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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

overwhelming proof of intentional FACTION imbalaning on some DEVS part .. imho ...


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Not the same company, but i've heard that there are people from the original WAR developer team in BioWares SWTOR team.



Just look at the game desing...


WAR: 2 Factions with mirrored classes.

SWTOR: Same.


WAR: PvP Bolster.

SWTOR: Same.


WAR: Valor rank.

SWTOR: Same. (even the name)


WAR: Tanks having guard/taunt in pvp.

SWTOR: Same.


WAR: Both factions having "unique" class in a way that it mirrors partly 1 opposite faction class, while being anothers mirror in abilitys. (Squig Herder mirroring White Lion by having pet, but also mirroring Shadow Warrior for being ranged dps bow user and with its abilitys)

SWTOR: Same (BH behing mirror to Trooper with it's abilitys, but got Smuggler/IA resource system that just works opposite (fills, instead of decays))


Class resource system is alot like in WAR (basicly the 'rogue style energy', that those who have played WoW will know), only more twists and different numbers between each class and between mirrors.


PvP queue system feels and looks alot same in both.


Can't say about how the crafting system works (ignore companions doing the crafting) compared to WAR. Because for some reason i cannot remember WAR crafting/gathering at all (been so long since i touched that game).





O yea its the same company behind pvp , Mythic.


which at their prime they created daoc ... go figure

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Go read the post where is been testing that passive defences dont work, simple as that.


that means that some of the sorc damage hsould have been block by shields , but they propably dont



Heres a video proof



Are we talking about resolve still?


You seem to get off track easily.

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MY LAST STRAW ... i had overlooked or excused or hoped a fix was coming for the list below

but i guess this is my hair that breaks the camels back !!!!





Didn't read past that. If you want to make a "smart" post, don't start off with an obvious lie.


SI's do energy damage, which is on the same resistance as kinetic.


What the hell sense does it make for lightning to do elemental instead of energy damage anyway

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Not the same company, but i've heard that there are people from the original WAR developer team in BioWares SWTOR team.



Just look at the game desing...


WAR: 2 Factions with mirrored classes.

SWTOR: Same.


WAR: PvP Bolster.

SWTOR: Same.


WAR: Valor rank.

SWTOR: Same. (even the name)


WAR: Tanks having guard/taunt in pvp.

SWTOR: Same.


WAR: Both factions having "unique" class in a way that it mirrors partly 1 opposite faction class, while being anothers mirror in abilitys. (Squig Herder mirroring White Lion by having pet, but also mirroring Shadow Warrior for being ranged dps bow user and with its abilitys)

SWTOR: Same (BH behing mirror to Trooper with it's abilitys, but got Smuggler/IA resource system that just works opposite (fills, instead of decays))


Class resource system is alot like in WAR (basicly the 'rogue style energy', that those who have played WoW will know), only more twists and different numbers between each class and between mirrors.


PvP queue system feels and looks alot same in both.


Can't say about how the crafting system works (ignore companions doing the crafting) compared to WAR. Because for some reason i cannot remember WAR crafting/gathering at all (been so long since i touched that game).




Classes were not mirrored in war, there was pvp ranks, not even remotely same as whats in here.



War had huge numbers of issues, but it was a pvp game in design. this is not even remotely designed for pvp.

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Like? Do you even play a smuggler or a trooper? The differences are terrible. Even in Sage's vs Sorcs its bad.


I have one of each ac, and yeah there are animation differences but no, its not that big of a deal.


people complaining about not being able to use their slow attack to break another team from planting or disarming are just being purposefully dimwitted. you don't use your slow attack to break an enemy action you use your fast attack. Pretty simple to figure out, yet it seems to completely escape these "skilled" pvpers. pfft.


Common sense please.

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As flagrant as this all is...

The only way to "balance" all of it is to compensate by adding extra dmg to these talents.

(Project > Shock ... from there you got your example)


I agree, it seems like the Empire is given an advantage over the Republic and the more I play the game, the more I realize this to be true.

(For some reasons the only Class/Mirror I played so far that seems balanced and equal from head to toe is/are the Jedi Knight & Sith Warrior. Now correct if I'm wrong but these 2 are about the same in any given ways at the exception of some talents name and a few animations which are pretty much the same anyway.)


hope it makes sense.

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im sure the game is gonna change but this is the first month and if bioware dont fix it thier gonna loose alot of subs, the first month meens alot to new games, and well ya if the subs drop then the rest of us will suffer. ive stoped pvping due to the unfair advantiges that 50s get. i know iknow brackets blah blah blah, buts still first impressions make a big diffrence.

bioware ive stood by u even "jade Empire" but come on dont lose more ppl that u already have. and im sure theie going back to blizzard u guys need to stomp them off the grid u can do it but u gotta try here...

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Since I stuck to mostly inquisitor in the beta, I thought I was imagining it when I thought the actual animations effected the damage speed. Guess I wasn't. Those are some pretty interesting factors listed though, not suprising though, alot of people like the sith, its not farfetched to think the devs would show a bit more love to their favorite factions.
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Stop whining, and lets just all reroll empire. Devs have spoken. Republic was simply not meant to be.


I have my doubts this game will survive diablo III/GW 2. At least the PvP community will leave within the year.

Edited by Niconogood
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I am playing a Commando, and yes, we are pretty damn crazy when it comes to damage on a single-target. But i am also V55, so it's not strange that i faceroll those without expertise. Sadly, because of the lootsystem in pvp, i still haven't gotten champion helm or chest...


But, back on topic: Trooper animations are incredibly slow, as an example, mortar volley usually fires the last shot AFTER the cast-time is over and plasma grenade takes about 1 sec to actually reach it's designated target after the cast-time is over, making it very hard to plan on who to cast.

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I just wanted to respond to some of the points the OP makes, as they are wrong:


5.) Ever wonder WHY it always seems empire starts with lead on alderaan warzone?

two turrets already pointing at republic ship and do not have to turn to begin firing not to mention the BIGGEST KICKER OF ALL .. the dumb DEVS ALLOW THE EMPIRE TO TICK QUICKER THAN THE REPUBLIC ... FILM IT FRAPS IT YOURSELF ... try and figure out how empire one caps and republic two caps and forst 5 secs empire ahead ... REALLY .. I MEAN REALLY!!!! W T F


The animated turn times on the cannons don't matter. The score bonus applies to your team as soon as the cannon has been capped, not after it has rotated to be facing the ship. The animation (an associated WZ map animation) are merely glaring indicators so that a cap is signalled in a visible way to the participants of the map.


Also Sorcerers do kinetic and energy damage, not elemental, as has been pointed out. The only two difference between the Sorcerers and the Sages are that Shock is instant cast, whilst Project has a delay due to animation mechanics (the damage doesn't apply until the object has hit the target), and secondly Sorcerers get a short-cooldown at 46 (called Sacrifice) whilst Sages get the long-cooldown Unity. There isn't anything outside of those, I do not believe.


Your assertions seem baseless based on the above revelations, which leads me to dismiss the remainder of your points.

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let them kid them selfs into thinking it was BW fault they are losing they have less QQ that way



Well, technically, it is Biowares fault we are losing. You see, on my server, Empire has about 2-3x as many 50s as us, and of the 50s we do have.. they are generally less geared because they have been 50 for less time. Thankfully that won't be a problem much longer. Also, when teams are even... 9x out of 10 I have seen Republic smoke Empire at everything but Huttball. I guess you guys get so much practice at Huttball you are regular pros at it now.

Edited by Ashanor
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