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Stephen Reid/@Rockjaw: Your EGA tears are not real issues


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you call whining an issue :D you'll turn mad if you reply every minute to 100500 post of crying and whining gamers that want to play


Not gonna say much here but consider the statement here and tell me what you think!


100500 POSTS of crying and whining gamers / MINUTE!!!!!! that do what? WANT TO PLAY?


OMG for a company that sells games? :eek:



Nah not something to worry about, lets worry about the poptarts that we put in the microwave dude! :sy_harvesting:

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Hes just burnt out of all the rage hes getting from people who do not read and are to ignorant to understand the Early access processs that has been stated for several months now. i dont blame him. enough is enough from people, they need to read and let him do his job and stop flooding his inbox with pointless nerd rage so he can actually help the people with real issues like login, exploitation and so forth.


I got in at 7 am yesturday morning and played all the way through 4 am this morning and the game was very smooth and i completely understand the reasoning why they are doing it this way, it has made the game experience very nice and actuallly enjoyable and not fighting over mobs to kill.

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The EGA is what it is. The problem lies in the communication. Why is this one giant mysterious process? Estimated times given would have made this so much smoother for people to handle. To not have this foresight makes them look amateur at best and incompetent at worst.


THey explained that too. IF tehy gave people eta's and something happened to a server and they had to push it back, you people would be flaming ten times as hard now.


Just.... relax.

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That is the only real issue. Nobody cares about anything else if they actually can't play the game.


yes, but we've been told all the details as to the process. B**ching about it in a thread isd pointless. just sit tight. It will happen.

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THey explained that too. IF tehy gave people eta's and something happened to a server and they had to push it back, you people would be flaming ten times as hard now.


Just.... relax.


so we definitely flame them now for what their doing. . . instead of maybe flaming them for if something goes wrong. running scared from your customers is not how to run a business.

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Like a boss. Tell 'em Rockjaw. It's rather harsh, but as a Moderator on several community forums sometimes we ARE forced to answer in such manners, because people, bear with me, are GENETIC REJECTS IN THE BRAINS3Z (/caps off).


They just simply, won't understand. You could write it in whatever language, they won't understand.

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Okay, whether you believe he's in the right or not, this is poor community relations. As someone who has worked support, this would have gotten me fired.


Even if you ignore a customer's issues, you never verbally marginalize it. Never.


But he's 10000000000000000000000% correct.


End of story for me. The customer isn't always right, especially when they are acting like a mewling, unrational child. :rolleyes: I've worked in retail.

Edited by Thradar
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Get off your tall horse. This is not about entitlement. This is about a company that fails to see it is a customer service operation.


Really? So telling someone to stop being a pest and complaining because they aren't in early enough, for the PRE-launch, isn't customer service?


I disagree. If a customer has incredibly unreasonable requests or likes to do nothing but complain you *can* and *are* entitled to set them straight.


You know that sign that shops and restaurants started hanging "We reserve the right to refuse service", that's why. The customer is *not* always right. Especially if they are using resources otherwise best-used to deal with someone who is unable to actually use a product, not someone complaining because it's not available in their area yet.

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Ahhh, emo/nerdRAGE tears are sooooooooo sweet. mmmmmmm tears. :D



Umadsir? Ucrysir?


But seriously, instead of whining, crying, moaning, griping, or complaining, just sit back with some popcorn and the beverage of your choice and laugh like I do at all the people on here that are whining, crying, moaning, griping, or complaining. I have EVE going right now and I'm on the ingame browser on here. Ok, a n00b just came into the wormhole system I'm in. Gotta go. Fly safe. o7

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Honestly, I knew that they were staggering the launch, and that it would probably take a few days to get in. i knew this Without calling Reids cell phone every 5 minutes to ask the same question over and over. People seem so concerned about not getting the info right, its just weird how people need to be told the same thing over and over ad nauseum, just by different people. How do people like that succeed in society? or do they...?
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Ahhh, emo/nerdRAGE tears are sooooooooo sweet. mmmmmmm tears. :D



Umadsir? Ucrysir?


But seriously, instead of whining, crying, moaning, griping, or complaining, just sit back with some popcorn and the beverage of your choice and laugh like I do at all the people on here that are whining, crying, moaning, griping, or complaining. I have EVE going right now and I'm on the ingame browser on here. Ok, a n00b just came into the wormhole system I'm in. Gotta go. Fly safe. o7


*crouched around the viking fire* Yes, Ysgram, feast, for the weak basement nerds have provided us with a bounty of crunchy, frosted QQs. Feast and grow strong!

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He's right. The REAL issue about EGA is the fact he as the community lead failed in properly reporting all the issues people were having getting their hands on pre-order codes at their time of purchase. Many of us pre-ordered July 21st but could not get our codes for WEEKS after the fact... why was this not taken into account for EGA?
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so we definitely flame them now for what their doing. . . instead of maybe flaming them for if something goes wrong. running scared from your customers is not how to run a business.


You flame them now because people are impatient and think they are entitled to more than they *really* are.


That simply shows the maturity level and whine capability of a whole slew of people. That doesn't prove this is ineffective, just that a LOT of people have not developed patience and maturity.

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I still dont see an issue. Since this morning, early July, All of August and All of Sept has gotten in. Just saw a post that they are up to early Oct.


That's a lot of people.


Things are happening! Focus on that instead of a perception of lack of customer service. My perception is that there is more communication with this game then any game before. Perhaps that is the problem.


Too much info, so people act on it?

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He's right. The REAL issue about EGA is the fact he as the community lead failed in properly reporting all the issues people were having getting their hands on pre-order codes at their time of purchase. Many of us pre-ordered July 21st but could not get our codes for WEEKS after the fact... why was this not taken into account for EGA?


Maybe because Bioware was not responsible for handing out the codes to the stores?


Maybe because if people were *that* incensed about not having their early access codes they'd have worked up the chain of whatever store they purchased the game from and obtained a code sooner?


Maybe because in the scheme of things missing one day of PRE-LAUNCH playing when they could simply have said "no one is in until Dec 20!", is a minor issue?


Perhaps people need to look at what they may or may not have done to obtain an early access code and find where they could have worked harder and take a bit of blame as well?

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Stephen Reid is not being rude or a bad customer service manager. Have you been on his twitter account at all? You realize he has to sift through thousands of tweets? He is getting thousands of tweets about not getting an email or when the next wave is going out ect. He is trying to help people who have had their accounts locked, pre orders cancelled, game play issues. Those are very important. Especially trying to get everyone's copy of the game when launch comes. No one wants to be locked out because they have to wait for shipment. His team has worked really hard just to get all the companies to send things out sooner.


I know people are frustrated, I want to play too, but I can do other things while I wait. I'm not being a white knight either, I just see thousands of tweets an hour about when the next wave is and why aren't more people getting in.

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