask of Nihilus and imps on Dreshdae Cantina. Those two have been very good, with Nihilus being the worse of the two for ****ishness.


As for your original rant, I kind of agree. Too many people think that "Internet = /b/" rules should apply everywhere.


And don't let the womanizing, dehumanizing garbage get to you. The only people who say that kind of crap are the ones too pathetic to a) do it in real life and b) ever have a date. Therefore their fake Internet opinion is invalid.

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Just yesterday on Hoth, there were 4 people that said in general "LFG ,quest name>". One of them then said "why doesn't anyone start inviting people? I hate leading groups".


I replied, in general, simply that 1) he answered his own question (no one wants to "lead" the group) and 2) he is part of the problem with that attitude. He went off on me a little bit and I ignored it.


10 minutes later, I get a whisper from someone else (who I can only assume was this guy's friend) that said "u have a problem?". Not knowing what he was talking about (as I said, this was at least 10 minutes after the conversation in general), I responded with "eh?"


He then proceeds to swear, call me homosexual (in less polite terms) over and over about how I am giving this other guy grief, etc., etc., and told me I need to learn how to spell "what" instead of "eh" (while he is typing "u" "ur" "im", so that was a laugh).


I actually found it pretty hilarious, but seriously? I'm sorry your friend is to afraid to invite people to a group, but don't say that and then complain that no one is inviting people. :confused:

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Why are people such jerks? | Today , 01:09 AM


Maybe I haven't played MMOs in awhile. Maybe I've been out of the loop as far as what goes on these days but I'm getting to the point where I can't handle it anymore.


I've ignored FAR too many people in this game for just being all around jerks. People think that because they can hide behind the guise of an avatar, they can act how ever they want to anyone they want.




If you don't like the way someone is playing their character, don't tell them OMG U SUK, REROLL NUB. If you find a female online, the correct response to them being around is not LOL GIRLZ DON'T PLAY, GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN.


MMOs are NOT the place to discuss politics, especially in /general. MMOs are NOT the place to air out your dirty laundry. And just because you don't like the way someone plays their character, it DOES NOT give you the right to be a total douche to them.


**a note to the person that replied about the politics thing. Yes, people are able to discuss politics but it always turns into I HATE LIBERALZ, they R SCUM. Or something else demeaning. If you can't have a political discussion, or other discussion without calling someone names... You shouldn't be having that discussion.


This player base seems to lack any sort of social skills and I'm not exactly sure why. I've heard of people like this on XBOX Live or other places where prepubescent boys can act like big tough guys.


I don't want my ignore list to grow anymore, and I certainly don't want to quit a game I like just because people want to harass me. I should be able to enjoy the game just like everyone else.


I'm seriously calling out the community here. This needs to be fixed. There needs to be a better way to write tickets for people that say really mean things. There should be a /report [player] command and people that talk like this should be punished.


I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels like this game is completely being ruined by people like this. And IGNORE should indefinite, until I remove them because harassment exists.


Sorry for the rant. I've just been harassed more than once for many different reasons and I've watched other people harass others in general and I felt like there was nothing I could do to stop it.


You want to keep my money and the money of all of the mature adults out there?

Make it so players aren't allowed to harass other players.


And to a reply to the people that said "Welcome to the internet", the internet shouldn't always be a place where you have to "hide Yo KIDZ, hide Yo WYFE".


And a Reply to the Forum Mod that shut down my post, next time you should just move it. I'm so close to quitting this game because people are ******es, and you LITERALLY made yourself no different than all the jerks that are playing this game.


You see these? They're tears. You made me cry.


Thanks internet.


funny stuff...I haven't been harassed at all. Maybe the problem is YOU trying to tell people how to act.

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I guess that's just my problem.


The internet culture has been terrible and as I'm getting older, I'm losing my patience with it.


I played EQ, I played WOW, I played EQ2, I played AION, I played FF11, I played Phantasy Star Online, I played Diablo 2, I played Q3A... I've played so many games online since I was 16/17 but this is the first game (yes, first) that the culture has gotten to me. 10 years ago, it really wasn't this bad. There is just no respect for our fellow human beings anymore.


10 years ago the same problems existed...but now go back further and you won't see it that much. Society allows this behavior online because it isn't "in your face". You won't see this behavior acting out in person to person interactions because honestly someone will F you up if you talk to them like that to their face. So, what we are left with is the "internet gangsta" attitudes and routines. Kids killing each other in RL over winning Duels are also a more common (read about it going on over in China). Young adults going to jail for "putting their baby in a chest" and it suffocating to death because they saw it in WoW....and this has all been going on in the last ten years. Then, not to mention, the kids (or possibly young adults) that stalk you online and go out of their way to make your "gaming" life a living hell (this happens when you get in with a group of people and start conversing through applications like Facebook).


The internet has made it possible for people to act like r-tards, do things that if you did in RL would get you beat down or killed for it, and all around made it possible for this drivel that we call life to become unbearable for those of us with morality guidelines. The internet makes it semi-possible to "hide" behind these avatars and not share your behaviors. I actually met a cop once in WoW that was threatening to break every bone in my body and threatening to **** my wife because he could because he was a cop. I found out his real name and got him fired, but the point was he thought he could act out online and not suffer any consequences for it. If society allows it to be and does nothing to counteract it, it will continue to be so. If society stops letting it happen, it won't happen. Of course it isn't as black and white as that, and it will never be a utopian society, but things could change if people wanted them to be so. Course, the other side of the equation is really crappy parenting skills....


So maybe you all should find a quiet "Light" population server and form a guild called "Grown Ups"....and everyone with the same mindset can have a nice friendly atmosphere to level up in, chat, or do whatever....and not I'm not being a smart alec about that part....its and idea for everyone that is tired of said problems with said internet gangsta's....


I ran a gaming community for 6 years, years ago based on a single player game with server hosting abilities for that "MMO" feel....and I can tell you that you aren't alone in your thoughts on this, but that unfortunately the idiots outweigh the rest of "us" by 2/3rds.

Edited by Val_Silverfall
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I play on an RP-PVP server, which I hoped would attract more honorable opponents who are looking for a decent fight. I'm now hitting the mid-range planets like Alderan where ganking lowbies is endemic. Yes, I consider actively hunting people half your level as griefing, even on a PVP server. I'm looking at this from the stance of a guy who likes to play tabletop miniatures and strategy games, where a certain level of respect for your opponent is to be expected.


That being said, I've had great experiences grouping with my own side. If anything, the harassment has brought us closer together.


General chat is a mixed bag, but that's been true of any game I've played except LOTRO. As much as I love Guild Wars, I remember seeing people openly praising Nazism in general and saying stuff like "want to buy n-word slave" in trade chat.

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i have had an exceedingly enjoyable experience on my server but iv been playing mmos for 12 years and its almost always the same thing some super nerd that takes his aggravations out over a keyboard but i don't let them get to me because in all honesty they ether loose there sense of superiority as soon as they get on the bus and the school bully reminds them of there insignificance in life or they are simply to large to remove them self's from there computer chair and it becomes a wounder they can preform the correct typing motions with the grotesque growths they once called hands. what reaaally piss's me off is who ever came up with this hole girls don't play games thing MMO massive multiplayer online. this is a sociable environment if i wanted to play a one player game id turn on the xbox when i interact with a female toon i want it TO BE A GIRL! not some freak that's trying to run the girls off to live out there fruit cake fantasy s. this is intrusive deceiving and and utterly pathetic if you dont like playing video games with girls then go watch a movie with your boyfriend. as for the ppl calling other nubs because they are still learning there class's 1. the game has int even hit a month yet we are all nubs 2. most of us have jobs kids family and oh yeah we know what its like to have females in our life that aren't pixalated! let the rest of spend our time in this game doing what we pay to do. enjoy the Experience Edited by Paralassa
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To the Origional Poster. Your post made me bad for you. Makes me a bit angry that people are able to treat each other like they do sometimes in these games.

I have been with the same group of friends from my last 3 years of MMO playing on Lord of the Rings Online and our rules have been to respect each other and to those around us, and not be a jerk. If you're a jerk you're out of the guild. If you're finding yourself at your wits end, know there are mature, respectable people that play the game and don't allow the harassment to take place in their chat. We understand that not everybody has MMO experience and a new game means lots of questions and a learning curve.

I'm sorry that your experiences with people are going are so horrible. That kind of chat and behavior should not be tolerated by the community. If you need a change of scenery you can look for the Anchorhead Irregulars on server Shadow Hand. Real good group of people we have there.


I think the only solutions to players that are causing a negative experience is to only group with guild mates, remove general chat from the filter or remove the chat box from popping up. I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your time with swtor and hope you stick with it.

Edited by Dekatur
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To the Origional Poster. Your post made me bad for you. Makes me a bit angry that people are able to treat each other like they do sometimes in these games.

I have been with the same group of friends from my last 3 years of MMO playing on Lord of the Rings Online and our rules have been to respect each other and to those around us, and not be a jerk. If you're a jerk you're out of the guild. If you're finding yourself at your wits end, know there are mature, respectable people that play the game and don't allow the harassment to take place in their chat. We understand that not everybody has MMO experience and a new game means lots of questions and a learning curve.

I'm sorry that your experiences with people are going are so horrible. That kind of chat and behavior should not be tolerated by the community. If you need a change of scenery you can look for the Anchorhead Irregulars on server Shadow Hand. Real good group of people we have there.


I think the only solutions to players that are causing a negative experience is to only group with guild mates, remove general chat from the filter or remove the chat box from popping up. I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your time with swtor and hope you stick with it.


LOTRO always had the best community. I've never found a better server then Landroval.

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First, I have played lotro for years and can say the quality of people and the way they interact on the internet has declined. So many posts here seem to want to excuse rude behavior and just accept it. No Thanks!


I prefer to take rude comments to task as soon as they are said, a smack the dog on the nose right away approach.


I am convinced that these games have a'silent majority' ,just like society, and we need act if we are upset. The common clever response to people standing up to the bullies is to say, if you dont like it, turn off the channel.Well, these are 'multiplayer' games so if you ever want to group and your cannot run guild only, pugging is the only option.


Of course, pugging on this game has proven that , so far anyway, this community has a higher percentage of the worst type mmo gamer.

Picture Andy from the 40 Year Old Virgin movie but instead of nice guy Steve Carrell, insert Sid from Toy Story 1. This guy was a bully in school , socially inept and mean spirited. As he grew older, the only social interaction he ending up having any success was anonymously online. Years and years of loneliness however has led to not just epic misogyny but pretty much a constant state of anger.

This guy, well, pretty sure I was in a pug with him the other night . Let me be very clear, if someone in your group not following your targeting exactly the way you want brings you to insult their very existence..well, I think its time to close the computer and rethink things.

I get that feeling this is what you are good at, this is your thing you have mastered, you are an "epic" gamer. I promise however that taking your girlfriend/wife to dinner on a Friday night instead of 8 hours of a 'game' would open your eyes a bit.


I am talking to you, the guy would hit 50 on his jedi within a week of launch and now spends his time on alts insulting the 'noobs' in pugs.

Now, some are reading this and getting angry, I would ask a question your therapist may ask if you ever go get help, why are you getting angry?


Anyway, I say smack Sid on the nose next time he mouths off and the gaming community is better for it!

Edited by Swearingin
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What can you say?


As the MMORPG genre has evolved and "matured" the player base has gone the opposite direction. More players of lower quality and maturity.


One major reason for this is the ever increasing emphasis on solo gameplay for huge chunks of the game.


When you can solo easily to cap, grouping is optional, server populations are larger so you don't often encounter the same people, loot is ultra easily obtained, and so on, then players have zero reason to do anything but solo, and since they have zero reason to rely on or care about other players, they can behave in any way they want, hidden behind the safety of the internet.


And so, you get a lot of angry and childish players being total jerks in all kinds of ways. It has been this way for years, and gets worse and worse all the time as this type of behavior becomes so common that it's practically accepted and expected.


This isn't something that has an easy solution, since the only solution I see is to clamp down on easy mode and to make grouping more forced/required, something few/no MMORPG company is going to do, since it reduces subs and population, and thus revenue.


These days, quality of player isn't desired - companies want every subscribing moron no matter how much of a scumbag they are, to pay for the huge development and maintenance costs involved in running the games, and of course to line the corporate pockets with more and bigger profits.


It would be shocking to see a MMORPG where the devs cared about quality of player and forced higher quality play thru more forced grouping, less instant gratification ez uber loot for doing next to nothing, less solo ez-mode thru and after cap, enforcement of rules like naming policies, harassment policies, and instant removal of all cheaters (currency for cash buyers, for ex).


But the only way you're going to get away from the MMORPG brat syndrome is the change the entire culture of the genre and it's simply not going to happen in corporate america where the only thing that matters is profits and getting as many players of any type as possible.


Plus, you can't change the fact that the internet is the greatest hiding place. As long as players can be insulated from each other by the anonymous nature of the internet, their behavior is going to slip. Lord of the Flies, baby. Sadly. Isolate people and for many their inner scumbag comes out.

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Why are people such jerks? | Today , 01:09 AM


Maybe I haven't played MMOs in awhile. Maybe I've been out of the loop as far as what goes on these days but I'm getting to the point where I can't handle it anymore.


I've ignored FAR too many people in this game for just being all around jerks. People think that because they can hide behind the guise of an avatar, they can act how ever they want to anyone they want.




If you don't like the way someone is playing their character, don't tell them OMG U SUK, REROLL NUB. If you find a female online, the correct response to them being around is not LOL GIRLZ DON'T PLAY, GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN.


MMOs are NOT the place to discuss politics, especially in /general. MMOs are NOT the place to air out your dirty laundry. And just because you don't like the way someone plays their character, it DOES NOT give you the right to be a total douche to them.


**a note to the person that replied about the politics thing. Yes, people are able to discuss politics but it always turns into I HATE LIBERALZ, they R SCUM. Or something else demeaning. If you can't have a political discussion, or other discussion without calling someone names... You shouldn't be having that discussion.


This player base seems to lack any sort of social skills and I'm not exactly sure why. I've heard of people like this on XBOX Live or other places where prepubescent boys can act like big tough guys.


I don't want my ignore list to grow anymore, and I certainly don't want to quit a game I like just because people want to harass me. I should be able to enjoy the game just like everyone else.


I'm seriously calling out the community here. This needs to be fixed. There needs to be a better way to write tickets for people that say really mean things. There should be a /report [player] command and people that talk like this should be punished.


I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels like this game is completely being ruined by people like this. And IGNORE should indefinite, until I remove them because harassment exists.


Sorry for the rant. I've just been harassed more than once for many different reasons and I've watched other people harass others in general and I felt like there was nothing I could do to stop it.


You want to keep my money and the money of all of the mature adults out there?

Make it so players aren't allowed to harass other players.


And to a reply to the people that said "Welcome to the internet", the internet shouldn't always be a place where you have to "hide Yo KIDZ, hide Yo WYFE".


And a Reply to the Forum Mod that shut down my post, next time you should just move it. I'm so close to quitting this game because people are ******es, and you LITERALLY made yourself no different than all the jerks that are playing this game.


You see these? They're tears. You made me cry.


Thanks internet.


Sorry I have to feed this fire. So I will give a short exact story. 14 months ago I started playing online games. One game I played is the total opposite of this game and its history is repeating itself now as we speak. Then I played this game. beta twice early access. I was made fun of because of my character names, told I was an idiot for helping so many people, because I don't get but 5 experience in two flash points now, I have been told that a Guild I was in was a joke, I was told that my computer was a piece crap, I was told a certain company was just full poop. you most of the time can't get a straight answer if you have serious questions, the noob part comes out all of the time. I know I don't know all the terms, and funny remarks people make on the other side of their screens with no regards to others thoughts or feelings. Doesn't mean it gives anyone the right to spread hate, bully tactics and abusive remarks that leads to some type of rage. "if you don't understand what i am saying, point made" I decided and have addressed issues, to lead me down the path that not only will this game be priority, it will be priority one to address the disgrace people bring into the game against others. You can assume what you want because I have a right to speak my mind, address what I want just like you or anyone has to do what they think they want. Difference is , mys is legit. I play solo, a lot, I help people a lot and the ones that have no respect to even say thank you is horrible.


On the positive side, remember people are the way they are in game like they are in real life, 99.9999999 percent of the time. Over look the bull , an remember what floats to the top. Kids who read this, remember your parents, will address issues with you also if your being a goof. The adults who have nothing better to do other than cheat, us slang words, or even be prompters of any type of bullying, shall and will be thrown into the galaxy.


So go ahead and find me assume what you want say as you will because from this day forward, my rights are others justice.


Thank you SWTOR, not only have you given a few of us a well thought out game and mostly a fun environment and story lines, you have given us life, you have made justice priority.


As I can't go back and reread last post of solo working, and apologize, I simply act the way you do to.


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