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Everything posted by Rekreant

  1. You will absolutely love this new game called Mass Effect 3 coming out. It is designed for people like you who want to get something done randomly whenever you have friends on! You dont schedule it, you all just happen to be playing it then you play together and do the normal story together! You would love it. Raiding is a core part of the mmo design philosophy; even skill based mmos(uo,darkfall,shadowbane) at some point or another added raid bosses to add depth. Problem is if the content is designed to be able to be pugged, it will have to be so easy that there is no reason to do it. We dont want this game to turn in to WoW patch 4.3.
  2. Thanks bro. Fortunately I have two full groups worth of friends so I never pug ^^.
  3. When I do dungeons in wow I need everything I can so I can disenchant it. It will always happen and the only thing you can do to fix it is not pug.
  4. This is the same logic as saying everyone on the street is going to rob you.....
  5. You are the reason factions are imbalanced. Not to mention you attack anyone ho takes the game seriously as if what you accomplish in a day is just so much more important than anyone else. I mostly see adults on empire side, and older star wars fanboys on republic side. Also I'm on Jung Ma and I play A LOT. There are easily half as many republic players than Empire. In about 5hours of pvp as last night I saw Republic 3 times.
  6. It happened for the Titanic, and just a few days ago it happened again. Your logic is flawed.
  7. Using third party software is never a good idea. The client.ini settings work.
  8. Do you understand that companies like EA pay reviewers for good reviews? This is a common business practice these days...
  9. Are options too much to ask? Does Bioware really think it's players are so stupid they can't change the settings themselves?
  10. This thread is for those that are not happy with the graphics.if you are happy, go play the game.
  11. You clearly lack a fundamental and logical understanding of computers and how they work. For instance I have an i7 oc'ed to 4ghz, 8 gb ram, two intel SSDs in a raid, and two nvidia 470s OC edition. When I am near the pvp vendors I drop to 20fps but my cards remain at 35% usage. That is an optimization problem and don't hold your breath for a fix. They will just take more out of the game like they did with hi res textures.
  12. To everyone posting in these threads I urge you NOT to stop. EA Bioware needs to understand this isn't something that will be tolerated.
  13. And so starts the fanboys swallowing whatever crap Bioware feeds them. This response is total building. You're telling me that a company with excessive mass pvp rendering experience(war,daoc) can't fix the hi res textures? This is totally unacceptable and all of you who made the thousands of posts earlier should unsubscribe so that Bioware can understand that they can't keep taking advantage of their customers.
  14. This post you have made serves no purpose and does nothing to further the discussion. You could replace "hardcore" with "casual" and replace "Shadowbane and Darkfall" with "WoW and RustyHearts". Now its the other sides argument! There is a clear divide in types of players between terms we coin as "hardcore" and "casual". Both sides have valid points to make, both sides are valid customers, and any MMO developer is going to listen to BOTH SIDES. With that in mind if we can just focus on the issues with the game instead of attacking each other maybe something could actually be accomplished.
  15. I have to wonder if you actually PLAY as a Smuggler. Because from my end the Cover mechanic is so broken that I cant go 75 seconds without experiencing a problem.
  16. You do realize that BIOWARE THEMSELVES have already acknowledged this as an issue right? Any argument you have to the contrary is totally invalid at this point. Please stop posting nonsense and start looking towards a solution.
  17. It is not fair to judge SWTORs graphics yet because they havent even turned on the hi-res textures yet. So if anything complain about the game not being finished, not that the graphics arent good.
  18. Rift does not have a hook. There is nothing that draws people in to the game. I would venture to say that a large percentage of the player base of Rift is only there because they are fed up with wow.
  19. I dont think you understand how the real world works. You dont launch a massive online product and then decide its not necessary to support it. Holidays dont matter to corporate America so stop acting like it is an excuse for the multitude of bugs and the total lack of community response.
  20. Then get OFF THE ENGLISH SERVERS. Stop logging in to them at all, stop using our forums, stop using our websites, and stop buying our products.
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