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Everything posted by beastmodedsmurf

  1. Okay I play on crucible pits which is a pvp server. Sadly...It has ZERO grouping going on for missions, making it near impossible to find social points. Of course this is a pvp server and pve takes a backseat to it....but This server literally has about ZERO quest grouping... so your either FULL blown pvp or bored out of your mind. That being said. I feel that people are AFRAID of grouping because we have to match missions, catch up on steps, make sure were on the same part...etc... SOOOOO... Why not make it to where your Mission log shows all players ( ALL of your Faction players that are even UNGROUPED ) in the area that share the mission as you. Without marking your map with a million dots of course. But just the names of players in the zone that share your mission....Making it more easier to msg them for invites. Example: Mission 1 : (also on mission) luke, boba, jango, mace, yoda... what do you think? and yes i know doing them with guild sounds like the easy answer but how hard is it to find people on your EXACT same mission steps etc... willing to fly to you, take elevators , get in ship etc...
  2. Our guild will be recruiting rp players that enjoy pvp as well. We will be planning Rp events. ( like guild meetings in person ) All members will be initiated in through a duel ( win or lose you must prove yourself ) And these duels will be held at secret locations on different planets. All members online will attend and view your duel. We are the republic If interested add ajani on Ajunta Paul server
  3. Honestly I agree and I think this can easily be fixed. What they should do is this: Upon character creation that character should have a setting it can pick. Similar to Xbox live, in that you toggle the type of character it is. If its a censored style select that. If its an un-censored non-filtered language style pick that. Overall your selected style should reflect in your instances areas. Players with matching character types will be in the same gaming areas. Respectful people play with as many respectful people can fit (of course a few bads can get in too but servers would prioritize by personality) Of course some trolls would purposely create friendly accounts to troll those players. But votes against player behavior SHOULD mean something. Players receiving excessive amounts of votes against them should be removed from there social bracket. Reporting players should give the DEVS some kind of LIGHT/DARK side meter they can look at privately...allowing them to see how OFTEN repeat offenders are active. Either that or play on a RP server. People their r VERY respectful. And also more mature.
  4. Your missing the main point. what the OP was really getting at was the SOCIAL impact that Cross-realm Auto grouping had on the servers community. It turned a lot of people into rude/greedy people. Imagine joining groups where nobody speaks...and everybody loot whores items that they dont even need because **cross-realm autogrouping** says that they dont need to care if its fair or not because theyll never see you again... have you seen this effect yourself??? The keyword here...is "CROSS REALM" lfg...
  5. I'm still waiting for my install to finish lol...so ill have to wait and see... i dont know what flashpoints are...im guessing like the meeting stones in wow? a NORMAL LFG would be great.... but what i was addressing was CROSS SERVER grouping... thats what ruined wow imo... the exploration emptiness....was just a minor hit (that i personally missed).... but it was the attitude of players that really took a toll. Example: John decides to steal all the loot because he knows hell never see these random players from other servers again.
  6. Looking for group ( cross server auto grouping ) ruined wows server community imo.. The op is right...people no longer felt a need to be nice to others. because instead of having your name black balled on a server for being rude to people...you could instantly group with others thru cross server auto group (which brought the ugly side of people out)... There was also no longer a need to add friends from your server that were known as reliable tanks, healers, etc... because they were replaceable through auto group cross realm You no longer needed to EXPLORE the actual game world because you were automatically warped there when auto group completed. ( which made for a very very empty world **NOT HOME TOWN** but world ) It ended up being a lazy fest in orgrimmar where people would just log in.. press Que..wait for group to pop...and go... Gone was the magic, mystic aura that had once graced wow.... through exploration, random friend finding in the world, and adventure... smh...
  7. Couldn't have said it any better... This is the mindset of a lot of people today.. at least out here in the western world... Nice to see people aware of it
  8. yea from what i understand this game revolves heavily around storyline...storyline that actually matters. They put a lot of time and effort into it..( i mean characters that actually talk and you have a choice as to how to respond....in an MMO!?!?!?? crazy good) People that want to rush to endgame content have their hearts in the right place but are missing some of the best parts by rushing... Its like seeing a movie that was masterfully crafted in its storyline..and fast forwarding to all the action scenes.... The end will not feel as satisfying as it would have if you had watched all the storyline parts.
  9. I wouldn't doubt it if rival companies hire people to secretly make accounts and troll. It benefits them greatly...gives them insight as to whats going on in the forums...AND works as a sort of propaganda that can be stirred up. Its like putting "NFL SUCKS" commercials all over tv during your favorite teams game... so I take these negative reviews with a grain of salt
  10. I am still waiting for install. I am going into this game with an open mind and am suspending all my beliefs in what i believe an MMO should be... In essence I am going to try and enjoy this game for what it truly offers. If it is a single player style lone wolf game that flirts with MMO features than I will understand it to be that. If it is a full fledged MMO with hundreds of people on the screen at once than I will understand it to be that. Either way I will see how each approach works and in the end come to my conclusion just as you have. Im actually excited that the game has a strong single player aspect with the MMO part being weaved into it..
  11. I wish MMO's would adopt some kind of pay system that rewarded players that played X amount of time... or completed X amount of achievements... Example: John has completed 100 achievements John is now rewarded by having his next payment reduced to 10$ instead of 15$ a month. Something like this would actually encourage players to play more... it would even give players a chance to kind of "earn some of their money back" after a break of inactivity in a way....
  12. I am a bounty hunter. Need money? will hunt jedi.
  13. I've always hated online subs...because it feels like you "HAVE" to play to get your moneys worth.. and when gaming feels forced..it doesnt feel fun... That being said i like the way this game has incorporated a single player style of mmo...if that makes any sense... with the storyline really connecting your character to the world. I think this experience alone is worth my 60$.... I want to see how well they can make my single player style storyline mingle with the other players within the game. Other MMOs just feel like your all doing fetch quests together without any meaning. if this game fails to impress me after I've reached a good amount of content...then i will not be re subbing....but if it does...then i can say 15$ a month is worth my time. like buying a quality game everymonth for 15 bucks. wel c
  14. So I am hearing some people saying they wish "this was like wow"...or "that was like wow".... and here they are with this new mmorpg named swtor... so in reality if you were to leave your girlfriend for a new girl... and constantly tell your friends you wish she had "this like my ex"...or "that like my ex"... your friend will Probably tell you to go back TO your ex... So please don't get so offended when people tell you to go back to wow. It's not that they hate you.. its just that they can tell where your heart is lol...
  15. I see people giving games reviews of a 1 out of 10 for having problems at launch... like "screw this game it sucks cant even install right"... smh.... does that mean the game content deserves a 1???? so many people complain before they actually get to play the game because they are soooo eager to enjoy it... People that complain about problems at launch probably have never truly experienced launch days. It's almost like when a baby is born... Do people complain that the baby cant walk or drive or talk or think like an adult...? no because its just born. Launch day is....a Launch day... its like a video games birthday...and this "baby" MMO has a bright future...that can turn good or bad... time will tell
  16. Great post. If my aunt made me some pancakes....and another aunt made pancakes..but a different way that im used too...it wouldn't be fair for me to criticize the pancakes until they were ready. me want pancakes now
  17. honestly... its like a new ice cream was created... and your mentioning how this new ice cream doesnt taste like the others...how its missing the chocolate cookies...or the caramel swirls...etc... The fact is...This is its own "ice cream". Similar to the others yes...but sherbert and chocolate are two entirely dif flavors. If your really were expecting more WOW features ....than I'd say play wow. This game is still searching for its own identity. Forcing it to copy so many aspects of wow...before people even give swtor's own style a legit shot (where everyones high lvl and endgame content is common)... isn't fair. I think your expectations are respectable...but you got to remember...this is swtor not wow bro...
  18. honestly if I were to judge WOWs pvp based on lvl 20 gameplay or even lvl 10...I wouldnt be totally impressed. It takes full gear and learned abilities to truly appreciate how good it is. That being said...Im sure they will come out with an arena of some sort. I just don't think that a mmo being pushed on its "story driven" reputation has made pvp its main priority just yet... Do not worry young bounty hunter.
  19. LOL this is true...i was one of the few who gave that game a shot at launch hoping it was a new ff11....
  20. I havent got a chance to play yet as I'm waiting for my game to finish downloading but....that was one of the main reasons I quit wow. The no longer had its feeling immersion where players would randomly run into one another. When Instant que dungeons and bgs were invented...pretty much everybody became a couch potato in orgimmar until their ques popped. The world was huge but empty...aside from people doing dailies. I do like swtor based on videos and reviews (also being an experienced vet in KOTOR and MASSeffect) and am interested to see how this world stacks up. The QUEST immersion alone is impressive to me...
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