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overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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Since the majority of people rolled Empire over Republic it's safe to say Imperial will have more better players as well. You can also say imperial has more bad players, but from my experiences I'm not sure that's the case.


Gaaah. Get this fallacy out of your minds asap please. Given that there might be more imperial players on the majority of the servers, there is no reason to assume, that there is a higher ratio of good players : bad players as a consequence!


If at all, it might be the other way round - pvp interested players rolling republic to get faster queues and more diversity (i.e. less Huttball) in warzones.

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*Shrug* Data are data, and until we have real evidence of the contrary, we'll use what we have. Ignoring evidence just makes people, well, ignorant. :p


BUT if you have REAL evidence you would like to share, we would love to see it! Until then... well.. speculate all you want, but the evidence is on our side.


And regarding the lightning thingy.... frankly, I am glad to see SI is still so popular, now that I've figured out how to deal with them. Everyone has an Achilles Heel... :D


Of course I have no actual evidence, but then to get actual evidence in regards to why people are on the Empire side, you'd have to ask... all of them. Including the trolls and jackarses that so heavily populate the imperial side (yey for them going over to the darkside!)


And yah... namely the face inquisitors are inevitably made of paper and burn like any other squishy in the history of gaming. Except one of them, who is I'm sad to admit, simply better than me. Happens.

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Half the crap the OP posted about isn't even true, or it's exaggerated. For instance, my electrocute DOES NOT ignore resolve. Maybe he's seen a bug where it does, but that certainly hasn't been the case for me.


Fair enough, I could not say if half or 25% of it is true or false. I don't see all those aspects. So not going to pass judgment of how much or how little of it is true. However if even 25% IS true it should be sorted.


Now I still wonder about the statment I did quote you on. You really do believe that the reason for you only losing 1 wz's since start is because republic has bad players?

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Now I still wonder about the statment I did quote you on. You really do believe that the reason for you only losing 1 wz's since start is because republic has bad players?


I lose WZs to Republic all the time. Now that there are more geared 50s it has balanced out. Yes there are more Huttball games for me, but that's because I'm Empire

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Fair enough, I could not say if half or 25% of it is true or false. I don't see all those aspects. So not going to pass judgment of how much or how little of it is true. However if even 25% IS true it should be sorted.


Now I still wonder about the statment I did quote you on. You really do believe that the reason for you only losing 1 wz's since start is because republic has bad players?


Maybe it's just my server, who knows. I know it isn't game mechanics causing us to win every warzone, but the Repubs we face are just awful, save a few who are decent. We 3cap nearly every Alderaan without trouble.

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6.) force way has animation that makes republic jump up then come down before it goes off

empires is instant ... very rough across the bridge in voidstar and in huttball


7.) empires knockbacks are farther


10.) electrocute ignores resolve bar and even dodge it gets through everything ... force stun DOES NOT!!!



Actually, as a sorcerer i have to jump and come down aswell before i knockback. And my knockbacks aren't even close to getting as far as that from the trooper.

And i have never seen electrocute ignore the resolve bar.

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4.) IA can do dirty kick on the run without stopping while Smuggler has to stop perform action then move


False. Debilitate requires you to crouch too.


9.) IA gets gets 30 secs less on its cc grenade cooldown than smuggler


They already acknowledged this bug. Normalization incoming.

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Fair enough, I could not say if half or 25% of it is true or false. I don't see all those aspects. So not going to pass judgment of how much or how little of it is true. However if even 25% IS true it should be sorted.


Now I still wonder about the statment I did quote you on. You really do believe that the reason for you only losing 1 wz's since start is because republic has bad players?


If you'd seen some of the republic players on my server... this wouldn't surprise you. There are people who have 40 valor rank and above who fail to understand basic strategy... Hell I've had 6 people follow me to the side turret in alderaan when I was the first down to the side (with a speed boosted shadow; after having said I was going left, and with the two who went mid agreeing I should) before -they- call me a noob for going to the side with everyone else.


EDIT: Oh and nearly all the matches I -lose- on the republic side are due to bad players on my team and a certain handful of EXTREMELY GOOD premade 50s that I sometimes fight. I have no complaints at losing to good players, who are premade, and level 50s. Neither should anyone else; nor do I complain when I lose due to a group of (for want of a nicer word) morons fail miserably. I win more than half my matches; therefore either I'm really good (which I doubt, good probably, but good enough to balance out a "serious imbalance of sides"? no.) or the majority of matches are just decided by who has more bad players. Annoying? Certainly. Designed imbalance? no.

Edited by Genesis_Shadow
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You're quoting torhead to prove a point? lol


A lot of the information on torhead isn't accurate so I hope you have a better source.

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These issues are already reported, and the devs are aware... so if people could be less butthurt and instead focus on learning to play the game, we'd all be happier.


But as with all games with some sort of PvP action, some players just have to blame everything and everyone around them for their own failure or inability to be the number one super beast, I've outdmgd people of my own class 30 levels above me on several occasions, why? because they are out in the blue on how to use their abilities, and I see it everytime I pvp, I just need to look at them go about it...


Is this some case of needing others to tell you how to do it or?... I mean, some guy yesterday spent 15 minutes talking to me about which specc he should take, all while obivously not even reading the skillpoints for himself at all and using some brainpower....


It's saddening to see how many people need copypaste builds and rotations and are incapable of making their own....



So instead of blaming everything else, focus on the real issue at hand, the fact that you cant accept that you.. well... need to learn more about your given class, period.

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Let's face it... more people play Empire (2:1 on PvP servers) because they really do want more power on a personal level and could simply care less about justice, goodness, etc. If they wanted to PRETEND to be selfishly evil, they would roll on an RP server and ACT IT OUT. Instead, they personally gain from the technical imbalances and "go with the winners", so to speak. THEN they have the nerve call people names when these imbalances are illuminated.


People play what they are as real people, for the most part. ONE of my characters is (or was) a DS jedi simply for the RP experience, and it's disgusting. Just not worth it.


Very true, and these are the people you meet in real life who is cowards.

A coward will always go with the winning side just for this reason, and when they winn they take on some patetic pride over the victory.Really just sad. I was a Empire player at launch.

Was a officer in a hardcore Raiding/PvP guild, but told the guild i would rather fight with the underdogs for the challenge. Even thou i knew we would lose most matches, but i dident care. Atleast i have my self resepect. But in the end i dont blame the players, i blame BioWare, after all it's their fault 100%.

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If you'd seen some of the republic players on my server... this wouldn't surprise you. There are people who have 40 valor rank and above who fail to understand basic strategy... Hell I've had 6 people follow me to the side turret in alderaan when I was the first down to the side (with a speed boosted shadow; after having said I was going left, and with the two who went mid agreeing I should) before -they- call me a noob for going to the side with everyone else.


EDIT: Oh and nearly all the matches I -lose- on the republic side are due to bad players on my team and a certain handful of EXTREMELY GOOD premade 50s that I sometimes fight. I have no complaints at losing to good players, who are premade, and level 50s. Neither should anyone else; nor do I complain when I lose due to a group of (for want of a nicer word) morons fail miserably. I win more than half my matches; therefore either I'm really good (which I doubt, good probably, but good enough to balance out a "serious imbalance of sides"? no.) or the majority of matches are just decided by who has more bad players. Annoying? Certainly. Designed imbalance? no.


If you're winning more than half your matches while Q'ing solo I gotta give you props. That isn't easy to accomplish unless you're a tank. While I do feel the Repub on my server is just terrible, we have some of the same players on Imperial who only zerg back and forth like ******* >< Idk why people can't just stay and defend a node or door.

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It's been known to anyone who kept track of dev diaries that Bioware favours Empire side, hence they subconsciously benefit their favourite factions/classes when designing certain content.


It happened in WoW with the Horde, it's happening here with the Empire.


There is a massive disparity between mirrored skills and their animations, specifically instants on Empire versus travel time on Republic.

It's a myth that damage gets recorded on ability use, one Empire players are eager to barf all over these boards: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMjakXfQ100. Damage registers upon ability impact.


Playing Devil's Advocate here. Alliance side usually had the BG advantages over Horde.

1) AV map favors Alliance strongly. Guard tower setups and choke points. If you played Horde in AV, you knew that zerging would almost guarantee a loss because Alliance can get their faster/easier.

2) AB stables is ALWAYS capped before farm, thus giving Alliance a 10 point lead. Even if they popped at the same time, stables ticks the first 10 points sooner than farm.


With that said, how many Alderran WZs have you lost by 10 points? While I do see it ticking faster at the start, i can honestly say that I have never won by 10 points. Not saying it shouldn't be fixed, as it should be. just pointing out that it hasn't had the impact that anyone's made it out to have.


I've been on both sides of the fence.


Also, IA's have to pull out a VK to do backstab, shiv, and debilitate which do have animation time like a Scoundrel pulling out their scattergun.


Report the issues, and see if they get addressed. To yell /cancel sub this soon just means you're impatient. WoW's AV and AB BGs are still the same in terms of favoring Alliance as they were when they got introduced years ago.

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You guys really think that while picking up my main favorite class I (or anyone else) was looking at which side will have more players to easy win in player capped wz's ? Heh n/c, im fed...


"Empire/Rep balance 2:1" Uhmm...ok, in beta it was around 53% to 47% so where did U got those data?



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If you'd seen some of the republic players on my server... this wouldn't surprise you. There are people who have 40 valor rank and above who fail to understand basic strategy... Hell I've had 6 people follow me to the side turret in alderaan when I was the first down to the side (with a speed boosted shadow; after having said I was going left, and with the two who went mid agreeing I should) before -they- call me a noob for going to the side with everyone else.


EDIT: Oh and nearly all the matches I -lose- on the republic side are due to bad players on my team and a certain handful of EXTREMELY GOOD premade 50s that I sometimes fight. I have no complaints at losing to good players, who are premade, and level 50s. Neither should anyone else; nor do I complain when I lose due to a group of (for want of a nicer word) morons fail miserably. I win more than half my matches; therefore either I'm really good (which I doubt, good probably, but good enough to balance out a "serious imbalance of sides"? no.) or the majority of matches are just decided by who has more bad players. Annoying? Certainly. Designed imbalance? no.


Not saying there are not bad players in mmo's. Gawd knows I see tons of them, both on rep and imp. Even I make bad mistakes on and off depending on the situation where I facepalm myself going "*** did I just do".


My question to the another poster, was an honest one.


Regardless of bad players, I highly doubt an entire faction on a server is bad.


I don't think I've stated that rep are getting hit by loads of imbalances and that being the reason they lose and I understand based on server guild (on both sides) some premades will win regardless if they are imps or rep.


But if there are imbalances that they should be fixed asap.

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What's the point of this post? Besides showing you're angry?


Pointing out that a secondary source also lists the abilities as energy so your gripe over TORHead was pointless in this discussion and shows that you commented before checking, which indicates you are trolling


Energy STILL equals kinetic.


All I'm doing is providing links for those that have been arguing about what abilities do what type of damage. I personally don't care either way

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Playing Devil's Advocate here. Alliance side usually had the BG advantages over Horde.

1) AV map favors Alliance strongly. Guard tower setups and choke points. If you played Horde in AV, you knew that zerging would almost guarantee a loss because Alliance can get their faster/easier.

2) AB stables is ALWAYS capped before farm, thus giving Alliance a 10 point lead. Even if they popped at the same time, stables ticks the first 10 points sooner than farm.


With that said, how many Alderran WZs have you lost by 10 points? While I do see it ticking faster at the start, i can honestly say that I have never won by 10 points. Not saying it shouldn't be fixed, as it should be. just pointing out that it hasn't had the impact that anyone's made it out to have.


I've been on both sides of the fence.


Also, IA's have to pull out a VK to do backstab, shiv, and debilitate which do have animation time like a Scoundrel pulling out their scattergun.


Report the issues, and see if they get addressed. To yell /cancel sub this soon just means you're impatient. WoW's AV and AB BGs are still the same in terms of favoring Alliance as they were when they got introduced years ago.


Great post. And he hasn't cancelled his sub, he's just a no-lifer who wants some attention.

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