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overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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What else would you call a developer that leaves faction imabalances that all favor one faction in a MMO?


I've never seen a developer that leaves faction differences in a game balance them right off the bat.

Actually I can only think of three with different classes for each faction

Vanilla WoW, WAR, SWtOR

But because shamans and paladins weren't balanced against each other in vanilla WoW, the ENTIRETY of blizzard is completely incompetent from now until the end of time.



Edit: Actually, Trion(Rift dev) left in a piece of good quest gear that was only available to the Guardian Faction. People complained.

Supposed favoritism wham is par for the course in faction based MMO's

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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Didn't want to post, but this post just cut it. Don't you dare write such a wall of text so full of ******** ever again. You have absolutely NO CLUE what you're talking about and it is very appearent.


You most likely have not even played a republic character. What an utterly pointless reply, did you miss the fact that trhe devs have aknowledged our bugs and that you, in fact, have way too many advantages (on top of your overpopulation *********** illum for us)


What was win ratios again? 53% vs 47 or something? How ridicolous you aren't further ahead, too.


I can deal with the disadvantages, but stop trying to make it se em like they are not there. "I think you can move" etc just doesnt cut it in a discussion like this.




Flamerant over.


Devs acknockledged the Operative having a lower CD on the Flash Grenade. Clearly you read one of my rebuttals and went in to insta-rage mode because all of my claims are either "I think" (which means I'm not entirely sure), or complete fact.


The Electrocute bypassing the Resolve bar?



The Trooper and BH cast time differences are minute. This was proven with 2 videos.


I provided the picture for the turrets supposedly being aimed towards the Republic at the beginning of the round.




As you can see, they are not.


The knock backs are not further for the Empire side, they are the same for every class. The mercenaries actually have to fly into the air for a second to knock people back whereas the Commandos just auto knock back, no animation delay.


So, sir, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.


53% vs 47%. I mean come on. That's almost even.

Edited by Rehsals
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I've never seen a developer that leaves faction differences in a game balance them right off the bat.

Actually I can only think of three with different classes for each faction

Vanilla WoW, WAR, SWtOR

But because shamans and paladins weren't balanced against each other in vanilla WoW, the ENTIRETY of blizzard is completely incompetent from now until the end of time.



Edit: Actually, Trion(Rift dev) left in a piece of good quest gear that was only available to the Guardian Faction. People complained.

Supposed favoritism wham is par for the course in faction based MMO's


Shamans and Paladins brought different things to each side and both were great in PvP. Classes are supposed to be mirrors here.


And they knew much of it in beta, and let faction imbalances make it live. That's unbelievable. Those should have been on the top of the list before a huge population imbalance happened and there was no turning back. Oh wait, that happened.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Shamans and Paladins brought different things to each side and both were great in PvP.


But they weren't balanced.

And people like you came to forums and QQ'ed about how one or the other is infinitely better, and the other was completely broken, and that blizzard is incompetent

Supposed favoritism wham is a favorite among players with victim complexes

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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if you truly believe 53%/47% is actually a legitimate number, youre just dumb. they obviously lied for obvious reason


I do think it's a legitimate number, but outdated. I bet it's a lot more lopsided if they pull the number from Jan 1 to today.

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if you truly believe 53%/47% is actually a legitimate number, youre just dumb. they obviously lied for obvious reason


HAHA this, we all know the truth. I have alts on 3 more servers that i only pvp with and it's the same on all of them.And from what i can hear it's just like it on most servers. Empire wins against the republic atleast 80% of the matches.

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After just doing two alderaans and watching how things tick if Republic own two turrets and empire own one then there are double ticks from the single empire turret every now and again while the republic turrets only tick once.


There is an obvious discrepancy between two rep and two emp turrets. If empire have two turrets the score will go down quite a bit faster than if rep own two turrets. Its not on every tick however but on some where one turret will double tick.

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HAHA this, we all know the truth. I have alts on 3 more servers that i only pvp with and it's the same on all of them.And from what i can hear it's just like it on most servers. Empire wins against the republic atleast 80% of the matches.


Empire players are better, simple explanation no crazy theory's of devs making the game favour 1 side

Edited by lethal_ghost
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HAHA this, we all know the truth. I have alts on 3 more servers that i only pvp with and it's the same on all of them.And from what i can hear it's just like it on most servers. Empire wins against the republic atleast 80% of the matches.


Come "Scepter of Ragnos" .

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I play on Dark Reaper and when we occasionally get a Republic vs Republic Huttball match I can understand how Repub loses a ton of WZ matches, there are a lot of very bad repub players. However, I do feel that there are advantages that the empire has anyway. Edited by DimeStax
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I am normally one to dismiss conspiracy theories like this, but I do find it somewhat telling that this same group of developers have now been twice accused of favoritism toward the faction they proclaim to be playing themselves.


Warhammer Online (Bioware\Mythic) had the same faction imbalance issues favoring the same faction the game developers stated they played, Order (Destruction was the other faction.) There were often bugs and differences between "mirrored" classes that all seemed to favor the faction the devs were playing.


Since the failure of WAR, many of those developers have since been moved over to work on SWTOR. Isn't it interesting that again the same faction which many of the developers have stated to be playing appears to have a disproportional number of "bugs" which favor that same side.


I still don't really believe it was done with intent, but the pattern remains. It is most likely just a coincidence that the differences between the mirrored classes in SWTOR discussed here favor the same side. Given their track record on the issue of faction imbalance, I would hope they have learned from their past mistakes and take action immediately to resolve these diferences. If not then I fear like Warhammer, SWTOR will just be another failure.

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Ok...yes empire has advantages (all of them)

But no it was not on purpose


Empire= Devs A team


Republic= Devs F team


Republic devs/designers were epic fail


I also think (as a guld mate said the other day in vent) the republic armor artist got his designs from preschool clown drawing contest ....they suck


We just need the empire devs to come over and fix the republics devs screw ups


And make us better armor designs


Problem would be solved

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Wow I hate seeing people complain about Sage project. The spell is awesome. Inquisitors are completely over-rated by newbs.


Come over to my server where we have some decent PvPers. Republic wins because we know how to play.


Besides the point, that instant damage skill can stop someone capping a door etc.. etc...

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I also think (as a guld mate said the other day in vent) the republic armor artist got his designs from preschool clown drawing contest ....they suck



Most gear pretty much looks the same, and at 50 the sets just have different colour..


Its like playing an asian f2p mmo

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8.) instant lightening no travel time ... rocks have longer animation til impact



despite the animation, the damage is calculated when the ability is used, not when the animation completes. if i was a gambling man, i would assume that the other similar issues with other mirrored abilities is the same. they way it looks is totally irrelevant to the way the damage is actually calculated.



as for cannons not having to turn, and ticking faster, etc - these are all excelent observations that are bugs. im sure the devs are glad these have been brought to their attention and will likely be addressed.



now, all that being said, lets get down to brass tacks here. If you HONESTLY think that the devs are intentionally giving the Empire side advantages over the Republic out of favoritism or spite, then you are a complete *********** buffoon. It's so petty and childish to even bring up i am having trouble typing this through the laughter. give it a *********** rest, would you? So many of you have a complete lack of understanding when it comes to software development, and creating a product you sell to a user base. you just don't 'get it', and that's fine. its really through no fault of your own, your just ignorant. and that's totally fine. Just bring down the rabble a couple notches okay? submit a clear, concise, well worded, and easily readable bug report. Someone who knows a lot more about BW's development cycle and bug procedures will review it, and make sure it goes to the right place.


i swear some of you people are just not happy unless everything is perfect. the amount of time, energy, and planning that goes into a software release of this magnitude would make your pathetic little heads explode. Has anyone even taken the time to compare this MMO launch with any other MMO launch in the history of MMos? The amount of unplanned outages and game breaking bugs has been infinitesimal. we are mere weeks into launch, you need to be a little patient.


...I agree with about a fiftieth of that. You're probably right factually, but the whole cussing at him when he's making a very valid point ruins your case completely.

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