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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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My character looks pretty damn close.


Edit - Also, showing environment screenshots to support your argument when the issue is player-character (and most NPC) textures is laughable at best.



There is no way to improve bad textures, they just are bad textures, get a different outfit... maybe you can try wearing the social wedding armor on Coruscant. It actually looks decent. In the aspect of the robes and some light armor, you actually don't want the High res, they need to completely redo them.

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Dunno if it's just me, but the graphics appear to be getting steadily worse... I haven't played for over a week, come back on today and the draw distance of the ground detail (i.e plants) is ludicrously close.. and the ground is looking like tiled low res textures.. I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that previously.


I've tried increasing the draw distance via the .ini files, to no avail..


This depsite everything be set to max...

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Those are all low level armors because I find it more easily comparable to other people's low level armor showings.
I agree


I feel like other picture you say is current isn't really though. I think the textures on the droid pop out more, and the clothes details come out more as well. Wrinkles and such.
That is the biggest issue. People seem to remember "High Res" being so much better or having better textures. They didn't really notice there was a difference until someone found out Medium and High doesn't change anything. Suddenly everyone's perception changed... but reality. They are still the same.


Same droid textures. Same cloth texture with wrinkles.






Then people bring high end tier WoW armor pictures, to compare to lower end SWtOR textures. Then people post robe pictures, which the majority of them are just plain bad. No amount of high res will help them. Not all textures are the same unfortunately and granted some are just bad. But they will continue to use them to fuel the conspiracy.

Edited by DarkSeverance
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I agree


That is the biggest issue. People seem to remember "High Res" being so much better or having better textures. They didn't really notice there was a difference until someone found out Medium and High doesn't change anything. Suddenly everyone's perception changed... but reality. They are still the same.


Same droid textures. Same cloth texture with wrinkles.





Then people bring high end tier WoW armor pictures, to compare to lower end SWtOR textures. Then people post robe pictures, which the majority of them are just plain bad. No amount of high res will help them. Not all textures are the same unfortunately and granted some are just bad. But they will continue to use them to fuel the conspiracy.



I flagged you for excessive fanboyism...

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I flagged you for excessive fanboyism...
Nice... except it is still opinion and not actually fact. Considering I still play WoW. I still enjoy WoW. I also still play SWtOR and I still play it as well. Although I do enjoy the TCG better, now that I will admit I am a fanboy of though.


I flagged you for not really having anything constructive to say, we call them NEET's.

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Actually I thought back in beta that this was a bug or that they simply didn't added the high res texture pack to reduce the download size.

The armor textures on the characters look really washed out.


Basically what you state is ' the world is more important than your character' .

Yet the whole game is about your epic story, but the truth is when I look at my robes I can't tell what it's suppose to look like.

It's a combination of washed colours and blocks.


It's not about medium or high settings, it's about the quality just being mediocre.

You expect more from a game that is being released in 2012.


I can accept that they did not have the budget to have an Ultra option, DX 11, AA at launch or in general more eye candy.

But at least make the characters and their armor look decent.

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It's not about medium or high settings, it's about the quality just being mediocre.

You expect more from a game that is being released in 2012.

That is called Graphical Fidelity.


To be fair it released in 2011 and was in production longer than most games, hence the issue with the graphics seeming outdated. However as we have seen from WoW, that can change and will change with time. Although I do wonder why they didn't use the same engine as ME and decided to do something new.

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That is called Graphical Fidelity.


To be fair it released in 2011 and was in production longer than most games, hence the issue with the graphics seeming outdated. However as we have seen from WoW, that can change and will change with time. Although I do wonder why they didn't use the same engine as ME and decided to do something new.


In all honesty when I think of a game where the RP part is important I kind of expect the armor on my character to look detailed.

If you want to cut down on graphics this isn't the best thing to do.


All the work the art team has put into these designs has been for nothing since it looks utterly trash.


WOW changes because it became successful and Blizzard had to keep going to keep their customers happy, they never expected WOW to be such a success.

SWTOR can't be compared to WOW in a long shot, it's in a different league and a different time.


I speculate that the problem is with how SWTOR is build and how the servers/engine can handle the game.

From what I've noticed SWTOR runs clunky.

Still they advertised the game like it had high res textures and sold it with out.

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In all honesty when I think of a game where the RP part is important I kind of expect the armor on my character to look detailed.

If you want to cut down on graphics this isn't the best thing to do.


All the work the art team has put into these designs has been for nothing since it looks utterly trash.


WOW changes because it became successful and Blizzard had to keep going to keep their customers happy, they never expected WOW to be such a success.

SWTOR can't be compared to WOW in a long shot, it's in a different league and a different time.


I speculate that the problem is with how SWTOR is build and how the servers/engine can handle the game.

From what I've noticed SWTOR runs clunky.

Still they advertised the game like it had high res textures and sold it with out.


This is basically my opinion as well. Armor textures seem to float in and out a bit and some look, well 'blown up' even on small characters.


My earlier post:


Although I can't say I am happy with this, still I have managed to make enough tweaks to make it acceptable to me.


I think a lot of the issues are with the armor design. I would check to see exactly how that has been done. The soft lines on say robes and other outfits look broken up, smeared and just don't work. I realize these were meant to be subtle, but say the hard textures of a noob BH look practically just like the cut scenes. Not sure what is with some faces or why there is a sort of light in the eyes and a disconnected haze around characters in general. Best I'm getting are these screenshots but I'm always at 20-30fps at most :/

















Edited by CarverX
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Still looks bad. Also, we shouldn't need to fuss with game files to get high-res graphics. They need to make official graphics options and allow us to choose what to display. Nobody on the market could run Crysis Enthusiast mode when it first came out, unless they where ultra rich, but the options stayed.


OPTIONS. That's all we want.

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Still looks bad. Also, we shouldn't need to fuss with game files to get high-res graphics. They need to make official graphics options and allow us to choose what to display. Nobody on the market could run Crysis Enthusiast mode when it first came out, unless they where ultra rich, but the options stayed.


OPTIONS. That's all we want.


Yes, the option to play the game at high res and have it look like it is being advertised. This is all we are asking for and it is within reason.

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Yes, the option to play the game at high res and have it look like it is being advertised. This is all we are asking for and it is within reason.


Are options too much to ask? Does Bioware really think it's players are so stupid they can't change the settings themselves?

Edited by Rekreant
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Are options too much to ask? Does Bioware really think it's players are so stupid they can't change the settings themselves?


Agreed, I want options aswell. I didn't appreciate when iD Software took away the ability to tweak the graphics settings in RAGE. I don't really appreciate Bioware dictating the settings my game should run at.


Sick of watching a smeared mess of a robe texture when I run around. What's funny is that this isn't much of an issue on stuff like Trooper armors and such, but Jedi robes really suffer when rendered at the current non-cutscene "high" setting. Certain armors even change color when in cutscenes compared to the color they have when running around. >.>

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Wow, this artificial 1,000 post limit for the forums is sort of silly. I posted back in the original thread, then had to go through four more links by mods and last page clicks to get here. Would be nice if the mod who made these can go through and link to the very last thread every time they "move" this.
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This is basically my opinion as well. Armor textures seem to float in and out a bit and some look, well 'blown up' even on small characters.


My earlier post:


Although I can't say I am happy with this, still I have managed to make enough tweaks to make it acceptable to me.


I think a lot of the issues are with the armor design. I would check to see exactly how that has been done. The soft lines on say robes and other outfits look broken up, smeared and just don't work. I realize these were meant to be subtle, but say the hard textures of a noob BH look practically just like the cut scenes. Not sure what is with some faces or why there is a sort of light in the eyes and a disconnected haze around characters in general. Best I'm getting are these screenshots but I'm always at 20-30fps at most :/




















Heres the thing. Some armor textures are not that bad...i agree. But no matter how good you may think the current texture looks...a quick trip to the holoterminal will show you exactly how wrong you are.


The engine is capable of better....so we want better.

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Theres no way to force High res in the ini. The only thing I was able to do was force reflection on the floor tiles in the fleet and other areas that have a shinny metal surface but you wont be able to improve your toon in any way.
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I understand that I'm not running the hi res textures, that sucks.


However, I was running medium and it it looked passable, now, after the last patch I'm stuck at low and can't change it at all? Anyone else seeing this? Changing the options in the UI or INI do nothing.

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