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SWTOR has ruined other MMO's for me.


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I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


I know what you are saying. Exactly the same thing happened to me when Blizzard gave me a free week to go back to WoW.


Gameplay is about the same, flashpoints/instances are similary attractive, classes are similar... but the conversations and voice over.... that is simply irreplaceable for me.

Edited by Jedlosson
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I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP ...



Stopped reading there. PvP in this game absolute garbage and almost non-existent.

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I'm not going to say that this game 'is' or 'isn't' anything to all people. What I will say is that I haven't had much interest in games for the last year or so, but for now I am loving this and I am really enjoying playing. There is lots of fun stuff to do, plus I'm really connected to my character and have a great guild, which is important as an rper. Plus my bf, who is usually more into stats and gear collecting, is even rping too. So as long as it stays fun, I'll be sticking around.
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Each time someone mentions WoW I remember the very first time playing through the night elves starter zone. Most fun I ever had in an MMO. That game is awesome. Just don't listen to those having played WoW for years, finally losing interest. It just grew old to them.


TOR is great too though.


I remember some good times in WoW. I was there maybe a week after launch and even with the 3 day long server down times and regular server crashes (the server I was on was one of the original alpha servers so it crashed a lot), I still had an awesome time playing it.


I remember seeing my first level 60 Tauren Warrior stomping some alliance with a group of his Horde buddies at the front of Stormwind when I was a level 10 Human warrior. I couldn't believe how big a Tauren was. That + thunderclap made for an epic experience to witness.


I remember the daily mass battles at Crossroads and at Terran Mill and Southshore. There was mass PVP even on a PVE server.


I remember the community we had on that server. I recognised the names in game and on the server forums. I remember the drama and the players that passed away in RL. I have very fond memories of that game and that's why I still load it up and play one of my many 85's just to pass some time and and play with server veterans that still play just for s**t's and giggles.


I even remember my time in Warhammer Online. The first few weeks in that game on the server I was on was a great experience. The nightly RvR was always fun. Having so many people in the one area that even slowed my computer (even though it was considered high end since I build it with the latest gear of the time) to under 5fps. It was slow but amazing at the same time. Even at level 11 I could experience world PVP, because you know, the opposing faction were levelling just across the road.


I'm yet to have a memorable moment, myself, in SWTOR. The only memorable moment I really have is watching a live stream of someone in SWTOR doing guild runs for Datacrons and it was funny as heck to watch.


Don't get me wrong, I am still going to play SWTOR because I like it enough. I'll play at least for the next few months and most likely on an Australian based server when they open up in a couple of months. The launch was resonably smooth but I have a feeling the game was released 6 months too early, because quite a few problems shouldn't have made it into the retail version. No doubt the money men were behind the pre christmas release and the game will suffer in the long term because of it, which is unfortunate.

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I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP has made it very difficult to play any of those other games. I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


SWTOR you are just too good my friend. Just too good indeed.


amazing pvp? are we playing the same game here?

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I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP has made it very difficult to play any of those other games. I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


SWTOR you are just too good my friend. Just too good indeed.


I think most people will find that honestly!


Heck, I was already that way before TOR Released.


I was beta testing Rift and kept sending feedback that they needed voice over work done to bring the world alive and more immersive. And that was because of TORs announced fully voiced gameplay.


So yeah, ALLOT of people will hit a new MMORPG and be all excited and then suddenly realize they just cant go back to reading walls of text and having one giant over lying story for all classes (rather then individual story lines)


TOR will change the landscape oif MMORPGs (for the better) in many ways IMO.


Sadly the most important landscape Bioware was to cowardly to tackle and thats challenge and leveling speed.


So while games will be much richer and immersive going forward thanks to tOR, they also going to continue to wear out very fast because everyone still thinks if they copy WOW dumbed down formula, they to will get 20 million subs. Forget no one but WOW has gotten that and everyone else has been forced to go F2P long before their projected time because people eat up the simple content, get bored, move on.


I love TOR but if a game comes out with TORs story and more desireable leveling where you feel you accomplish something, hate to say it but Id drop TOR in a heart beat!


I didnt marry the girl that gave it all away in high school in a single night of romance and I wont stay loyal to a game once Im done the content as well. And the data shows clearly not many will outside of Blizzard fanbois playing Blizzard games.

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The lesson from dumbed down WOW is simple though. It got dumbed down because people got so bored with it, Blizzard had no choice.


The same reason games with hard or time consuming leveling end up losing casual gamers. Casual players make up most of the gamers today. We don't want dumbed down, but we don't want our lives being sucked away either.


I think TOR found a good balance between.

Edited by Jswizzle
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You're right about one thing - I finished with WoW 3 years ago. But SWTOR a fresh adventure? Not even close. The only difference is the way in which quests are delivered. That will get old once you're on your 2nd or 3rd alt. Then what?


Grind, just like all of them out there.

But i have a feeling we will see some new stuff to end game. It's enough for now.


You have plenty of Flashpoints/Normal-Hard-Nightmare(?)

Crafting/Gathering/Crew skills

Gearing up You/Companion/Ship

PvP/Ilium/Belsavis/Space combat.


It's enough, i don't have time to do it all :p

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Funnily enough, it did exactly the contrary to me. After playing for two weeks, I resubbed WoW and enjoyed how polished that game is in comparison to the rather rough experience SWTOR currently has.


I'm sure this game will be brought up to the level in the next months, but there are still a ton of issues to be resolved.

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I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP has made it very difficult to play any of those other games. I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


SWTOR you are just too good my friend. Just too good indeed.

Don't worry, the novelty will wear off and you'll see it for what it really is.

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Actually I played WoW for the first time ever yesterday night and so far I enjoyed it more than my time spent with SWTOR. Everything feels a lot more intuitive and it somehow still looks better IMO.


Hope you enjoy your time in WoW my wife and I played for 4 years it was a good time now we play SWTOR havin a great time!!! but you will like wow it has a lot of good things to do

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im having trouble playing SWTOR its just not a great experiance right now every time i load it up i feel like ahhhhhh shut down my comp u cant press a button once and the ability actually work and trying to do combos like use 2 buttons after one another is near imposible just not great im thinking about going back to wow after 2 months atleast i can press 2 buttons after another an get results there i do like the story lines and such inSWTOR but that just aint enough to keep me interested like wow has become my only game again cant seem to shake it off even if i am raiding 3 times a week and then just flying around a building the rest of the time lol have fun in SWTOR guys hope they fix all the buggs/button procing have fun :) and night night :)
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I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP has made it very difficult to play any of those other games. I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


SWTOR you are just too good my friend. Just too good indeed.


Another one of these threads again, really?


How many have you made now? 10? 15?


They're all filled with the same self-satisfying non-sense as the last.


Face it, your game is flawed; if you enjoyed the game so much you'd be playing it.

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Now see, mines the other way around. All the Good MMO style games have ruined swtor for me, and any wow based mmo. Its far too carebear for my tastes, heck its carebear heaven.


There is no real pvp to be had. There is no loss. Gear means everything and Nothing at the same time, like you never lose it!?!? W.T.F.!!! Then ya got people ranting about macros equaling skill in pvp and how they should be added, That the game needs combat logs and damage meters ( no real clue what a damage meter is, but i kinda understand from reading stuff ). Then ya have expertise and "PvP" gear, both completely new concepts to me, Never heard of gear designed purely for pvp, much less a stat. Then theres "raiding", never did understand why people liked playing cleverly disguised puzzles, Then grinding them over and over again.


Overall, sandbox-ish MMO's have ruined my taste for theme park MMO's. At least they keep the Sandbox ones mostly Kiddy free.

Edited by MadcatGTs
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I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP has made it very difficult to play any of those other games. I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


SWTOR you are just too good my friend. Just too good indeed.


If they fix up the big bugs and continue polishing the game, I agree. Lot of potential for an amazing MMO experience.

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