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Worst thing about SWTOR?


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My least favorite part of SWTOR is some of the PVP mechanics..


Right now there is no limit to how much CC can be inflicted on you. I've spent 20+ seconds as a marauder where I'm non-stop stunned. We have two fairly long CD stun-breaks, so if those have been used, I can be stunlocked and never get more resistant to it. PVP where it's all about just chain stunning and CC'ing people is no fun. Either need to impelement serious diminishing returns or cut in 1/2 the length of time that CC effects last in PVP. Just not fun right now as a pure DPS class with little CC of our own.


Also.. Huttball being the only imp v. imp warzone.. UGH. I played about 15 matches yesterday. 14 of them were huttball! Soooo sick of huttball. Wish it would either tell us which warzone we have been selected for (so we can decline) or allow us to queue for a particular warzone (or at least choose warzones we aren't interested in). Also, open up the other warzones to imp v. imp.


Finally.. Combat responsiveness in PVP is bad. I'll hit actions and sometimes they don't trigger at all (even after GCD has cooled down). Other times it looks like the action starts but then aborts. It's very clunky. Not responsive. Can be very frustrating. They need to seriously upgrade the smoothness and responsiveness of combat, particularly in PVP.

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So you're telling me you have no issues with this game what so ever?


Not really.


I have been playing MMO's since Ultima Online. I am also a Computer programmer, and a father of 3. I know patience, and I know things will be fixed.


I am having fun, when I stop having fun because of a complaint, i'll be sure to post it here. But in all Honesty, nothing is complaint worthy for me just yet, and knowing that eventually things will be even better as they get fixed only keeps me positive.


Before you hop in and say I have no experience, I have a 50 BH and 32 Smuggler, and a few 10-15's thrown in.


I don't think that the game is perfect, but I also don't think anything is so bad I can't enjoy myself.

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Everything maxed, 60+ constantly.


Reflections off my armor, game is gorgeous, well if you have a good computer that is. It is rough on slower machines but that will catch up in time.


Gotta love people confusing hardware limitations with bad graphics though. Silly noobs.


Yep - I have two mobility 6990s, and the game looks quite nice for the most part. I'm getting over 60 fps with everything maxed and at 1920 x 1080. I would like them to add in high-res textures (especially for character clothing).


Ability delays are a real issue on my Jedi Sentinel - that really needs to be fixed, and I'm in agreement with people who mention it as a problem. However, this thread seems more QQ overall than constructive criticism. Describing problems and suggesting solutions is what constructive criticism is about - albeit in the case of ability delay, there's not much one can say other than to point it out to the devs and tell them that they need to fix it.

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Not really.


I have been playing MMO's since Ultima Online. I am also a Computer programmer, and a father of 3. I know patience, and I know things will be fixed.


I am having fun, when I stop having fun because of a complaint, i'll be sure to post it here. But in all Honesty, nothing is complaint worthy for me just yet, and knowing that eventually things will be even better as they get fixed only keeps me positive.


Before you hop in and say I have no experience, I have a 50 BH and 32 Smuggler, and a few 10-15's thrown in.


I don't think that the game is perfect, but I also don't think anything is so bad I can't enjoy myself.


So what do you think is the worst thing about SWTOR right now? It could be the best game ever, but there has to be something that isn't as good as the other features, y'know?

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So what do you think is the worst thing about SWTOR right now? It could be the best game ever, but there has to be something that isn't as good as the other features, y'know?


The worst thing about SWTOR is the community. It's frustrating to see so many people with little knowledge of what they speak of.


I can't even count anymore the amount of times I've seen people take up complaints as fact simply because someone said so. I have seen examples of people reading something out of context, and then blowing it up in another thread without any concrete proof at all.


The community is the worst thing, nothing in the game right now has the potential to destroy itself. The community on the other hand has all the power in the world to end this game before it ever really gets started.


Edit: Final Fantasy XI -- Ramuh Server, I was obsessed with this game almost entirely because of the community and how well people got along for the most part. I miss good communities where people weren't all-knowing and didn't expect the world out of a brand new game.

Edited by djsmileey
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If I had to chose one thing that is worse than the other 30 things I could chose it would probably be:


The feeling of actually achieving something. There is nothing to really strive for in TOR. Credits are meaningless, gear isn't special, pve/pvp is too easy etc etc.

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The worst thing about SWTOR is the community. It's frustrating to see so many people with little knowledge of what they speak of.


I can't even count anymore the amount of times I've seen people take up complaints as fact simply because someone said so. I have seen examples of people reading something out of context, and then blowing it up in another thread without any concrete proof at all.


The community is the worst thing, nothing in the game right now has the potential to destroy itself. The community on the other hand has all the power in the world to end this game before it ever really gets started.


Edit: Final Fantasy XI -- Ramuh Server, I was obsessed with this game almost entirely because of the community and how well people got along for the most part. I miss good communities where people weren't all-knowing and didn't expect the world out of a brand new game.


So what's worst about the actual game? (Aware that community is an integral part of the game).


There has to be something even slightly worse than the other features in game for you.

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Threads like this one.


I'm not saying the game is perfect - but it is the best MMO I've played by far.


So yeah, the worst thing about it all is pointless threads like this that seem to go out of their way to belittle something I'm getting a great deal of enjoyment out of.



To sum up - Worst thing about SW:TOR are threads like this one. Hands down.



tl;dr threads like this one are the worst thing about SW:TOR

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Threads like this one.


I'm not saying the game is perfect - but it is the best MMO I've played by far.


So yeah, the worst thing about it all is pointless threads like this that seem to go out of their way to belittle something I'm getting a great deal of enjoyment out of.



To sum up - Worst thing about SW:TOR are threads like this one. Hands down.



tl;dr threads like this one are the worst thing about SW:TOR


There has to be one feature that you find worse than the others, even if they are all great (According to you), there HAS to be one that isn't as great as the others.


Which one would it be for you?

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World Design, hands down. not the look, lighting, shading, quest content. just the design layout and the means of travelling in between hubs and quests.


Its archaic, bland, lifeless and provides almost zero scope for exploration.



^This... I can deal with bugs, but this waters down the community in tiny zones of zones of zones. Also, they need more FP quests on the planets to encourage people to go to the FPs. 2 FP quests are not enough motivation.

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What do you think is the single worst thing about swtor?


I have a HUGE list, personally.. but if I had to name one:


Combat mechanics.. far too clunky.


Your turn :)

As other people have said: the worst thing about SWTOR are the self-entitled whiners it's attracted like flies to @#$#. Eventually, the mods will put out the bug-killer so that the non-ADD sufferers here will be able to actually read the forums without sighing.

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As other people have said: the worst thing about SWTOR are the self-entitled whiners it's attracted like flies to @#$#. Eventually, the mods will put out the bug-killer so that the non-ADD sufferers here will be able to actually read the forums without sighing.


There will always be complaining. Every MMO ever released has complaints on their forums, you think this will be any different?

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There will always be complaining. Every MMO ever released has complaints on their forums, you think this will be any different?

No other MMO with the exception of WoW has come even close to the number of whiners this game's had so far. None. It's all because of the population, I know. When you have a large population, even a small percentage being morons means that there are a lot of morons. In part, it's likely because this game has inherited a large portion of those morons from Blizzard. They need to give them back.

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No other MMO with the exception of WoW has come even close to the number of whiners this game's had so far. None. It's all because of the population, I know. When you have a large population, even a small percentage being morons means that there are a lot of morons. In part, it's likely because this game has inherited a large portion of those morons from Blizzard. They need to give them back.


Regardless, complaints are here to stay. If you think they will disappear on the 20th, you are mistaken.

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Threads like this one.


I'm not saying the game is perfect - but it is the best MMO I've played by far.


So yeah, the worst thing about it all is pointless threads like this that seem to go out of their way to belittle something I'm getting a great deal of enjoyment out of.



To sum up - Worst thing about SW:TOR are threads like this one. Hands down.



tl;dr threads like this one are the worst thing about SW:TOR


Quoted for truth.


tl;dr: QFT.



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