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  1. It would seem as though nobody wants to comment because I haven't QQ'd. This is precisely my point. Incessant whining gets thousands of hits per day where constructive criticism gets none. Flame on, trolls.
  2. I appreciate the constructive criticism, but I don't surf the forums extensively, and had no idea prior to this post that there was actually a "suggestions" forum. I suppose I should petition to have this moved then?
  3. I've seen a few different suggestions floating around the forums and for the most part have come to realize a few things about feedback on this game. 1. The majority of the people I see on the forums (especially in the pvp forums) don't REMOTELY represent my own feelings or those of the people I talk with on my server. 2. Most of the people I play with and know on my server don't have half as many complaints about this game as the people on the forums do. 3. I don't feel there's an accurate representation of people who are generally content with the game as opposed to those who are not. What I propose (not my idea, but a collaboration of several I've seen) is to implement a polling system that players have an option to opt out of. Many of the people I know would be more than happy to provide an opinion if it had some sort of weight. Most people I know spend more time playing the game than they do surfing forums. This system would, at various times such as login or logoff, prompt the player to answer a few questions about their experience with the gameplay that pertains to whatever changes the dev's are considering implementing in the future. Not only will this give people who don't surf forums an opportunity to voice their opinions, but it will also put the results of those opinions into an easily read format. For example, if the devs were contemplating nerfing a particular class for whatever reason, create a poll that would say, "How satisfied are you with the in-game balance of X class with Y ac in Z aspect of the game (Z being pvp or pve)". Give it an option of 1-5 with 1 being dissatisfied and 5 being completely content. If answered in the 1-2 range, give a second option (such as a dropdown menu) with potential reasons such as underpowered, overpowered, lacking utility, etc. etc. Doing this would, as previously mentioned, be very easy to organize information and gather the opinions of players currently too involved in the game itself to come to the forums and post their opinions. As an alternative, perhaps a new menu could be coded into the game to allow players to go and answer pressing questions about the game when they've got the time to spare. Either way, I don't think either system could hurt the overall health of the game and it's player base. Please, if you have something constructive to say or a similar idea, let me hear your ideas/thoughts/opinions on the topic. It seems that as of late, the only feedback BW gets on the forums is negative and I don't feel it's an accurate representation of the general population of the game. Thanks for your time.
  4. I'm not sure if you know this, but 2000k valor would be 2,000,000 valor. Or valor at the temperature of 2000 degrees kelvin if you had used a capital K. 2000 = 2k 2000000 = 2000k 2000K = 3140.33^o F ... just saying ...
  5. This is one of the most intelligent posts I've seen on these forums in a long time, and I wholly agree. I've helped several people improve their rotations/positioning/play style and they've all realized noticeable improvements in their pvp worth. For example, I was in a WZ late one night on my 50 merc. There was another 50 merc on my team complaining about being useless in WZ's because all he does is spam tracer. I started PM'ing the player outside the WZ asking him what his rotation was and what he did in WZ's. After a few minutes, I helped guide him in a direction that led directly to him doing more damage, earning more medals, and ultimately helping his team more during WZ's. "Bad" players aren't really bad, they're simply inexperienced and with a little helpful guidance, can become better players. Pull your heads out of your elitist *****holes and start helping people instead of hurting everyone. I've never left a single warzone before the game ended other than one time I was sent back to the login screen because of a bug, and even then when I logged back in and re-qeued I managed to get back into the same game and finish it out. If you honestly think you're better than everyone, then you should go cure cancer or something, because what you're doing now is not only hurting entire teams of people, but you're pushing people away from this game that would otherwise be perfectly content with a well fought game.
  6. I understand perfectly well, the difference between computers works. Take for instance, my 2 year old laptop that would take 2-3 minutes loading a conversation with an NPC whereas the custom built PC that I built with my own two hands takes about 2-3 seconds. At most, my desktop that I built takes 10-15 seconds to load up huttball. From the several times I've put a timer on the openings of the spawn point, it opens up every 40 seconds. The afk kicker takes 60 seconds to kick me out, and doesn't normally start until I get close to the gate. Even IF I managed to come in at exactly the wrong moment, I'd still have plenty of time to get through the door. Before upgrading my hardware, I was kicked out of numerous WZ's because of the above mentioned problems. After upgrading my hardware, I haven't been kicked out of a single WZ since building it back in mid-december. Trying to tell me that hardware/internet speed makes little to no difference speaks volumes about your knowledge of the subject matter. My statements are based on fact and experience. Yours, obviously, are not.
  7. Hence why I added the word "enough" to that last sentence. You're computer/internet may be fast by your definitions, but they're obviously not fast enough if you get kicked from WZ's before you have a chance to get into it.
  8. Here's an idea. Take away valor points for leaving. Use the raw data to figure out what the average amount of valor points awarded to each player per game is, then if someone hits the little button that says "leave warzone" or whatever it says (i've never used it once, so I have no idea where to even find it) remove the previously mentioned 'average' amount of valor points from the player's total. Also, allow it reduce your valor rank if it has to. That way, if you D/C or your game glitches, no points taken. I have no idea how difficult this may be to code into the game, but if it were feasible then I would love to see it implemented.
  9. 1 of 2 things can solve this... probably both: 1. Get a new computer 2. Upgrade your internet. Don't bother explaining what you've got, because no matter what you say, it's not fast ENOUGH.
  10. XearoBadlag

    Select Que?

    i'm sure what the previous poster meant was "more populated" server. Right now, on the low pop. servers, allowing you to choose your wz would increase que times greatly. However, once cross-server is implemented, picking your preferred wz would not be as much of an issue.
  11. XearoBadlag

    PVP Hotness

    he's pointing out that he played against a team with 3 healers that they didn't bother trying to kill. and they still lost?! what could possibly be the problem?!
  12. can we petition to have these abilities added to the merc side too? my main could use an easy button...
  13. *grabs popcorn and takes a seat*
  14. someone previously mentioned removing resolve completely. I disagree with this entirely because I think that would give ranged classes absolute control over melee classes. Imagine being stun-locked before you have a chance to land a hit on a target and dying because you can't move. There are far too many cc abilities in this game to not have the resolve system in place. I won't deny that the resolve system has it's problems, but removing it is not a viable solution without revamping the entire system. Solution: -Step 1: make resolve work the way it was intended. -Step 2: reduce durations of root/snares -Step 3: make roots/snares contribute to resolve -Step 4: profit. lol
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