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Companions Ruin the Game


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i too was really not impressed that i had to have a full time companion. no word of it when i looked at the game before purchase. i played a sith warrior lvl 50 and found myself healing even with a healer after every pull yikes BW what were you thinking that everyone would like a companion. and for that matter a totaly needed companion. sorry thats not the way i want to roll with a npc at my side 24/7.


so wait, you're complaint is that you want an npc healer to be as good as a real pocket healer, bc you don't understand why you have any downtime if there's a healer with you? sounds like you didn't have much trouble, beyond maybe having to wait a few seconds between pulls. reminds me of pretty much any pre-WoW mmo, where lv10+ you need a full group of real people to do anything...oh wait, it doesn't remind me of that at all actually, since you can enjoy almost all of the levelling content without having to wait for indefinite periods of time to find a group to play with.


now why would they do that? surely it couldn't be because they wanted to acclimate players to the kind of role they would have to play in late-game group content while they're levelling, could it?

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I dont get why people say swotr is so linar cause last i check i level 5 alt in wow and it was always always always the same partern all the way to 85.If anything it was even worse then TOR.


You don't know what you're talking about.


But on-topic:

Companions do need a buff in my opinion. At least the healers/tanks. Currently my Dorne is around 1/4 of what human healer would be, which is not enough. And it's not because of gear, she got nearly full custom(orange) gear that got 33-35 blue quality mods on it, which equals to 37-40lvl greens.


I'm 37 Vanguard, i got 9.9k self buffed health. Dorne got 1 cast time heal (heals around 500), instant aoe heal (heals around 500), a HoT (heals around 130 / tick) and instant that heals around 500 with 30 sec cooldown(debuff).


Where my friend sage heals for ~1.3k on cast time heal, channeled heal healing for ~600 / tick, HoT that heals ~200 / tick... And my friend can cast the heals more often without going out of force, while my companion have fairly long cooldowns (4-11sec on) ald heals like 50% of what players heal...


Also the AI needs fixing, because comps use AoE even if it will hit CC'ed mobs. (they shouldn't)

Edited by Viikuna
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What people need to realize is that not every class has the same level of synergy with their companions. Some classes have it pretty rough at different stages. IE..for a Sorc, Khem Val is a pretty decent companion because they have the class mechanic to support him. Khem for the assassin class is decent up to 30ish then he is papermache because the class can't do much to help him but throw guard and a pitty HoT. Some classes get the heal companion early while others have to wait up into their 40's.


So before you throw out the typical L2P at people realize that not everyone gets to play by the same set rules. I agree with the poster that said it has to be very hard to balance content when you throw companions on top of everything.

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TOR is much harder because there is no auto-attack.


TOR doesn't need addons because addons play the game for you.


Oh--but please buff my companion who has auto-attack and plays the game for me... I scratch my head at these forums...

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You can control it, by opening your companions quickslot and right clicking the icon, it should have a yellow toggle box in the top right to confirm. The only problem with that is every time you change zones it magically turns itself back on, which as you can imagine is very annoying.


What I have been doing to avoid the aoe breaking cc (stealth scoundrel), is setting Bowdar to passive, going to stealth, using tranquilise to take out the elite, moving out of aoe range, attacking another mob to pull the rest of the pack, then taking him off passive. Bit of a pain, but it works, and he can still use his aoe attacks.

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I agree with the OP. The first 10 levels always seem action packed and fun. Then I end up having to bring my healer character with me (unless I am a healer) otherwise I die insanly quickly. With out a healer my BH goes down in seconds, my SI takes a damage dealer and spends most of his time healing his compaion.


My initial thoughts on why I would hate compaions I.E. We see 100's of Khelms running about, everyone gets the same compaion, they all have standard personalities etc etc have been removed to the simple thouhgt. I hate them because the game is so difficult without them and nearly every battle has been built to require them, even duels and other story arc missions we get to keep them and quite often when I am forced to take a compaion I have not equiped into my story arc I die very very easily.

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my companion generally switches to whichever target i'm attacking, and he's not very slow about it either. not to mention, all of your complaints center around the levelling/soloing part of the game, if you think the levelling process in this game is THAT bad just bc you need to use companions to solo most of it...well, i almost wonder if you're not just trolling?



So when you're on Ilum doing the PvE dailies, you can do them without a companion? Because I'd love to see how that goes. Ilum has both PvP and PvE dailies and I've never been a fan of PvP in MMOs (or any game for that matter).


Companions are a massive part of the game and they are just awful. They don't help the experience in any way.


People seem to think that companions are a separate entity from your character but that's only if you're PvPing, doing Flashpoints, or Operations. Which, yes, I understand that's the whole point of endgame and you require them less and less as you do more group stuff. But when you're solo, they are no longer just an extra little bonus to the game, they are part of your character. You and your companion are you. If he dies, chances are you're going to die, too.


That needs fixed. A companion should be a bonus to have around while I solo, not something I absolutely must have and gear up or else I'm completely screwed.

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My main point of this was:


The companion tanks need a major buff. They can't hold aggro, can't be healed in combat unless you're a healer and then you can't do much damage, and they get beat down like they're not wearing armor.



Didn't they just nerf companion tanks before the game went live because "healers" solo'ed too well? I doubt they will rebuff them.


I would like something done tho...corso/bowdaar are too squishy after 25 with my scoundrels (one is sawbones). I think I'll go play all my other alts, more fun everyone of them. sigh

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Maybe try a different companion?


I had this issue as Inquisi with Khem Val (I love him for the lore aspect, but for gameplay.....lol no), he would ALWAYS have 10-20% HP remaining after even a SMALL pull (not even pulls with Elites, just regular 'ol strongs). Switched to the Jedi chick you get....and never had issues again.


Same goes for my BH (tank): using ANYONE other than Mako results in a TERRIBLE experience. You can CLEARLY see which companions were MEANT to be used for both gameplay AND story purposes.


I'd honestly rather see them just /**** the other companions and make them just usable for grinding crew skills.

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I think railed is a better word than linear. The game is railed that is for sure. You only go where they want you to go. Every MMO is going to be linear in respect to leveling. Not sure there is anyway around that other than creating multiple zones for level ranges and even then it is going to become linear at some point.


Try Eve online, you have no rail whatsoever, lol

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Try Eve online, you have no rail whatsoever, lol


No, except for the fact you have no control over anything other than the target you are flying towards, and the extent of the combat system is you decide when to pres buton.

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Honestly? I like the companion thing. I just wish trying to choose gear for them wasn't such a chore with the current UI.


Open inventory, open paperdoll, move to companion tab... and manually compare the stats. ugh.


Am I missing something there?


Yes, in preferences there is an option to enable to see gear comparisons when you mouse over gear, just like what you see for your own character, it will show you and your companions.

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As a IA sniper (now 47) I had issues with the paper tanks we are supplied with. Yes some of them put out good damage, but they die way too easily. I switched to Dr. Lokin (my healer companion) and haven't looked back.


Nothing that shoots at me can win, including all the elites that quests seem to include. The only issue I have is the melee elites, which seem to be specifically designed to mess with a sniper thanks to the numerous interrupts and pushbacks.


I do the damage, and the good doctor keeps me alive. Very little downtime unless I make a mistake, or the AI bugs out, or I 'can't see the target' because he is standing on a pebble ...


My only issue is that we get the healer way too late, but then I suppose that makes sense for operatives.


And I thought I was the only one that sufferedd from that.


So, just out of curiousity in reference to what the OP wrote. Is it "normal" for us, if we are geared correctly and our pets are geared correctly for us (my pet and I) to take such collateral damage but still survive? To get the health wittled down to 30% or lower. Or am I doing something wrong? Your thoughts would be appreciated on this :)

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Do what you do in every MMO known to man.


Move down to lower level mobs.

Get a group.


I don't see the point of the original post much less the title. Since everyone gets companions of course the content is balanced around them being there.


Apparently you don't get that the part about you downing mobs in seconds might be why you have so much recovery time.


My healer can't kill mobs in seconds but I have almost no downtime. It's a trade off. If DPS didn't have downtime and could kill mobs in seconds even less people would play Tanks/Healers.

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So when you're on Ilum doing the PvE dailies, you can do them without a companion? Because I'd love to see how that goes. Ilum has both PvP and PvE dailies and I've never been a fan of PvP in MMOs (or any game for that matter).


Companions are a massive part of the game and they are just awful. They don't help the experience in any way.


People seem to think that companions are a separate entity from your character but that's only if you're PvPing, doing Flashpoints, or Operations. Which, yes, I understand that's the whole point of endgame and you require them less and less as you do more group stuff. But when you're solo, they are no longer just an extra little bonus to the game, they are part of your character. You and your companion are you. If he dies, chances are you're going to die, too.


That needs fixed. A companion should be a bonus to have around while I solo, not something I absolutely must have and gear up or else I'm completely screwed.


No actually, I was saying that the fact that a companion character is needed to solo higher level content is not really a big deal in the long run, mostly for reasons you stated (whole point of endgame being pvp/group pve content). Would I try to solo much of any of this game's pve content without a companion? Nope, but do I plan on spending most of my time in the long run with this game levelling? Nope. Sounds a little bit like just bc in WoW any class can get to 85 in a damn vacuum, ppl are frustrated that in this game it might be harder, even though still not impossible (obviously).

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First I saw similar system in WoW, as I was hunter, I had combat pet.

Second game was Never Winter Nights, loved henchmen system.

I think it is brilliant, what is the joy going with full party and smash in to ground just 1 elite?

But when you will go with your companion only, it is harder and helps learn your class.

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The problem lies in my companion. Without him, I'm dead. Plain and simple. As hard as my guy hits, he's just a wet paper bag. Even regular mobs on Ilum will drop me in seconds if they focus on me. I have spent at least 300k on my companion's gear (Bowdaar). I have him at 15.5k health, 35.14% chance to shield, 14.32% defensive chance, 25% shield absorb, and 4122 armor and he is at 25% health or so on EVERY PULL!


When companions were first announced, they were billed as your "moral compass" and would be great for added depth of story, comedy relief, drama... romance, etc.


At the time, it sounded like companions would provide the equivalent of a "buff" to your combat, but not figure into it significantly.


Once we learned that they were going to take the same level slot as a player in a group, I was a little concerned. I thought that perhaps they would be validated through different skill builds, where you could customize yourself depending on wether you like playing with a companion or not (i.e. real pet class.)


So I agree, companions have been made far to integral to the solo combat game. You can't survive without one at higher levels, they make up a significant portion of your combat output.


And the real issue is that they're not usable in end game (not that I want them there) but the fact is you have to gear and spend money on something that ultimately you will not use.

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