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Is TOR done growing?


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I find it odd that nobody has menttioned the fact that the game still hasn't been released in various countries throught Australasia. Come March there will be a massive jump in player base for all those that didn't source the game overseas.



I could be mistaken on this, I am fairly certain there are other parts of the globe that it hasn't been released yet also.

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They could have upped the max capacity of each server, which is what I'm guessing they did because I see about a 25% increase in players now on my server than I did during the first 2 launch weeks. During peak times there are still Full and plenty of Very Heavy servers.


And yes, this can be done because SWG lowered their population status sign over the years that game was out.


Yeah but so could have Warhammer, Conan and Star Trek.

And i don´t see why they would up the capacities of the servers after the holidays... that would seem like a strange move to me.

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I find it odd that nobody has menttioned the fact that the game still hasn't been released in various countries throught Australasia. Come March there will be a massive jump in player base for all those that didn't source the game overseas.



I could be mistaken on this, I am fairly certain there are other parts of the globe that it hasn't been released yet also.


Not officially released, no, doesnt mean people havent bought it though.

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I was sitting in Voss last night doing quests. Someone started talking about how the game sucked, and it would be F2P in a few months, and how much BW sucks at coding. When we asked him what his number one complaint was, he really didn't give an answer. The only thing he really said was that you couldn't sort by character in guild tool....really? That is why the game sucks?


Now, there were 170 people in Voss general chat when this was going on. Not one person said anything to back him up. Not one person agreed with him.

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70 million, lol. Even I don't believe in this game that much. You have the power of positive thinking.


To the OP, we all can speculate on this game but that is all it can be at the moment since we have no real numbers to base anything on. The MMODATA you listed is a little old to use of numbers, but close. It has no numbers at all on TOR.


Old to use of numbers?


Not sure what you mean. These were the numbers for those games at launch. They are very accurate if you round to 100k, which is all we need for this discussion.


WAR and Conan had 800k and 700k in the first month. TOR has 2mil. They are not the same, but they are in the same ballpark.


And besides, the only reason for the comparison is to show how MMOs are front end loaded, and how a poor release will crush any pre-game momentum it may have had. There were many people exicted for Conan and WAR.


PS - this does not mean TOR will fail. Just painting a picture that is similar to what is going on here.

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Ah, you know my post in the other thread touched on that, and I didn't write it out here.


TOR purchases have declined sharply after the first two weeks. I had a link to a site with numbers, but I can't find it right now... Essentially everyone bought the game Pre-order or within the first two weeks. Since then, there have hardly been any sales, comparatively.


Basically, as is predictable, everyone who was likely to play the game heard about it and made their decision one way or the other. There aren't many people left who are undecided.



..You ould of said the same thing about WoW, many did...


It will continue to grow for awhile. MMOs don't sell all their copies in the first week. No game does.

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We were having a discussion about the MMO genre in another thread, but it got deleted for other reasons. I think it's an interesting one to have, so maybe those folks want to rejoin it here.


I was saying that I didn't think there were many gamers out there left for TOR to snag, and I thought the game's subs would decline from here on out. Someone remarked that WoW grew over many years, and I made the point that the market was just different then - younger and less saturated.


Basically, most people who would be inclined to pick up and play TOR have already done so. Sure there are new/young gamers out there who could be drawn in, but the majority of people who would likely play a game like (Bioware fans, MMO fans, Star Wars fans, general gamers) have either heard about the game, had a friend play, seen a video on youtube, etc., and they've made their choice to play or not to play. Considering how long it's been hyped up, I just don't see many "undecideds" still out there.


I think that the game will lose 200-400k subs this month, which would still put them at a healthy 1.5+ million. But I definitely believe this game is done growing.


Nobody can say that this game is not going to take a huge dive at the end of this month.


But, no one can say what will happen after that. There are tons of people out there who haven't heard of it, who are waiting for it to become more polished, waiting to return once their more disliked part about the game is fixed etc.


Because this game had such a huge burst in population from the very start, I'd say if Bioware can start rolling out the stuff that keeps players at endgame (Raids, varied PvP, rewards for open PvP, equips that take a LONG time to obtain etc.).


It could go either way, if Bioware doesn't fix the major bugs/issues (ability delay, FPS that affects some, and hi res armors) then the game is probably doomed, but my money is on them having at least 2/3 fixed in 6 months. So I'm optimistic.

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Exactly what I said, look up Xugos thread on the matter, its time for bed here.

This is what you said:


Really? The maker of that stat has come here and explained what his stats mean and they dont mean what you think. Its becoming as bad as taking an arrow to the knee...



That is very helpful. Thanks.

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As long as the game remains profitable they will continue to make new content that will attract new players. No it is not done growing.


Even the people who have left now will come back for two reasons


A. the **** they *****ed about is fixed


B. some new shiny content came out that is so awesome they are willing to ignore the little **** they *****ed about previously (I.E Nautolan race or something)


This happened in WoW too, people ***** and ***** about "BIG" mistakes wow made, but because the game remained proftiable, they kept churning out new features and content until they developed something people were willing to play. 12 million players didnt just pop out of no where, and thats not even close to the amount of gamers there actually are.


Not saying Tor is going to have 12 million subs. Im saying that as long as it remains at a proft large enough to justify new content patches, and expansions they will continue to attract new players, and bring back old players who had some previous gripe.

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And what are you doing? You are like a religious zealot the hypocricy is always above your thinking.


I'm stating facts and opinions. You're stating that because this happened in so and so game then it's going to happen in this one.

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Not officially released, no, doesnt mean people havent bought it though.


Yes which is why my post said "for those who have not sourced it overseas. " ;)


I really do worry about the level of comprenhension amongst posters on these forums.

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The BioWare/Star Wars/KOTOR name was enough to get two of my real life friends into this game and the fact that they are still playing and enjoying themselves is the only reason I haven't quit. I think anyone coming from a strong background in MMORPGs that realizes what else is being offered, both by games already out and those coming out soon, will have a hard time committing to this title long term. The reviews have been great for this game, except for a lot of the player reviews, but the number of people "sitting on the fence" on whether or not to decide to buy an MMORPG isn't usually that high.


EA tried to do everything it could to obscure the truth about this game, going so far as to create an atmosphere that caused editors to be fired for not stepping in line, but the word is spreading, both on these forums, the forums of gaming websites and the various review sites out there. A "competent but non-innovative" clone of WoW is not what people are really looking for these days. If you've played WoW or any of the major MMO releases that have happened since, you've by and large have already played this game. Just imagine what WoW would play like with lightsabers and a third rate team copying BioWare's storytelling technique and literally stuffing it everywhere it can and you've just about summed up this game in whole.

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Are you serious or is this just plain hate towards BW?

Anyone who knows anything about games knows kotor 1 is infinitly superior to kotor 2.


Kotor II had better characters, better story, better atmosphere, better gameplay, etc. The only thing the first iteration did better is that it was less buggy but that's to be expected with Obsidian games - quality story but neglect for bug testing.

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The MMO market is very different then normal game markets. If you remember the MMO market when wow started out. 1 Million subs was top of the line and about as good as it got. Wow i think peaked at 12 million subs. The point is they made customers rather then just pull from existing ones.


There are two big pit fall for MMOs the first and biggest is the opening period. Why most mmos fail is they don't survive long enough to make back the money they owe their publishers, and have enough left over to keep the game afloat. Now I don't know for sure how bioware is handling their deal with their publisher, and i don't think its something they are likely to talk about on the forums. If they do make it to the point where they are out of the red. It becomes a stamina game of keeping subscribers and slowly trying to gain more.


1 Millions subs is more then enough to keep the game afloat and keep producing new content. That just leaves them with the tough job of getting new subscriber to try and grow their game. There are two ways to do this attracting people from other failing mmos or creating new customers. Either way i think in a few months you can expect a free trial of the game to come out. This is one of the best ways of attracting both types of customers.



If the advertising is their and the free trial comes out I think you can expect to see alot of people try the game. If the major bugs are fixed and content is being added. I think you can expect plenty of growth from this game.


Wow wasn't a wow killer its first few moths either it took almost a year to gain the momentum.

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I think anyone coming from a strong background in MMORPGs that realizes what else is being offered, both by games already out and those coming out soon, will have a hard time committing to this title long term.


That depends on what you are looking for.


If someone is looking for "the best MMO", then they might be disappointed, since that is entirely subjective.


I have a strong background in MMO's, but I didn't come to this game in search of "the best MMO". I came here looking for a fun, Star Wars game. The fact that it's a MMO is completely irrelevant to me, and whether or not there are "better" MMO's out there I really don't care.


I'm playing this game because I'm having fun. I'm playing this game because it's Star Wars. No other MMO available today has this combination.

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Are you serious or is this just plain hate towards BW?

Anyone who knows anything about games knows kotor 1 is infinitly superior to kotor 2.


Some people actually like 2 better. I can only assume they never finished either one. :)


They're definitely a very small minority, though. Most people seem to think 2 was utter crap.

Edited by imtrick
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This is slightly off-topic but:


From what I read on the forums, most players talking about unsubscribing have gone through the MMO circuit for years now and are so used to the little quality-of-life things in games like WoW that the negatives of SWTOR are always glaring in their faces. Then there are others who I think are just entirely burnt-out on MMOs but don't even realize it yet; they'll go back to their standby game of choice because it's what they've been a part of for years, and they'll have trouble moving on completely. Then there are the guys who already have multiple toons at 50 because they're so used to the MMO grind; they blow through leveling content and are upset at the lack of end-game, which is all they really care about at this point in games like WoW.


I took a break from MMOs for the past year or so in anticipation of this game and I enjoy it much more as a result. A lot of these content and bug issues stand out to me as well and Bioware has acknowledged working on quite a few that I care about. Unsubs have lost patience with this sort of thing and, because of the huge budget and amount of time spent on developing the game, expect something much more than what they're getting out of the gate.


I don't mind supporting an evolving product that I am enjoying as long as I know many of my concerns are being addressed and that Bioware is updating content regularly. The end-game content is coming, bugs are being addressed, and little quality-of-life things like added guild features and mounts are going to be implemented. It would take a large period of content stagnation for me to unsubscribe. This game could drop to 500k players and it wouldn't affect me in any major way.


But I am not a hardcore player and I can see where some of you are left wanting.

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