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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do not roll "Need" for companion gear.


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I've lost loot in the past to someone who who didn't really need what they took. They should either restrict need to what your character can use or have a companion button. Yes, I get you need to gear your companions we all have them. It's not the rest of the group job to gear you companions.


It's not my job to gear you..

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"Loot Rule for our run: If you want to roll need for a companion say so before the roll, if someone else needs it for their main character your 'companion need' will not be permitted. If you don't stick to this rule you will be kicked."


There, took me less than 30 seconds to type, I challenge anyone to misinterpret.


I say whatever and click 'need'.. Challenge met and won.

Edited by Setanian
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This is my companion. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


My companion is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life




Before God, I swear this creed. My companion and myself are the defenders of my galaxy. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.


So be it, until victory is Imperial's and there is no enemy, but passion!

:eek: I'm not sure whether to stare in shock, chuckle after reading it, do a /facepalm, or slip slowly towards the door while muttering "Nurse, we need the screens for this one...". Either way, nice post Tokeee, you made me smile. :)

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Until level 50, companions are an integral part of your character's gear and abilities. There is really no difference between rolling need for a new weapon for yourself or for your companion, since both will directly impact your ability to do damage/heal/tank, etc.


Of course, nothing prevents anyone from setting ground rules before going in. Quite often I ask before we start, and sometimes the majority of people say it's ok, sometimes they don't. No need to be stupid about it really.


human characters > NPC ... always.

Since companions are controlled (managed?) by humans (us), just like your character, your logic is flawed. Of course if all you do is summon your companion and just never do anything with it, well..I see your point...Still flawed though :)

Edited by Kemorand
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I only roll for companion when the others ALLOW ME to do so. When they say: "it's ok lad, we do not need it, so feel free to roll for it" then yes. But if they say no.. then I will not ruin their mood.


IF I happen to find moddable Armor Pieces and Weapons for my compadres.. then I will pay a Armormech to do the job. I love to trade with the other players if there is none available in my guild.


There are some possibilities to gear up your compadres. But on the other hand, there are too many evil people who simply love to ruin the other's day. Sad but true. My advice is: NEVER GROUP WITH PUGS!! Only Guild mates and people you know.


I know it sounds harsh on one hand.. but let's face it:


-Player X comes to the forums and complains about a similar situation

-Player Y comes to the forums and shows how unhappy he is because of similar situations

-Player Z comes to the forums and tells him / her to calm down (which is a good thing) and gives a piece of Advice like I do.


Yes, I know, NOT ALL Pugs are jerks, but we all know from experience that there are way too many evil persons out there who simply don't give a damn about the other players. We are supposed to play TOGETHER AS A TEAM and not against each other.

Edited by Pokerface
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I did.. Did I miss something?


It's not your job to gear me. I don't say it is, but you seem to think it's my job to gear your companions. if your companion didn't add anything to the group, it shouldn't take anything either. Typical childish entitlement, your companions are more important than the real people who have the misfortune of meeting you in game.

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It's not your job to gear me. I don't say it is, but you seem to think it's my job to gear your companions. if your companion didn't add anything to the group, it shouldn't take anything either. Typical childish entitlement, your companions are more important than the real people who have the misfortune of meeting you in game.


But my companion did add something to the group. How did I get to the level required to be able to help you in the first place? My companion...


SW:ToR is based on someone leveling their toon with their companion by their side helping them.


Therefore, the companion for all intents and purposes is an extension of the player character.


Regardless of that, I said this before. If I help you in a PuG and we win I have earned the right to roll on the loot. What I roll, is none of your business. If I win, what I do with the loot is none of your business.


My companion to me is an integral part of my character development. Therefore I will treat it as such. And if some item drops in a PuG that will enhance my companion, then I'm going to roll need. I earned the right to roll, I do with that roll what I want.


You trying to cheat me of that roll, is just being selfish.

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But my companion did add something to the group. How did I get to the level required to be able to help you in the first place? My companion...


SW:ToR is based on someone leveling their toon with their companion by their side helping them.


Therefore, the companion for all intents and purposes is an extension of the player character.


Regardless of that, I said this before. If I help you in a PuG and we win I have earned the right to roll on the loot. What I roll, is none of your business. If I win, what I do with the loot is none of your business.


My companion to me is an integral part of my character development. Therefore I will treat it as such. And if some item drops in a PuG that will enhance my companion, then I'm going to roll need. I earned the right to roll, I do with that roll what I want.


You trying to cheat me of that roll, is just being selfish.


Just another faceless opinion.

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Actually it is fact. Not my problem you cannot differentiate. Though it can be expected when you can't tell the difference between your roll and my roll. My roll, I get to choose what I press, you do not.


Just another faceless Opinion.

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Just another faceless opinion.


As are your comments. We all are faceless on the internet. Stating it multiple times doesn't make it more true.


Perhaps you have something to add about the actual discussion?



The truth is that he does have a point that he has a right to roll because he participated in the group. Just because a lot of people feel it impolite or unfair, doesn't make it so.


The game rules do not forbid it, so it is up to the people to regulate themselves in this. That's how it works in most MMOs as far as I know.

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As are your comments. We all are faceless on the internet. Stating it multiple times doesn't make it more true.


Perhaps you have something to add about the actual discussion?



The truth is that he does have a point that he has a right to roll because he participated in the group. Just because a lot of people feel it impolite or unfair, doesn't make it so.


The game rules do not forbid it, so it is up to the people to regulate themselves in this. That's how it works in most MMOs as far as I know.


I did earlier, but he ignored it because it was a faceless opinion. ): I qq'd.

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Am I the only one that really doesn't care what my companion uses? All challenging content in the game, that would require them to have good gear, don't allow companions anyways (warzones/raids/flashpoints).


I wouldn't think so. Companions are an integral part of the game.

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Am I the only one that really doesn't care what my companion uses? All challenging content in the game, that would require them to have good gear, don't allow companions anyways (warzones/raids/flashpoints).


While flashpoints DO allow the companions, the companions are so viciously weak (Even with Orange-Mod gear) that they often times wouldn't be useful in it unless they either Out-level the content, or the content is a 2-man (Not really a flashpoint, but the very first instance you run IS considered a 'flashpoint.)


I remember solo'ing Black Talon as my Bounty Hunter with just my companion. I was around level 12-13, and had a Mercenary Bounty Hunter. that was probably the 'most useful' my companion would ever be for group-based content. Fun fights though. :)

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