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To the "Nothing to do at 50" crowd.


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Hmmm let's see....what will I do at 50? I'll kill other players in PvP nightly....thats it...and I'll be content:)


^^This. Once I finish getting my Agent and Inquisitor alts to 50 I will then be an almost exclusive PvPer.

Edited by imperialmerc
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Problem being you didn't look to see when he hit 50 and started the thread...in early-mid January?


It's a recurrent theme, what's true regarding how sad swtor is in january is STILL true today, if you look at the original replies, they are also in january. This thread was recently resurrected. Its quite nice *cough* to notice that not much as changed.


Old problems = still unfixed.

Edited by Hempboy
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I hit 50 last week and....


I was having fun with endgame during the first 1-2 weeks as well. However, for the majority of people I assume get bored with the endgame after a several weeks of doing the same thing day in and day out.

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Ya in a game like DAoC people level too 50 to RvR/PvP exclusively, that IS the endgame...andit is fun as hell. I would log in every night join my guild group and go fight in the same Frontier EVERY night...and ya know what?...never once did it get boring!


I do not want to play a game like WoW for example where you hit max level and THEN the real PvE starts...hell no!!....Now dont get me wrong I like the occasional dungeon raid to kill the toughest bosses in the game, but I do not want to be FORCED too do that.


I think BioWare is on the right track with Star Wars.....you can have great endgame PvP that people log in for...and you can also have some great endgame Bosses/Encounters to keep the PvE crowd happy as well.


But to say there is nothing to do at 50?.......nonsense, unless you are strictly a PvE player and even then fr

m what Ive seen there is still tons of stuff to do


PS...Yes I am VERY aware that SWTOR does not currently have open world PvP like DAoC Frontiers....but from what I understand that will be developed in near future, whether its Ilum or a soon to be added zone

Edited by Jalez
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I hit 50 last week and between running hard mode flash points, doing dailies on Illum, gearing 6 characters (yes you need to gear your companions as well,) slowly working on my pvp ranking, crafting, I am finding that there isn't enough time in the day to accomplish all of my daily goals.


Last night my guild completed EV, 8 man. It took about 3 hours and was good fun with some awesome content. After EV we cleared Hutt Hospitality, the other operation (raid.) It took less than 30 minutes to organize these and on normal mode they are no more difficult than a hard mode flash point. Overall, a very fun and interesting way to spend 3 hours on a Sunday evening with friends.


So let us be very clear here.


At 50 you can:


1: Run Flash Points.

2: Run Hard Mode Flash Points.

3: Do daily repeatable quests on Illum for gear upgrades or just for credits or just for (gasp) fun.

4: Do repeatable group quests on other planets, some of which have specific goals in mind, for instance, there is a planet where you can do daily group quests that reward orange level gear specifically for your companions.

5: Craft. Believe it or not, some people LOVe doing this and it is actually quite entertaining in this game.

6: PVP. It's pretty good here. Lots of reasons to do this, particularly with the coming ranking system. This will keep some people very busy for days on end.

7: Socialize. Yes, people do still like to just "hang out" and have fun shooting the breeze. Get in there and meet new people you anti-social gits!

8: Space Combat. Many people enjoy this very much.

9: Run normal mode, 8 man operations. Some good story here and very simple to organize and complete.

10: Run hard mode, 8 man operations. Again, easy to organize but a much steeper learning curve with gear rewards that reflect this.

11: Run 16 man normal operations. Harder to organize but much more epic in scale. If you have a big guild or a huge friends list or both, it's well worth the time to organize one of these and get it going.

12: Run 16 man operations on hard mode. Not for the feint of heart but just what the doctor ordered for others.


So there. Took me 5 minutes to think of 12 things you can do at 50. This list encompasses all player types and I dare you to find time to do all of these and still be bored.


I submit that if people are bored at 50, the problem lies in the person themselves and not with the content that has been provided.


It's like my dear old granny used to say. If you're bored, you're boring.


Good post, I have three 50's and still have tons of stuff to do, there is same thing to do end game here in TOR as every other mmo out there, I dunno why people thought this game would be any different, :)

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I really hate when people do this. Multiple difficulty levels is not more content. If my single player game has 3 difficulty settings for me to choose from, it doesn't make it 3 times the game.


But let me guess - when Diablo 3 comes out, you'll be the first to champion it.

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I hit 50 last week... blah blah blah


Stopped reading, of COURSE you have **** to do right now. One week? Yeah, I was excited the first week too. Give it another 2-4 weeks without 1.2. Now imagine doing that back around January first. 12 weeks? Come on, like you'd still be all excited to do all the same stuff you are doing now.

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I just want an answer to one question.


How are the things that can be done at 50 in SWTOR any different from your generic MMO?


If people have the time to say they got nothing to do, they could also use that time to point what is missing and which other game provides it.

It almost seems as if there is this other mystery game somewhere that keeps you interested 24/7 365.25 days a year with tons of stuff to do...oh wait there is.. Second Life..

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I just want an answer to one question.


How are the things that can be done at 50 in SWTOR any different from your generic MMO?


If people have the time to say they got nothing to do, they could also use that time to point what is missing and which other game provides it.

It almost seems as if there is this other mystery game somewhere that keeps you interested 24/7 365.25 days a year with tons of stuff to do...oh wait there is.. Second Life..


Hundreds of millions spent on development to be just like every other generic MMO. /fail


Lol, anyways... ya... GW2 will be great!

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Hundreds of millions spent on development to be just like every other generic MMO. /fail


Lol, anyways... ya... GW2 will be great!


That doesn't answer the question, though the hundreds of millions being spent is thought provoking. Maybe they wanted it to be generic.


On a seperate note, can't wait for GW2 :D

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Screw GW2 SWTOR is where it's at. If you don't like endgame content. GO LEVEL A FRIKIN ALT! This is a story based MMO for Gods sake. It's not supposed to be full endgame. Bioware EXPECTED people to make multiple alts, not hit cap on one char and just do endgame stuff.
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Screw GW2 SWTOR is where it's at. If you don't like endgame content. GO LEVEL A FRIKIN ALT! This is a story based MMO for Gods sake. It's not supposed to be full endgame. Bioware EXPECTED people to make multiple alts, not hit cap on one char and just do endgame stuff.


I agree with that but not everyone is into alts. Besides my weekly raiding schedule i only really play alts. I also think that GW2 is going to be great IF your a PVP player. If your a pvp player they arent offering that much. 8 5 man dungeons with only 3 of them being end game. No raids, horrendous horrendous voice acting (from what ive heard they would be better of without it) , Dynamic events arent as dynamic as they would have you beleive you spend a day doing dynamic events you will run into the same ones, imagine doing those for longer than a week or 2. Like I said looks like a great game for a PVP player but PVE wise the content looks sub par at best, not to mention major content updates are only going to be released through payed expansions so dont expect alot of content to make up for that in the months following release.

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Look, we get it, GW2 looks good. However, what makes you think that a free to play game is going to get the content updates needed to satisfy the constant hunger for players these days?


Three months into GW2 and people will be complaining about the same things. Lack of content, PvP imbalance, nothing to do ... blah blah blah.


Here's an idea ... why don't we play games for their entertainment value and leave it at that? So many so-called "gamers" today think that games should be molded around every single need they could possibly have. What happened to firing up a game you enjoy and playing it for what it is, a game.


If players were this critical about IRL issues as they are about game issues, this planet wouldn't have the problems it has today.


My $0.02.

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I remember when SWTOR released and we told the rush to level crowd that we would be laughing at them when they complained about lack of content when they did their best to bypass as much content as possible


well... we are now laughing :D


For me I am having a blast, have 5 characters of various levels, none of them are 50 yet

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I remember when SWTOR released and we told the rush to level crowd that we would be laughing at them when they complained about lack of content when they did their best to bypass as much content as possible


well... we are now laughing :D


For me I am having a blast, have 5 characters of various levels, none of them are 50 yet


I was laughing along with you. I did every quest I could find on my main. Now that I've done a lot on him, I've moved on to experiencing play styles as a healer and as a tank as well as the different stories involved with a Bounty Hunter, a Sith Inquisitor, an Imperial Agent, and a Republic Trooper.

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I will not forget how they said they would skip every conversation and skip every quest they could and get to 50 just as fast as they possibly could.


I guarantee you, those are the big complainers.

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I will not forget how they said they would skip every conversation and skip every quest they could and get to 50 just as fast as they possibly could.


I guarantee you, those are the big complainers.


But dude, writing and acting don't matter.





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I didn't space bar through leveling and find lvl 50 quite boring. Most of that has to do with the fact that I can't find groups on my server and have to spend an entire evening asking.


As for alts, I just don't have as much fun leveling a second character. The first is always my favorite and best experience, the enjoyment acutely declines as I try to level another character.


The game works for many but isn't working for me due to lack of grouping.

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But let me guess - when Diablo 3 comes out, you'll be the first to champion it.


I champion the three difficulty setings in diablo and heres why,


Normal = goldwrap, chance guards, soj


Nightmare = wartravelers, skullders, shaftstop, vamp gaze


Hell = shako, stormshield, windforce, bul kathos


Anyother recovering diabloholic knows exactly what I'm talking about.


See what you've done? I wanna go play D2 now..

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