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Do not roll "Need" for companion gear.


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Great example of why loot systems get implemented. So now you are going to reverse engineer drops that someone needs?




Here's an example.


Say in about 6 months they implement a new Flashpoint. And in it are a whole mess of new purples. And from those purples, randomly mind you, you can reverse engineer them for a HOT HOT HOT new speeder schematic.


It's the ONLY place to get that speeder schematic. Because it's new content. New loot.


You think people aren't going to run that new flashpoint to get that speeders schematic?

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i dont see the harm in needing for companions. companions are really helpful to ur char, and in some circumstances are like an extension of ur char. if everyone is allowed to roll need and everyone does, then they all get a ''fair'' chance at that item. fair enough to me
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I've booted people from my party who rolled Need on an orange 'for their companion.'


Another person forcing their belief down another players throat.


It's really quite simple. If you want to group with me, you will treat your other players with the RESPECT they deserve. And the respect they DESERVE, is that if their character - the one they are ACTIVELY USING TO HELP OUR TEAM - needs the item, they will be able to need it without fear that someone will take it for a pet. The same goes for you, that you have the right because you are part of a team to roll NEED on an item you will NEED for YOUR CHARACTER, not for your PET.


Oh Really? More faceless based opinion. Also, please learn to forums without shouting. Being unable to debate without using caps is seen as immature.


People need to get out of their minds that their 'Pet' is their character. You may gear it, but it is not your character, and therefore they need to really stop trying to gear their pets out.


You need to get it out of your head that you have any right to dictate to me. Sure, If you tell me all that waffle before I join, I'll be telling you where to stick your group.

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Great example of why loot systems get implemented. So now you are going to reverse engineer drops that someone needs?


New mmo players are funny. You'll learn eventually that cooperating gets you a LOT farther than selfishness.


For example, cooperating to gear up characters and their companions? You're right!


You make me chuckle, assuming people are "new to the genre". Needless to say, you can google Delekii and find web references to my past mmo experiences for.. a good 10 years? I guess.


People don't have to agree. You can be as sure as you like, but until Bioware changes the mechanics, nothing matters but what the game allows.

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Here's an example.


Say in about 6 months they implement a new Flashpoint. And in it are a whole mess of new purples. And from those purples, randomly mind you, you can reverse engineer them for a HOT HOT HOT new speeder schematic.


It's the ONLY place to get that speeder schematic. Because it's new content. New loot.


You think people aren't going to run that new flashpoint to get that speeders schematic?


When that scenario becomes reality let me know. Until then stop wasting gear. Thanks.

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Well you have never played endgame in an mmo if you think it is an opinion.


More faceless based opinion. The actual truth is I have for many years. What is questionable tho, is which end-gae content there are loot rolls in?


All guilds I ever raided in, used DKP.


End of story.


The end of your story indeed.

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For example, cooperating to gear up characters and their companions? You're right!


You make me chuckle, assuming people are "new to the genre". Needless to say, you can google Delekii and find web references to my past mmo experiences for.. a good 10 years? I guess.



And yet you still roll like a noob. lol.


You keep trying to convince everyone that it is ok, why is it you are afraid to inform your group ahead of time? Nobody should care right? They do care which is why you have to be a snake in the grass and not say anything.

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When that scenario becomes reality let me know. Until then stop wasting gear. Thanks.


Here's another example.


You run a flashpoint. An item drops that has mods on it. It's got some +Critical on one of its mods.


I'm a healer and I want more +Critical.


I roll on it and win.


You're a DPS class and you're now really ticked off that I won YOUR item because it's the wrong heaviness of armor. But I needed it to upgrade. You gonna call me a ninja?

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*Spend whole game stealing people loot for my companion

*gets to lvl 50, dont need companion anymore

*cant get in raid group because im a ninja



I am betting there is a correlation between folks who do stuff like that and the folks who cry that it is to hard to find groups and are demanding a LFG tool.

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"Mommy, I was playing tic tac toe with Jimmy and I needed to win but he won without telling me first!"


This is why assuming the gear is YOURS before rolling is the selfish option.


Well, aren't you clever? I never thought making someone sound like they were whining was an effective argument.


Have you noticed how the game makes loot in the loot tables during FlashPoints off bosses drop specific gear?


Not world drops, but boss drops? Guess what, that's the game going...


"Hey, there's a Trooper, and three Smugglers. Maybe I'll curtail the chances of me dropping any Jedi loot."


That happens because BioWare expected standard MMO looting courtesy to be in effect. You may not think it does, and that your enjoyment in total is more important than my enjoyment. That my character should get absolutely no benefit from a FP, simply because your companion can use the same stuff.


But, yes... in the theme of your last post, this can come off as finger-pointing across a playground.


What we are arguing is the Golden Rule. And apparently, that is subjective and no one should ever follow it ever. This is like me running up and grabbing a chest next to the mob you are killing.


"Why did you steal that from me?!! I did the work!"

Argument 1 - "Well, you could have waited for someone else to start killing it, and then come and gotten it. See, fair's fair?"

Argument 2 - "We have equal chances that we could benefit from the chest!"


And that's it. It's a easily punctured argument, as I know you'll come in and masterfully do with your witty 'schoolyard'-isms. But, it sucks. And it is a suckiness you are inflicting simly because you think outfitting a collection of pixels is more important than the achievement of another real, live person (who ironically, I know is just another collection of pixels to you). So, have a good one; and be sure to let your parties know about your looting ideals. Because the way you play your character (right down to the dice rolls) does affect others; just the same way playing a Juggernaut with 2 points in the tanking tree at level 30, claiming you are a tank.

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You know others think it's wrong that's why you are afraid to mention it. That's it. You know they won't take you, and why should they?


If it wasn't a jerk thing to do you could be honest about it, but you can't. Lie to yourself until the end of time I don't care.


Ok, I'm going to flip it on you. If you don't, at the start of a flashpoint, specifically mention that you expect people to adhere to a loot system other than that which is enforced by the game, you are being selfish and greedy by expecting others to bend to your way of thinking, thereby enabling you to get the loot that you deem to be more important.


You believe your loot is more important than your companions, and I believe it is not. Therefore, you are greedy and selfish for imposing your view on me, particularly when it is not supported by the game.


Any further posts implying in some way that I should mention my support of the in game implicit system will be responded to by quoting this post.

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Here's another example.


You run a flashpoint. An item drops that has mods on it. It's got some +Critical on one of its mods.


I'm a healer and I want more +Critical.


I roll on it and win.


You're a DPS class and you're now really ticked off that I won YOUR item because it's the wrong heaviness of armor. But I needed it to upgrade. You gonna call me a ninja?


You wasted a whole piece of gear for a mod. You guys act tough on the forum but I doubt you'd try that in the game. You'd get kicked immediately.

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Since you want to dictate my decision on Need and Greed, can you come to my house and push my attack buttons too? I thought maybe since I pushed buttons to help down the boss I could make my own decisions on what will help my character, which might include a companion who helps me get things done in the 99% of the content that doesn't require 3 other players.


You are the selfish player, the one who is all jealous because someone else wanted something YOU thought YOU deserved. Please do put me on ignore.


If I ever run into you in a group I WILL roll need on everything.

My decision ;)

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You wasted a whole piece of gear for a mod. You guys act tough on the forum but I doubt you'd try that in the game. You'd get kicked immediately.


I'm a healer. And a good one. Nobody's kicking me for upgrading my gear for a mod. That you would now consider me rolling on an item that IS an upgrade for my actual main as a ninja and worthy of kicking ... is quite telling.


A lot of people use orange gear for looks and appearance customization. A lot of people will be looking to mod their gear.


And there's already a dev comment about how they're going to free up end-game mods to allow level 50 gear to be mod stripped.

Edited by SnoggyMack
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Another person forcing their belief down another players throat.


Oh Really? More faceless based opinion. Also, please learn to forums without shouting. Being unable to debate without using caps is seen as immature.


You need to get it out of your head that you have any right to dictate to me. Sure, If you tell me all that waffle before I join, I'll be telling you where to stick your group.


So here's what I'm seeing you do. For valid points brought up by other players, you immediately brand it as "faceless based opinion" when in reality it's anything but that. He made a perfectly good point, which is that your character is running the instance, not your pet, therefore the character is the one contributing and should get the item. In addition, you provide absolutely no reason for why it is "faceless based opinion." You are being totally unreasonable, and are providing no reason for why your opinion should be right. The people who say roll need only for yourself, however, have provided perfectly acceptable and logical reasons for why one should do so. So please, **** troll.

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Another person forcing their belief down another players throat.[/Quote]


Pretty much, Yea, what's your point? It's my group, and if my team agrees with my leadership - guess what? You're just SOL.




Oh Really? More faceless based opinion. Also, please learn to forums without shouting. Being unable to debate without using caps is seen as immature.






There's a face for you. The first one is from Work, at Kroger Pharmacy. That was about a year ago before I got a job at a Cancer Center working in the pharmacy.


The second one is from Anime Weekend Atlanta. I cosplayed Ragna the Bloodedge, because I enjoyed BlazBlue. The girl in the picture with me is a friend of mine that I stay in contact with. She is also an amazing Nu-cosplayer.


And I put caps on what I felt the need to emphasise. If the whole basis of your arguement is that I'm 'unable to argue because of caps!' without pointing out any logical fallacies, then... Well, I have no way to argue it, because there's just -no logic- to it other than to point out that you're wrong. xD




You need to get it out of your head that you have any right to dictate to me. Sure, If you tell me all that waffle before I join, I'll be telling you where to stick your group.


You're right. I don't have the right to dictate you - I have the right to dictate my team, and if I overstep my bounds, my team is free to say so. But if the team agrees with me and you're the only one who disagrees:


There's the door right over there. Don't let it hit you on the way out.

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I'm a healer. And a good one. Nobody's kicking me for upgrading my gear for a mod.


So you leverage your position? You really are a jerk. I'm a tank in this, I've healed in other games, and I would never do that.


I certainly hope I never run into someone like you in game. You guys are death for groups.

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So here's what I'm seeing you do. For valid points brought up by other players, you immediately brand it as "faceless based opinion" when in reality it's anything but that. He made a perfectly good point, which is that your character is running the instance, not your pet, therefore the character is the one contributing and should get the item. In addition, you provide absolutely no reason for why it is "faceless based opinion." You are being totally unreasonable, and are providing no reason for why your opinion should be right. The people who say roll need only for yourself, however, have provided perfectly acceptable and logical reasons for why one should do so. So please, **** troll.


Your companion is an inextricable aspect of your character, particularly during the leveling process. Therefore your point is null.

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Some people really need to get over it, stop calling people names, and generally grow up. It's part of the game or It wouldn't be allowed by the makers of the game. Sure, you don't like it, that's fine. Think about a solution to it though, here's an idea...group up with like minded players. Apparently the people rolling need for companions are a small percentage of the population, so it can't be that hard finding a group that let's you take whatever you like now is it. Is it? Or would you prefer to keep winging about it?


You could, mechanical, roll need on every single loot drop. Clearly, that is not the intended use of the mechanic. The mechanic exists in many games, it's base use has been established by simple precedence.


Being able to do something doesn't mean it is right.

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Not world drops, but boss drops? Guess what, that's the game going...


"Hey, there's a Trooper, and three Smugglers. Maybe I'll curtail the chances of me dropping any Jedi loot."



Do you have even one shred of proof to back up that claim?


No, didn't think so.

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while i dont do this, its your fault of u dont set loot rules up before hand. if they do it after you set up loot rules then just have them kicked from the grp.


Thats not true.


The common loot rules in MMO´s since more than 10 years are "MS>OS". So if you want to roll for your offspec or you companion, then you must say so if you join the group.

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I'm just baffled at how there are seemingly enough self-absorbed and inconsiderate morons that this is even a topic that is debated. Companions don't need **** and anyone who acts like, "omg if my companion isn't in that epic I won't be able to solo" is lying through their teeth. What matters the most is the weapon, which you get great ones from a daily. Armor is decent on a tank companion but they're still going to get stomped on elites and champions without significant healing.


Gear your companions up through hand-me-downs, BoE drops from soloing, and your greed roll victories.


Anyway, I haven't encountered anyone who believed it was right to take loot for companions in game. The forums must just attract the bad apples.

Edited by Marcato
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Thats not true.


The common loot rules in MMO´s since more than 10 years are "MS>OS". So if you want to roll for your offspec or you companion, then you must say so if you join the group.


Which they will never, ever do because they know it's a selfish move and people won't take them.

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