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overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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(edited for one thing i got wrong that i misread ) so removing the one i got wrong

i stand by the rest



1.) trooper mortar volley travel time verses BH death drom above instant!!!


Meh, you're over reacting here. there are advantages to each. BH's cast requires that he jump in the air and be easily identified; trooper casting mortar is harder to spot and stop. Both are fairly easy to avoid (unless ccd, but then it really isnt aoe)


2.) consular animation delays verses their counterpart instant !!!


3.) convert the trooper pool of energy to BH energy BH has 4% more -

same for another classes energy i forget which one


4 percent isnt anything to get excited about; at level 50 energy isnt much of an issue


4.) IA can do dirty kick on the run without stopping while Smuggler has to stop perform action then move


5.) Ever wonder WHY it always seems empire starts with lead on alderaan warzone?

two turrets already pointing at republic ship and do not have to turn to begin firing not to mention the BIGGEST KICKER OF ALL .. the dumb DEVS ALLOW THE EMPIRE TO TICK QUICKER THAN THE REPUBLIC ... FILM IT FRAPS IT YOURSELF ... try and figure out how empire one caps and republic two caps and forst 5 secs empire ahead ... REALLY .. I MEAN REALLY!!!! W T F


valor rank 55 and I've never been in a match close enough for this to matter.


6.) force way has animation that makes republic jump up then come down before it goes off

empires is instant ... very rough across the bridge in voidstar and in huttball


7.) empires knockbacks are farther


8.) instant lightening no travel time ... rocks have longer animation til impact


9.) IA gets gets 30 secs less on its cc grenade cooldown than smuggler


10.) electrocute ignores resolve bar and even dodge it gets through everything ... force stun DOES NOT!!!


ok, this one being broken and not-yet-fixed is alarming. I never noticed it before this post (and confirmed after) -- I was always wondering, *** is it with these sorcs. BW should fix this asap if they mean to keep pvpers.


11.) smuggler sabo charge requires again you guessed it longer period of time .. IA instant!!!!


12.) IA backstab instant - Smuggler has animation to pull out shotgun to deal with !!!!


but, smuggler's still goes off even if the taret moves, so not a huge deal


14.) im tired of listing them someone else take ove



15. the number of times I have cast full auto and it doesnt do **** as a trooper....

comments in text /5

Edited by Bluetickone
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I am in love with this game and am new to the world of PVP but I agree that EMPIRE IS FAVORED ALWAYS, it's bull and i am getting tired of this, i can see the game going one of two ways in the future... 1.) BW fixes the problem( or agrees to work on it) or 2.) BW does nothing and people start leaving the game, stocks are going to go down George Lucas and EA are going to start losing money and this will be a huge wart on the star wars franchise....

why is it that people keep screaming conspiracy... get a life! clearly if this thread has gotten a whole lot of people saying its happening it's happening... it's not like global warming were everybody made up a whole bunch of **** to get you to believe it

Suck my Spaceballs!!!!!

Edited by Jesterhexes
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If you pay attention the final shot in that volley did no damage. it was all applied before the annimation finished. BH is rooted the entire animation. and btw that was poor evidence seeing as the BH was not damaging any enemies for us to see when the animation actually applied the damage.


Those videos weren't to highlight the damage being done.

The glaring difference was to point out that the Mortar Volley doesn't sync with the actual channel time, whereas BH Death From Above does.


If the Trooper moves when the channel bar has finished, the last part of the volley is cancelled and therefore does no damage.

Mortar Volley launches three rounds in an AoE, whilst Death From Above launches six missiles in an AoE.


This was happening during the Beta as well, and wasn't fixed.

I've seen it happen to other players, and had it happen myself.


You raise a valid point of BH being rooted whilst Death From Above is being used, however the animation starts with the beginning of the ability's channelling. The Trooper isn't rooted for Mortar Volley and is capable of moving at any point after channelling begins but before the animation begins, which results in the ability being cancelled entirely and going onto cooldown.


Honestly though, the start of channelling and the start of Mortar Volley's actual animation need to be properly synced up.


I'm not going to comment on other things in the opening post, simply because I can't verify them for myself.

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(edited for one thing i got wrong that i misread ) so removing the one i got wrong

i stand by the rest






MY LAST STRAW ... i had overlooked or excused or hoped a fix was coming for the list below

but i guess this is my hair that breaks the camels back !!!!



The turret problems favoring empire are ridiculous


screw this game yall have fun ... im walking away until summer ill look back in and see if they cared enough to balance the faction and hopefully management holds some DEVS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THIS BLANTANT ABUSE of POWER IN DESIGNING THE FACTION THEY WANTED TO PLAY to have all sorts of SUBTLE ADVANTAGES!!!!! the EVIDENCE IN ITS ENTIREITY is OVERWHELMING when looked at from a distance other than one at a time







so add it to the list of things that severely imbalance the so called "mirror" classes


things like the following:


1.) trooper mortar volley travel time verses BH death drom above instant!!!


2.) consular animation delays verses their counterpart instant !!!


3.) convert the trooper pool of energy to BH energy BH has 4% more -

same for another classes energy i forget which one


4.) IA can do dirty kick on the run without stopping while Smuggler has to stop perform action then move


5.) Ever wonder WHY it always seems empire starts with lead on alderaan warzone?

two turrets already pointing at republic ship and do not have to turn to begin firing not to mention the BIGGEST KICKER OF ALL .. the dumb DEVS ALLOW THE EMPIRE TO TICK QUICKER THAN THE REPUBLIC ... FILM IT FRAPS IT YOURSELF ... try and figure out how empire one caps and republic two caps and forst 5 secs empire ahead ... REALLY .. I MEAN REALLY!!!! W T F


6.) force way has animation that makes republic jump up then come down before it goes off

empires is instant ... very rough across the bridge in voidstar and in huttball


7.) empires knockbacks are farther


8.) instant lightening no travel time ... rocks have longer animation til impact


9.) IA gets gets 30 secs less on its cc grenade cooldown than smuggler


10.) electrocute ignores resolve bar and even dodge it gets through everything ... force stun DOES NOT!!!


11.) smuggler sabo charge requires again you guessed it longer period of time .. IA instant!!!!


12.) IA backstab instant - Smuggler has animation to pull out shotgun to deal with !!!!


14.) im tired of listing them someone else take ove




any reasonable person that understands probability KNOWS beyond a shadow of a doubt there a far too many "oopies and overlooks " to be beniegn




have fun ill look in from time to time and see if they did anything about it

im going to take a break


if you are staying in this game and PvP you SHOULD DEMAND THE ABOVE BE FIXED and a REASON GIVEN as to way it was allowed in the first place and HOW SO MANY BETA TESTERS MISSED these GLARING ISSUES ... i guess they were just playing and not testing





ps im mad and didnt proof read and im not the faster i log out right now the better and put SWTOR BEHIND me for a long while and hope it gets fixed


all the extra animation time for republic dont make sense at all considering empires are faster and more instant. How could the devs overlooked these glaring disadvantages unless they are intentional. anyway i already cancelled my sub.

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And the Devs always post that anyone saying they "hate" a class or faction is a "conspiracy". I might buy into that if what they said and what they did were similar. Too bad they aren't. If it's not a case of blatant faction bias, then prove it to us. Fix all the Republic animations to either be instant like the Empire ones are run a delay on the Empire ones to be as slow as the Republic ones. If they aren't even willing to balance their own mirrors then my faith in Bioware will have been shaken to the core.
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8.) instant lightening no travel time ... rocks have longer animation til impact



despite the animation, the damage is calculated when the ability is used, not when the animation completes. if i was a gambling man, i would assume that the other similar issues with other mirrored abilities is the same. they way it looks is totally irrelevant to the way the damage is actually calculated.




this is 100% truth.



people are always saying BH has a clear advantage over trooper because stock strike is slower, but i can say from experience that stock strike deals its damage the instant you press it, it just doesnt show you till it connects


you can tell because if you kill targets with these "slower" abilites you will notice that you are actually dropped out of combat instantly, but the damage isnt shown, and the enemy doesn't "die" (its dies, just not visually) till the skilll connects.

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this is 100% truth.



people are always saying BH has a clear advantage over trooper because stock strike is slower, but i can say from experience that stock strike deals its damage the instant you press it, it just doesnt show you till it connects


you can tell because if you kill targets with these "slower" abilites you will notice that you are actually dropped out of combat instantly, but the damage isnt shown, and the enemy doesn't "die" (its dies, just not visually) till the skilll connects.


At least for commandos, stock strike is used to push back enemies too close to you, so they have to run up to you again. If the animation is slower and they don't immediately push back, then you could be dead in some situations because of the animation.

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So one of the largest games ever made at cost of a couple hundred million dollars with the intent of being sold for a profit that would require hundreds of thousands of subscriptions to achieve...was intentionally misbalanced and ever so slightly tilted in favor of one faction JUST so that some employees of said game's company could have a NEAR-TO-NOTHING edge when they play on their UNIFORMLY DESIRED (yeah i'm sure they all prefer empire. FALSE) faction?


To the believers of this - you're on drugs, or you are completely irrational.


Come back to the sane world where incentive to put a good game out is at its all time high and people dare not risk their nice jobs for the mere enjoyment of a near-to-nothing imbalance in favor of their desired faction.


Grow up. Be an adult. Realize this game is only one month old, and it's so huge that only a player base of our current size is enough to catch all of these infinitesimal bugs. These things will continue to be found. Just submit a respectful ticket to the customer support, and they will get these bugs fixed IF they are w/o a doubt bugs.

Edited by GameNirvana
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As someone who played a Sorcerer in beta, and a Sage in retail, I can definitely confirm what's being said by the OP is true. Sage animations across the board are much slower, and overall damage is lower due to animation issues. This isn't only an issue in PvP, but PvE as well. Sorcerers will have higher overall dps due to their faster animations AND faster traveling spells.


These issues aren't new, we brought them up in beta a million times, but nothing was done then, it will probably take awhile for them to do something for it now.

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The OP is pure derpitude. Every single thing he is crying about has been mentioned as known bug or something that they are going to fix in some future patch.




How does that invalidate the claim that their was some biased in the development?


The point is that this seems to be a long list of issues that give an advantage to the Imperial side in PvP.


It could simply have been a greater attention to the Imperial side bug fixing - but that doesn't mean there wasn't any bias.
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How does that invalidate the claim that their was some biased in the development?


The point is that this seems to be a long list of issues that give an advantage to the Imperial side in PvP.


It could simply have been a greater attention to the Imperial side bug fixing - but that doesn't mean there wasn't any bias.


You just don't understand. NO and I MEAN NO group of people would sabotage their own livelyhood just so they could be EVER SO SLIGHTLY better at their own fu cking VIDEOGAME in their supposedly uniformly desired faction.


The risk of loss FAR and VASTLY outweighs the reward of doing such a thing. If these claims are true (more like a conspiracy seen by people who watch a video but are not involved with ACTUAL development), then they are mistakes that will be fixed by the devs.


Plain and simple, they probably don't matter at all; however, if they do matter then they will be fixed. Submit a ticket, or save us from ever hearing from you people again and just unsub.

Edited by GameNirvana
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This is like the Casey Anthony case. There is all that proof and still people keep denying. You know that b*tch is guilty!


The only reason all of you empire players are turning a blind eye is because you're winning. Heck, I don't blame you. If I were empire I'd be defending the overpowered mirrors with you.

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let's not lie about knowing the true nature of the majority of gamers.... FLOCK TO THE WINNING SIDE and quit when your losing


how dishonorable and embarrassing it must be.


on a completely irrelevant topic to this thread.....nice pvp vid on the Shadow.


Regarding the topic of the thread, animations are screwed up in this game. It's tough to make such a huge and unlikely claim based off of video involving a game with many flawed animations.


It's best left up to the Devs to address this issue from a developer standpoint and let them give us the technical proof needed to dispell all of this. There is no point in sending everyone on a witch hunt for devs that secretly would like to lose their jobs just so they can win in a videogame.

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There is one HUGE item that needs to be resolved ASAP and that affects entire Republic side and it's the stupid Animations!


As countless people pointed out, our animation sequences are longer and one can with certenty predict what the skill or spell is based on just animation and completely avoid damage.


I understand that it would be quite stupid to have damage register before animation has executed as it would appear as graphics lag. However, animations and registration of damage for all skills on global cooldown should not be longer than a global cooldown itself.


If I cast Project, the projectile should have already hit the target and damage registered by the time GCD is done, thus allowing more precise over priorities and rotations.


Secondly, GCD is 0.5 seconds too long for the same reason. I assume someone at BioWare realized the problem and designed GCD in such a way, but it was never documented or was overlooked and thus we end up with animations that look good but screw us up in PvP.


If animation is still taking place and you fire off another spell, it will waste a GCD and not register damage. I find myself these days fighting my own character instead of enemy and wondering ***!? Why is Force Breach not firing off it's off the cooldown, only to realize my character is still lifting R2D2 out of the ground to hurl at the enemy who not only noticed it, but was smart enough to get out of range before spell registered damage.


There is a reason why in a lot of games only channeled spells have waving hands in the air calling to skies for lightning etc. and all instant activation skills are kept very short.


In addition to all of the above, someone for the love of God fix the strafing. Yes I know you can strafe but my character is not looking at the enemy while performing circle strafing. I have to unlearn everything I've learned about positioning and constantly have to consciously remind myself that yes I am strafing but character has a stick up his butt and can't turn at the torso. Add that joint to the character skeletal structure already.

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First let me say that the amount of emotion OP put into his post strongly implies he came from a badly lost WZ and not from an otherwise regular state of being to make this post. He did not, say, wake up from a nap, or finish lunch, or watch an episode of his favorite TV show, and then come here immediately afterward to make this post. The emotion implies bias right off the bat. But let me delve into these -


1.) trooper mortar volley travel time verses BH death drom above instant!!! -> BH DfA isn't instant, our missiles take about half a second to a second to travel to the target area. Our missiles do not just appear at the enemies feet and explode instantly.


2.) consular animation delays verses their counterpart instant !!! -> Examples....? I have not noticed this.


3.) convert the trooper pool of energy to BH energy BH has 4% more -

same for another classes energy i forget which one -> Actually, if you wanted to break it down troopers are more energy efficient. 1 Trooper ammo = 8 BH heat, yet BHs have attacks that cost 25 Heat - that's like 3.125 ammo, whereas troopers only use 3 ammo for those attacks.


4.) IA can do dirty kick on the run without stopping while Smuggler has to stop perform action then move -> Do they? Can someone confirm that Dirty Kick roots the smuggler, or requires the smuggler to not be moving to do? I've never heard of this.


5.) Ever wonder WHY it always seems empire starts with lead on alderaan warzone?

two turrets already pointing at republic ship and do not have to turn to begin firing not to mention the BIGGEST KICKER OF ALL .. the dumb DEVS ALLOW THE EMPIRE TO TICK QUICKER THAN THE REPUBLIC ... FILM IT FRAPS IT YOURSELF ... try and figure out how empire one caps and republic two caps and forst 5 secs empire ahead ... REALLY .. I MEAN REALLY!!!! W T F -> I checked this for myself just recently after reading this. All turrets were aiming inwards, not towards any ship.


6.) force way has animation that makes republic jump up then come down before it goes off empires is instant ... very rough across the bridge in voidstar and in huttball -> No, if you're talking about the SI KB, they have to jump up and then down too.


7.) empires knockbacks are farther -> Proof? I disagree.


8.) instant lightening no travel time ... rocks have longer animation til impact -> Already proven false by Consulars in this thread.


9.) IA gets gets 30 secs less on its cc grenade cooldown than smuggler -> Again, can someone confirm? SSs?


10.) electrocute ignores resolve bar and even dodge it gets through everything ... force stun DOES NOT!!! -> If it does, and I doubt that it does, that's called a bug and not a design choice.


11.) smuggler sabo charge requires again you guessed it longer period of time .. IA instant!!!! -> Can someone confirm? Again just because an animation looks longer doesn't mean the effect isn't instant.


12.) IA backstab instant - Smuggler has animation to pull out shotgun to deal with !!!! -> This I know for sure is wrong, they're both instant moves but have an animation that is not quite instant.



There are a few here I'm not sure about and if confirmed by somebody would mean there are some bugs that need to be fixed, but you did a terrible job of proving that the Devs favor one side over the other. At worst there's a couple bugs that need to be fixed, at best (and I think most likely) you're just raging over losing a PvP match and are still at an age where you take things like that very seriously.


We will take your word for it! Do you play imp, too? Can someone confirm??!!!

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Honestly, in light of this thread more and more points are being brought to light that really seems to beg the question, did the Dev's intentionally make Empire stronger? I really don't want to believe it, but the more things that continue to be proven the more I have begun to believe them as well.


Bioware I know chances are you are watching these threads, it would be nice to actually see some posts from the Dev's commenting on these issues. So far even this new "big patch" is not really solving anything besides a PvP bracket for 50's. No strong PvP balance issues between Empire and Republic are being solved, crew skills are being left useless except for Biochem. I mean really? Bioware what is the deal here?


I believe what players want to hear is explanations. Why did you implement these mechanics into the game then leave them knowing pretty damn well how many issues this would have caused. And to know that the Devs ARE looking into these matters and working on them. I understand this is their first real attempt at an MMO game, but in the state this game is in its as if it was developed by a rookie game studio, and it is disappointing. I hope they wake up before they lose more subs then they already have lost.

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You just don't understand. NO and I MEAN NO group of people would sabotage their own livelyhood just so they could be EVER SO SLIGHTLY better at their own fu cking VIDEOGAME in their supposedly uniformly desired faction.


The risk of loss FAR and VASTLY outweighs the reward of doing such a thing. If these claims are true (more like a conspiracy seen by people who watch a video but are not involved with ACTUAL development), then they are mistakes that will be fixed by the devs.


Plain and simple, they probably don't matter at all; however, if they do matter then they will be fixed. Submit a ticket, or save us from ever hearing from you people again and just unsub.


Please focus. They devs are not conspiring. More attention was paid to one side possibly due to time constraints.


Focus on the valid imbalance points and not on insulting the OP point of view.


We don't want more reps rolling imps or leaving the game and we don't want imps having to wait a long time on warzones.

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Please focus. They devs are not conspiring. More attention was paid to one side possibly due to time constraints.


Focus on the valid imbalance points and not on insulting the OP point of view.


We don't want more reps rolling imps or leaving the game and we don't want imps having to wait a long time on warzones.


I wish I could agree with you Azygous. I think I would feel the same way if there wasn't so many things that are bias towards the empire. I can understand maybe three to four issues? That would be understandable for leaving in due to time. However, at this rate there are over a dozen easy with proof. And as I have said, there has not been any word from any of the Dev staff commenting on them. The next patch, practically ignores all of the current issues. You know what I mean?


There is nothing being said by the Devs to put everyones mind at ease. Those who are tired of this chaos are infact either re-rolling Sith or quitting, which isn't helping obviously as you and I know. But the only ones who can honestly attempt to put a stop to that is Bioware, who has said and done nothing to really fix anything from my point of view. Personally I plan on paying one more month, in hopes things will get better. If they haven't I too will not pay for a game that is so unfinished and unbalanced. I do hope though that they bust their butts to fix this game so I will stay.

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Well,I didn't read anything but the first few pages,BUT,i think something helps the republic too,if the Empire has the advantage,we republic players learn to play better,so when the advantages are fixed,we will steamroll imperials because ok experience we gathered:D.


Edited by ratiugrigoreleon
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