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Everything posted by Joshwake

  1. I honestly think this game would have been much better as a single player rpg. I thought the class questlines were great and actually liked lvling. After I hit 50 I quickly decided it wasnt worth paying a monthly.
  2. The game is already dying and the fanbois just cant handle it. Bioware didnt realize that if you want to get people to pay a monthly fee you have to have a game that is replayable and not a single player rpg with mmo sprinkles.
  3. If you're looking for PvP go elsewhere. This may be the worst pvp in an MMO I have experienced. Anyone saying otherwise has no idea what they are talking about.
  4. What are you doing for endgame? The pvp was so bad and I couldn't find anything else worth paying 15 bucks a month for.
  5. I also liked it. Really the first MMO I actually enjoyed lvling in. But the pvp has been so bad and there is really no replayability. I see no reason to pay 15 bucks a month for a single player rpg with sprinkles of MMO content.
  6. So we should all suffer through horrible pvp so we can be relevant in horrible pvp later..... there are other games that don't have horrible pvp you know.
  7. I have heard that it has improved from some people and other say it is even worse since the patch. I stopped my sub because it was near unplayable and I don't plan to come back unless they fix the combat delays, anim delays etc.. So what is your honest opinion? Still bad, better, or worse? (and please, if you don't think there are any issues with the combat just don't bother posting. It's an obvious issue to anyone who has played an mmo with good responsiveness, and they even acknowledge the issue and claim they are working on it)
  8. Recouping their losses in just over a year would be really really bad. They would be much better off simply investing that $300 million. That would easily be considered a failure. Also, you did not even consider taxes or overhead and cost of operation for the "little over a year" to simply break even.
  9. is fanboys! Have fun with your sucky combat and paying monthly for almost no endgame content.
  10. *** are you people talking about? before everything was grey until the GCD was up so you couldnt tell what was ready. It was broken before the patch, how is it worse now?
  11. I'm convinced bioware has no idea what they are doing... and I thought combat responsiveness was bad before the patch.. lol oh well, my sub is up in a couple days. Not going to pay a monthly for a single player game with ****** combat.
  12. sorry, but If I want to play an RPG I will buy the game and play it and not pay a monthly fee. If I want to play an MMORPG I expect replayability, something this game does not have.
  13. I won't be paying monthly until this is fixed, and I get the feeling it is going to take them a long time to fix it..... so I don't expect to come back
  14. no you fool, don't change it back to the way it was, that was broken as well. They just broke it more.
  15. You and the other few thousand people who are willing to pay monthly for a single player game with bad combat... yea...
  16. wait I can reverse eng implants if I am biochem? are you sure?
  17. world pvp? are we playing the same game here? I am just gonna keep the unassembled piece in my bank in hopes that BW will realize how retarded this system is.
  18. Yea but can you do that with implants? I have to admit I have not messed around with this much.
  19. meh.. pretty pointless but i may at last resort. anyone know if you can reverse eng these as armortech and what you get out of it?
  20. So I have gotten my third champion implant. What the **** do I do with this? I thought I heard you can reverse engineer them but do I have to be armortech or something?
  21. no they didint.. the collision area was way too big. You couldnt move around a guy if his elbow was sticking out! It was bad and I don't know what ppl feel the need to defend it.
  22. I understand the idea they were going for, but it just didn't feel good. Doesn't matter how good an idea is, if it is not implemented right it just wont work. And how exactly are we talking about this anyway? Are you telling me you got the "point"? Do you see the emperor's beautiful clothes? I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you are not still playing warhammer...
  23. exactly. I think the community should be very concerned with how bad the combat is. If it's not fixed very soon it will surely be the death of the game, which is sad bacause I really think they did a good job on other fronts. But when it comes to replayability and justifying a monthly fee, you have to have near flawless combat, and right now it is very far from it. I hope they fix it so I can come back, but I am not going to pay a monthly until it is improved significantly.
  24. Im talking about the lag, not the ability to move through other players. I am not a proponent of collision in MMOs, I could not stand it in warhammer.
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