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Had to giggle - Warrior class skills


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I wish whoever made that would have added the CDs of the Sith Warrior skills in the icons. It would be interesting to see the differences.


For example, I know Saber Ward has a 3 minute CD while Shield Block has a 1 minute CD. Sith Warrior taunt has a 15 second CD while Warrior taunt has 8 seconds. Thunderclap has 6 seconds while Smash has 12 seconds with talents and 15 seconds without.


These are just a few of the examples.

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WoW is a great MMO, I will never take that away from them. Why is it bad to include some of its good elements? I never expected ToR to reinvent the wheel and I doubt that if they tried they would have been able to produce as good of a game as it currently is. Don't get me wrong, there is room for improvement but it also brings in several features which WoW didn't For example, the archetype trinity is present in PvP as well as PvE unlike WoW where you seldom saw a tank unless he was running with a flag.
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WoW is a great MMO, I will never take that away from them. Why is it bad to include some of its good elements? I never expected ToR to reinvent the wheel and I doubt that if they tried they would have been able to produce as good of a game as it currently is. Don't get me wrong, there is room for improvement but it also brings in several features which WoW didn't For example, the archetype trinity is present in PvP as well as PvE unlike WoW where you seldom saw a tank unless he was running with a flag.


WoW didnt actally have many good elements in the game, its just had a PvE system that may liked for some odd reason, you had to change gear every third month or so. They got successful over that and with the name Warcraft

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...also brings in several features which WoW didn't For example, the archetype trinity is present in PvP as well as PvE unlike WoW where you seldom saw a tank unless he was running with a flag.


Yes, the ability to guard/taunt a player doesn't exist in WoW, but then again it doesn't work too well in SWTOR either. Personally I feel as time goes by and people get geared, we'll all realize it is a flawed mechanic that will likely see major changes.

Edited by Sabbathius
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No way, you mean a warrior class has warrior abilities?! Im interested, how would you make a new MMO with traditional roles/classes that have to be in the game without having the same idea/concept of necessary skills used in other games?


Are you going to tell me that TOR is copying LOTRO too because guardians and captains will have similar skills ?


Idk man LOTRO's Hunter's Rapid Fire (or whatever its called) is pretty much full auto!


And for all the stuff WoW has stolen, I think Bioware can have this one ;) Hell Warcraft/Starcraft are near 100% ripoffs of Warhammer & 40k.


Blizzard steals EVERYTHING from other MMO's and adds it to WoW. Yet when the reverse happens, people get upset.

Edited by Ratham
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bioware statement was "we do not plan to reinvent the mmo genre"


and for my part -

i do not care even the slightest whether features are stolen or not if they add to a good game



i enjoyed playing a warrior in wow, i was actually HOPING to get a similar class in swtor. i partly got.. they didnt succeed at making stance dancing viable so the "warrior" of swtor got a little less interesting in tactical play (even though the taunt mechanics make up for it a little bit)

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That is the reason why I picked Guardian (not because of that chart, this is the first time I'm seeing it). I play a warrior in WoW, and I love it, so Guardian was the obvious choice.


The chart is missing a few. Riposte is a combination of Heroic Strike/Overpower, and Saber Throw is Heroic Throw, it even has the option to add a stack of sunder (in SWTOR with a talent point, in WoW with a glyph).


While the abilities are nearly analagous though, to me it plays more like a Vanilla WoW Paladin than a Cata WoW Warrior.

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Don't really care whether it's a negative or a positive sign... but as a Sith Jugg who played wow a year or two ago, I did find the comparison fairly hilarious, thank you for bringing it to my attention OP. :p


Edit: Hmm, the creater of that pic missed:


Vicious Throw ~= Execute


Edit 2: or the comparison between soresu form (and forms in genreal) and Defensive stance (and stances in general).

Edited by Guaritorr
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The whole game is a copy of wow


did anyone not realize this...


of all the games to coppy i wouldnt pick wow if i was developing a mmo


original wow was colled warhammer x, uff, wow ist a copy of hmmm chose a game you want eq, uo, camelot

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  • 5 months later...
The whole game is a copy of wow


did anyone not realize this...


of all the games to coppy i wouldnt pick wow if i was developing a mmo



i probably would...which game would i chose to copy...one that doesnt have even 500k subscribers anymore, or one with 12 million...hmmm..............

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