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Why are people such jerks? (repost from General)


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Why are people such jerks? | Today , 01:09 AM


Maybe I haven't played MMOs in awhile. Maybe I've been out of the loop as far as what goes on these days but I'm getting to the point where I can't handle it anymore.


I've ignored FAR too many people in this game for just being all around jerks. People think that because they can hide behind the guise of an avatar, they can act how ever they want to anyone they want.




If you don't like the way someone is playing their character, don't tell them OMG U SUK, REROLL NUB. If you find a female online, the correct response to them being around is not LOL GIRLZ DON'T PLAY, GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN.


MMOs are NOT the place to discuss politics, especially in /general. MMOs are NOT the place to air out your dirty laundry. And just because you don't like the way someone plays their character, it DOES NOT give you the right to be a total douche to them.


**a note to the person that replied about the politics thing. Yes, people are able to discuss politics but it always turns into I HATE LIBERALZ, they R SCUM. Or something else demeaning. If you can't have a political discussion, or other discussion without calling someone names... You shouldn't be having that discussion.


This player base seems to lack any sort of social skills and I'm not exactly sure why. I've heard of people like this on XBOX Live or other places where prepubescent boys can act like big tough guys.


I don't want my ignore list to grow anymore, and I certainly don't want to quit a game I like just because people want to harass me. I should be able to enjoy the game just like everyone else.


I'm seriously calling out the community here. This needs to be fixed. There needs to be a better way to write tickets for people that say really mean things. There should be a /report [player] command and people that talk like this should be punished.


I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels like this game is completely being ruined by people like this. And IGNORE should indefinite, until I remove them because harassment exists.


Sorry for the rant. I've just been harassed more than once for many different reasons and I've watched other people harass others in general and I felt like there was nothing I could do to stop it.


You want to keep my money and the money of all of the mature adults out there?

Make it so players aren't allowed to harass other players.


And to a reply to the people that said "Welcome to the internet", the internet shouldn't always be a place where you have to "hide Yo KIDZ, hide Yo WYFE".


And a Reply to the Forum Mod that shut down my post, next time you should just move it. I'm so close to quitting this game because people are ******es, and you LITERALLY made yourself no different than all the jerks that are playing this game.


You see these? They're tears. You made me cry.


Thanks internet.

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Why are people such jerks? | Today , 01:09 AM


Maybe I haven't played MMOs in awhile. Maybe I've been out of the loop as far as what goes on these days but I'm getting to the point where I can't handle it anymore.


I've ignored FAR too many people in this game for just being all around jerks. People think that because they can hide behind the guise of an avatar, they can act how ever they want to anyone they want.




If you don't like the way someone is playing their character, don't tell them OMG U SUK, REROLL NUB. If you find a female online, the correct response to them being around is not LOL GIRLZ DON'T PLAY, GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN.


MMOs are NOT the place to discuss politics, especially in /general. MMOs are NOT the place to air out your dirty laundry. And just because you don't like the way someone plays their character, it DOES NOT give you the right to be a total douche to them.


**a note to the person that replied about the politics thing. Yes, people are able to discuss politics but it always turns into I HATE LIBERALZ, they R SCUM. Or something else demeaning. If you can't have a political discussion, or other discussion without calling someone names... You shouldn't be having that discussion.


This player base seems to lack any sort of social skills and I'm not exactly sure why. I've heard of people like this on XBOX Live or other places where prepubescent boys can act like big tough guys.


I don't want my ignore list to grow anymore, and I certainly don't want to quit a game I like just because people want to harass me. I should be able to enjoy the game just like everyone else.


I'm seriously calling out the community here. This needs to be fixed. There needs to be a better way to write tickets for people that say really mean things. There should be a /report [player] command and people that talk like this should be punished.


I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels like this game is completely being ruined by people like this. And IGNORE should indefinite, until I remove them because harassment exists.


Sorry for the rant. I've just been harassed more than once for many different reasons and I've watched other people harass others in general and I felt like there was nothing I could do to stop it.


You want to keep my money and the money of all of the mature adults out there?

Make it so players aren't allowed to harass other players.


And to a reply to the people that said "Welcome to the internet", the internet shouldn't always be a place where you have to "hide Yo KIDZ, hide Yo WYFE".


And a Reply to the Forum Mod that shut down my post, next time you should just move it. I'm so close to quitting this game because people are ******es, and you LITERALLY made yourself no different than all the jerks that are playing this game.


You see these? They're tears. You made me cry.


Thanks internet.


I agree with you on this thats why for the most part I keep the chat box turned off and usually only play solo and not interacting with anyone unless its absolutely nessesary. I will reply to someone who needs help or to someone who asks me questions or is willing to invite me to a group but other than that I stay away from the chat box. Also people seem to forget the fact even though MMO's are games you do have to treat others the same way you would treat them if you ran across them in the real world. Because players like those you discribe forget the fact that there are real people controling those characters and that they have feelings too. And yes I am speaking from personal expieriance on this matter.

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My servers have been generally great. I think I've /ignored one person in the time that I've been playing which has been since the first day of pre-launch and several weekend betas before that. Everybody seems helpful and generally nice. Might be the hours I play but I hit it hard on the weekends and haven't seen any bad kiddie behavior outside of that one incident for which there was much scorn and /ignoring.
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My servers have been generally great. I think I've /ignored one person in the time that I've been playing which has been since the first day of pre-launch and several weekend betas before that. Everybody seems helpful and generally nice. Might be the hours I play but I hit it hard on the weekends and haven't seen any bad kiddie behavior outside of that one incident for which there was much scorn and /ignoring.


I havent either most of the people I have run into have been nice and helpful when they can. But then again I am usually on only twice a week and even then usually late at night.

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I wholeheartedly agree.


However, a line must be drawn.


One time, I joined a Republic warzone and all three turrets were against us. It was the last few seconds of the match, I ran out to mid and killed two enemies.


I apparently had the most damage and the most medals in my team. So I posted in /ops "So, I just killed two people on my own. Really, Republic?"


Then someone who I suspect was *offended* by this (he later said he, too, joined in the last few seconds) whispered me about I had made a retarded comment and how I should go back to a certain website on the Internet (which many people deem to be a horrid place of scum and villainy).


Then he "welcomed me to the list of people who failed" and started ignoring me.


Well I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings over the truth on the Internet in a video game.


A few days later, I'm looking for a group for Hardmode Esseles. All is fine, I'm invited by a random I don't know, "hi, hi, how are you" etc. He says "Give me a minute", then proceeds to kick me from the group, block me and invite someone else. I whisper that "someone else", get no answer, whisper him again and oh, look! Ignored.


I don't even know what to think about that last one, seriously, you don't have the balls to tell me "Sorry, a friend/guildie/other person I like more wants to join"? What the heck?


Long story short: some people don't have the slightest idea of what they're doing, it's a part of every society.

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I'm on a PVP server because that's where my friends are playing. They haven't been on much and my husband hasn't caught up to me yet in levels because he was away on a trip for a week.


So it's been just me.


The comments that I've received haven't even been warranted. The people are literally being jerks because they can, not because they find a problem with my play style. I play mostly alone and do a little bit of PVP.


I have trouble with the targeting system, I'm just not used to it. It's a little clunky and I haven't mastered it, so I mess up sometimes when in PVP. However, I kill people and I heal people and I protect nodes and do what I need to.


I'll admit, I'm far better at PVE but that's because I'm spec'd for it.


There are PLENTY of really bad players but you will never hear me tell them that they suck and should reroll or quit and kill themselves. Its just plain not ok. If you don't have something constructive to say, just don't even say it.


And yes, I've PVP'd a ton in my lifetime, just not in this game. I played AION and I played WoW. 90% of the time, I've been a healer because its what I'm most comfortable playing in PVP. So, I'm sorry if I suck at damage, at least you survived so you could kill that guy that was hounding you. I'm sorry I died, it was hard fending off the 4 or 5 players that attacked me because I cast a heal spell on you.

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This is not just something with this game, but with society as a whole. During late 20'th century and upwards it has been an increasing attitude in a lot of different countries and it reflects itself very well in a video game. People tend to focus on themselves. (mind you, this is how people are raised in the western world)


Now, the problem where I see it lays is with the development of mmo's. With World of Warcraft and various other games you really tend to see people focusing on how themselves play as they can just leave a group etc. if they don't like the progress. Once you have accomplished something though, you don't always remember that you had a learning curve yourself and lash out on people who don't do according to their taste.


In other words: Much like real life games have for a large base of players gotten "monoable". You don't need to help other players and thus you find it tedious when you have to. I am one of those players that played a lot once mmo's where new and have gone through some of my learning curve, but this in turn has made me only want to play with people I know and ignore others if I don't have to interact. Dealing with the lashing is tedious just as you are saying, and more often then not not constructive in order to play better and it might also not be the source of the problem.


- Exerio

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To be honest, the whole the internet should NOT be like this. I agree it should not, however

the sad truth is? It is. Can we do anything about it? Well from the looks of it? No. This issue

has been persistent throughout MMORPG, infact throughout Interwebz. Truefax right there..

Moderators/GMs/ect ect.. Can only do so much, but when younger generation of people get

access and are now able to play on the internet, this is what you get. Alot of people though,

don't start off like this. It's a vicious cycle really, nice kid comes in, gets verbally *** kicked,

gets mad, becomes a jerk, rinse repeat.


Advice? When it all comes down to gaming, or internet? Never take anything seriously.

I don't. Trollers? Go ahead and troll, flamers, flame on. People want to insult me for my

combat abilities in game? People want to insult me for whatever.. By all means. Really,

I have general turned off 99.9% of the time, I am having fun in groups, I find that if you

just weed out the jerks from your internet life, things get better.


Focus solely on having fun, I have a ton of friends, people who share what I feel about this,

we enjoy the game and screw everything else! I do give my thumbs up for calling out the

community, though in truth there is little to nothing to be done about such. However, I do

honestly hope that OP, your post could make a difference.


Until then...


Chill, as you said, it's a buncha kids being macho and jerks because they hide behind a

screen.. If that fact has dawned upon you, then really, there is no need to take them seriously.

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I guess that's just my problem.


The internet culture has been terrible and as I'm getting older, I'm losing my patience with it.


I played EQ, I played WOW, I played EQ2, I played AION, I played FF11, I played Phantasy Star Online, I played Diablo 2, I played Q3A... I've played so many games online since I was 16/17 but this is the first game (yes, first) that the culture has gotten to me. 10 years ago, it really wasn't this bad. There is just no respect for our fellow human beings anymore.

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Why are people such jerks? | Today , 01:09 AM




If you don't like the way someone is playing their character, don't tell them OMG U SUK, REROLL NUB. If you find a female online, the correct response to them being around is not LOL GIRLZ DON'T PLAY, GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN.


MMOs are NOT the place to discuss politics, especially in /general. MMOs are NOT the place to air out your dirty laundry. And just because you don't like the way someone plays their character, it DOES NOT give you the right to be a total douche to them.


**a note to the person that replied about the politics thing. Yes, people are able to discuss politics but it always turns into I HATE LIBERALZ, they R SCUM. Or something else demeaning. If you can't have a political discussion, or other discussion without calling someone names... You shouldn't be having that discussion.


Thanks internet.


If you have the un-ability to hide the 1 General Channel that's your fault.


If you don't like the conversation, ignore them, you don't need to put an ignore list. You could create multiple chat panels for general chat, guild chat, party chat, announcements and etc panels.


Just because YOU don't like the conversation doesn't mean OTHERS also don't like how the conversation is panning.


If you are having class problems then go to the forums, they tend to be helpful there, unless you expect your class to be able to outdps/outlast/outanything over another class you "deserved" to be trolled to reroll.


Personally this is isn't an all friendly place, there are people who are going to say what they want to say. What you want them to stop because you are unhappy?


If we just listened to you, it'd become a monotonous general chat, and full of bore. Just cause you know how to be a 'gentlemen'.


Personally, I like the General channel and the flame wars that go on with the YOUR MOM IS SO FAT BECAUSE <insert random mom joke>...

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Really good write up, totally summarizes my feelings too.


Next i go "little" OT but still:


Though i have much xp from raiding in Wow (from tbc to cata) i still hesitate doing any pve stuff with randoms if i have not done it before. One mistake can lead to all out nerd-rage though i have not yet encoutered it in old republic, but still.. i somehow fear it :p and prefer just doing solo stuff.



Funny thing is when i started playing wow back in 07 as a total MMO noob i just wanted to do all group quests and instances even if it went to hell from my part. :p


Perhaps i demand too much from myself nowdays.


Sry for my "little" rusty english, hope you get the picture anyway. =)

Edited by SuperSapeli
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It's the internet. Anonymity gives people the opportunity to act in whatever way they want without actually putting themselves at risk.


Essentially people are cowards on the internet.


That said, I have only come across select instances of really rotten behaviour. If I want to keep general on, then I add them to ignore. Otherwise I just switch general off.


It's not worth getting upset at people who obviously have nothing else going on in their lives, and feel the need to be intolerable douche bags to make up for their overwhelming feelings of lacking self worth.

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Pretty accurate. They hide behind their anonymity. Rules of society and common courtesy fall to the side. Majority have no real lives and get secret thrills hurting and insulting others knowing you can do nothing about it. They don't care what you say in response, only that you respond. Anything at all and they are dancing in their chair in victory feverishly typing another remark. Just look at the forums, the worst of all locations. Click on a troll and look at his posts, a dozen or more a day all negative all for the single purpose of getting a response. And the sad thing is more and more people are seeing it as acceptable behavior, just look at posts right here people telling you to deal with it. That it's fun. In truth it's a very sad thing. This is just a game but there are real people behind each character.


All I can offer is the same advice, ignore. And never ever ever respond it's what they live for. They cannot be embarrassed or shamed, they don't care. Also keep sending tickets complaining. To not do so lets them have free reign and leaves you as just another sad individual saying "someone should do something". It may feel an empty gesture but you never know. Maybe your ticket is the one the finally causes a response. And don't let them push you out of something you enjoy.


It's a simple concept, if you wouldn't say it face to face you shouldn't say it over the internet. 99% of your antagonists in game and forums wouldn't raise their voice to a goldfish. Better off to feel sorry for them and leave them to their pathetic ways.

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OP: Don't quit the game just because of a few knuckle heads who can't seem to properly socially interact with others. There is a way to turn off general/PvP/trade chat, which is what I do every time I make a new character. I'm a bit tactless. So, if I see someone 'trolling', I will likely attempt to put them in their place. I'll fail miserably, but I will still attempt it.


Now here's my two cents on the matter. I hope this won't be off topic. :eek: (Note: This isn't just for the OP; this is for anyone who cares to read this. This is my opinion with a little bit of attempted advice.) :o


First, trolling is a type of bullying. People troll to create fear, so do bullies. In reality what they are doing is pushing themselves to the social margins of the Internet Community (the same could be said for jerks). They are creating the label of 'bully' for themselves. They are also making it so no one will take them seriously, which will cause people to not want to answer them when they have a legitimate question. On the other hand, they also make it so people will be afraid of answering other people's legitimate questions. Seems like a no win situation, right? Here's a solution. Answer the question anyway. Who cares if people laugh at you (this is coming from someone who was bullied). The moment you stop answering questions for fear of being 'trolled', you are giving those people power. Again, it's okay if anyone disagrees with me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.


Second, trolling isn't new since the internet. For example:

Kid one: Sphinxtersayswhat?

Kid two: What?

Kid one and other kids around kid two laugh and call him/her a sphinxter (sp?).


How is this any different from 'trolling'? This has been around since before the internet. However, before the internet or even computers were a household must, this was called 'making-fun-of' or 'bullying'. This is the other reason 'troll' is just internet speak for 'bully'.


This is usually where people might say, "But there are ways to recognize a troll." True. But, once the majority of the community has caught on to various 'trolling' phrases, 'trolls' come up with other ways to...troll.


I'll admit it. I've been caught in 'trolls' before. Remember the stupid question, "If Arthis' mount was called Invincible, why can you see him?" I will also admit that I have a hard time spotting trolls when they ask questions like this, because I've worked in Yellowstone National Park and I have heard some of the front desk people laugh about questions tourists ask. Many are akin to the Invincible question. "When do the moose turn to elk?" "Where are the barns that you keep the bison in?" I have also witnessed peoples' lack of common sense when they are on vacation (I actually had to ask one guy to step away from a buffalo). The point is, there will always be jerks, there will always be trolls/bullies, and there will always be people who lack common sense where ever you go. No one company can regulate this in games. The best thing to do is do whatever works for you.


Again, sorry if I was off topic. :sul_embarrassed:


Musing: 'Common Sense' the biggest misnomer in history.

Edited by LadyNightArrow
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This is why I made a nice small family type guild. I make sure that no one just recruits for the guild, but they invite people we run into with on Flashpoints and just questing. I use to talk a lot on Global chat, but now it has become a problem cause people think they can act how every they want over a online game.
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If you have the un-ability to hide the 1 General Channel that's your fault.


If you don't like the conversation, ignore them, you don't need to put an ignore list. You could create multiple chat panels for general chat, guild chat, party chat, announcements and etc panels.


Just because YOU don't like the conversation doesn't mean OTHERS also don't like how the conversation is panning.


If you are having class problems then go to the forums, they tend to be helpful there, unless you expect your class to be able to outdps/outlast/outanything over another class you "deserved" to be trolled to reroll.


Personally this is isn't an all friendly place, there are people who are going to say what they want to say. What you want them to stop because you are unhappy?


If we just listened to you, it'd become a monotonous general chat, and full of bore. Just cause you know how to be a 'gentlemen'.


Personally, I like the General channel and the flame wars that go on with the YOUR MOM IS SO FAT BECAUSE <insert random mom joke>...


QFE, Spot on

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If you have the un-ability to hide the 1 General Channel that's your fault.


If you don't like the conversation, ignore them, you don't need to put an ignore list. You could create multiple chat panels for general chat, guild chat, party chat, announcements and etc panels.


Just because YOU don't like the conversation doesn't mean OTHERS also don't like how the conversation is panning.


If you are having class problems then go to the forums, they tend to be helpful there, unless you expect your class to be able to outdps/outlast/outanything over another class you "deserved" to be trolled to reroll.


Personally this is isn't an all friendly place, there are people who are going to say what they want to say. What you want them to stop because you are unhappy?


If we just listened to you, it'd become a monotonous general chat, and full of bore. Just cause you know how to be a 'gentlemen'.


Personally, I like the General channel and the flame wars that go on with the YOUR MOM IS SO FAT BECAUSE <insert random mom joke>...



Your comprehension of the problem at hand fails too... Op is right about the comunity people to behave as jerks behind the safety of a screen.


Let me tell you 2 storys, i had 2 episodes that were really fun regarding this situation,

one of them involved my neighbour from the building accross, we both play, on the same server and same side.. funny thing is we never spoke to one another... or so we tought...


It never came to us that we had ourselves in the friendslist until one day i went out for a smoke and took a peek from my window only to find another fellow playing ( could see trough his windows ) , a couple shouts later we ended up discovering who was who and we play together since then.


The second story is regarding people with " attitude ", see i used to play EvE, and the comunity in EvE is very agressive , so we had a group gathering from people that playing in diferent corps but lived in the same area... funny thing is, a couple stated how fun it would be when they saw us because we su..ed and so on..... :rolleyes:


It turned out that they were in for a surprise as most of us in our mid twenties and thirties were quite a bit different from what the "kids" had in mind.. so much for safety and assumptions...


What do meen with all this chit chat? Simple... The world is smaller as you think, and most of you kids , there's no other word for the people that beat their chests like King Kong atop the Empire State, have no clue whatsoever who sits behind the other screen.


People have a life, wife, kids, some have disabilities and play just to escape their problems, for plain old fun.. something that people today seem to forget.


Someone in another post pinned it in the "western culture", false and untrue, i have seen how "both sides" behave and no one can say, we are better and behave the better, its simply not true.


Most of all this is a game, people should have fun here, its not Hello Kitty Online, but its not about who has, can, or did what competition.


At the end of the day , in 10 years, 20.. no one will remember who played what, i wonder what will these type of people say to their children or grand children..


" Oh i was this big Jedi/Sith who harassed people on the interwebz.. i was so bad, all were afraid of me... *coff*coff... can someone bring me my pills "


> See in the end you don't even have the right to say someone is a noob, and should reroll or something, its not anyones business how a player plays the game.


The report button would be a nice ideia.. but as we already know people will abuse the system and bait others into discussions.


Meh.. the kids are just spoiled these days. :rolleyes:

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I guess that's just my problem.


The internet culture has been terrible and as I'm getting older, I'm losing my patience with it.


I played EQ, I played WOW, I played EQ2, I played AION, I played FF11, I played Phantasy Star Online, I played Diablo 2, I played Q3A... I've played so many games online since I was 16/17 but this is the first game (yes, first) that the culture has gotten to me. 10 years ago, it really wasn't this bad. There is just no respect for our fellow human beings anymore.


Couldn't agree more with you, that goes for your original post too. And I also agrre that it seemed more mature 10-15 years ago, don't know if this is because I was younger back then though.

But I will wait until the free month are over and pray that most of the imature players will leave.


I have met some nice mature players on my server, so it's not all dark and cloudy but the majority is indeed imature and inpatience.


Anyways, you are not alone out there so don't give up your hope on all of us :o And I really hope you find some like minded people so you can enjoy your time online.


Cheers, and have a great day :)

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I had a lot of that kind of behavior in WoW, which is why I rolled on an RP server this time.

I don't RP, but I generally found that people on RP servers are much nicer, more helpful and generally not the kind of people you'd pull out of the ***-end of human society.


I play on Trask Ulgo - EU and so far I haven't met anyone that acted half as bad as what I am used to from WoW.

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I had a lot of that kind of behavior in WoW, which is why I rolled on an RP server this time.

I don't RP, but I generally found that people on RP servers are much nicer, more helpful and generally not the kind of people you'd pull out of the ***-end of human society.


I play on Trask Ulgo - EU and so far I haven't met anyone that acted half as bad as what I am used to from WoW.


Yup. More mature people on RP servers. Some people still do RP-stuff there (allthough the game has little to offer in terms of RP functionality) but many of us chose RP-PVP server just to chill out, play the game, and have a laugh with friends - other adult people who have learned to behave politely thus earn respect. Ofc discussions can be heated up there as well, but immature people who doesn't belong on RP servers usually quit because nobody likes them anyway so they have a hard time getting any friends. So after a while they dissapear. Which is nice :D

Edited by LinsesPreia
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First off let me apologize, As an older gamer (I'm not stating my age) I feel like there was a lapse in the way the generation that followed mine has become. Second I just have a question, where are the moderators or gm's? I havent been the target of nerd rage yet, but it seems like theres a lack of in game gm's. I recently joined a small very nice guild who has so far helped me in every way they can. Because of that I keep an eye on the chat bar and have seen the absolutly disgusting way people on this game treat each other. I've played a lot of online games going all the way back to MUDS (if anyone remembers what that is) and i have yet to see a game whose community is as flat out rude as this one.
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Can't handle the heat, then get outta the kitchen.


I play with the same 'jerks' you do and have been blasted by them as well. But none are on my ignore list and none of them have caused me to lose any sleep.


Know why?


ITS A GAME. I don't give two sh*ts about what faceless people on the internet think about me or the way I play. I am not here to socialize and make friends, I don't need recognition. I am here to play a Star Wars GAME.


And honestly you must be a gluten for punishment, but if you're not good (and you know if you're not good) then don't join strangers on missions and flashpoints. There are nice helpful people out there, remember them - friend them, help them in return.


Playing a game is a privilege, not a right. The general rules of society don't apply to an MMO because its a game, its not real. If you can't handle that, then maybe you should find a game that doesn't require you to interact with all the a-holes on the internet.

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