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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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All these "unintentional" imbalances always work in the Empire's favour.


All of them.


Except for the ones that favor the republic, like the Sage's AE heal healing for twice what the Sorc's does...


But hey, don't let facts get in the way of your conspiracy theories, ok?

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how about list republic advantages...biased crap read. Void star = republic starts first and depending on their performance everyone knows who wins. See i can write stuff too!


Who starts first in void star is random.

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Except for the ones that favor the republic, like the Sage's AE heal healing for twice what the Sorc's does...


But hey, don't let facts get in the way of your conspiracy theories, ok?


Considering I have tested this in beta and once again in live with friends on the empire team sages aoe heals do not heal for twice of what the sorc does, the only thing affecting it will be your stats, taking someone far better geared yourself and expecting to heal the same as them is the sure sign of "noclueness"

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8.) instant lightening no travel time ... rocks have longer animation til impact


8: This is so true, i know i got a sorc and sage. The sorc's shock does instant damage and the effects. The sage version got a 1-2sec TRAVEL TIME (depending on how far you where from the target(even melee range its still 0.5sec before it hits)) before dmg/effects trigger.


Its sad how the devs just dont seem to give a damn about this since we have got 0 confirmation. I hope they are just so god damn ashamed of themselfs to screw up this bad they are fixing it asap (superduper wishful thinking)


And for the love of god , stop trying to prove this point wrong, Make ur own coun/inq and try it. Its SOOOOO obvious that there is a huge delay between when dmg/effects triggers.

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8: This is so true, i know i got a sorc and sage. The sorc's shock does instant damage and the effects. The sage version got a 1-2sec TRAVEL TIME (depending on how far you where from the target(even melee range its still 0.5sec before it hits)) before dmg/effects trigger.


You're right, that isn't working right.

But if you're dying because of that, the only person you have to blame is yourself

Don't use minor lack of mirroring as a scapegoat for your failures

I play a smuggler, we have more lack of mirror problems than anyone. Never, not once, ever, have I ever lost a fight because of the tiny differences of stopping when I dirty kick, or a 30 second longer CD on flash grenade.

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Considering I have tested this in beta and once again in live with friends on the empire team sages aoe heals do not heal for twice of what the sorc does, the only thing affecting it will be your stats, taking someone far better geared yourself and expecting to heal the same as them is the sure sign of "noclueness"


Then you tested wrong, because there's video evidence. The seer's version gives an initial heal that equals the HOT portion, while the sorc's does not.

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No it does not. I can get near instantaneous knockbacks on my 46 commando all day long, my 50 Merc has a huge delay because of the animation.


Troopers kb has NO animation, it just shatters the ground beneath you and does what its supposed too. Stop spreading lies.


There is a extremly short delay, its not much i admit, like 0.4 seconds on timer. but it hash appened to me sometimes, maybe its just the moevment delay, like the one on speederbike "im ahead on my screen" thing

Edited by SeloDaoC
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(neither done by me)


Trooper: The video time changed from 00:02 to 00:04 before first shot did damage .


BH: The video time did NOT change from 00:09 or just barely made it to 00:10 when first shot landed to the ground.


I like how everyone compares the video of mortar being used a maximum range, with a video of DfA being used at minimum range with no target! Bias?


So, I took the liberty of tracking down a video that shows DfA being used at range, on a target.




If you track the time from when the channeling icon appears to when the first tick of damage strikes, you'll find that they both hover around 2.5 to 3 seconds. Since this is a very crude method to track any data, I could accept that the BH could have a half second advantage.


HOWEVER, all damage ends for both classes at the same time. (Oddly, about a second after the animation and channeling bar are gone).


To summarize, if there is a time delay for the trooper, he actually does more burst damage than the BH, AND he has the advantage in pvp of not flying up into the air and screaming "AOE DPS here, please obliterate me!".

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You're right, that isn't working right.

But if you're dying because of that, the only person you have to blame is yourself

Don't use minor lack of mirroring as a scapegoat for your failures

I play a smuggler, we have more lack of mirror problems than anyone. Never, not once, ever, have I ever lost a fight because of the tiny differences of stopping when I dirty kick, or a 30 second longer CD on flash grenade.


Then obviously you don't play enough. Or you just don't pay attention.


When these abilities are used millions or billions times, even tiny differences can determine the outcomes of numerous pvp matches.

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You're right, that isn't working right.

But if you're dying because of that, the only person you have to blame is yourself

Don't use minor lack of mirroring as a scapegoat for your failures

I play a smuggler, we have more lack of mirror problems than anyone. Never, not once, ever, have I ever lost a fight because of the tiny differences of stopping when I dirty kick, or a 30 second longer CD on flash grenade.


I play a smuggler as well, and I have also never personally lost a fight because I have to stop to dirty kick. However, on more than 1 occasion, I have died and more importantly the Imperials have capped an objective because I didn't have an available CC and flash grenade had less than 30 seconds left on cooldown.


That's fine, but Operative should have the same 90 second cooldown or we should both be at 60 seconds. If you are going to do mirror classes, A shouldn't have an advantage over B unless B has an advantage over A somewhere else.

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You're right, that isn't working right.

But if you're dying because of that, the only person you have to blame is yourself

Don't use minor lack of mirroring as a scapegoat for your failures

I play a smuggler, we have more lack of mirror problems than anyone. Never, not once, ever, have I ever lost a fight because of the tiny differences of stopping when I dirty kick, or a 30 second longer CD on flash grenade.



... really? gonna counter me with pvp talk? Why the hell are you countering this ? It's a disadvantage for us in both pvp and PVE. Try it out urself ffs, its not that hard. You get project and shock at low lvl. Will take you around 10min to try it out. And who the fk said anything about pvp fights? I didnt i said what he said was true. I never specified in anything.

Edited by Ormathon
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I play a smuggler as well, and I have also never personally lost a fight because I have to stop to dirty kick. However, on more than 1 occasion, I have died and more importantly the Imperials have capped an objective because I didn't have an available CC and flash grenade had less than 30 seconds left on cooldown.


That's fine, but Operative should have the same 90 second cooldown or we should both be at 60 seconds. If you are going to do mirror classes, A shouldn't have an advantage over B unless B has an advantage over A somewhere else.


Flash grenade is 1 of the only real claims in this thread, that devs have noted and are fixing

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Flash grenade is 1 of the only real claims in this thread, that devs have noted and are fixing


The devs could hotfix that in 30 seconds if they wanted to. I don't mean to say they won't fix it, just that it doesn't seem to be high priority.

Edited by Mekrath
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... really? gonna counter me with pvp talk? Why the hell are you countering this ? It's a disadvantage for us in both pvp and PVE. Try it out urself ffs, its not that hard. You get project and shock at low lvl. Will take you around 10min to try it out. And who the fk said anything about pvp fights? I didnt i said what he said was true. I never specified in anything.


Then we agree. It is a bug, and should be changed.

Just don't use hyperbolic language that makes it seem gamebreaking.

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While it does seem like favoritism toward the Empire in many cases (not just in PVP), I cannot honestly accuse them of such a thing without doubt. There are a lot of problems in the way the game is currently balanced, but they are mostly things that simply went unnoticed or are glitches that will be fixed. There are also problems in balancing that arise from miscalculations and oversights in the development process simply because there are so many factors to take into consideration. There are also some balancing issues that may never be addressed, but those are a bit trivial and do not generally effect the PVP aspect to a noticeable degree.


All in all, it really doesn't seem like favoritism is a reasonable and logical conclusion. A few people missed a few details here and there and they will be fixed as best as possible in time. For now, make notes of things that you think are problems, and kindly and clearly report them to the developers. The only thing Republic players can do right now is to figure out how to beat the obvious problem in population imbalance and any other problems that occur in PVP. The best thing Republic players can do right now is to try to get to level 50 as fast as possible and don't participate in Warzones until at least level 35.

Edited by BislesRunningsun
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If you DoT everyone up before you get overwhelmed, it works better than flashbang

Keeps the node safe easily until reinforcements arrive


I'm aware of that. When 1 or 2 guys is capping an objective, vital shot is the way to go. However, when several imps are planting a bomb, an AoE will stop them more effectively than vital shot, tab, vital shot, tab, etc. If I am getting pounded on, flash grenade will help me escape more effectively than dotting someone.

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I dont think it really matters where the turrets are pointing. They start "ticking" when they are capped. The animations are just for eye candy.


interesting thing is why do people claim it's about where the turrets are pointing - easily verified from your ship as you can see everything from it. video clearly shows an uncapped turret counting towards one side's damage, imperials appear to not be aware of this and are still attempting to cap when said video ends. obvious bug, may apply toward's both sides depending on what triggers it.

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Not sure what the ability is called so I will refer to it as , Imperial awesome.




Alderann civil war;


Me with 3 guildies in all champion gear or better attacking west side node,


them 2 Sith Inq, 1 assasin 1 sorc.



Us ,

Jedi knight guardian dps

Jedi Sage DPS,

Trooper tank

Smuggler Gslinger dps



We unload nukes for 10 minutes, and try to cap node,

while unloaded nukes on sith INQ's this is what we see for the entire 10 minutes:


















sith inquisitor 1 is Immortal,




















Imp 525 vs reb 130









Written by lvl 50 Jedi guardian/lvl 40 valor, full champion gear, port nowhere server.

I caps for affect, and just described 90% of our battlegrounds.



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While it does seem like favoritism toward the Empire in many cases (not just in PVP), I cannot honestly accuse them of such a thing without doubt.


I think there is a 0% chance that Bioware as a company deliberately favored one side, for no other reason than imbalancing the game costs them subscriptions.


It is, however, easier to believe that an individual or small group of employees snuck in a few minor imbalances that they thought nobody would notice. The idea that there are several imbalances and every single one favors one side is certainly suspicious.


Who knows. Just hope they fix it.

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8.) instant lightening no travel time ... rocks have longer animation til impact



despite the animation, the damage is calculated when the ability is used, not when the animation completes. if i was a gambling man, i would assume that the other similar issues with other mirrored abilities is the same. they way it looks is totally irrelevant to the way the damage is actually calculated.



as for cannons not having to turn, and ticking faster, etc - these are all excelent observations that are bugs. im sure the devs are glad these have been brought to their attention and will likely be addressed.



now, all that being said, lets get down to brass tacks here. If you HONESTLY think that the devs are intentionally giving the Empire side advantages over the Republic out of favoritism or spite, then you are a complete *********** buffoon. It's so petty and childish to even bring up i am having trouble typing this through the laughter. give it a *********** rest, would you? So many of you have a complete lack of understanding when it comes to software development, and creating a product you sell to a user base. you just don't 'get it', and that's fine. its really through no fault of your own, your just ignorant. and that's totally fine. Just bring down the rabble a couple notches okay? submit a clear, concise, well worded, and easily readable bug report. Someone who knows a lot more about BW's development cycle and bug procedures will review it, and make sure it goes to the right place.


i swear some of you people are just not happy unless everything is perfect. the amount of time, energy, and planning that goes into a software release of this magnitude would make your pathetic little heads explode. Has anyone even taken the time to compare this MMO launch with any other MMO launch in the history of MMos? The amount of unplanned outages and game breaking bugs has been infinitesimal. we are mere weeks into launch, you need to be a little patient.


Very well put, quite rational and I myself believe you are correct.




And this is a VERY big BUT ...


Swtor PvP is the biggest mess I've ever encountered ( I've encountered alot) and now avoid it.


Which for me is a game breaker




Genuflecting, signing of the cross, anointing myself with holy water and sacrificing a Virgin.


All for the MIRACLE PATCH !!


Unfortunately I'm an Atheist

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Not sure what the ability is called so I will refer to it as , Imperial awesome.




Alderann civil war;


Me with 3 guildies in all champion gear or better attacking west side node,


them 2 Sith Inq, 1 assasin 1 sorc.



Us ,

Jedi knight guardian dps

Jedi Sage DPS,

Trooper tank

Smuggler Gslinger dps



We unload nukes for 10 minutes, and try to cap node,

while unloaded nukes on sith INQ's this is what we see for the entire 10 minutes:


















sith inquisitor 1 is Immortal,




















Imp 525 vs reb 130









Written by lvl 50 Jedi guardian/lvl 40 valor, full champion gear, port nowhere server.

I caps for affect, and just described 90% of our battlegrounds.




yh they will be guarding each other and when you focus fire on one he will force shroud, when his force shroud runs out shin off or run hide so you attack other he uses his force shroud other returns and his force shroud is off cd so when other runs and you swap again he has force shroud ready. Rince and repeat...



So its tactics try using them


Assassin tank guarding Sorcerer is a great combo

Edited by lethal_ghost
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