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Why are people such jerks? (repost from General)


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Bad day OP? believe me we all have them.



Unless I need to see Gen chat which is not all that often, I switch over to the OTHER tab. All you get then is character speak, Much better. OK this is not everyone's cup of tea as most play this game for the interactions with other players, however it worth considering if only for those times when Gen chat get overbearing. Also it's why I prefer to play of low population servers. Yes it does still happen but not nearly as much. Republic side slightly better than imperial.


I do agree with you, we could do with a better report function as mainly it only gives the option of Report spam or Report harassment, which sometimes bad behaviour in Gen chat falls under neither.


The "I need help" and no one giving you the time of day. Yes that is a growing issue across all servers, not sure what the answer to that is other than the fallback answer of find a good guild. However it is something I will think about over the next few days. I am sure others will also. There must be a way round this, after all it is in the interest of all players if we are to keep the game running long term. For now the only practical advice is when asking for help, give as much info on what help you need. I freely admit that if someone writes in Gen chat, I need help and nothing else I do ignore. If someone writes I need help with this two person datacron, or this quest or whatever, then I do help if I happen to have gen chat on. Which as it happens is not all that often these days.


Hope you have better experience's going forward in the game.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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"Why are people such jerks."


Because they are human. Many people are stressed when they get home so they let out their rage on a video game where they have no consequence of doing so. Basically, just ignore them, yeah that's what everyone says, but it's true as there is nothing else you can do.

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well alot can be done . For starter , reporting them should actually do something beside ''Oh thank you , we will look into it'' . Kick them out of the game , until they behave .


Standing up for others HELP actually . A troll is only strong if he has the playground for himself and can do watever he want .


Maybe Add a new channel Under General that is called HELP or something . Where it is Only to Help peoples .


So many idiots park on dromun Kaas and coruscant just to run their mouth all day Long , and they talk so much , if anyone ask something it get buried fast .

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I find that most times when I try to find out why people don't want to lend a hand then I get a few answers that seems to be the norm

1): But you can it solo, just do this and.blah blah......because THAT is what you trying to, but can't, hence the I need help request.

2): It is too much work going that far back, but if I am on the planet I'll see


3) no body answers.


I generally try to help as best I can, though I try not to over help.


My main I need help issue is with datacrons, I suck at jumping, and basically if it is more then jump up on a crate to get on I don't spend hours trying and failing but goes on and then later try again ( only to fail)


Though it seems once people have done these EASY jumps then they won't do them again, maybe becuse they are not so easy.


I used to find grouping up to heroic missions being a drag in the past, and even more so now that they are all in solo mode.


But we can all improve and should try help out, the more players happy and playing the more fun we all will have, so helping, even doing the so called EASY stuff over to help a new player is then only a win/win situation



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1): But you can it solo, just do this and.blah blah


That one is old , been around as long and probably before I got here . Alongside of ''Just Skip heroic!'' and I'm talking about Heroic+4 back then . So as soon as you get to Hoth it is dead .


if you still need help in getting all the datacron , I recommand you look on the server section (on this forum) and see if anyone on your server is doing a datacron run . And ask if you can join them .

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